Differences in cultural values and thought patterns between Americans and Japanese

  • Explore the differences in cultural values, logic, and thought patterns between Americans and Japanese, which often lead to communication problems and influence persuasion, negotiation, and conflict resolution.
  • Americans rely on linear logic, emphasizing direct communication and organizing ideas in outline form, while the Japanese prefer high-context logic, starting with background information and gradually focusing on the main points.
  • Western logic is often perceived as intrusive by the Japanese, who value personal thinking and resist ordering facts for others.
  • ベストアンサー


Differences in cultural values, logic, and thought patterns are often reflected in the very different ways Americans and Japanese organize and present information, ideas, and opinions.These differences lie at the root of many communication problems and exert a powerful influence on the process of of persuation negotiation and conflict resolution. The rules of logic established by the Greeks and Romans are widely accepted in Western cultures, but this Western logic is by no means universal.Logic is a product of culture, and many Asian cultures such as the Japanese operate under different logical assumptions. When Americans get confused and frustrated listening toJapanese, they often complainthat the Japanese "just are't logical" and seem incapable or unwilling to use traditional Western logic. This impression is largely due to cultural differences in reasorning and thought patterns. From an early age, Americans are thought to be orderly in outlining their facts and in summarizing their main points according to framework that reflects Western logical structures.The logical way of presenting ideas in the West could be called linear or "straight-line"logic, which emphasizes direct and explicit communication.The most important aspects of straight-line logic are organizing your presentation in outline form and "getting straight to the point."In general, more low-context mainstream American patterns of thought and presentation are analogous to lines because all parts of the message must be explicity connected clearly and directly. But the Japanese do not learn to order their facts or present information and ideas in the same way.They consider the practice of ordering facts for others comparable to tying a child's shoelaces for him after the child has already learned the skill.American linear, one-step-at-a-time arguments and logic can seem immature to the Japanese, and Western logic is often perceived as instrusive - an attempt to get inside the heads of other people and try to do their thinking for them. But if Americans think in a linear way, then how do Japanese think?A natural response would be that since the circle is the opposite of line, then the Japanese probably think in circles.It is said that the more high-context Japanese prefer to use the logic patterns that emphasize talking "around " the subject rather than on it.The Japanese start at the edges with a wealth of background information and explanations and the n gradually "circle in" on the thesis and main points. However, in some respects, Jappanese patterns of thought and presentation are not like lines at all, but like a series of "dots." Parts of the message are contained in the individual dots, it is up to the audience to link the dots in their heads.In low-context cultures the meaning of communication is stated to the audience directly and all the steps and links are clearly put forth by the speaker verbally.But in high-context cultures the meaning of communication is elicited by the audience indirectly and intuitively - all the steps and links do not have to be clearly put forth verbally.

  • Xackt
  • お礼率61% (38/62)
  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9728/12102)

以下のとおりお答えします。誤植や脱落と思しきところは推測で補いましたので、一部誤訳があるかも知れません。(内容はとても面白かったです。) 文化的価値観、論理および思考様式の違いは、アメリカ人と日本人の情報、概念および意見の構成・提示において、しばしば大きく異なる仕方で反映されます。この違いは、多くのコミュニケーション問題の根底に横たわっており、説得交渉や衝突解消の過程で強力な影響を及ぼします。 ギリシャ人とローマ人によって確立された論理の規則は、西欧文化の中で広く受理されていますが、この西欧的論理は決して普遍的なものではありません。論理は文化から醸成されるもので、日本人など多くのアジア文化はまた異なる論理的仮定の下で作動します。 アメリカ人が日本人の話を聞いて当惑し、イラつくとき、日本人は「まったく論理的でない」し、伝統の西欧的論理を使う能力も意志もなさそうだ、と不満をこぼします。この印象は、大部分が論理的判断や思考様式に関する文化的位相差に起因します。 アメリカ人は、若年齢のころから、当該事実を概説することや西欧の論理構造を反映する枠組みに従ってその中心点を要約することにおいて、よくわきまえていると考えられます。西欧では考えを表わす論理方法は、線形、もしくは「一直線状の」論理、と呼ぶことができるかも知れません。それは、直接的で明示的なコミュニケーションを強調します。一直線状の論理の最も重要な形相は、プレゼンテーションを概説形式で構成することと、「一直線に要点を捕えること」にあります。一般的に言って、文脈依存度のより低い思考とプレゼンテーションのアメリカ的様式の主流は、メッセージの諸部分の全体がはっきり直接に結合して明示的なはずなので、それは線条に類比されます。 しかし日本人は、事実を整理したり、情報や概念を提示したりする仕方を、同じように学ぶのではありません。彼らは、他人のために事実をわきまえる行為を斟酌しますが、それは、子どもがすでに技術を学習した後なのに靴ひもを結んでやろうとすることになぞらえることができます。アメリカ人の線的な「一回に一段階」説とその論理は、日本人にとっては子どもっぽいと見えるのかも知れません。そして、西欧の論理はしばしば教化的なもの ― 他人の頭の内部に入り込み、彼らの考えていることを彼らに代って行おうとする試み ― として知覚されるのです。 けれどもアメリカ人が線的な方法で考えるとするならば、日本人は一体どのように考えるでしょうか。自然な反応としては、線の反対は円ですから、きっと日本人は円で考える、というようなことかも知れません。文脈依存度のより高い日本人は、主題に関してというより、「その周辺」を語ることを強調するような論理様式の使用を好むと言われています。日本人は、豊富な背景的情報や説明をもって、端っこからスタートし、徐々に本題と要点に関する「円の中」へ移動していきます。(このあたり原文の脱落があるようで、推測で訳しました。) しかしながら、幾つかの面で日本人の思考やプレゼンテーションの様式はまったく線的でなく、むしろ一続きの「点」に似ています。メッセージの部分は、個々の点に含まれ、頭の中で点と点を連結することは聞き手側の責任に任されます。文脈依存度のより低い文化では、コミュニケーションの意味は、聞き手に直接述べられ、中間段階とその連結はすべて話者によって口頭から明白に表出されます。しかし、文脈依存度のより高い文化では、コミュニケーションの意味は、聞き手によって間接的・直観的に引き出されるのです。― 必ずしもすべての中間段階とその連結が口頭で明白に表出される必要はない、ということです。





