• 締切済み


9月9日発送の本について到着が遅いとマーケットプレイスに問い合わせた所なんだかよく分からないんです。このお店の発送方法は1つしか無いので追跡無しのロイヤルメールですが、何故かニューヨークからロイヤルメールって、どういう事でしょう?? 前にも別のamazon.ukマーケットで購入した本が行方不明になった事があるので(その時は返金してもらいました)心配です。英文がどういう意味なのか簡単に教えて頂けないでしょうか?お願いいたします。 We apologize if this order has taken longer than usual to be delivered. This order( 番号) was shipped from our New York warehouse via a Postal contract operated by Royal Mail. Please also note that International mail does not offer the option of tracking. It is also possible that orders with multiple items be shipped in separate packages and arrive on different days. We have no means of tracking this order at this stage therefore if the address is correct and you do not receive your package within the delivery window stated for this order (this can be checked on your amazon.co.uk account) please contact us for a solution in the form of a refund or a replacement. Finally, please note that this message was sent in reply to your request. If it did not answer your question correctly or if you need further assistance simply reply to this email and one of our customer representatives will address it.

  • Niki9
  • お礼率50% (1/2)


  • drum_KT
  • ベストアンサー率43% (1108/2554)

補足拝見しましたが、 >配達期間は10月20日迄になっていますが、そんなに日数が掛かるとは思えません。 どのようなお店から何を買ったのか知りませんが、米国の倉庫から英国のショップに一旦送られて、そこから更に送られるのかもしれませんし、そうでないにしても、配達期間は注文確定前に確認できたはずで、この条件を承知した上で注文を出した以上、それ以前にキャンセルするから返金しろというのはマナー違反です。 下手するとあなたが契約不履行で訴えられますよ。 だいたい、自分で英語の読み書きもできないなら、海外のショッピングサイトなんかを利用してはいけません。少なくとも、身近に信頼できる翻訳者でもいない限りは。 もし、私、もしくは、他の誰かがあなたの文面を「わざと問題がこじれるように誤訳」して回答して、それをあなたが内容も知らずに先方に送ったらどういうことになると思いますか? まぁ、あなたの文面をそのまま正確に訳したとしても、相手からは逆に相当お怒りの回答が返ってきて、あなたがまた途方に暮れるのは必至ですが。 …なので、私は訳しません。少なくともおとなしく10/20までは待ちなさいな。



確かに仰る通りです。 人に頼るのは良くない事です。済みませんでした。 なんとか自分で頑張ります! 因に買ったのは3ポンドの本です。 どうも有り難うございました。

  • drum_KT
  • ベストアンサー率43% (1108/2554)

前半の2段落は、あなたが質問に書いている内容と同じことです。後半部分の要点は、 ・この注文に定められた「配達期間」(delivery window:amazonの注文履歴で確認できるはず) が過ぎても荷物が到着しなかった場合、入力フォームから「返金」(refund) または「代替品送付」(replacement) の依頼をしてください。 ・この回答が、あたなの質問に正しく答えていない、または、更に支援を必要とする場合は、このメールに返信してください。弊社のお客様係が対応します。 という感じです。要するに、この内容は「届かないよ」という質問に対して最初に返信してくる定型文ですね。これで解決しないのであれば、更に質問を返してくれれば今度は担当者が考えて返信しますということだと思います。 が、荷物をトラッキングできない以上、最初から用意されている「返金」か「代替品送付」以外の解決策はあり得ないとは思います。



翻訳有り難うございます。 配達期間は10月20日迄になっていますが、そんなに日数が掛かるとは思えません。 日本郵便から普通のエアメールで英国に返品した事があるのですが、2週間もかからなかったと思います。 返金とは送料も含むのでしょうか?商品よりもそちらの方が高いので・・・困りました。前の行方不明では 多分全額返金してくれた様に思うのですが。 ロイヤルメールに掛け合う英語力もないですしどうもamazon.ukとは相性が悪いのかな?usaのお店や個人の 方から商品を買った時は何の問題もなくusポスタルで届いたのに。 済みませんがストアーさんに返信したいのですが英語に訳して頂けないでしょうか? お暇な時でいいのでよろしくお願いします。 「10月9日で発送から1ヶ月経ちます。それでも商品が到着しない場合はどう考えても紛失したとしか思えません。 その日迄待ちますがそれ以上は待っていても仕方ないと思いこのオーダーをキャンセルさせて頂き送料も含めた全額を返金して下さい。その後万一奇跡が起きて商品がこちらに到着した場合は私が送料を負担してあなたの指定する住所に送り返します。 無駄な時間を待つのはうんざりです!追跡番号のないロイヤルメールにもうんざりです、別のストアの商品の場合1年以上経ちますが行方不明のままです!!ですから、ぜひこの要求を受け入れて下さい。お願いします。」 こんな感じでどうでしょうか?他から買った方が早いと思うんです。本来ならロイヤルメールに文句を言うべきだとは思いますが 先に書いた通り追跡番号のオプションがないストアなので多少は責任があると思うのです。 もう少しいい文面があったら直して下さい。どうぞよろしくお願いします。


