• ベストアンサー


下記の英文を訳して下さい。特に最後の不定詞をどうつなげるか。 In 2008, Americans voted for their forty-fourth president and chose Barack Obama, the first African-American to get the job.

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • bran111
  • ベストアンサー率49% (512/1037)




bran111さん ありがとうございました(*^_^*)



to get the jobの不定詞は文法的にはどう訳せば良いですか?直訳で。

その他の回答 (1)

  • bran111
  • ベストアンサー率49% (512/1037)

to get the jobはBarack Obamaが大統領という職に就くということです。


  • butの意味とある英文の意味がわかりません

    1. Dr.King dreamed of a country where "For Whites Only" signs world would come down everywhere, and people of all races could sit down together at the same table. He dreamed that "my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but the content of their character." 2. Forty-five years later, in November 2008, Barack Obama, an African-American, was elected President of the United States. It seemed as though Dr. King dream had come true. 1の英文の "my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but the content of their character."の途中にあるbutはどういう意味で用いられているか, 2.の英文のIt seemed as though Dr. King dream had come true.の英文はどういう意味かわかりません。 どなたか教えていただけないでしょうか?

  • when president barack obama was swo

    when president barack obama was sworn in tuesday,he was surrounded by an eztended clan that would have shocked past generations of americans and has redrawn the image of first family for future ones. that would haveからまったくもってりかいできません。 一応単語の意味はとっていたんですが、ほんやくになると.... お手数ですが助けてください。

  • 下記の英文(オバマ大統領に関する英文)に関する質問にお答えできませんで

    下記の英文(オバマ大統領に関する英文)に関する質問にお答えできませんでしょうか? 英文レベルが高くて意味の伝わる訳出ができません。どうかお願い致します。 便宜上、段落ごとに番号を振りました。 ■ A first family that looks like America - Obama-Robinson clan crosses ethnic, religious and linguistic lines When president Barack Obama was sworn in Tuesday, he was surrounded by an extended clan that would have shocked past generations of Americans and has redrawn the image of a first family for future ones. ・・・・(1) As they convened to take their family's final step in its journey from Africa: through slavery to the slave-built White House, the group seemed as though they had stepped right out of the pages of Obama's memoir ――no longer the disparate kin of a young man wondering how he fit in, but the embodiment of a new president's promise of change ・・・・(2) ”Our family is new in terms of the White House, but I don't think it's new in terms of the country, ” said Maya Soetoro, the president's younger half-sister , in an interview last week. ”I don't think the white House has always reflected the textures and flavors of this country." ・・・・(3) Obama follows former President George W.Bush, who had a presidential son's self-assured grip on power. Aside from a top-quality education, the new president came to politics with none of his predecessor's advantages: no famous last name, no deep-pocketed parents to finance early forays into politics and , In fact, not much of a father at all. So Obama built his political career from scratch, with best-selling books and long-shot runs for office, leaving his relatives 「astonished」 at where he has brought them. ・・・・(4) 質問A:(1)~(4)文章の要約(=つまり何を言っているのか? どういうことかを言っているのか?)を日本語でお願いします。 質問B:(4)の文章の「astonished」の指すのは何かをお願いします。指す部分を英語と日本でお願いします。

  • resign as President と resign Presidentは同じでしょうか?

    While Americans would respect his skill in handling international rerations , they can never forget the Watergate scandal that made him resigh as President for the first time in American history. (ここで言うhisは Richard Nixon大統領です) 上記の英文において、「resign as President」を「resign President」としても意味は同じでしょうか。辞書では自動詞、他動詞ともに「~を辞める」という意味でした。

  • 完了不定詞をあえて使わない場合

    President Obama said the United States has a duty as the only country to use nuclear weapons in the past. 文法通りに従うと、to have usedと完了不定詞にすべきだと思うんですが、 何で現在形になってるんですか?

  • 和訳

    For their first president they chose George Washington, the general who had led the colonists in the American Revolution. この英文の和訳をお願いします。 自分で訳すと 彼らの最初の大統領のために、彼らはジョージ・ワシントンを選んだ。アメリカの革命で入植者をリードした一般 などとわけが分からなくなってしまいます。

  • 以下の英文についてお聞きしますt1-181

    1First-time customers receive「 15 percent off a job」 of £200 or more. 2Refer a friend and recive「£20 off 」your next bill. 「」の部分は名詞の形容詞用法でしょうか? 3Thousads of vitours each year explore the rich array of attractions that the museum has to offer. to offerは不定詞の形容詞用法でよろしいでしょうか? 4Sponsors will have their names engraved on a plaque that is displayed on the wall near our main entance. will have~engravedの部分で意味の取り方として受動的に「される」と解する高尾でよいでしょうか? また、have~doneには物も人も入ることは承知なのですが I had my son examined at a nearby clinic yesterday.のように人を入れるとやはり「してもらった」(どちらにしろ受動なのですが)との理解でよいのでしょうか?となれば4は「~してもらうことになる」と考えても差し支えないでしょうか? 宜しくお願いします。

  • But what alsoの訳を教えて下さい。

    下記はVOAニュースの一節です。   ためし訳をつけました。   間違いを一つ指摘して、解説していただきたい。  *アメリカの議会の仕組みはよく分かりません。 But what also is obvious to many Washington analysts is the usual politicking as lawmakers try to boost their support and their influence. しかし、多くのワシントンを分析する人達に明らかなことは、 議員たちは彼らの支援と影響力(行使)に努めるので、通常の政治活動です。 Gallup Polling Editor-in-Chief Frank Newport said no one has gotten a bigger boost than President Barack Obama. *Gallup Polling Editor-in-Chief Frank Newportギャロップの編集長 フランク・ニューポートはオバマ大統領より多きな支持を受けた者は、誰もいなかったと言った。

  • 次の英文の訳お願いします

    There were 784,746 U.S residents who described their race as white and black in the last census count. But that number did not include Laura Martin, whose father is black and mother is white. 「I have always just checked black on my form」 said Martin, a 29-year-old university employee in Las Vegas. She grew up surrounded by black fammily and friends,listening to black music and active in black causes - 「So,I am black」 active in black causes・・・・黒人の為に活動する Exhibit A is President Barack Obama. He declined to check the box for white on his census form, despite his mothers whiteness. Exhibit A ・・・証拠物件その1

  • 英文和訳です。お願いします。

    'Unequal' US sees Occupy Wall Street clashes. After clashes in Oakland on Tuesday that left an Iraq war veteran in a critical condition, Mayor Jean Quan held a press conference on Wednesday to announce that the plaza would be open to protesting but not to camping. Many Occupy Wall Street protesters say they are making a stand against corporate greed and income inequality in the US. After tax income increased by 275% for the wealthiest 1% of Americans but by just 18% for the poorest 20%, the report said. In addition, the report revealed that in 2005-2007, the years immediately preceding the financial crisis, the top 20% of the population earned more after-tax income than the entire bottom 80%. Democratic House Representative Sander Levin said the findings confirm what Americans already knew. "The rules have been changed by the unfair tax policies of the last decade and our tax code is doing less to level the playing field than it was in the past." The poll, conducted by the New York Times and CBS News, shows distrust of government is at its highest level ever. Almost half of those asked said they thought the sentiment behind the Occupy Wall Street protests reflected the views of most Americans. Some 28% of respondents believe the policies of President Barack Obama favour the rich, although a strong majority - 69% - said that was the effect of Republican policies.