  • 自治医大英語入試問題です。

    自治医大英語入試問題です。 (あ)の部分の質問です。 質問1 more low-context mainstream は、「文脈がなければないほど」という副詞節でしょうか。 支離滅裂な話は、何本もの直線に似ている、ということでしょうか。 質問2 この下線部の前の文章に比べて、この文がin general ならば、アメリカ人の考えは、何本もの 直線になることが多いということでしょうか。 質問3 アメリカ人は何本もの直線を結びつけずに、核心にたどり着くということでしょうか。論理を展開せずに、羅列して核心を説明するということでしょうか。 Differences in cultural values, logic, and thought patterns are often reflected in the very different ways Americans and Japanese organize and present information, ideas, and opinions. These differences lie at the root of many communication problems and exert a powerful influence on the process of persuasion, negotiation and conflict resolution. 1)The rules of logic established by the Greeks and Romans are widely accepted in Western cultures, but this Western logic is by no means universal. Logic is a product of culture, and many Asian cultures such as the Japanese operate under different logical assumptions. When Americans get confused and frustrated listening to Japanese, they often complain that the Japanese "just aren't logical," and seem incapable or unwilling to use traditional Western logic. This impression is largely due to cultural differences in reasoning and thought patterns.   2)From an early age, Americans are taught to be orderly in outlining their facts and in summarizing their main points according to a framework that reflects Western logical structures. The logical way of presenting ideas in the West could be called linear or “straight-line" logic, which emphasizes direct and explicit communication. The most important aspects of straight-line logic are organizing your presentation in outline form and “getting straight to the point." (あ)In general, more low-context mainstream American patterns of thought and presentation are *1analogous to lines because all parts of the message must be explicitly connected clearly and directly. But the Japanese do not learn to order their facts or present information and ideas in the same way. 参考http://edn.jp/makeprogress/Lesson07tra.pdf

  • 高3 英語の質問です

    長文の問題集にあったもので、 The rules of logic established by the Greeks and Romans are widely accepted in Western cultures,but this Western logic is by no means universal. Logic is a product of culture,and many Asian cultures such as the Japanese operate under different logical assumptions. という英文を書き換える整序問題で、答えを出すことはできたのですが、 答:Logic is different from culture to culture because every culture has its own way of reasoning and thinking. の、「to culture」というのがどういう意味(はたらき?)をしているのか分かりません。 教えて下さいm(_ _)m