  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入しました。発送完了のメールがきましたがいまいち意味がわかりません。すみませんが意味を教えてくれませんか?お願いします。 I am so sorry about the delay you experienced with your order. your order has been shipped via FedEx and the tracking is AAAA, you should be able to track it shortly. Also we have shipped to you a アイテム名(0000 value) with your order. We hope that you enjoy your purchase and you will come back soon. Thank you for your support and please let us know if you have any additional questions, thanks. Hi I priced it at $AAA aアイテム名 I think that should be fine, I’ll let you know if any problems, thanks again!

  • full shipment確認(英文の意味が?)

    Alibaba.comで買い物をしました。PAYPALで支払い、Status:Order Complete.となり11/11に次のメールを受け取りました。 Full Shipment Made for Order No. 10008xxxxx Full shipment has been made for Order no. 10008xxxxx. You can track delivery on DHL ’s website using the tracking number, 73920xxxx. Please confirm delivery within 27 days of receipt.If you are not satisfied with the shipment or if the shipment did not arrive within 27 days, you can submit a Refund Request here. ところが、今日になり次のメールが入っていました。 Please be kindly advised that the payment of order 10008xxxxx cannot be released right now because the tracking number is invalid. Please confirm if you have received the full shipment for your Order No. 10008xxxxx. If you have not received your full shipment, please contact us before 19 Nov 2010 . If we do not hear from you, we will assume that you have received your shipment in satisfactory condition and payment will be released to the supplier. 上記の「Please confirm if you have received the full shipment for your Order No. 10008xxxxx.If you have not received your full shipment~」部分がよくわかりません。 業者(Supplier)に私から確認する必要があるのでしょうか? 何をすべきかどなたか教えてくれると助かります。

  • だれかこの英文を解読お願いします(>人<;)

    This Message was undeliverable due to the following reason: Your message was not delivered because the destination computer was not found. Carefully check that it was spelled correctly and try sending it again if there were any mistakes. It is also possible that a network problem caused this situation, so if you are sure the address is correct you might want to try to send it again. If the problem continues, contact your friendly system administrator. Host i.docomo.nejp not found. The following recipients did not receive this message: This Message was undeliverable due to the following reason: Your message was not delivered because the destination computer was not found. Carefully check that it was spelled correctly and try sending it again if there were any mistakes. It is also possible that a network problem caused this situation, so if you are sure the address is correct you might want to try to send it again. If the problem continues, contact your friendly system administrator. Host i.docomo.nejp not found. The following recipients did not receive this message: Please reply to <Postmaster@i.softbank.jp> if you feel this message to be in error. Please reply to <Postmaster@i.softbank.jp> if you feel this message to be in error.

  • 海外通販でトラブル・英文が分かりません

    海外通販を利用して4月に注文した品が未だに届かず、 翻訳サイトを駆使してクレームのメールを入れていますが、 微妙なニュアンスが分かりません。 ■1通目 Hello mokoi Your order left our warehouse on May 14/09 and should have arrived by May 28/09. As indicated on our website, the $25.00 shipping option does not include a tracking service. Should your order not arrive in the next few weeks, I will begin a trace on it. As further indicated on our website, should your order not arrive a refund could take up to 4 months. Let's hope that you get your order sometime this week and please let me know if it does arrive. Thanks! ■2通目 Hello mokoi So sorry to hear that your [商品名] has not arrived yet. As our website indicates, there is no tracking available for the $25.00 shipping fee. If we were to ship a service that provides tracking the fee would be at least $50.00 to Japan and maybe more. I will begin a trace on your item and it may take up to 4 months to provide a refund. This is also clearly stated on our website in the shipping section. Please let me know if your [商品名] arrives.... Thanks 以上です。 また、こちらとしては商品を再送してもらいたいのですが、 どのような文章で求めるのが的確なのでしょうか? 商品が届かなくて金銭的に困っているというより、 その商品が使えなくて困っています。 返金よりも再送希望です。 以上、回答よろしくお願いします。

