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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:よろしくお願いします)

Horrifying Incident at a Restaurant: Changing a Baby's Diaper on the Table

  • A couple recently shocked diners at a restaurant by changing a baby's dirty diaper on a table.
  • While I support public breast-feeding and don't mind kids at brunch places, this crossed a line for me.
  • In my family-friendly city, there are plenty of bathrooms with changing facilities, making this behavior unnecessary and disgusting.


  • ベストアンサー
  • koncha108
  • ベストアンサー率49% (1312/2665)

all aboutは俗語的に、~がすごく好き、非常に興味がある、深い知識があると言う意味がありますが、ここでは深い理解がある、全面的に支持すると言う様な感じでしょう。 all about public breast-feeding 公共の場での授乳にとても理解がある yupsterは hipster 流行に敏感な、インディー風の と yuppie 若い都会はのプロフェッショナル を合わせた造語で、都会で流行の格好やライフスタイルで出世や成功をめざす若者みたいな感じで、ここでの家族的で赤ちゃんを大切にする様な地方ではいけ好かない奴らに見えることでしょう。





その他の回答 (1)


all about public breast-feeding公共の場所での授乳には大賛成である。 yupster yuppieとhipsterの合わせた語それぞれの意味は、以下のリンクを読んでください https://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=yuppie https://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=hipster ちなみに、target therapyは、↓でホルモン治療でも使われるのな、それの話。 https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%88%86%E5%AD%90%E6%A8%99%E7%9A%84%E6%B2%BB%E7%99%82 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Targeted_therapy 適切なセラピストではないんじゃが、、






  • pumping

    Q. Breast-feeding: I wanted nothing more than to be able to breast-feed my child. I had a medical condition develop postpartum that physically prevented me from doing so—my milk never came in due to this condition. I tried pumping, medication, and several lactation consultants, but nothing worked. ここでのpumpingとは何でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • concerning ways

    I am a 32-year-old woman, married with two kids. As a move toward being more present and less distracted, I want to get rid of my cellphone. I find it consuming my life in concerning ways, and I am very at peace with the choice. However, my husband has all but forbidden it. His concern for my well-being, and that of the kids, were I to venture into society unarmed with my phone is so intense it’s almost comical. He thinks that I will end up stranded, kidnapped, at gun point, all while being abducted by aliens and that I am submitting our children to the same fate when they are with me. concerning waysとここでのsubmitの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    I am a single mother of an infant daughter. I love my daughter more than life itself, but I am at a crossroads and she is in the middle. I work a very good, high-paying job. However, I don't like it. I want to go back to school and get a master's in a field I am passionate about. I'd get a job that would ultimately only pay about half of my current earnings, but I would actually enjoy it! I'd get a job that would ultimately only pay about half of my current earnings, but I would actually enjoy it!の和訳をよろしくお願いします

  • 意味を教えてください

    I am 31, recently out of a 12-year relationship (and three-year marriage), and am at a loss. While I was chubby when my ex and I started dating, my weight became an issue of contention near the end of my marriage. I’d like to have kids, and would therefore like to start dating, maybe find someone to have a family with. I feel short of time given that I spent all of my 20s in a relationship that didn’t work out in that way. I am clinically obese though I’ve been told that I am attractive and carry it well. Should I wait until I lose the approximately 30 pounds that I need to lose to be at a normal weight, or can I realistically date now? I know this is a strange question and somewhat individual but while I sometimes chat with people on dating apps like Tinder or OKCupid (my pics are recent and accurate, though flattering), I tend to dodge out before making plans to meet because I am nervous about reactions to my weight. carry it wellとdodge outの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • よろしくお願いします

    My ex remarried a few years ago to a woman who is 15 years younger than me, has a Ph.D., and is quite wealthy. I basically owe her my life. My boyfriend got arrested, I got pregnant, and our house almost burned down. She provided my children and me an apartment that she owns, paid for a nanny, and helped with getting the house rebuilt. My kids are over at their dad’s most afternoons (including my now 3-year-old, saving me day care fees). I am back on my feet and biting back nasty comments whenever my kids talk about her. biting back nasty commentsはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • よろしくお願いします

    I’ve been working in a fairly small office (less than 15 people, including me) for about two and a half years. We all get along very well, but I’ve only spent time outside of the office with “Catherine” and “Lydia,” who are much closer to my age than the rest of the staff. I got engaged last fall and am in the process of planning my wedding for this summer. I was planning to only invite Catherine and Lydia (and their plus ones), their plus onesとは何のことでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 前置詞に関する問題について

     I've been working at a zoo since about six months. Iwork on Saturdays and Sundays at 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Ifeed the animals once for the morning at 7:00 and once in night after the zoo closes. While the day I clean their cages and prepare their food. It's hard to finish all my work until 8:00 p.m., but I love my job, so I don't mind. On last Sunday morning our female giant panda, FuaFua, gave birth to twin cubs. It was the first time for a panda to have cubs during the zoo opened three years before. After a few month, when the cubs are bigger and stronger, visitors will be able to come and see them. この前置詞と副詞に関する長文で誤りがあります。 例:1行目の「zoo since about」のsinceがforになります。 ※このようにほかに9つあります 良かったら解答お願いします!!

  • よろしくお願いします

    I am in my mid-40s and was briefly married in my 20s. It was a nightmare that I vowed never to repeat. I am physically fit, have a good job, and own my own place, but I have no interest in chasing women outside my age. I want companionship and someone to enjoy the finer things in life with, but the women I meet don’t take me at my word. My last two relationships, representing a year each, were with women who agreed with me at the onset and changed their minds later. 1 outside my ageとはどうことでしょうか? 2 finer thingsは英語での説明はあったのですが、日本語にすると何でしょうか? 3 representing a year eachはどのような意味でしょうか? 以上、よろしくお願いします

  • how to lose weight?

    i love dresses,but i am too fat.i want to lose weight and put on my favorite dresses.help me,please! http://www.kissyaustralia.com/

  • 英訳お願いします。わかったとこは省きました><

    but... for now I am happy just flirting online lol!! Um... I'm about to go to a meeting for a couple hours (I'm at work) but I'll send you one more email before I do. ... maybe you will not like it though, but I don't want to lie about the kind of person I am... like I already said, I like to talk about sexy things... and if you don't like that at all, I will just be honest with you now, you might not like me very much! But of course we don't have to talk about that stuff all the time, we can talk about anything... ^_^ この英文がへんなのはわかっています。 適切に答えるつもりです。

  • 新型コロナウイルスワクチンによる帯状疱疹ヘルペスウィルスの増加は海外でも報告されず
  • 帯状疱疹は新型コロナ禍によるストレスに関連している可能性があるが、中国では増加していない
  • 日本人の帯状疱疹は国産ワクチンを接種していないため、海外製の影響と関連している可能性がある