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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:和訳 Actually vs Legally)

Actually vs Legally


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9768/12169)

>“Actually innocent” means: did not commit the crime accused of. >「実際に無実」とは、告発される罪は犯さなかったことである。 ⇒「実際に無実」とは、告発された(ような)罪は犯さなかった、ということである。 >“Legally innocent” means: there is no legal bases to support the sentence (meaning they could be guilty, however there's no concrete evidence). >「法的に無実」とは、刑を支持する法的根拠がないということである。 (罪を犯したかもしれないが、具体的な証拠はないという意味である) ⇒「法的に無実」とは、刑を支持する法的根拠がない、ということである。(罪を犯したかもしれないが、具体的な証拠はない、という意味である) *カッコ内をgrammaticallyに訳すと、(具体的な証拠はないが、罪を犯したかもしれない、という意味である)となりますが、かえってworseになると思います。 つまり、お訳にコンマを2つ入れるだけの添削(?)がbestだと思います。



Your comment about the extra comma makes sense. Smart thinking - thanks!! As always your corrections are highly appreciated. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!


  • 訳はこれでよろしいですか

    英語の教科書の訳はこれでよろしいのでしょうか。 The job of proving that someone is guilty of a crime belongs to the lawyers whose job it is to show that an accused person is innocent, is called the defence. 犯罪に対して有罪ということを証明するのは、法律の専門家である検察当局がする仕事です。弁護側は罪が無いということを証明する仕事をする人達です。 すみませんが、よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文と和訳があります。和訳は正しいですか?

    The story about the taxi driver and these statistics present a disturbing picture. When police force confessions and suspects have almost no chance of being found not guilty, the justice system seems very unfair. It also suggests that there are now many innocent people in prison as you read this passage. Although Japan is a wonferfully safe country, there is a rather heavy price to pay for it. 和訳 そのタクシー運転手についての話とこれら(前述)の統計は、不穏な状況を示します。 警察供述書と容疑者に、ほとんど無罪であるとする可能性がないとき、 司法制度は、非常に不適当なように思われます。 それは、あなたがこの一節を読んだように、多くの罪のない人々が現在刑務所にいることをも示唆します。 日本は素晴らしく安全な国ですが、その対価を払うためには、より高価である面があります。

  • [至急]和訳と文法的に大事なところを教えてください

    After the execution, arguments about the men’s guilt continued. Some said they were guilty, some said they were innocent. However, there was no absolute proof either way. In the end, these men were executed with no real proof that they had committed a crime. The United States has changed since then. The State of Massachusetts has not admitted that there was a mistake, but I heard that they are thinking of naming the anniversary of their deaths “Vanzetti and Sacco Memorial Day.” Judging from this, I think even they believe that the two men should not have been executed. I wonder if we will ever know the truth.

  • 和訳お願いいたします!

    下の英文を和訳してください! 自然な訳にしたいので、翻訳ソフトや、アプリはなしでお願いいたします! The only problem with common sense is that it is based on our preconceived notions in most cases rather than on evidence. For example, common sense suggests that better lighting reduces crime. If I were going to commit a crime I would look for a dark spot. But as it turns out, I am not a criminal. And in the case of lighting there is some evidence that common sense is not completely right. A recent headline contained these words: Street lighting is said to affect crime-little. The article contained this report : "A government-funded study has concluded that although well-light streets may lessen the fear of crime, there is no statistically significant evidence that the lighting actually reduced crime. The study says that crime increased in certain well-illuminated area because the thieves could see what they were doing better. Another finding was that the lighting displaces crime. In addition to increasing in the newly lighted areas, in neighboring places where the lighting has not yet been installed crime goes up." Perhaps you have visited a friend recenty in a hospital. If you are old enough to remember visiting people in a hospital 30 or more years ago, perhaps you will recall that in the surgical wards there were few patients walking. Common sense used to dictate that movement right after surgery was harmful. Whether by design or accident, patients are now almost forced out of bed the first day after surgery in most cases. Healing takes place more quickly with immediate movement. Common sense reasons were replaced with reasons based on evidence in this particular case. Until we evaluate the effects of our common sense notions in the same way increased lighting and movement after surgery have been evaluated, we can hardly hope to learn if what we do is worthwhile, let alone improve what we do. 長いですがよろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願い致します(長めです)。

    和訳をお願いします。 自分で訳してみたのですが、どうも意味が分かり辛い部分が合って、うまく把握できないので、どなたか和訳をして頂けると助かります。アメリカの交通違反の違反切符についての説明の一部です。 Q:What does it mean to plead “no contest” to a criminal or traffic offense? A: A plea is a person’s formal response to a criminal or traffic charge. A person charged with a criminal or traffic offense is called the defendant. The defendant can choose from the pleas of guilty, not guilty, not guilty by reason of insanity, or no-contest. Entering a plea refers to the judge’s act of formally noting a defendant’s plea, or “entering” it, in the court’s official file. If you enter a no-contest plea, it means that, while you do not admit your guilt, you do admit the truth of the facts alleged in the indictment, information or complaint (the so-called “charging” documents that start a criminal or traffic case). No-contest pleas are sometimes know as “nolo contendere” or just “nolo” pleas. Q: So what’s the difference between pleading guilty and pleading no contest? A: Good question. Sometimes there’s no difference whatsoever and sometimes there’s a big difference. If you plead guilty, you are admitting to the facts and the legal consequences of those facts. The benefit of a no-contest plea (when you admit the facts, but not your guilt) is that it allows you to avoid a trial if your defense has become hopeless, but it prevents the plea from being used against you in any later civil or criminal proceeding. It also allows you the opportunity to appeal rulings by the court, such as rulings allowing certain evidence to be used by the government.

