China closely watching post-election Japan

  • China closely watching Japan's security policy after ruling parties' win in general election
  • Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman emphasizes the importance of Japan respecting the security concerns of countries in the region
  • China urges Japan to pursue peaceful development
  • ベストアンサー


NHKからの抜粋です The spokesman also said China hopes that Japan truly learns lessons from history, and respects the legitimate and reasonable security concerns of countries in the region. 対応する日本語記事は無かったです。 文中の respects the legitimate and reasonable security concerns の意味が不明です。ネット検索すると中国スポークスマンの発言内にありました。もしかしてそのまま複写したのかもしれません。 辞書を見るとlegitimateには名詞用法がありませんでした。よって respectする、それは以下の2つ: the legitimate security concerns the reasonable security concerns すると、 尊重する、それは以下の2つ: 合法的な安全保障 合理的な安全保障 となります。 これで正解でしょうか。 全文は以下です。 China closely watching post-election Japan Dec.15, 2014 - Updated 11:43 UTC A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman has indicated that the country will closely watch Japan's security policy in the wake of the Japanese ruling parties' winning of a two-thirds majority in Sunday's general election. Qin Gang was speaking to reporters on Monday. Asked about possible amendments to the Japanese Constitution, Qin said Japan's Asian neighbors and the international community are paying close attention to the country's movements in the military and security fields. He said Japan's actions affect the entire region's security environment. The spokesman also said China hopes that Japan truly learns lessons from history, and respects the legitimate and reasonable security concerns of countries in the region. He urged Japan to follow the path of peaceful development.

  • 英語
  • 回答数4
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • nolaneco
  • ベストアンサー率62% (322/512)

No.1 で回答した者です。間違いがありましたので訂正します。 他の人が指摘している通り、これは日本~中国領域周辺の安全のことを 言っているのであって、尖閣に限定されるものではありませんでした。 自分の回答は無視してください。



みなさん、返答有り難うございます よく分かりました 今後もおねがいします

その他の回答 (3)

  • shingo5k
  • ベストアンサー率33% (123/366)

>>China hopes that Japan respects the legitimate and reasonable >>security concerns of countries in the region. 中国が日本に望むのは その地域の国々が抱く「合法的且つ合理的な国防上の複数の関心事」 を尊重することだ 意訳すれば、 中国が抱く「合法的且つ合理的な国防上の複数の関心事」を尊重する事だ となります and は2つの形容詞 legitimate と reasonable を接続して1つの形容詞 チャンクを作っています legitimate かつ reasonable な security concerns の意味です


こんばんは。 > 尊重する、それは以下の2つ: > 合法的な安全保障 > 合理的な安全保障 文法的なつながりとしてはおっしゃる理解で正解と思いますが、二つというより、両方あわせて一つなのでしょうね。そして、legitimateやreasonableは、security(安全保障)にかかるというより、concerns(懸念)にかかるわけです。我々が安全保障について懸念を表明してるのは、決して横車を押してるわけじゃないし、無理難題を言ってるわけじゃない、法律上主張して当然であり、筋の通った懸念である、というのがここで表明されている中国の主張なわけです。 「法的に正当で、道理にかなった安全保障上の懸念」といった意味になると思います。 全体の構造は、 The spokesman also said China hopes that Japan truly (1) learns lessons from history, and (2) respects the legitimate and reasonable security concerns of countries in the region. というわけです。 そして、countries in the region. は、countries に the two だったりという限定する言葉がないので、日中という特定の二国などを指すわけではなくて、「この地域の諸国」ということになります。もちろんこれは言葉の上ではでて来ませんが、具体的には「東アジアの諸国」という意味でしょうね。 というわけで全体の訳は、 「スポークスマンはさらに、中国は、日本が本当に歴史から教訓を学ぶとともに、この地域の諸国がいだいている法的に正当で、道理にかなった安全保障上の懸念を尊重することを望むと述べた」 といったことになろうかと思います。お示しの全体を通読して感じるのは、ある特定の場所の係争のことを言っているというより、今度の選挙で自民党が大勝して、憲法改正への道筋といったことがあらためて取りざたされている状況で、日本の再軍備や再度軍国主義的になることに対して、中国としては賛成でないということを、東アジア諸国まで引き合いにに出して表明したコメントのように読めます。

  • nolaneco
  • ベストアンサー率62% (322/512)

The spokesman also said China hopes that Japan truly learns lessons from history, and respects the legitimate and reasonable security concerns of countries in the region. これは尖閣のことですね。 The spokesman also said China hopes that Japan truly learns lessons from history 中国は日本が歴史の教訓から真に学ぶことを望む もう一つの望みは and respects the legitimate and reasonable security concerns of countries in the region. その領域において二国間に合法的かつ合理的な安全上の問題があることを 尊重することを望む 要するに尖閣問題が存在することを認めろということだと思います。


  • 次の英文の訳をお願いします

    Affuluent buyers of ivory carvings in China,Japan and Thailand have driven the market in poaching, the conservationists said , abetted by Asian gangs operating in Africa.

