• ベストアンサー


  Much of the world is now one harvest away from the starvation. 「世界の多くは、今や飢餓には程遠い収穫である??」 awayから後は副詞句ですか?? よくわかりません。 解説お願いします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数4
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー

He is ten years old. こういう年齢表現もそうですが、 ten years という名詞が副詞的に形容詞 old を修飾しています。 He is five centimeters taller than his brother. こういう比較級で差を表す表現も同じ。 数詞つきの名詞は形容詞・副詞の前に置くことで、 どれだけそうであるかを表すことができます。 ここでも one harvest は前の動詞とのつながりでみるのでなく、 後の away from ~にかかっていきます。 I stayed one night more than my wife. こういう英語でも、one night が stayed とつながる副詞、 という人が多いのですが、one night は more という比較級にかかります。 >awayから後は副詞句ですか?? 普通にはそうでしょうね。 is の後だから補語的です。 補語だから形容詞的でもあり、 副詞でも補語になれます。 (普通にはこういう be は「ある」で、away ~は副詞、とするんでしょうね)



比較級の例がわかりやすかったです。 名詞が後の 副詞にかかると考えればわかりやすいですね。 基本的なことを理解していないと 難しい文になると わからなくなってしまいます。 ありがとうございます。

その他の回答 (3)

  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9726/12098)

「補足」への書き込みをありがとうございました。 > be動詞の後でも 副詞がくることもあるんですね。 ⇒そうですね。 ただしこの場合のisは「繋辞動詞用法」("「A is B."のように、「~である」の意味を表わす)ではなく、「存在動詞用法」("He isn't here. "のように、「~にある・いる」の意味を表わす)として用いられている例です。 そこで、テキストを語句に分割して、逐語訳すれば次のようになります。 Much of the world :「世界の多くは」 is :「ある」 now :「今や」 one harvest away from the starvation :飢餓から一つの収穫分離れて」 分かりやすくするためにまとめて意訳すれば、 「世界の多くは、今や一回分の収穫がなければ、飢餓に陥る状況にある。」 ということになります。 以上、再伸まで。



詳しい説明ありがとうございます。 存在動詞のbe動詞だったんですね。 本当に助かりました。

  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9726/12098)

>Much of the world is now one harvest away from the starvation. ⇒「世界の多くは、今や収穫量が飢餓から一歩(手前)のところにある。」 >awayから後は副詞句ですか?? ⇒いいえ、one harvest away from the starvationが1まとまりになって、「飢餓から1つの(=わずかの)収穫のところに」という意味の副詞句です。 S+Vの構造で、副詞nowと、副詞句 one harvest away from the starvationとがともに V (is) にかかっています。 以上、ご回答まで。



ありがとうございます。  be動詞の後でも 副詞がくることもあるんですね。


away from ~で「~から離れている」 どれほど離れているかが one harvest です。 世界の多くが、今やあと一収穫ほどしか、飢餓から離れていない。 あと一収穫でも収穫されなければ即飢餓へと陥ってしまう。


  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    Through 1916, the food crisis deepened, compounded by a poor potato harvest across all of the Low Countries; in neighbouring Belgium, the harvest was between 30% and 40% down on the previous year. Although many Luxembourgers were on near-starvation level dietary intakes, the country managed to avoid famine. In part, this was due to a reduction of German soldiers' dependence upon local food sources, instead relying on imports from Germany. Despite the avoidance of a famine, the Luxembourgish government lost much of the faith placed in it by the public and by the politicians. On 22 December 1916, Michel Welter, the minister responsible, was censured by the Chamber of Deputies, which demanded his resignation. Thorn procrastinated, seeking any option but firing the leader of one of three major parties, but could find none. On 3 January 1917, Welter was fired, and replaced by another socialist, Ernest Leclère. Even after the change and von Tessmar's promise of his soldiers' better conduct in future, Léon Kauffmann was capable of citing thirty-six instances of German soldiers caught smuggling foodstuffs between March 1917 and June 1918.

  • 日本語訳をお願いします

    (1) Only within the moment of time represented by the present century has one species-man-acquired significant power to alter the nature of his world. (2) In this now universal contamination of the environment, chemicals are the sinister and little-recognized partners of radiation in changing the very nature of the world - the very nature of its life. (3) Similarly, chemicals sprayed on croplands or forests or gardens lie long in soil, entering into living organisms, passing from one to another in a chain of poisoning and death.  ______  英語が苦手で,,,一応自分でも訳してはいるのですがグチャグチャになってしまいます(泣)  よろしくお願いします。

  • far awayについて

    質問です。 某英文解釈教材に With light we know what is happening at places far away. (光によって我々は遠く離れた所で何が起こっているかを知る) という文があり、説明では「at places far away 」は「far away 」が後ろから「places」 にかかって、「遠く離れた場所で」となると書いてありました。 辞書では「far away [off] ずっと離れた所に.」と出てきて副詞的に訳されているのですがここでは 副詞句が名詞を修飾していると考えるのでしょうか? それとも「far away」という副詞句が「at places」という副詞句を修飾していると考えればいいのでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 日本語訳を頼みます。

    お願いします 1 The world is becoming a "global village" right before our eyes. English is emerging as the international language. It is the first language of many nations and a second language in countries such as India and Nigeria. 2 Why is English so adaptable? Its history provides one clue. English has always been open to new words from different tongues. This is not the situation in France, Italy, or Spain, where language academies have kept their respective languages free of foreign words.

