• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:文中の単語とイディオム教えて下さい)

Understanding the Meanings of 'alcohol-free' and 'free alcohol'

  • Do you know the meanings of 'alcohol-free' and 'free alcohol'? Find out their definitions and understand their differences in this article.
  • Discover the true meanings of 'alcohol-free' and 'free alcohol' and learn why it's important to distinguish between the two.
  • Unravel the confusion surrounding 'alcohol-free' and 'free alcohol' and gain a clear understanding of their definitions and usage.


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

1。  訳     アメリカ合衆国のカリフォルニアにホームステイしているドイツからの交換学生が、アルコールなしのパーティに招かれた。    彼女のホーストファミリーは、日本に居る彼の両親にその学生が出席していいかの許可を求めてファックスした。    「ノー」と言う返事がすぐ来た。彼らは彼らの娘が無料のアルコールが供されるパーティーに出席することを欲しなかった。     彼女が役所に可成り近づくまで、彼女はそのことを考えつかなかった。 2。  次の文の1.alcohol-freeと2.free alcoholの意味を教えてください。     alcohol-free  アルコールが無い     free alcohol  ただのアルコール 3。  文章全体から考えてどちらも無料のアルコールではだめでしょうか。     はい、だめです。 4。次の文のon her way は辞書に載っている、(途中で、近づいて)のどちらの意味ですか。     訳の通りです。 5。ドイツとカリフォルニアと日本とが登場して her とか his とか可成り混乱したいい加減な作り話の英文ですね。



よくわかりました。 ありがとうございます。



her,hisは私のミスです。 すいません。


その他の回答 (2)

  • Dandanius
  • ベストアンサー率53% (42/79)

No1、2さんが言うように文章が矛盾していることになります。 なので、No2さんの言うように冗談か、家族が勘違いした、と表している文章になります Free Alcoholの場合FreeはAlcoholの種類を特定する形容詞になります。 なのでただのアルコール、ですよね。自由のアルコール、とは文脈で合わないので。 Alcohol-Freeを見てください。、二つの言葉の間の「-」がありますよね。 この「-」で二つの言葉をつなぐと、これは別々の言葉ではなくて、文法的に一つの形容詞になります。 という事は一つの言葉として、もう意味が決まっている、という事です。 そしてAlcohol-Freeの場合、無料のアルコール、ではなく、アルコールのない、という意味を与えられています。 ちなみに、こういう二つの言葉が繋がれているのをCompound Wordsと言って、他に Smoke-Free,Gluten-free,Sandwhich,Time-pieceなどとあります。




  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

> A German exchange student staying with a family in the U.S state of California was invited to an alcohol-free party. Her host family faxed his parents in Japan ,asking for permission for the student to attend. “No” came the quick reply. They didn't want their daughter to attend any party where free alcohol was served.  これは冗談話のたぐいなんでしょうね。  alcohol-free party を 「アルコール飲料を出さないパーティ」 という意味で使用したのに、相手は free alcohol と取って 「無料のアルコール」 つまり 「酒を飲み放題」 のパーティだと勘違いしたという話のように読みました。何とかフリーといったら日本語でも 「・・・ の無い」 という意味で使われますが、元は英語でそのように表現するところから来ていると思われます。しかし free という語が後ろの名詞を修飾する形で示されると、free という語が本来持っている 「自由な」 という意味で読もうとするのが普通だと思います。 > It was not until she was well on her way to the office that she thought of the matter.  not until ... という構文を学ばせるための例文ですね。  on her way は 「途上で」 と解して良いと思います。自宅にいる時よりも 「途上にいる」 方が目的地に 「近い」 位置にいることになります。  「そのことを考えた時には、彼女はもうオフィスに向かっていた」



ありがとうございます。 jokeだったんですね。 よくわかりました。



  • 和訳 -freeと free-のお願いします。

    和訳 -freeと free-のお願いします。 A Japanese exchange student staying with a family in the U.S. state of California was invited to an alcohol-free party. Her host family called his permission for the student to attend. They didn't want their daughter to attend any party where free alcohol was served. 第1文の[alcohol-free]はアルコール飲料を出さないですね。 第3文の[free alcohol]の意味は同じ意味ですか。それともアルコール無料の意味ですか。 教えてください。

  • 高校英語の問題です

    以下の英文の1~10の中で謝りを含んでいる箇所はありますか?   1. (1)On the day before /(2)she got fired, /(3)she was /(4)heard criticize /(5)her boss/(6)in a way/ (7)she wouldn’t /(8)dare to do /(9)if he/(10)were present. 2. (1) I feel /(2) very excited/(3) at/(4) the thought/(5) which/(6) in/(7) another week/(8) I will/(9) meet her/(10) on holiday. 3.(1)The complexity / (2)of contemporary societies/(3)requires/(4)more specialized training/(5)for the young/(6)than/(7)can generally provide/(8)solely/(9)by/(10)the family.

