• 締切済み


(1) Abandon the notion of subject-matter as something fixed and ready-made in itself, outside the child's experience; (2) the various studies, arithmetic, geography, language, botany, etc, are themselves experience- they are that of the race. (3) In the Meiji period, the reformist leader's decision to institute universal primary education and a meritoctatic system gave Japan an educated and trainable workforce and a talented elite at a time when the nation needed to make maximum use of its human resources in its effort to catch up.

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
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  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

(1)主題と言う観念を、子供の経験の外側にある何か固定的なもの、それ自体既成のものとして捨てなさい。 (2)様々な勉強、算数、地理、語学、植物学等は、それ自身経験です ― それらは、民族の経験なのです。 (3)明治時代に、革新主義の指導者が、全国民的初等教育と実力主義の制度を制定しようと決断したことは、日本が、(西欧に)追い付こうとする努力の中で、その人的資源を最大限に利用する必要があった時期に、日本に教育を受けた訓練可能な労働人口と才能のあるエリートを一度に供給しました。


  • 英文の和訳

    この英文の内容の和訳をお願いします。 Poll finds India worst for women. India scored poorly largely because of such practices as under-age marriage, dowry-abuse, domestic violence and female foeticide. The country's Domestic Violence Act, passed seven years ago, was described as progressive. But gender violence, fuelled by social prejudice against girls does persist, especially in low income families. In India, the status of women is closely linked to wealth and class. There are plenty of well-educated, professional women who enjoy personal freedoms and a Western lifestyle. India first had a female prime minister in the nineteen sixties and currently has its first female President. But their experience stands in marked contrast to the lives of rural women in the least developed states.

  • 英文和訳です

    Flying cars are even more prevalent in The Jetsons, a 1962 animated TV series about a “typical family” of the twenty-first century. Bubble-topped machines, apparently jet-powered and computer-controlled, have completely replaced the family station wagon (and, apparently, all other forms of ground transportation). The Jetson family’s car is capable of supersonic speeds and rock-steady hovering, and it folds itself into a briefcase when not in use. Typically, for stories about the future, it is ordinary to its users and astonishing to twentieth-century audiences. Blade Runner(1982) is nominally set in in the first decade of the twenty-first century, but its nightmarish vision of a more distant future. Residents are unfazed, therefore, when flying cars swoop overhead and a flying police cruiser descends vertically into their midst. よろしくお願いします^^;

  • 英文和訳です

    Flying cars are even more prevalent in The Jetsons, a 1962 animated TV series about a “typical family” of the twenty-first century. Bubble-topped machines, apparently jet-powered and computer-controlled, have completely replaced the family station wagon (and, apparently, all other forms of ground transportation). The Jetson family’s car is capable of supersonic speeds and rock-steady hovering, and it folds itself into a briefcase when not in use. Typically, for stories about the future, it is ordinary to its users and astonishing to twentieth-century audiences. Blade Runner(1982) is nominally set in in the first decade of the twenty-first century, but its nightmarish vision of a more distant future. Residents are unfazed, therefore, when flying cars swoop overhead and a flying police cruiser descends vertically into their midst. お願いします^^;

  • 英文の和訳お願いします。

    今読んでいる英文の雑誌が難しすぎてわからない部分があるのでよろしくお願いします。 課題とかでは無いので、ニュアンスが理解できればいいです。 (1)The difference between the role of Congress in shaping the copyright system and the role of courts in applying the fair use defense is that Congress is constrained in its task only by the loose harness of the Constiution’s copyright clause and by its own sense of political expedience, while courts are constrained by the purposes and factors that Congress expressly laid down in section 107 and by the precedents that have given shape to section 107 and that will continue to define its reach over time. (2)Two examples will illustrate how, in resolving the problem of transaction costs, fair use doctrine aligns the “public good” with “the claims of individuals.” (3)In the first example, a motion picture producer wishes to produce a movie based on a copy-righted novel. 自分で調べた単語 ・Congress  議会 ・ copyright system  著作権法体系 ・fair use defense  フェアユースの抗弁 ・section 107       107条 ・ transaction costs   取引費用

  • 英文の和訳お願いします。

    今読んでいる英文の雑誌が難しすぎてわからない部分があるのでよろしくお願いします。 課題とかでは無いので、ニュアンスが理解できればいいです。 (1)The difference between the role of Congress in shaping the copyright system and the role of courts in applying the fair use defense is that Congress is constrained in its task only by the loose harness of the Constiution’s copyright clause and by its own sense of political expedience, while courts are constrained by the purposes and factors that Congress expressly laid down in section 107 and by the precedents that have given shape to section 107 and that will continue to define its reach over time. (2)Two examples will illustrate how, in resolving the problem of transaction costs, fair use doctrine aligns the “public good” with “the claims of individuals.” (3)In the first example, a motion picture producer wishes to produce a movie based on a copy-righted novel. 自分で調べた単語 ・Congress  議会 ・ copyright system  著作権法体系 ・fair use defense  フェアユースの抗弁 ・section 107       107条 ・ transaction costs   取引費用

