
  • 「old fogys」から「old fogeys」へのスペル変化について
  • 若者世代が紙を使わない事務所を作り上げる時代の変化について
  • 若者と年配者のコミュニケーションスタイルの違いについて
  • ベストアンサー

old fogys

2017年6月号Lesson6(4)のLyonsさんの台詞で”old fogys”「時代遅れの人たち」が出てきますが、それまでは” old fogeys”でなんとなく居心地の悪いスペルだったものが、最近、変わってきたのでしょうか。もっと以前は” old fogies”だったようですが。 段々と頭に霧の掛かりつつある身には、簡単な単語になるのはありがたいのですが、日本人的には、fogy⇒fogiesの単複変化の方が、馴染みがいい気がしますが。 Lyons: The paperless office will finally become a reality when the millennials take over from old fogys like me. They’ve grown up with digital photos, soft copy and smartphones. Paper is so old-school as far as they’re concerned. @2017年6月L6(4) Nissen: Yes, a bunch of blinkered old fogeys have got it into their heads that we young upstarts are losing the ability to communicate because we supposedly spend all our time on the Internet. We can’t be bothered to write proper English. So we exchange text messages full of emoticons and weird symbols made up cleverly arranged punctuation marks. To which I say, “lol.” @2015年5月L3(2) Kinkaid: And according to that scenario, we old fogies are “digital immigrants” who’ve learned to speak the same language as the natives but only with a heavy accent. And we’re probably doomed to never fully mastering the new digital technology. @ 2010年1月L21(2) ※OKWAVEより補足:テーマ「実践ビジネス英語」から投稿された質問です。

  • 英語
  • 回答数3
  • ありがとう数3


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9722/12094)

以下のとおりお答えします。 fogyは「民間語源」(folk etymology) に発する語で、《fog「霧」+「性質、状態」を表す接尾辞-y》のようです。なお、前の語の語尾が特別な場合(yや黙音のe以外の母音)は接尾辞-yは-eyとなります。 ところで、なぜ、foggyとしなかったか。おそらく意味的に「霧」から離れたい心理が働いた結果、「異化」(dissimilation) が起こったのではないかと推測されます。民間語源ならではの造語法で、発音も違います。foggy〔フォギー〕:fogy〔フォウギー〕。 fogeyは、「異分析」(metanalysis) による造語のようです。つまり、fogyがすでに接尾辞-yをつけた語であることを知らずに、あるいは、それを無視して《fogy「時代遅れの人」+接尾辞-y = fogey》とした。こんな経緯の結果できた語である、とと推測されます。このような過程からくる造語を、「正しすぎ」(hypercorrection) と言います。なお、これにこだわって訳に反映させると「時代遅れ"的"な人」といった感じでしょうか。 以上のニュアンスを組み込みながら、全文を訳しておきます。 >Lyons: The paperless office will finally become a reality when the millennials take over from old fogys like me. They’ve grown up with digital photos, soft copy and smartphones. Paper is so old-school as far as they’re concerned. @2017年6月L6(4) ライオンズ:私のような時代遅れ族から、ミレニアル世代があとを継ぐころには、最終的にペーパーレス・オフィスが現実になるだろう。今やそれは、デジタル写真、ソフトコピー、およびスマートフォンに成長した。紙にこだわっている限りは、保守派ってことだ。 >Nissen: Yes, a bunch of blinkered old fogeys have got it into their heads that we young upstarts are losing the ability to communicate because we supposedly spend all our time on the Internet. We can’t be bothered to write proper English. So we exchange text messages full of emoticons and weird symbols made up cleverly arranged punctuation marks. To which I say, “lol.” @2015年5月L3(2) ニッセン:そう、視野の狭い時代遅れ的な人の一味の頭には、私達若い成り上がり者はすべての時間をインターネットに費やすと思われているのでコミュニケーション能力を失いつつある、という意識がこびりついているんです。適切な英語を書いて欲しいとぼやくことさえできない、と。ですから私達は、句読符号をうまい具合に組み合わせて作る顔文字や不可思議な記号でいっぱいのテキストメッセージを通信するのです。そして、その中に私は「笑。」などと描き込むのです。 >Kinkaid: And according to that scenario, we old fogies are “digital immigrants” who’ve learned to speak the same language as the natives but only with a heavy accent. And we’re probably doomed to never fully mastering the new digital technology. @ 2010年1月L21(2) キンケード:そしてそういうシナリオに従って、私達時代遅れの者どもは、重いアクセントを持つけれども、ネイティブとして同じ言葉を話すことを学んだ「デジタル移民」なのであります。そして、私達は、たぶん、新しいデジタル技術を完全にマスターすることは決してない、と宣告されておるのです。



ありがとうございます。単なる時代の変遷かと思ってましたが、色んなバックグラウンドがあるんですね。回答を読んでいて、その昔、「自分は日本人だから”flat accent”だ」と言いたかった時、”no accent”だと言ってしまいnativeから変な顔をされたのを思い出しました。

その他の回答 (2)

  • 92128bwsd
  • ベストアンサー率58% (2275/3919)

霧の形容詞系だったらfoggy。ggになります。 この文を見ると、LyonsはIT化にのり遅れた自分の世代を自嘲しつつ少し若者への批判的語っていて、Nissenは若者として、正しい英語ができなくなっていることを認めつつ、新しいコミュニケーション方法を言っています。Kinkaidは、IT化に乗り遅れた自分たちが一生懸命追いつこうとしてもまるで移民の様に頑張っても頑張っても新しい世代には追いつけず移民してきた人たちのようだと言っています。 そう言う会話の中で、fogys, fogeys, foggies と変化しているのは、わざとそれぞれの主張の中でも英語の使い方が違うことを表しているのではないでしょうか? 辞書で見てみましたが、fogeyはfogyと同じでどちらもあり。複数にすると、fogeysもfogiesもあり。いずれにしても語源があまりはっきりしない言葉で、その中でも世代や考え方によってちょっとずつ違うことを象徴的に書いているような気がします。

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

 オックフォード辞典には、下記のようにfogey が本見出しで、 fogy はカッコに入れた交替形になっています。  https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/fogey  fog 霧、やその形容詞形 foggy と関連づけるのは学問的に根拠のない民間語源ですから、どちらのスペルでもいいようです。



何しろ手元には1970年代の研究社英和辞書しかないもので。そうですね、インターネットでオックスフォード辞典が調べられるんですね。 ありがとうございます。“Fogys, be ambitious!”


  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    かなり長いですが、訳して下さい。Twelve Angry Menからの抜粋です。 Now let me lay this out for you ignorant—bastards. You at the window, you’re so god-damned smart. We’re facing a danger here. Don’t you know it? These people are multiplying. That kid on trial, his type, they’re multiplying five times as fast as we are. That’s the statistic. Five times. And they are – wild animals. They’re against us, they hate us, and they want to destroy us. That’s right. Don’t look at me like that! There’s a danger. For God’s sake we’re living in a dangerous time, and if we don’t watch it, if we don’t smack them down whenever we can, then they are gonna own us. They’re gonna breed us out of existence.”

  • year-old

    We are a group of twelve and thirteen year-olds from Canada. という文があります。 (1)twelve and thirteen year-olds は,twelve and thirteen-year-oldsとは,ならないのですか? (2)もともと, -が,ついたり,つかなかったりするものなのですか? 6-year-old とか 6 year-old とか両方見ますが。。 (3)6-year-oldには,形容詞「6歳の~」と名詞「6歳の人」の両方がありますか?

  • 和訳出来る方 いらっしゃいますでしょうか?

    Willie Nelson & Julio Iglesias - To All The Girls I've Loved Before の歌詞を 和訳出来る方 いらっしゃいますでしょうか? 和訳サイトで変換したのですが 変な和訳になっちゃうので 宜しくお願いいたします To all the girls I've loved before Who travelled in and out my door I'm glad they came along I dedicate this song To all the girls I've loved before To all the girls I once caressed And may I say I've held the best For helping me to grow I owe a lot I know To all the girls I've loved before The winds of change are always blowing And every time I try to stay The winds of change continue blowing And they just carry me away To all the girls who shared my life Who now are someone else's wives I'm glad they came along I dedicate this song To all the girls I've loved before To all the girls who cared for me Who filled my nights with ecstasy They live within my heart I'll always be a part Of all the girls I've loved before The winds of change are always blowing And every time I try to stay The winds of change continue blowing And they just carry me away To all the girls we've loved before Who travelled in and out our doors We're glad they came along We dedicate this song To all the girls we've loved before To all the girls we've loved before Who travelled in and out our doors We're glad they came along We dedicate this song To all the girls we've loved before

  • 英文和訳をお願いします

    以下の英文の和訳をお願いします。 So, you see, the Earth is extremely, unbelievably old compared to us humans with a fossil record hiding incredible stories to tell us about the past and possibly the future as well. But in the short time we've been here, we' ve learned so much and will surely learn more over the next decades and centuries, near moments in geological time.

