The Fascinating Story of the Raccoon

  • Discover the intriguing story of the raccoon in Jamestown
  • Learn about the unique features and diet of the raccoon
  • Uncover the origin of the name 'raccoon' and its significance
  • ベストアンサー


The colonists at Jamestown soon found that in the forests around them there lived a useful forbearing animal unlike any they had ever seen in England. When they asked the Indian what they called this creature, the natives said something which sounded to the colonists like "arocoun" or "aroughcun." Imitating the natives a best they could, the settlers called the animal in question a raccoon, a name which after a time became shortened to coon. The thing about this animal which impressed the Indians most was that his forepaws look very much like tiny hands. With these little hands he gets a good deal of his food by scratching in moist ground along branches and creeks for earthworms, crawfish, and turtle eggs. He also likes mice and often scratches them out of their shallow burrows. So the Indians gave him a name which means "he scratches with his hands."

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
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  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9721/12093)

以下のとおりお答えします。 ジェームズタウンの入植者はまもなく、彼らがかつてイングランドで見たどれとも異なる有用な辛抱強い動物が彼らの周りの森林にいることを知りました。この生き物を何と呼ぶかインディアンに尋ねた時、原住民は入植者にとって「arocoun」とか「aroughcun」と聞こえるようなことを言いました。開拓者は、できる限り原住民をまねて、問題の動物をraccoon(アライグマ)と呼びましたが、後にその名はcoon(「アライグマ」の他に「長命の・しつこい・ずる賢いやつ」のニュアンスあり)と短縮されるようになりました。 この動物に関してインディアンを最も印象づけたことは、その前足が小さな手そっくりに見えるということでした。そのちっちゃな手で、ミミズ、ザリガニおよびカメの卵などを求めて中小の川に沿って湿地を引っ掻きながら多くの食べものを捕獲します。さらに、それはハツカネズミが好きで、しばしば浅い巣穴からそれらを引っ掻き出します。それでインディアンは、「手で引っ掻くやつ」を意味する名前をそれにつけたのでした。 以上、ご回答まで。


  • 長文の訳お願いします

    Fortunately, we know who made this term and the occasion upon which he first used it. Noah Webster, the famous dictionary maker, coined demoralize. Although he spent fifty years of his life studying words and defining them in dictionaries, this is the only one he ever made. In 1794 he wrote about the French Revolution, and in this he emphasized the bad effects of war, especially civil war, on the morals of the people involved. He referred to these effects as demoralizing. Webster knew he had added a word to the language. He watched to see if others would adopt it, and was pleased to see that the term soon became popular. Before he died in 1843 he knew demoralize had become firmly established in the language. His word has had an unusual thing happen to it. As soon as people began to notice the term, some of them supposed Webster had borrowed it form the French word demoraliser, but in a dictionary he brought out in 1828 Webster explained he had made it by placing the common prefix de on moralize or moral. And this explanation he stuck to as long as he lived. Not long after his death, however, his word was explained as being derived from French, and some dictionaries still give this explanation of it. How does your dictionary say demoralize originated?

  • 翻訳希望

    英文を和訳していただけるかた のみで、お願いできますでしょうか? 身体の比喩が続いていると思いますが、 意訳などしていただけると嬉しいです。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします The fingers are shorter than the palms.. The palms sweat. The nails are imperfect; the nails grow too fast and grow awkwardly, too thick in some places, too thin in others; break easily; brittle, spade shaped nails of a pinky hue. The hands are cold and pallid during the day but hot in the evenings. Picks at the fingers, just as if he had something in his fingers when there is nothing there. Clumsy motion of the hands and finger,. In handling things he drops them his fingers open. While holding things continually breaking dishes in the kitchen and such like, anything slippery goes through them He has a job opening plastic bags the finger tips have no grip or dragging in the skin, they slip as if greased. The palms are warmed toned more color in them than the backs they have a hollow they are firm and springy, flexible and strong. His grip and handshake is tight and quick and vigorous, a robust handshake.

  • 長文ですがどなたか翻訳をお願いします。

    父親の特徴が書いてあります。 日本語訳をしていただければ助かります! 宜しくお願いします。 His father was a healthy lusty person, with a lot of physical vitality. Big in stature and with a lot of muscular strength and energy. A man with a long face and hollow eyes, brown hair. There was a stiffness in his demeanor and body and a formality in his manner.. Well liked by women and apt to go wrong in life. A man of meager fortunes who was greedy and lazy with a moral decay when it came to money. A conceited hypocrite, with an authoritative manner. who tried to set his children a good example by the way he lived his life, and enforced his good manners and standards on them, which would have been ok, had he lived up to these in his own life. But he always open to receiving benefits from others, but giving non of his own. Wanting distinction in life. In his past there may have been a murder close to him. Or some kind of blood bath through which he passed. He had an untidy but comfortable room with open books. Liked mental pursuits and learning. May have dabbled in writing, been interested in astronomy, or astrology and history literature and antiquities. His children may have only seen the best side of him, or the hardest. He made them behave, but he could be generous and encouraging to them too. He had a good memory, and was superstitious. Neither the worst nor the best of fathers