  • 英文の和訳を教えて下さい。

    http://okwave.jp/qa/q7788054.html こちらの英文の続きの文章になります。 ダッシュやコンマで繋がり、一文が長いものもあり、良く分かりませんでした。 お願いします。 Vanuatu and Hawaii are following the lead of yet another island: Iceland, which amazed the world in 1999 when it announced its intention to become the world’s first hydrogen society. Iceland, which spent $185 million – a quarter of its trade deficit – on oil imports in 2000, has joined forces with Shell Hydrogen, DaimlerChrysler and Norsk Hydro in a multimillion dollar initiative to convert the island’s buses, cars and boats to hydrogen and fuel cells over the next 30 years. In part, the transition to hydrogen energy is fuelled by three of the world’s most pressing energy-related problems: worsening urban air pollution, rising geopolitical instability due to oil import dependence, and accelerating climate change from fossil fuel combustion. Prolonging petroleum and coal reliance in transportation and electricity will increase global carbon emissions from 6.1 to 9.8 billion tons of carbon by 2020. In the absence of alternative energy sources in the market, the use of coal and oil are projected to increase by approximately 30 and 40 per cent, respectively. According to the World Energy Assessment, the accelerated replacement of oil and other fossil fuels with hydrogen could help achieve ‘deep reductions’ in carbon emissions and avoid the doubling of pre-industrial CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere: a level at which scientists expect major and potentially irreversible ecological and economic disruptions, such as sea level rising, coastal flooding, extreme weather events and loss of both biodiversity and agricultural productivity. It is no wonder that islands, stationed on the front lines of both the rising tides of climate change and a vulnerability to high oil prices, are in the vanguard of the hydrogen push.

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします

    以下の文章です。 It is, of course, true that the emancipation of Asia and Africa and the development of the European crisis went hand in hand. Among the factors which facilitated the rise of independence movements in Asia and Africa, we must include the weakening of the grip of the European powers, Iargely as a consequence of their own discords and rivalries and of the wastage of resources in which their wars resulted. From the time of the First World War the incipient nationalist movements in the non-European world profited and the sudden collapse of the European empires after 1947 was to a large extent a consequence of external pressures and of the impact of world politics. In Asia neither the British nor the French nor the Dutch ever recovered from the blows inflicted by japan between 1941 and 1945; while in Africa and the Middle East they were checked and forced into retreat by pressures from the United States-acting directly and through the United Nations-which had a strong anti-colonial tradition of its own and was unwilling to stand aside while colonialism drove the peoples of Asia and Africa over to the side of the Soviet Union. Nationalism came to Asia a century later than it came to Europe and to black Africa fifty years later than to Asia. Two external events in the early years of the twentieth century were a powerful stimulus in its rise. The first was the victory of Japan over Russia in the war of 1904-5ー a victory hailed by dependent peoples everywhere as a blow to European ascendancy and proof that European arms were not invincible. Its impact was redoubled when, ten years later,the Japanese defeated the Germans in Shantung; and the successful campaigns of Kemal Ataturk against France in 1920 and Greece in 1922 were greeted in the same way as Asian victories over western military power. The second event was the Russian revolution of 1905ーa revolution which produced scarcely an echo in Europe but which, seen as a struggle for liberation from despotism, had an electrifying effect throughout Asia. The wave of unrest extended as far as Vietnam, and its impact, in sparking off the Persian revolution of 1906, the Turkish revolution of 1908 and the Chinese revolution of 1911, and in the new impetus it gave to the Indian Congress movement in 1907, was such that its consequences in Asia have been compared with those of the French revolution of 1789 in Europe.

  • 英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を助けてください

    英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えていただきたいです よろしくお願いします!! At the southwest corner the Basilica, perhaps a law-court and stock-market combined, can be dated on the basis of its architectural detail and First-Style plasterwork, in which are cut graffiti in the Oscan alphabet, to the second half of the second century. To the north of this the Temple of Apollo, with a dedicatory inscription in Oscan set in its pavement, already existed on the forum’s western flank. At the south end may have stood administrative buildings, precursors of the trio in existence in 79. It is even possible that the Temple of Jupiter, whether dedicated to the Capitoline deity of the Romans or to some other, already overlooked the piazza from the north. On the southern edge of the city an enclave of buildings of Greek character. The so-called Triangular Forum with its Doric temple of the sixth century BC already formed a religious precinct. Adjacent to it was the large theatre, built during the second century BC.

  • 英文和訳です

    Understanding Animal Research (the successor organization to the Research Defence Society, a group mentioned in the article) is dedicated to educating the public about animal research policies and procedures. Animal rights activists are represented by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), a group who states that it “focuses its attention on the four areas in which the largest numbers of animals suffer the most intensely for the longest periods of time : on factory farms, in laboratories, in the clothing trade, and in the entertainment industry.” Another group, the Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments (FRAME), states its mission as “the total elimination of the need for any laboratory animal procedures, through the development, validation, and acceptance of replacement alternative methods.” Debate between public organizations such as those listed above has reduced the use of animals in experiments, led to refinements in procedures, and may well lead to the total replacement of animal models. Some extremists on the animal rights side, unfortunately, are not patient enough to work through this process. They “liberate” animals from research facilities, destroy labs and records, burn down houses of researchers and pharmaceutical company executives, and threaten further violence. The level of violence on the European continent increased in the first decade of the 21st century, and it is not clear if a crackdown on animal rights extremists in the UK contributed to this increase. よろしくお願いします^^;

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします。

    英文の和訳をお願いします。 One of the most interesting and yet underexamined processes in bulimia is the acquisition of bulimic behavior, particularly binge eating. The few studies that have looked at this problem have focused almost exclusively on particular social groups, for example, dance camps and athletic teams. This focus is not an accident. I wish to argue that social groups are at the very heart of the issue of symptom acquisition. Symptoms are spread from one member to another in these groups, and group membership is at the heart of the transmission. Groups that are most likely to transmit the symptoms of bulimia, most notably binge eating, are groups that are made up almost entirely of women of the same age. This includes dance camps and athletic teams as well as sororities, all-women dormitories, or workplaces comprising mostly women. Social groups are important to us. They serve to tell us who we are, what to think, and how to behave. The more we value the social group, the more we are willing to be influenced by it. The power of a group may be measured by the attractiveness of the group for its members, lf a person wants to stay in a group, he will be susceptible to influences coming from the group, and he will be willing to conform to the rules which the group sets up."