How to Deal with a Family Member Who Asks Too Many Questions

  • Learn how to handle a family member who constantly asks too many questions and invades your privacy.
  • Find strategies to address the issue of a family member who disregards your boundaries and continues to ask personal and intrusive questions.
  • Discover effective ways to redirect the conversation and maintain your privacy when dealing with a family member who constantly brings the topic back to invasive questioning.
  • ベストアンサー


I am a very private person, but I have a family member who asks too many questions (of everyone) all the time -- silly questions, personal questions, medical questions, etc. I have spoken to her privately about this -- telling her that I am not comfortable with the constant questions -- multiple times. However, she will not stop. She says it doesn't bother her. I have tried to change the subject when she gets into a line of questioning; she brings it back. she brings it backの訳を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

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  • お礼率76% (4131/5367)
  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


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  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9728/12102)

>she brings it backの訳を教えてください。 ⇒「彼女は、それ(私が変えた主題)を元に戻す/蒸し返す。」





  • よろしくお願いします

    I am a very private person, but I have a family member who asks too many questions (of everyone) all the time -- silly questions, personal questions, medical questions, etc. I have spoken to her privately about this -- telling her that I am not comfortable with the constant questions -- multiple times. However, she will not stop. She says it doesn't bother her. I have tried to change the subject when she gets into a line of questioning; she brings it back. It has gotten so that I try to avoid being around her. 最後のセンテンスの訳を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 訳を教えてください

    ペンパルのお父さんからきたメールのようなのですが、よくわからないので教えてください。 Hello all in Courtney's email address book, Courtney's dad here...again, for some of you. Yes, I know, for those of you that got a message the last time, it seems that Courtney did not learn from the past and is failing some classes...AGAIN! Due, in part, of staying on the computer, watching TV, listening to music, etc., etc., etc. and not doing her homework, schoolwork, etc. because SHE (and she said this) doesn't want to. Obviously, with a gauntlet thrown down like this (from a 14 year old that thinks she's 30) it is my duty as her parent & to satisfy society that I must respond in a fatherly way. To keep with what society & life has dealt me, I have become the villain, the father of all things bad and have restricted her use of email to nothing, nil, nada, zip until further notice. To further play my part to the best I can, I am also toying with the thought of canceling her email altogether...after all, I pay for it. Hopefully, with your help, she will see the light. So please, friends of Courtney, or just people in her address book, help her understand that, even though she knows EVERYTHING there is to know, to play with her grades & parents while still living at home could prove to be a fate worse than death. Thanks for your time & support of my daughter, Dad PS For those of you that only know Courtney through email, I understand your plight of not being able to support and forgive you.

  • Goodbye Columbus の冒頭部分です

    The first time I saw Brenda she asked me to hold her glasses. Then she stepped out to the edge of the diving board and looked foggily into the pool; it could have been drained, myopic Brenda would never have known it. She dove beautifully, and a moment later she was swimming back to the side of the pool, her head of short-clipped auburn hair held up, straight ahead of her, as though it were a rose on a long stem. The rose glided dry to the edge and then it was beside me. “Thank you,” she said, her eyes watery though not from the water. She extended a hand for her glasses but did not put them on until she turned and headed away. I watched her move off. Her hands suddenly appeared behind her. She caught the bottom of her suit between thumb and index finger and flicked what flesh had been showing back where it belonged. My blood jumped. 上記はGoodbye Columbus の冒頭部分ですが、2か所質問があります。 could have been drained, myopic Brenda would never have known it. を たとえ水がなくても、近眼のブレンダにはわからなかっただろう、と訳されています。it could have been drained,が何故「たとえ水がなくても」という意味になるのですか?仮定法のようですが、仮定法にするとどういう意味合いを付け加えるのでしょうか? 2. flicked what flesh had been showing back where it belonged. これは「ずり上がっていたところを、ぐいっと引き下ろした」と訳されています。何故そういう訳になるのでしょう? flesh とは具体的に何を指しますか?Itは何を指しますか? flick はbackは一対でflick back と考えていいのでしょうか? 宜しくお願いします。

  • 訳をお願いします。

    I want a healthy body and flawless skin. Am I vain? It makes me depressed the way I look now. I hate mirrors, but I also want a mirror to see myself. To see if all the exercising I am doing with Nancy is paying off. Why is it important to me? I tell myself that I am going to have to face the way I look because why dwell on it when I'm doing all I can to better myself, what more can I ask of myself. I tell myself ~のところがよくわかりません。また、because why や to better myself や what more can I ask of myself 訳し方がわかりません。宜しくお願いします。

  • 訳の修正お願いします

    Eplからもらった文なのですが、訳がうまく出来ません。わかる箇所ありましたら訂正とただしい訳を教えてください。 (1)I how good is your english??? I can speak a little Japanese, so I don't think communication would be a problem....but I know that it is very important to have. We were together for a long time, but it just never felt right...we would always have different opinons about things, and see would go to the club a lot...and dance and always try to meet new guys...she said she never cheat on me, but I really don't know??? わかった、(わあkりません)私はすこしだけ日本語はなせる、コミニュケーションとるのは問題ない。でもとても重要なことだ。 うちらは長い間一緒だった。(わかりません)いつも意見が異なった。クラブへいったり男と出会ったり (わあkりません) (2) But I'm much happier with her out of my life then in my life. So anyway, No I don't have any kids, and I have never been married before....I am single and looking for the right girl to spend the rest of my life with....who knows you may be her!!! You seem like a really nice girl and it seems like you have a great heart too. ・・・・・私はシングルで・・・さがしている。・・・あなたはほんとにナイスな女性にみえるし気持ちもすばらしい (3)I think next we will have to meet someday to really see if we have ssome things in common with each other. So how about you have kids?? Would you consider dateing with me??? or am i to ugly??heheheheheh (あいたいようなことを言っているのはわかりますがうまく訳せません)