  • 数詞の後の語

     どうしても分からないので教えて頂きたいのですが、例えば We go 100 miles far. という文で 100 miles far の farは副詞だと思うのですが、miles の位置づけが分かりません。100が数詞だとすると100 milesでfarを修飾する副詞(句?)となっているのでしょうか?milesの品詞は何にあたるのでしょうか? milesが名詞だとすると、ちょっと違うかもしれませんが of 100 miles の様な副詞句の 前置詞 of を省略して、前置したものと考えても?以前 from one to twelve peopleの様な記述を見て前置詞 + 名詞でも 数量的な表現は被修飾語の前にくるのを確認した事があります。そういうもの(数量は前置)なのでしょうか? あるいはmilesの様な数詞に対応する後は特殊なのでしょうか? 品詞と使用のルールが分かると助かります。100 milesで文法的には副詞句なのでしょうか?そもそもここのmilesがどういう品詞なのかが分かりません。よろしくお願いします。

  • 訳の問題です

    和訳の問題で分からない点があるので解説を御願い致します。 1, What remains to be seen now is whether it is too late to save the rainforests. 「What」~「now」がうまく訳せません・・・。 2, I came in from work two hours ago but I've been so busy I've yet to sit down. 「in from」は前置詞が続いてしまっている様に見えますが、何かの熟語ですか? 「yet to」もイマイチ分かりません・・・。 3, So intense was my delight in the beautiful world about me that I forgot even myself. 「about」以下の訳し方が分かりません。 解答お待ちしております!

  • 日本語訳を! 7-(1)

    お願いします。 (1) What if you were an Egyptian tomb builder? Life for you 4,500 years ago may have gone this way: The barge floated upstream, bumping to a stop at the dock alongside a small farming village located a week's journey south of the capital of Mennefer. The king's men disembarked and marched double file over the pier heading for the village center. Word of their arrival rippled from house to mud-brick house. Men and women trickled out of their homes and formed a loose ring around the king's messengers. Curious and shy, the youngest children peeked out from behind their mother's legs. One of the king's men―a scribe―unrolled a scroll and held it at arm's length. He shouted out names. You caught your breath. Would you be on the list? (2) Your grandfather set the first stones in King Khufu's mer. Now 20 years later, the eternal home is nearly finished, but there is still much work to be done. A king's eternal home is more than just a mer . There are temples and causeways and walls and the queen's tombs to be built. A papyrus inscription, called the Turin Papyrus, written long after you had traveled to the afterlife, and long after kings had stopped being buried at Giza, claims the Great Pyramid was built in less than 23 years. But for all the years you can remember, you have watched your friends board the king's barge when he harvest was done. When the floods receded, and they came back, the women fussed over them, and the men treated them with respect. You caught them sometimes walking with a swagger. They had seen the world. (3) Not everyone came home. Those that came back brought news of the ones that stayed. They had married and had children and learned trades other than farming. They chose to stay on at the Giza Plateau and work for the king. (4) For two weeks now you have felt the restlessness of the flood time. If the king's men call your name, will you be one who never returns? Will this be the last time you see your village and your family?

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    You will need to prepare a small foot warmer or a hot-water bottle to warm yourself when you enter the air-raid shelter at our house, because it is very cold inside. A blanket is also necessary. Make sure you take matting, too. I really feel sorry for you, hearing how your hands get cold and cracked because of the cold weather and water in winter. Whenever you use water, make sure you dry your hands thoroughly and then rub them until they get warm. These are letters written from a battlefield by a husband to his wife in Tokyo during World War II. The writer of these letters was Lieutennant General Tadamichi Kuribayashi, a commander on Iwoto. He wrote these letters from the battlefield, which was burnt like a sea of fire by the US forces. Iwoto is a small flat island of 23.16 km^ that lies some 1,250 km distant from Tokyo. It is a barren island with no rivers or ponds. However, it was one of the hardest-fought battlefields of World War II.

  • 日本語訳を!(9)

    お願いします (1) If you became sick in ancient times, Egypt was where you would want to be. It offered the best medical care. The Greek poet Homer writes in about 725 BCE in the Odyssey about Egyptian doctors, "In medical knowledge the Egyptian leaves the rest of the world behind." Egyptians began practicing medicine by applying salves to the eyes as long as 6,000 years ago, and over the millennia their skills became world renowned, so much so that rulers of other countries sent for Egyptian doctors to cure their ills. Their treatments may sound primitive to us, but no doubt 6,000 years from now our "modern medicine" will seem positively barbaric to future scientists. (2) In many ways, medicine in ancient Egypt was like medicine today. Doctors then studied for many years in medical schools called peru-ankh, or "houses of life." They studied textbooks to learn how to recognize diseases by their symptoms and hat to do to cure the patient. The Greek historian Diodorus Siculus writes, "They administer their treatments in accordance with a written law which was composed in ancient times by many famous physicians." (3) The Ebers Papyrus is one of the oldest medical documents from anywhere in the ancient world. The papyrus scroll is more than 60 feet long and is inscribed on both sides. Some of the cures don't sound too bad. For indigestion the Ebers Papyrus advises patients to "crush a hog's tooth and put it inside four sugar cakes. Eat for four days." But other cures sound pretty disgusting. For a cut, "after the scab has fallen off put on it: Scribe's excrement. Mix in fresh milk and apply as a poultice."

  • 空所補充&英訳お願いします!

    万一雨が降れば、農夫たちは収穫を延期しなければならないだろう。 ( )now,the farmers( )have to postpone the harvest. 二つの( )には 合わせて4語が入ります 英訳 もし彼女がこのことを知ったらどうなるだろう。 Is she if she knew about this? 自分なりに考えたんですけど、どこを訂正すればいいですか? お願いします(>_<)