  • 時事英語で分からない箇所があります

    続けて質問させていただきます。 下文でWhat right other than than that of conquest, の部分の意味が解りません。thanが2つもあるのはミスプリですか? 宜しくお願いします。 In the South China Sea region, where China claims "undisputed sovereignty," Abe and senior LDP officials joined the U.S. in criticizing China's reclamation projects and its building of airstrips and port facilities in the contested Spratly archipelago and Paracel Islands. The U.S. and Japan interpose themselves in these disputes and support their claims. China's diplomats answer back, asking, "What right other than than that of conquest, does the U.S. have to act as arbitrator of Asian-Pacific affairs?"

  • 和訳お願いします

    Consider establishing SDF garrison on Senkaku isles: LDP's Ishihara Washington AFP-JIJI Japan should consider deploying Self-Defense Forces units to islands it controls but claimed by China to counter Beijing's growing assertiveness, a liberal Democratic Party leader said while on a visit to the United States. Nobuteru Ishihara, sometimes seen as a future prime minister if the LDP returns to power, said Monday that Tokyo should also look more broadly at stepping up defense spending in the face of a rising China. Japan officially regards the Senkaku Islands as under the jurisdiction of Okinawa. Beijing claims the islets, which are known in China as Diaoyu. Last year a run-in involving a Chinese trawler and Japan Coast Guard boats trying to shoo the vessel away from the area led to a further souring of relations. Ishihara, secretary general of the conservative party, said Japan should move "quickly" to put the islands under public Ishihara, of the conservative party, said Japan should move "quickly" to put the islands under public control. Tokyo considers most of the area to be privately owned by Japanese citizens. "Following this change, a port should be developed where fishing boats may take refuge," Ishihara said at the Hudson Institute, a Washington think tank. "I further believe that we must seriously begin contemplating the establishment of a permanent post for the Self-Defense Forces in this area" he said. Japan said in 2008 that it had reached kn agreement with China for joint drilling of potentially lucrative gas fields near the disputed islands. But the deal has gone nowhere, with China saying its stance has not changed. Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda's Democratic Party of Japan has mostly sought smooth ties with China, which says its growing military spending is for peaceful purposes. Noda asked Chinese President HC Jintao for progress on the 2008 deal during talks last month on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific summit in Hawaii, although Japanese officials said Hu was noncommittal. But Ishihara said China has become "assertive, one may even say aggressive" in recent years and pointed to its actions in separate maritime disputes with the Philippines, Vietnam and other Southeast Asian nations, "Emboldened by its new economic weight and growing military might, China's proclamations of its 'peaceful rise' appear more and more at odds with the emerging reality," he said. Ishiara, leading a delegation from his party, was in Washing- ton partly to ease concerns over the opposition's stance on the Trans-Pacific Partnership free- trade pact championed by President Barack Obama. Noda announced last month that Japan will enter the TPP talks but has faced strong opposition from farmers worried about foreign competition and threats of strong resistance by LDP lawmakers who consider the farm industry as a key political base. Ishihara said discussions on the TPP are "at the starting line" and the government must do all it can to address public concerns and ensure food security. "We would like to understand what the US. wants to get out of the TPP. If it's an effective tool to establish a free-trade zone for the Pacific that benefits both the US. and Japan, that would be reason to pursue it," he said. "But if we can't identify enough merit for Japan and the US., then maybe we should pursue another way to establish a free-trade zone."


    The prime minister also dismissed suggestions that Japan's possible participation in the US-led TPP talks is designed to keep China's economic rise in check. He said Japan's basic stance is to promote a high-level economic partnership with China. He added that if China joins the TPP, then he would welcome it as it would increase the likelihood of an Asia-Pacific free-trade zone. dismissed suggestions とはどういう意味ですか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします

    "Following this change, a port should be developed where fishing boats may take refuge," Ishihara said at the Hudson Institute, a Washington think tank. "I further believe that we must seriously begin contemplating the establishment of a permanent post for the Self-Defense Forces in this area" he said. Japan said in 2008 that it had reached kn agreement with China for joint drilling of potentially lucrative gas fields near the disputed islands. But the deal has gone nowhere, with China saying its stance has not changed. Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda's Democratic Party of Japan has mostly sought smooth ties with China, which says its growing military spending is for peaceful purposes. Noda asked Chinese President HC Jintao for progress on the 2008 deal during talks last month on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific summit in Hawaii, although Japanese officials said Hu was noncommittal. But Ishihara said China has become "assertive, one may even say aggressive" in recent years and pointed to its actions in separate maritime disputes with the Philippines, Vietnam and other Southeast Asian nations, "Emboldened by its new economic weight and growing military might, China's proclamations of its 'peaceful rise' appear more and more at odds with the emerging reality," he said. Ishiara, leading a delegation from his party, was in Washing- ton partly to ease concerns over the opposition's stance on the Trans-Pacific Partnership free- trade pact championed by President Barack Obama.

  • Evaluate Teachers?

    My friend said that students in Japan evaluate the performance of teachers and professors in school. Correct?

  • 訳が分かりませんTT

    While Mr Xi mostly stuck to Beijing's official position that things were not getting harder for foreigners, he adopted a conciliatory and sympathetic approach to the concerns of international investors. "As china's open economy continues to develop, foreign investment in china will surely enjoy an even broader space and generate even higher profits,"he said on tuesday. 単語は分かるのですが、分としてつなげるときにごちゃごちゃしてわかりません。 どなたか助けてください。。

  • 英文訳が上手くいきません。。

    内容は自衛隊の歴史です。 特に一文が長いところの日本語がおかしくなってしまいます。 どなたかに訂正やご教授願えたら幸いです。 Japan's security role in East Asia during the Cold War,in line with the Yoshida Doctrine,was characterised by an incremental approach to the expansion of military responsibilities and by reliance on the bilateral US-Japan alliance,a highly asymmetrical arrangement providing a mechanism for a mainly indirect contribution to regional military security. Japan's multilateral security involvement in the region was virtually non-existent. Japan's complex policy-making system had an in-built tendency towards `immobilism` in security affairs. Overall,Japan's security posture was oriented towaeds the gradual building of cooperation with the US,while avoiding total dependance and entrapment through caraful hedging. 『冷戦時代、吉田ドクトリン政策下で、日本の東アジアにおける防衛の役割は、軍事責任拡張への増加アプローチと、局地的軍事防衛の間接的貢献に対し構造を与える不調和な配置である日米相互協力への依存によって特徴づけられる。 実質的にはアジア地域へ日本の多国籍防衛の関与は存在しない。 日本の複雑な政策決定システムは防衛問題に関して、不動の傾向を維持していた。 概して、日本の防衛体制は全部依存と罠を慎重な掛けつなぎで回避する一方で、徐々にアメリカとの協定を目指していた。』

  • 英字新聞を見て

    An agreement stuck at the last round of Japan-North Korea intergovermental talks in August 2008 in Shenyang, China said taht North Korea would reinvestigate the cases of Japansese nationals it(←このitがよくわかりません。) abducted in the 1970s and 1980s, but this year to be carried out , according to Japanese officials. itの意味がよくわかるように全文を日本語に訳してください。

  • ☆★環境問題に関する自由英作文★☆

    いつもありがとうございます。 環境問題に関する自由英作文を書いたので、添削よろしくお願いいたします。 問題は種々の大学の過去問を参考に自作しましたので、 問題文自体の英語が拙いかもしれませんが、 そこも含めて、ご指摘いただけると、ありがたく存じます。 [Question] Describe what environmental problem you are the most interested in and explain the challenge to address, and the solutions. Write your essay in four paragraphs. [Answer] One of the environmental problems I am the most interested in is the international arrangements such as the Framework Convention on Climate Change. More than ten years ago, the third Conference of the Parties, what you call COP3, was held in Kyoto, where the Kyoto Protocol was adopted. About five years ago, this protocol went into force without the agreement of the United States, which eliminated the second most CO2 in 2009, followed by China. In addition, developing countries including China and India are not forced to decrease emissions. For these two reasons, many environmental specialists wonder if this treaty is effective for the environmental problem. Because of this matter, actually, Australia did not join it at the beginning. (This country joined now.) It seems strange to me that the countries, the GDPs of which occupy the first and second places, are not obligated to decrease greenhouse gas such as CO2. To solve this problem, I think that the Japan's government should lead the green innovation field all over the world. In fact, the government regards green innovation as one of a few available strategies for economic growth. It is often said that environmental technologies of Japan is leading. In my opinion, the government should promote these technologies and help export them. Because China's government says that the country cannot help emitting CO2 to develop, all Japan can do is to give China the same development as that done by emitting extraordinarily much CO2. By importing the technologies, China could develop without emitting so much. Japan's government should show the advantages to that of China; for example, China would improve the international trust, which is the probably most serious problem China faces now. To promotes these green innovation, Japan's government need to secure a considerable financial source. As you know, the government is facing a budget deficit; according to OECD, the budget deficit in relation to GDP of Japan is internationally much and the balance of Japan's debt in 2010 is by far the heaviest. This is why it is very difficult to secure the resource for promoting the green technologies. Because this field is surely expected to improve, however, the government would not love anything. Moreover, it would help the government solve another problem of unemployment. (376 words) *辞書代わりにALCを利用しました。( *indentできないので、一行挿入しました。