  • 和訳です。

    英文の和訳をお願いします。 途中、並び替えがあります。 スペルには気をつけましたが、ミスがあったら指摘していただいて結構です。お願いします。  It is often said that the Japanese are shy or mysterious and that it is impossible to guess what they are thinking. In many cases, however, they may simply be trying to behave politely according to their own custums. Japanese people do have their own opinions, but they tend to wait their turn to speak out. If they completely disagree with somebody, they will usually listen with an air of acceptance at first, then disagree in a rather vague and roundabout way. This is considered the polite way to do things in Japan. On the other hand, because Western people consider directness and the honest expression of one's opinions more important, they tend to express their ideas more crearly. Even though quarrels sometimes take place, they do not usually affect people's relationships, except in extreme cases. In Japan, however, if you go against someone and create a bad atmosphere, your relations may break off completely. People tend to react emotionally, and most (afraid,are,being,excluded,from,of,the group).  Silence can be also be concidered a kind of ambiguity. Between the Japanese and Westerners, there is a different understanding of silence. For the Japanese, silence indicates deep thinking or consideration, but too much silence often makes non-Japanese uncomfortable. Whereas the Japanese consider silence as rather good and people generally feel sympathetic toward it, non-Japanese sometimes feel that it is an indication of indifference. Too many words, however, are a kind of pressure for many Japanese and make them nervous and ill-at-ease.  Aimai can result in misunderstandings, and people from other countries sometimes become irritated because the Japanese seem unable to answer “yes” or “no” directly. For example, if asked, “Which will you have, tea or coffee?” a Japanese person will often reply, “Either is OK.” This is a reserved and polite answer, but it often causes the host or hostess trouble. In fact, the word that Japanese most often have difficulty in using is“no” and their use of vague denials may lead to a great deal of friction and misunderstanding. To solve this problem, the Japanese need to become aware of their sense of ambiguity because many of them simply do not realize that it causes problems. With this awareness, they can try to express their opinions more clearly. On the other hand, non-Japanese should try to understand the Japanese mentality and the importance of the role that ambiguity plays in Japanese life. 以上になります。 あまり難しくないように思えましたが、長い文になると、意外と見落としている語があったり、訳していて、おそらく訳す順が変で、しっくり来ない部分があり、少し自信が無かったです。

  • 和訳

     和訳例をお願い致します。  According to the WHO, they can expect to live longer, on average, than any other group of people on earth. This long (A) expectancy has often been attributed to the Japanese diet and eating habits. However, the Japanese diet and eating habits have been changing and effects of these changes are causing alarm.  Traditionally, the Japanese cuisine is widely regarded as one of the healthiest in the world. Quite often, Japanese food is served raw of cooked lightly. These days, however, the traditional Japanese diet has been giving way to a more varied cuisine. Non-traditional Japanese food, such as pasta and hamburgers, is becoming as common for the average Japanese person as soba and sushi. In addition to  greater variety, Japanese people today are eating more fatty foods. The Japanese also have begun to change their diet away from fresh and raw food towards highly processed meals. It is not uncommon for Japanese children to eat hamburgers, deep-fried chicken and pizza. The popularity of such foods is evident in the increasing number of fast food restaurants that have opened in Japan, many of  which are attracting not only teenagers also families.  The changing eating habits are also cause for concern. In the past, a number of the family used to spend considerable time shopping for fresh ingredients and preparing daily meals for the family. Today, more people live alone in comparison to previous decades. The practice of shopping for food and preparing fresh meals, which was formerly performed by one person in a household, often proves to be too difficult a daily task for the individual person. Many of today's busy working couples do not have enough time to prepare decent meals for themselves or their children. (B), ready-made meals and fast food restaurants are becoming more common.  The changes in the Japanese diet and eating habits have begun to affect the health of the people. Indeed, the Japanese are getting fatter; statistics currently show that there are 24 percent of Japanese over 15 years of age who are believed to be overweight. leading experts beleve that the life expectancy in Japan is going to become shorter on account of this shift in diet and eating habits. 【設問】 (A)に入る最も適切な語 (B)1As a consequence 2In addition 3In the same way 4On the other hand 以上です。

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします。

    Discourses of the Vanishing: Modernity, Phantasm, Japanという本の一部なのですがわからないので和訳をお願い致します。 Disclosed in the image of assimilation with its insistence on the final imperviousness of Japanese culture is a profound categorical uneasiness,an uneasiness contained only by keeping the spheres of the economic and cultural distinct. Americans know that the Japanese are technologically and economically modern―with factory robot,electronic toys,and megabanks ーbut culturally,Japan is “an exclusive,homogeneous Asian ocean-and-island realm, tribal,intricately compact,suppressive,fiercely focused.” Tribal? This description,from Time magazine,reveals the popular extent to which Americans perceive Japanese as culturally not modern, a nonmodernity sustained by patterns of social organization and symbolic production that persist no matter what goes on in the fabulous realms of advanced capitalism. ちなみにTribal? This description,from Time magazine,reveals the popular extent to which Americans perceive Japanese~ のwhichの先行詞はextentでいいのでしょうか? またこの場合はどの様な用法で使われているのでしょうか? そちらの方もよろしければ教えてくださいますか?よろしくお願いします。