  • この英文を和訳お願いします。

    Your order has been processed and shipped! Your package was shipped using USPS First Class or Priority Mail International and you should expect to receive it in 3-7 business days. However, some of our customers are reporting delivery times taking upwards of 3 weeks, depending on each country and its customs policies. If you still haven't received your order 4 weeks after receiving this email, please contact us by visiting the help link above. International customers should be aware of the customs policies within their own countries. Your package may be held up for inspection and/or subject to import duties and taxes. Contact your local customs office for further information.

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。値引きと在庫の事で相手からメールがきました。すみませんが意味を教えて下さい。 our offices close on the 6th for one week, so you should place your order soon, for the 商品名 we are out of stock until our offices opens again. If you want you can change it, we normally can’t do 50% without first seeing the order size but I requested it for this one time code, it will expire at the end of the week so I would recommend you order soon, also the minimum order is $50 but that should not be a problem. If you want the 2 items that are out of stock, your order may be delayed but if you order the items in stock and perhaps some more, we can ship it out ASAP, thanks again and please let me know if you have any other questions. Also I have answered your questions below, thanks.

  • 日本語に訳してください。

    英語が得意な方よろしくお願いします。 Thank you for you order, Sorry about that we still have not receive about your reply, please take a photo of the damage print and send it to us, it could help us to follow your case. If we have not receive the reply form you then we have to ship the package of #56585256 first, hope you could understand. Thank you and looking for your reply

  • 至急! 翻訳・日本語に訳して下さい

    翻訳してください。 I believe we can do that, I just need to see how we create a line item for it. I will be in touch shortly. Please keep in mind, Ira Woods Inc will not be responsible for any warehouse charges accrued on your end. I just wanted to make sure that was clear. Ok, lets do this. I have a $100 e-gift card you can purchase via paypal, and I can then apply it to the shipping charge. Please see link below…. Please let me know once you order it, and I will set up the order. Im not sure, it depends on how many they have awaiting pickup I just placed the order. I will try to get the order out asap. The below items from order no. 1600 have been shipped to you. If your order included additional items not listed below, you will receive a separate email notification once those items are shipped. Please allow a minimum of 24 hours for the below tracking to register with the shipping carrier.

  • 英文を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。送料と値引きの事でメールが来ました。 すみませんが意味を教えて下さい。お願いします。 Sorry that's my mistake. After the store credit for your missing stock the total will be $AAAA. However, the 10% discount only applies on larger orders of over $200. Therefore to this order I would not be able to apply the 10%. Let me know please if you'd like to add up to your order and I will then change the invoice accordingly adding the discount. If you are happy to have it as it is I will take the $10 for the missing stock off of your invoice and will email you the updated one.

  • 翻訳をお願いいたします。

    以下の内容を詳しく翻訳の程よろしくお願いいたします。 Thank you for your order (*********). Amazon has forwarded your order to us and we will process it as fast as possible. Your order number is: +++++++ Please always state this number when you contact us so we can answer your questions quickly and without delay. Please take note of the estimated time of shipping, which is also stated on the product link. Please note that our shipments are dispatched from Switzerland, Europe. Please note that weekend and public holidays are not working days. Feel free to contact us for further questions. You can do so by replying to this mail (not the one from Amazon). Please always send the message history along. This will ensure fast processing. Below you will find your shipping address. If this is incorrect please contact us as soon as possible, so it can be changed before dispatch: All our products are delivered in exactly the same state in which we receive them from the manufacturer. Items that are not shrinkwrapped are still new and this does not affect the quality of the product. Please note that items that are delivered from the manufacturer that are not sealed will not be resealed by us due to environmental reasons. Please also note that shrinkwrap is simply part of the packaging and not part of the product. If you are satisfied with our service we would be grateful if you would leave positive feedback at Amazon.