  • よろしくお願いします

    Q. Help is not needed: I recently tried to assist a disabled person getting out of an SUV onto a wheelchair. At the time, it seemed like she had trouble controlling the chair, and I rushed to help. She was brought to tears as she tried to get me to move away. But then she seemed like she was about to fall again while trying to sit in the chair. In retrospect, I think I might have overreacted. But, again, she insisted that I did not help her. I see that person more or less every day, and I am uncomfortable about the right thing. I don’t know if apologizing will make things worse. Is there anything to do to make this right or less awkward? A: You say the woman in question seemed “about to fall again” but not that she ever actually fell, a detail I believe you would have included had it actually happened. she insisted that I did not help her.は「彼女は私を助けないでと主張した」でしょうか?あと、 not that she ever actually fell, a detail I believe you would have included had it actually happenedのeverはどのような役割でしょうか?また、had it actually happenedは仮定法でしょうか?not that以下の全体の訳も教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 訳をよろしくお願いします

    My husband and I went to visit our oldest son and his wife. They have three children, ages 6, 9 and 11. The youngest girl screams at the top of her lungs when she does not get her way. She also hits her mother when her mother tries to correct her. The oldest child baits the others to stir up trouble. 最後のセンテンスの訳をよろしくお願いします

  • この文の訳を教えてください。

    "Nonsense," I told her. " He's a fine, happy boy and you know it." "But she is an expert in child care," Carolyn protested. "She must know." "Even experts can be wrong," I said. I told her of an incident that had happened to an editor I know. One cold morning a warning light in her car came on. She quickly stopped at a service station. "Don't worry about it," the mechanic who checked her car told her. "The light will go off as soon as the car gets warmed up." She knew the car, and knew the warning light had never lit up on any other cold morning——but the expert had said it was OK, so she drove on. It turned out that the radiator was frozen; she almost ruined the car. "I learned my lesson," she told me. "I should have paid attention to my own sense of the situation instead of listening to someone who was supposed to know." "And that's what you're doing with your son," I said to Carolyn. I was scolding her, but I was sympathetic too. The world has become so complicated that we're no longer sure of our ability to understand and deal with it. But common sense is as useful now as it ever was. No amount of expert knowledge can take the place of an intimate understanding of a person or a situation. At times you just have to trust your own judgment. It almost cost me my life to learn that. I was reading a book one day, scratching the back of my head, When I noticed that, in one particular spot, the scratching echoed inside my head. I rushed off to my doctor. "So think you've got a hole in your head?" He joked. "It's nothing——just a nerve." Two years later, and after seeing four doctors, I was still being told it was nothing. To the fifth doctor, I said almost in despair, "But I live in this body. I know something's different." "If you don't believe me, I'll take an X-ray and prove it to you," he said. Well, there it was, of course, a tumor as big as a golf ball. After the operation, a doctor stopped by my bed. "It's a good thing you're so smart," he said. "Most patients die of these tumors because we don't know they're there until it is too late." I'm really not so smart. I believe experts too easily. I shouldn't have listened to those first four doctors. It's hard to question opinions given with absolute certainty. Experts always sound so sure of themselves . この文の訳をお願いします!

  • ギリシャ神話の英文です。訳がわかりません。回答お願いします。

    And while she lay fearful and expectant, she felt a gentle hand brush back the hair from her brow,and a gentle voice whis-pered words of love into her ear. If this was a monster,he was like none she had ever heard of! She longed for daylight so that she might behold this mysterious husband who spoke so lovingly to her. But when dawn came over the casement and Psyche rose expectantly from her pillow,no husbdand did she see. Again she was quite alone. Again she was quite alone. The Sister's Visit Now the day sped happily for Psyche. The castle and its grounds were hers to enjoy,while invisible servants fulfilled her every wish. And each night her husband came to her and each dawn vanished. she had yet to lay eyes on him. But as usually happens when one's every wish is ful-filled,Psyche began to be bored. Besides,she was lonely. She longed to see her sisters. Perhaps she wanted them to know that the dreadful fate ordered for her had not bee fulfilled,thus relieving their hearts of sorrow and anxiety. Perhaps,too,she longed to have them know the amazing luxury she now enjoyed,riches beyond any of their dreams. One night she spoke of her longing to her husband. "Dear one," he said, "can you not be content as we are? How will it add to your happiness to have you sisters come here? I swear their visit will only bring us distress,for they will envy you what you have since it is so much more they can boast of." But Psyche begged,and at last her husband gave in. "Very well,"he said in a voice full of sorrow. "I will have Zephyr waft them here for a day's visit. But I warn you,do not let them talk you into trying to find out who I am. Only great misfortune will come to you try to look upon me," Psyche promised,and the next day her sisters came. Like any proud bride showing off her new home for the first time,Psyche conducted her sisters through the castle.

  • よろしくお願いします

    I am a casual Spanish speaker—I can understand a good bit of what I hear and read, but have more difficulty speaking it. My mom, bless her, thinks I am fluent. Normally, this isn’t a problem. She might call sometimes with a question about something she heard on TV or about something on a menu, but that’s it. bless herはどのような意味でしょうか?あと、She might callのmightはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします