• 締切済み


(原曲はレナード・コーエンのハレルヤの) 歌詞の意味がよくわかりませんので、質問させていただきました。ここにはペンタトニックスの歌詞しかありませんが。 秘密の和音て何でしょう?興味があります。 恋の歌なのか信仰の歌なのかそもそも何なのかなあとも思います。 ペンタトニックスのカバーでの和訳は以下です。 A Pentatonix Christmasより 秘密の和音があると聞いた ダビデが奏で 主を喜ばせたと でもあなたは音楽など そんなに興味ないだろう? こんな感じなんだ 4度の音 5度の音 短調で降りて 長調で上がる 困惑した王が ハレルヤを奏でる ハレルヤx4 信仰心の厚いあなたも それを示す必要があった 屋根の上で水浴びをする あのひとの 姿を見たあなたは あのひとの美しさと 月の明かり屈してしまった あのひとはあなたを台所の椅子に縛りつけ あなたの王座を壊し あなたの髪を切ってしまった そしてあなたの口から神への賛美を歌わせた ハレルヤx4 ベイビー ここには来たことがあるわ この部屋も見たことがあるし この床も歩いたことがあるのよ あなたに出逢う前に ここに独りで住んでいたから あなたの旗が大理石のアーチの上に掲げられているのを見たわ 恋なんて勝利の行進にはほど遠い 冷たく壊れたハレルヤなのに ハレルヤx4 もしかしたら天には神様がいるのかも知れないけれど 私が恋から学んで来たことと言えば 自分を出し抜いた人を撃ち殺すすべだけだったわ 夜になって聞こえてくるのは泣き声なんかじゃない 光明を見い出した人の声でもない 冷たく壊れたハレルヤなのよ ハレルヤx12 (歌詞カードと実際の歌は微妙~に違います) Now, I've heard there was a secret chord That David played, and it pleased the Lord But you don't really care for music, do you? It goes like this, the fourth, the fifth The minor fall, the major lift The baffled king composing Hallelujah Hallelujah x4 Well your faith was strong but you needed proof You saw her bathing on the roof Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you She tied you to the kitchen chair She broke your throne, and she cut your hair And from your lips she drew the Hallelujah Hallelujah x4 Well baby, I've been here before I've seen this room and I've walked this floor I used to live alone before I knew you And I've seen your flag on the marble arch And love is not a victory march It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah Hallelujah x4 Maybe there's a God above But all I've ever learned from love was how to shoot somebody who outdrew you And it's not a cry that you hear at night It's not somebody who's seen the light It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah Hallelujah x12


  • mpascal
  • ベストアンサー率21% (1136/5195)


回答をありがとうございます。 http://wired.jp/2016/11/16/leonard-cohen-rip/#!/galleryimage_1 ちょうどここを読んでいました。 ご紹介のリンクにあったように、旧約聖書の物語もあり、更には恋人に去られた男の心情もあり、コーエン自身が 「『ハレルヤ』は、『神に栄光を』を意味するヘブライ語だけれども、この歌では、さまざまな種類の『ハレルヤ』が存在しうるということを説明している。どんな壊れたハレルヤでも、同じだけの価値をもつ。それは、自分が人生において信じてきたことを、宗教的なやり方でではなく、熱狂と情感をもって確かめたいという欲求なんだ」と言っていたことから、色んなハレルヤがあるんだよ、という内容なのだと納得できました。



  • 英文の翻訳をお願い致します!!

    翻訳機を使いましたが、いまいちよく分かりませんでした(T_T)英語が得意な方、どうか翻訳をお願い致します。 I'm happy to see your message I'm good I'm at work now but it's ok I can message you back when I had time. Yeah I was happy to meet you but wish I had more time with you. I was happy anyway. Your english is fine and I like to talk with you even of you think your english is not good. But I think it's good

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    You're the devil in me I brought in from the cold You said your body was young but your mind was very old You're coming on strong and I like the way The visions we had have faded away You're part of a life I've never had I'll tell you now it's just too bad

  • 和訳お願いします

    ドラマ内の台詞です。 1:「It's kind of weird you having a kid. Still, it's exciting, isn't it?」 2:「What, having some wrinkled little time clock ticking away? Reminding you that you're getting older by the minute. By the second.」 3:「Keep thinking like that, you're gonna end up prematurely gra-ay. Ooh, I think I see one. 」 4:「Why didn't somebody try and stop me?」 5:「Hello! Somebody did. But you wouldn't listen. You had to let Lindsay fill your head with all her bullshit flattery. 'Oh, you're so good-looking.' 'Oh, oh, y-y-you're so smart.' 'Oh-oh, you've got such great genes. And I don't mean your 501s.' And now you're stuck with a kid. For life.」 所々にわからない箇所があり、台詞をまとめました。 赤ちゃんができてしまったことに悩む友人との会話です。 2番と5番(And I don't mean your 501s.)がわからないので、そこだけでも構いません。 よろしくお願いします!

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    自作の音楽を海外の友人に聴かせた感想です。だいたいの言ってることは分かるのですが、詳しく知りたいので和訳をお願いします。 特に3行目が正しく理解できないので、詳しく教えて頂けると助かります。 I liked all of them, but I think my favorite was "●●" It's really interesting, I can totally hear how you're influenced by ▲▲ and ◆◆. It's always cool to hear who artists like and then see how that influences their art. Do you record all the instruments on your own or are you in a band?

  • この文章を英訳していただけないでしょうか。

    この文章を英訳していただけないでしょうか。 sometimes there are people who just come to you once in a lifetime and then they disappear but they tell you that how the life has meaning and value. And if I can't to see you more again or your destination is not the States, then you will see somebody whom show you kindness.

  • !至急!和訳お願いします!!!

    長文ですが、この文章を和訳していただけないでしょうか? Maybe Paulie's mother was right. On my second Open School Day she told me I was a cheat. She was proud of her Paulie, future electrician, nice kid who planned to start his own business one day. He wanted to marry a nice girl, have a family, and stay out of trouble. I was angry with her. But, at the back of my head a little voice filled me with doubt. Maybe I was a cheat. Maybe I wasn't a good teacher. "I ask my kid about his day in school, and he tells me about stories of Ireland and you coming to New York. Stories, stories, stories. You know what you are? A cheat. And I'm saying that kindly, trying to help." I wanted to be a good teacher. I wanted to fill my students’ heads with spelling and vocabulary. I wanted to help them have a better file, but I didn’t know how. The mother said she was Irish, married to an Italian, and could see all my secrets. She knew my game. When I told her I agreed with her she said,”Ooh, you agree with me? You actually know you’re cheat?” “I’m just trying to do my best. They ask me questions about my life and I answer them. They don’t listen when I try to teach English. They look out the window. They sleep. They eat sandwiches. They want the bathroom.” “Why don’t you teach them what they need to learn―spelling and big words? What will my son, Paulie, do when he goes out into the big world and he can’t use big words?” I told Paulie’s mother that I hoped to be a good teacher one day, confident in the classroom. But until then, I was going to continue trying. I don’t know why, but that made her emotional. She started crying and looked in her handbag for a handkerchief. I offered her mine, but she shook her head and asked,”Who does your washing? That’s the saddest-looking gray handkerchief I’ve ever seen in my life. Your shoes, too. I’ve never seen such sad shoes. No woman would ever let you buy shoes like them. It’s easy to see you’ve never been married.” She brushed the tears from her eyes with the back of her hand. “Do you think my Paulie can spell handkerchief?” “I don’t think so. It’s not on the list.” “Do you see what I mean? You people have no idea. You don’t have handkerchief on the list, but he’ll need handkerchiefs all his life. Every day Paulie comes home telling us these stories and we don’t need to hear them. We’ve got our own troubles. It’s easy to see that you’re new in this country . . .” “No, I’m not new this country. I was born in here. I was in the army here. I worked on the docks. I graduated from New York University.” “See?” She said,” That’s what I mean. I ask you a simple question and you give me the story of your life. Be careful, Mr.McCourd. These kids don’t need to know the life story of every teacher in the school. Just give them spelling and words. Mr.McCourd and the parents of this school will thank you forever. Forget the storytelling. If we want stories, we’ve got a TV Guide as home.” よろしくお願いします。