  • 和訳が分かりません。

    As we look to the road ahead, we realize that we’ve outgrown the lab and so we’re officially ‘graduating’ from Google[x] to be our own team here at Google. We’re thrilled to be moving even more from concept to reality.” 上記の文なんですが、和訳がうまくできません。 to be our own team here at Google の部分なんですが、「これは私のたちのチームのためのものになるため」という訳し方でいいのですか? またto reality は、どうやって訳せばいいのでしょうか。 すいませんがお願いいたします。

  • 英語が堪能な方

    自然な訳をお願いできますか? I do think it's creepy, and because thereis a connection to these characters that are fallible, and i think that is the main draw over and above the horror. I think the great connectedness is that they contradict themselves, they're full of contradictions. As we discussed earlier, no one is who they seem to be and that is kind of who we are.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    Hey Speedheads: Just want ya to kno: We are currently mixing the 5 songs we recorded, and we're super happy what we're coming up, so we're gonna record a bunch more stuff next week. _________________________________________

  • 翻訳お願いします!

    NURSE'S RESPONSE TO CRABBIT OLD WOMAN Author Unknown What do we see, you ask, what do we see? Yes, we are thinking when looking at thee! We may seem to be hard when we hurry and fuss, But there's many of you, and too few of us. We would like far more time to sit by you and talk, To bath you and feed you and help you to walk. To hear of your lives and the things you have done; Your childhood, your husband, your daughter, and your son. But time is against us, there's too much to do - Patients too many, and nurses too few. We grieve when we see you so sad and alone, With nobody near you, no friends of your own. We feel all your pain, and know of your fear That nobody cares now your end is so near. But nurses are people with feelings as well, And when we're together you'll often hear tell Of the dearest old Gran in the very end bed, And the lovely old Dad, and the things that he said, We speak with compassion and love, and feel sad When we think of your lives and the joy that you've had. When the time has arrived for you to depart, You leave us behind with an ache in our heart. When you sleep the long sleep, no more worry or care, There are other old people, and we must be there. So please understand if we hurry and fuss - There are many of you, and too few of us.

  • この文章の和訳を教えてください

    AXIS Lesson4 からなのですが、 (1)Nowadays we'd have sent Mrs.Stanley to a psychiatrist.But all she had back then was a front-porch rocker and her paperboy's ear. (2)Community isn't so much a place as it is a state of mind.You find it whenever folks ask how you're doing because they are , and not because they're getting paid to inquire. よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 和訳お願いします><

    The stereotypes associated with old people are particularly unpleasant. They are often regarded as sick, stupid, or even dirty. Because a minority of old people become confused, or suffer from mental disorders such as Alzhimer's disease, it is assumed that any old person is likely to become mentally incapacitated -although, in fact, the evidence is very different. Because of this, the positive contributions which older people can make to social events and processes are often overlooked, or simply ignored. Recently, a number of organizations and individuals have begun to challenge these stereotypes about ageing, and there is some indication that attitudes are beginning to change. But there is still a long way to go. Insight The negative view that we have of old people is like other stereotypes, having a small grain of truth in some cases but a lot of exceptions. Interestingly , although old people also share this negative stereotype, they almost always see themselves as one of the exceptions. So who is left to fit the stereotype? RETIREMENT AND RESPONSIBILITY Some people who reach reach retiring age, though, still hold to the old negative ideas about retirement. Sometimes they feel that society has simply thrown them away, even though they are as fit as ever. But sometimes they interpret any aches and pains as being evidence that they are becoming old and useless, so they stop doing activities which would help them to keep fit. Anyone will grow infirm if they do nothing all day but sit in the house and watch TV- muscles need exercise to keep toned, and a healthy retirement means an active one. Also, feeling socially useless is a major source of stress and helplessness. Without another source of self-esteem, such as a hobby or voluntary work, people can become extremely depressed, and appear to give up on active living.