  • 長文ですがどなたか翻訳をお願いします。

    日本語に訳してください 宜しくお願いします。 His hands are strong broad, square palms, harsh hard hands, and the lines on the palm deeply cut The finger tapering and having spatula shaped tips. Trimmed nails. The nails are poor, yellowish and curved like peanuts and inclined to split, and get felons or tears in the cuticle. The finger nails have hard skin around them, like a hallo at the edges of the fingers, and on the finger tips, that sometimes crack or get cut like marks. Cracks at the ends of the fingers and on the backs of the hands sometimes, occasionally looking purple or bleeding cracks. The skin is rough ragged, exfoliates, gets abrasions and bleeds. Like hard worked hands, the tissues are hardened about the palms and nails here and there. These hands have seen hard work,. His hands are not handsome they are Skilled, useful interesting looking hands, that tell their own story of where they have been and what they have been doing. Occasionally they get a little swollen from work. And the veins become visible in them in the warmth of a hot day. He tends to scratch the hands, and picks flaky or hard skin off the palms or fingers when it occurs.

  • 長文の訳をお願いします

    Go to just about any seashore in Japan-Tokyo Bay, Osaka Bay, Nagoya Bay, Hakata Bay, or other places-and have a good look at posts or jetties in the sea. You'll notice blackish, oval shells about 5 cm long clinging to the sides. They are called mussels. Lovers of Italian food are delighted to see them piled on top of a plate of spaghetti in a restaurant. Mussels originally come from a broad area of sea ranging from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic Ocean. They arrived in Japan on the bottoms of ships sailing back and forth between that part of the world and Japan. They were first spotted in Japan in Kobe Harbor in 1935, and quickly spread throughout the archipelago. The fame of these shellfish has spread beyond Italy. In France, mussels (or moules in French) are deep-fried like potatoes and called moules frites, they've become a favorite fastfood for ordinary people. In fact, moules frites are even more popular in Belgium than they are in France. They are practically synonymous with Belgian cuisine. That is why the best mussel restaurants in Paris and Brussels almost always recommend Belgian beer to accompany the dish. In Japan, the igai(called nitarigai in some provinces) is a relative of the mussel family. It lives in deeper water than mussels, and can grow three times larger. In ancient times, the shells were collected as a type of tax by the central government. Today, too, they have considerable value. The shell of a European mussel appears slightly more purplish than an igai, and so the former is sometimes called murasakigai. Mussels are such a popular food item in Europe that they are farmed in France and Italy. Strange to say, they seem to pass unnoticed in Japan despite their abundance in the sea. It is a great mistake to think that Japanese mussels are not the "real thing" and European mussels are. It's a pity that only some marine specialists and gourmets appreciate the flavor and delicacy of Japanese mussels. Mussels are hated in Hiroshima and other oyster farming areas. They attach themselves to the shells of the oysters and eat the plankton meant for the oysters. This prevents the growth of the oysters. Oyster farmers pry the mussels off the oyster shells and ship them to market, but there is little demand for them. In Japan, these mussels are a luxury few can afford. In Japan, people who fish from sea walls and jetties frequently use mussels as bait. The poor mussels are collected in handfuls, and then stomped on to crush the shells. Japanese waters have recently become clean again, but there are still obvious pockets of pollution. Probably no one who saw a mussel in a polluted area would wish to eat it. However, there are still plenty of tasty and clean mussels in Japanese Waters. If you ask at a first-class restaurant in Japan whether the mussels they served were caught in Japan or in Europe, shouldn't they answer with pride, "They are from Mie Prefecture," or "They are from lwate Prefecture"?

  • 長文の訳お願いします

    Inventors had been trying for more than a hundred years to make a satisfactory writing machine when finally in 1886 Christopher Latham Sholes produced one that became more popular than any of the others. In his application for a patent on his machine, Sholes called it a typewriter. So far as has been found, that was the first time this word was ever used. As soon as such machines became common, there was need for other words in connection with them. At first it was felt that one who operated such a machine should be called a typer, and this word got into a dictionary brought out in 1909 with the definition: "A person who uses a typewriter." It was soon found that women and girls could operate such machines quite well, and for a time they were called type girls, typewriter girls, and typewriters. Newspaper accounts sometimes mentioned typewriters, including information on how much they made per month and how they frequently married their employers. There were a few people who thought the machine should be called a typine, with the accent on the second syllable. This suggestion did not meet with favor, because typewriter, the word Sholes had used, satisfied everybody. As soon as authors began to type their articles, stories, and book some people thought a new word was needed. Manuscript comes from two Latin words meaning "hand" and "write" and signifies "hand-written." Those who were unhappy about using this word for typed material invented typescript, and this Americanism is widely used.