  • 訳をお願いします

    It's no problem, I just noticed you never said anything in the comment selection on that picture, and it surprised me to see nobody had informed you. I've noticed, but sometimes people forget :3 よろしくおねがいます。

  • クリス・コロンバス監督インタビューの和訳

    こんにちは、いつもこちらの掲示板には大変お世話になっております。 映画「ハリー・ポッターと秘密の部屋」を監督されたクリス・コロンバス監督のインタビューについての質問です。 この映画の最後のシーンについて答えたインタビューです。 ---- *TLC*: Quick thing about the end of the movie. There's a very adorable scene where Hermione hugs Harry, but she doesn't hug Ron - what was behind that non-hug for you? CC: Did you read book four? *TLC*: Yeah, I did. [You've no idea.] CC: So, it's a little bit of a taste of what's to happen, what's coming up. TLC: So it is foreshadowing. CC: It is foreshadowing, yeah. I just love the idea that the two of them, that there's an impending crush. And it's such a real thing for kids at that age. For instance, I asked Emma to hug Dan, and she said, 'No way,' and that was the day she was the most nervous being on the set. She was like, 'I am not going to hug him, no I'm not.' And I said, 'You've been petrified, this is one of your best friends, if not your best friend, you have to hug him,' I said, 'but you won't hug Ron, because that's where the tension is. ----- コロンバス監督が「これは4巻を予示している。ロンにハグしなかったのは、そこに緊張があったから」 というようなことを言ってるのはわかるのですが、 Emmaがうんぬんの部分がよくわかりません。 ちなみにEmmaというのはハーマイオニー役の子の名前で、Danというのはハリー役の子の名前です。 よろしければ、どなたか和訳していただけないでしょうか? 長くてすみません。

  • 和訳をお願いします!

    和訳をお願いします! It was the 1968 Olympics. And um I'd been training, and I failed to qualify. And not by a little but by a fair amount, that I realised that I wasn't gonna be the next in line. And certainly it was the era of Peggy Fleming, one of my best friends, and she was just indomitable. It's like a Tiger Woods comes along and no matter how great an athlete you are, and you can be a great athlete, you're never going to be that. And you have to come to grips with your own limits as far as your talent, and your inability to be able to realise something, and not just for your championship or yourself but for a generationof skaters or so. インタビュー番組なのですが、 ある女性が過去に経験した挫折を振り返っているシーンです。 (フィギュアスケートでオリンピックの代表を目指していたようですが、夢叶わなかったようです) 意味がどうしても理解できないので、和訳をお願いします。 口語なので分かりにくいとは思いますが、よろしくお願いします!

  • 英語の歌詞

    Looking into your eyes my why's are answered I become inspired in your words and my home is on your skin What tender love, my devotion, you came to be my religion My sweet emotion I regret nothing It was worth it, what was necessary to be with you, my love You are a blessing The hours and the life by your side, nena Are there to be lived but by your way At a good time Because it was worth it, it was worth it... I see you and I convince myself that you had to arrive After the storm I can anchor myself on your bosom here And be more myself, again myself, and my illusion for a flag And see whether I love you, that for love I give myself ある歌の歌詞です。 意味が良く分かりません。 別れの歌ですか? ご回答お願いします!

  • 電話とファックスのブラザー300CLを使っていますが、液晶画面が突然きえてしまいました。
  • 電話は使えるので、液晶パネルの劣化かもしれません。交換は可能でしょうか?
  • もし古くて生産終了の場合は、買い替えが必要となるのでしょうか?