  • 長文の下線部訳(入試問題)

    文章の途中から書きます。 If a man really knew,for instance,that to commit a crime is worse than to suffer loss or pain or death,[no fear of these things would lead him to commit the crime.] 例えば、もし人がある罪を犯すことが損害や苦痛や死を苦しむことよりも悪いことであることを本当に知っていたならば、[これらのものをどんなに恐れても、その罪を犯すことはしないだろう。] 問題 [   ]内の文の意味に最も近いものを次の(イ) から(ホ)の中から選びなさい。 (イ)これらのものを恐れずに彼は罪を犯すだろう。 (ロ)これらのものの恐怖のため彼は罪を犯さないだ   ろう。 (ハ)これらのものを恐れて彼が罪を犯すことはなく   だろう。 (ニ)これらのものに対する恐怖をいだかず彼は罪を    犯さないだろう。 (ホ)これらのものを恐れないために彼は罪を犯すこ   とになるだろう。 なんとか訳せたのですが、この文章はソクラテスの考えから始まっていて、よくわからない文章です。 答えは(ハ)になっています。私が疑問なのは、    (ロ)ではだめなのかなあ、ということです。    このふたつの違いがよくわかりません。  よろしくお願いします。

  • 訳はこれでよろしいでしょうか。

    英語の教科書の訳はこれでよろしいでしょうか。 Each side- the prosecution and the defence-presents a case to the jury. The jury consists of twelve ordinary men and women. They decide whether the prosecution or the defence is right. In other words, they decide whether a person accused of a crime is guilty or innocent. 検察当局と弁護側の両側は陪審員に対して、それぞれ真相を言う。陪審員は普通、男の人と女の人の2人で構成されています。彼らは、弁護側と検察側の言い分を聞いて、どちらが正しいかどうか判決を下す。言い換えれば、告発された人の罪が有罪か無罪かどうか判決を下す。 すみませんが、よろしくお願いします。

  • 訳はこれでよろしいですか。

    英語の教科書の訳はこれでよろしいですか。 In the crown court, the judge or judges are professional. They wear special court dress: long red robes and long white wigs. The lawyers who appear in crown court also wear special dress: black gowns and short white wigs. In both America and Britain, the idea of a trial is the same. Someone accused of a crime is innocent until proven guilty. 刑事裁判所での判決は、専門家が下す。彼らは、裁判所専用の服を着ている。赤く長い法服、それに長く白いかつらです。刑事裁判所での法律の専門家もさらに特別の服を着ている。黒い法服に、短く白いかつらです。アメリカと英国は、同じような裁判の仕方です。誰かが告発して、犯罪が有罪と証明されるまで、罪の無い人は、非難される。 すみません。よろしくお願いします。日本語が変ですけど・・・。

  • 英文とその訳があります。和訳は正しいですか?

    Another reason for Japan's low crime is more disturbing, however. In Japan, the police have powers that are greater than in most developed countries. At first, when we think of the police boxes around town, we may get a sense of security; however, there is also a dark side.A story about a taxi driver who served three years in prison for rape comes to mind. Even though the driver had evidence to prove he didn't commit the crime, a few days after police first arrested him, he confessed. Shockingly, another man was also arrested for the same crime and served time in prison. 和訳 しかし、日本の犯罪発生率が低いもう一つの理由は、大きな障害です。 日本の警察は、多くの先進諸国の中では、比較的巨大な権力を持っています。 最初に、我々の身近に存在する交番について考えると、 我々は、そのことで安心感があるかもしれません;しかし、暗い側面も、あります。 強姦罪で懲役を3年務めたタクシー運転手のことを、思いだします。 もしかすると、その運転手には彼が犯罪を犯さなかったということを証明する証拠があったかもしれないのだが、 警察が最初に彼を逮捕した2、3日後に、彼は自白しました。 ひどいことには、もう一人の男性が同一の犯罪を理由に逮捕されていて、刑期も務めました。

  • 英文を和訳お願いできますか?歌詞です。

    You're not forgotten You're not alone You think you're worthless, but you're worth it And He calls you His own Made in His image You were made for more You think there is no plan, that it's all by chance But don't believe that anymore Every time that you wake up breathing Every night when you close your eyes Every day that your heart keeps beating There's purpose for your life So don't give up Don't lay down Just hold on Don't quit now Every breath that you take has meaning You are here for a reason If you spent your days just getting by When you feel useless, He can use you And show you what it means to be alive Every day is a gift from above Don't throw it away When it feels like to much He'll be there 大好きな歌手なのですが、意味が難しいくて、ちょっと解読できませんでした。英語が堪能な方、お力をお貸しください。