  • 難しい英文の和訳をお願いします。

    Discourses of the Vanishing: Modernity, Phantasm, Japanという本の一部なのですがわからないので解釈がしやすい和訳をお願い致します。 Disclosed in the image of assimilation with its insistence on the final imperviousness of Japanese culture is a profound categorical uneasiness,an uneasiness contained only by keeping the spheres of the economic and cultural distinct. Americans know that the Japanese are technologically and economically modern―with factory robot,electronic toys,and megabanks ーbut culturally,Japan is “an exclusive,homogeneous Asian ocean-and-island realm, tribal,intricately compact,suppressive,fiercely focused.” Tribal? This description,from Time magazine,reveals the popular extent to which Americans perceive Japanese as culturally not modern, a nonmodernity sustained by patterns of social organization and symbolic production that persist no matter what goes on in the fabulous realms of advanced capitalism. ちなみにTribal? This description,from Time magazine,reveals the popular extent to which Americans perceive Japanese~ のwhichの先行詞はextentでいいのでしょうか? またこの場合はどの様な用法で使われているのでしょうか? そちらの方もよろしければ教えてくださいますか?よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳してください。

    和訳してください。 Different cultures have different ways of choosing what to name a baby. In some cultures parents name their babies for qualities they want them to have;for example,some American girls have names like Joy and Grace,and some Mexican girls are named Esperanza,or "hope". In many cultures, babies are named after relatives,dead or alive,or famous people. In some cultures,who names the baby is a serious matter. That privilege is often reserved for the mother, father,or an uncle. In parts of Africa, the baby helps decide;someone reads a list of names,and when the baby sneezes, it gets the last name that was read. Some Malaysian parents follow the same practice but instead of waiting for the baby to sneeze,they wait for it to smile.

  • 【至急】和訳お願いします。

    うまく訳せない部分があるのですが、どなたか和訳していただけませんか? Today Europe faces a new flow of immigrants from countries that have not shared the experiences of Western culture. Eastern Europeans are moving west since the fall of the Communist regimes in 1989. The influx is destined to increase, perhaps dramatically, because of the changes in Eastern Europe. Immigrantion from Third and Fourth World countries is creating new social and economic problems. The impact of immigrants from so many different cultures may also undermine Europe's delicate cultural equilibrium. These newcomers have to adjust to two new cultures. They must learn to live in a society that is both European and technological. 以上です。よろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m

  • 和訳をお願いいたしますm(_ _)m

    和訳をよろしくお願いします! On November 15 a festival is held for children seven (siti)five(go) and three(san) years old, and so the festival is called shichi-go-san. The reason why we have a celebration for these years is because odd numbers are believed to be lucky since they cannot be divided by two. In addition, we are told that since the ages of 7, 5 and 3 years are important growth steps for children, it is, therefore, significant to honor the children of these ages. In many parts of Japan, a child is received as a member of a shrine parts when he or she is seven. Though the are variations according to locality, in general, boys who are three and five and girls who are three and seven are dressed in their best clothes, and are taken by their parents to large and prestigious shrines, and very often A to the shrines of their local deities. It is customary after the visit to buy chitose-ame(thousand-year candy), sold at the stalls on the grounds of the shrine. よろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m

  • 和訳お願いします!!

     The sports people play in America and Japan tend to be quite similar. However, the way these sports are played in each society shows diffrences that reflect both cultures.  Though professional baseball teams in America and Japan play by the some rules, many aspects of the game are approached differently. A difference can be seen just by looking at the players and the game. Japanese players usually have a neat hairstyle without a beard or moustache, while American players wear their hair in various ways. Japanese players tend to practice much more than American players. December is the only month when Japanese players don't practice, while American players have three or four months of holidays during the off-season. Moreover, on game days. Japanese players spend most of the day (practice).  These approaches to baseball, the practice time is seen as a way to persevere and show effort. It not only improves performance, but builds group harmony. However, American players don't care about harmony or perseverance. Instead, the most important thing is better to save their energy, which will (win/them/give/chance/to/a better). As long asthe team wins, harmony and perseverance don't matter.  Another difference in baseball involves the relationship between the manager and the players. In japan, the manager has complete control over the players and (to/them/do/what/tells) in many situations. In America, the players are freer to play the game as they like, and even when they are told what to do by their manager, they sometimes disagree and do something different. If the player's decision is correct and it helps the team win, the player is usually (5). ( )の中は並び替えと適切な形にしてください。 (5)は(fired/punished/forgiven/ignored)の中から選んでください!! お願いします!!