  • 英語でのテキストファイル にあるテキストファイルのことですが、 THE STORY OF ADAM AND EVE The first man's name was Adam and his wife he called Eve. They lived in a beautiful Garden away in the East Country which was called Eden, filled with beautiful trees and flowers of all kinds. But they did not live in Eden long for they did not obey God's command, but ate the fruit of a tree which had been forbidden them. They were driven forth by an angel and had to give up their beautiful home. とこんなふうに、hey lived in / called Eden, / they did not ・・・の後で改行が入っています。また、行頭なのにスペースも入れてません。一般にこのようにしてテキストファイルを発表する、または作るものなのでしょうか? また、強制改行することのメリットはあるのでしょうか?

  • 日本語訳を!c13-5

    お願いします!続き  In sculpture,Vishnu often has four hands,each holding a symbol of his power.Two hands are not enough to rid the world of evil.In one hand he holds a conch shell which,just like Shiva's,symbolizes his power.In another hand,he wields a razor-sharp disk,a weapon that symbolizes the way intelligence can destroy all evil(the disk is called a chakra).In another hand,Vishnu holds a lotus,a flower that grows in water.Lotuses are rooted in mud but they blossom above the water.Vishnu's lotus is a symbol of his creative force and lordship over the universe.In his fourth hand,Vishnu holds a club or mace,which is a symbol of his power and knowledge.  Shiva and Vishnu are sometimes shown together with Brahma in art.Brahma,who should not be confused with Brahman,the Ultimate Supreme Being,is the oldest of the three major Hindu deities.Although all three deities are mentioned in the Vedas,Shiva and Vishnu didn't become really popular until later.In the Ramayana,Brahma himself says that“Of the Trinity,I am the Creator,Shiva is the Destroyer,and Vishnu is the Protector.”  Brahma rides a swan or goose to symbolize purity,detachment,and divine knowledge.Brahma represents the balance between forces that destroy and fragment the universe and those that create and unite.He is usually shown with four heads,facing north,south,east,and west,so that he can see everything(at one point he actually had a fifth head,but that was cut off by Shiva during a fight).His heads also represent the four Vedas and the four groups that people are divided into(called varnas).He is often shown with four arms that hold symbolic objects: a special pot with a spout that is used for ritual cleansing and represents the earth,the sustainer of all things; palm-leaf manuscripts,which represent the Vedas; prayer beads that he uses to recite prayers; and the sacred conch shell that calls the deities to sacrifices.

  • 日本語訳を!

    お願いします (8) Much of what we know about the war with the Hyksos comes from the tomb of an Egyptian officer. Ahmose, son of Ibana, inscribed on the columns and walls of his tomb details of the many battles he fought with the Hyksos. "I was taken to the ship Northern, because I was brave. I followed the king on foot when he rode about on his chariot. When the town of Avaris was besieged, I fought bravely on foot in his majesty's presence." Ahmose was rewarded for his valor, he "was appointed to the ship Rising in Memphis. Then there was fighting on the water...I made a seizure and carried off a hand." To keep track of the number of enemy soldiers killed, it was the custom to cut off a hand and present it to the king. (9) For his victories―and the hands that went with them―Ahmose, son of Ibana, was awarded seven times the medal of honor called the Golden Fly. The Golden Fly was a gilded pin shaped like a horsefly. Although the horsefly may seem like an odd shape for a war medal,the Egyptians chose it because the horsefly was the tormentor of beasts. This medal of honor was presented only to the bravest soldiers. (10) A Roman historian writing in the first century CE, Josephus, tells us how it turned out in the end for the Hyksos.  They enclosed Avaris with a high strong wall in order to safeguard all their possessions and spoils. The Egyptian king attempted by siege to force them to surrender, blockading the fortress with an army of 480,000 men. Finally, giving up the siege in despair, he concluded a treaty by which they should all depart from Egypt. (11) Archaeologists working at Avaris don't see evidence of a mass slaughter. They believe the Hyksos were expelled and took their possessions with them. One way or the other the message was the same: Hands off Egypt.

  • 日本語訳を!c14-6

    お願いします!  He did not speak in the fancy Sanskrit used by Brahmin priests,but instead in simple,easy-to-understand words in the local languages.He quickly became very popular and had soon gathered a large following,called a sangha-a community.His followers included princes and common people,kings,and farmers-inside of the sangha,no one bothered about varna,or class.When Buddha died at the age of 80,he was cremated and his ashes were distributed and buried in dome-shaped monuments called stupas.His followers continued his work.They wore simple yellow robes and traveled around the country eight months of the year preaching the Four Noble Truths that the Buddha had taught them.  The Buddha preached Four Noble Truths that helped a person gain release from the process of rebirth.This ultimate freedom is called nirvana.It is a state in which the individual's sense of him- or herself ceases to exist and there is nothing to be reborn.Instead of focusing on“me”and“mine,”a person who follows the teachings of Buddha begins to learn how to focus on“everything and nothing”at the same time.  Early Buddhist religious practices stayed away from what they thought were difficult and snobby rituals and costly sacrifices.Simple rituals included meditation,pilgrimages,and offerings of food to pilgrims.Eventually,faithful Buddhists began to build burial monuments,meditation halls,monasteries,and sacred monuments to remind each other about the Buddha and his teachings.