  • 英文の和訳お願いします。「強調構文」

    この文はどんな意味になりますか。 2つの意味になるような 気がします。 It was not until she was well on her way to the office that she thought of the matter. 彼女は会社行く途中で元気になってやっとその問題を考えた。 彼女は会社にかなり近づいてやっとその問題を考えた。 wellは形容詞ですか、副詞ですか。 教えてください。

  • 文の中からkeywordが探すを手伝ってください。

    Mahalia Jackson Mahalia Jackson was born into a preacher's family in 1911, and she grew up in a riverfront shanty in New Orleans. She was motherless at five, working as a maid and loudness in her mid-teens. As a little girl, she would whisper to herself before she went to sleep, "someday the sun is going to shine down on me in some faraway place." In pursuit of that dream, Mahalia migrated to Chicago when she was still a teenager. She never expected to support herself by singing, and by the time I joined her, the hands she used so expressively in her performances had scrubbed floors, laundered and helped her earn a living as a hotel maid, factory worker, beautician and florist. But her remarkable voice brought her more and more invitations to sing-at funerals, in churches, at concerts. And, through her warm friendly personality and a life based on sound spiritual values and hard work, she eventually found her place in the sun. 1. It is stated in the passage that Mahalia ----. A) had no mother during her whole life B) lived in a fashionable house in New Orleans C) was orphaned when she wasn't even a teenager D) become a servant at the age of five E) grew up in a religious family 上記の文に対し、問1の答えはC)です。この文のどこにorphenedだと書いてあるのか教えてください。motherless ではないし、preacher's familyに born in するということから判断するのでしょうか?  お願いします。

  • 英語の誤文訂正

    以下の英文の1~10の中で謝りを含む箇所はありますか? 1 On the day before /2 she got fired, /3 she was /4 heard criticize /5 her boss/ 6 in a way/ 7 she wouldn’t /8 dare to do /9 if he/10 were present.

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    Hampshire, named to commemorate the English county, was laid down by Armstrong Whitworth at their Elswick shipyard on 1 September 1902 and launched on 24 September 1903. She was completed on 15 July 1905 and was initially assigned to the 1st Cruiser Squadron of the Channel Fleet together with most of her sister ships. She began a refit at Portsmouth Royal Dockyard in December 1908 and was then assigned to the reserve Third Fleet in August 1909. She recommissioned in December 1911 for her assignment with the 6th Cruiser Squadron of the Mediterranean Fleet and was transferred to the China Station in 1912. When the war began, she was in Wei Hai Wei, and was assigned to the small squadron led by Vice Admiral Martyn Jerram, commander-in-chief of the China Station. She was ordered to destroy the German radio station at Yap together with the armoured cruiser Minotaur and the light cruiser Newcastle. En route the ships captured the collier SS Elspeth on 11 August and sank her; Hampshire was too short on coal by then to make the island so Jerram ordered her back to Hong Kong with the crew of the Elspeth. At the end of the month, she was ordered down to the Dutch East Indies to search for any German ships at sea, narrowly missing the German light cruiser Emden. The German ship had not been reported since the war began and she sailed into the Bay of Bengal and began preying upon unsuspecting British shipping beginning on 14 September.

  • 翻訳お願いします

    The men from town came out of the engine. They threw a rope to the two men caught in the creek. One held it and climbed up on shore, hand over hand. He threw his arms around Kate, knowing she had saved him. The other man in the river could not be reached until the next morning, but finally he was safely rescued. For days, Kate got letters from people who had read about her in the paper. People sent money, which helped the family in their poverty. A new railroad bridge was named after her. When she grew up, she became the railroad ticket seller in town. She was allowed to ride the railroad free whenever she wanted to. What's more, the engineer would make a stop right in front of her house to let her off!

  • social cripple

    I recently dated a woman for five months. She is in her late 70s like me. She is twice widowed. Husband No. 2 passed away three years ago. My lady friend and I were together for dinners, outdoor community events and theater performances, and I competed some light landscaping work around her house and some minor household repairs. On my very first date with her, I told her at dinner that I am a social cripple when it comes to dating. I hadn't dated anyone in years. I was also concerned that she might be still grieving for husband No. 2. We had a total of 36 dates together. About halfway through this dating saga, I asked her whether I was doing OK. She replied that I was doing fine. However, soon after that, when I asked her to attend some club picnics and a family birthday party, she declined, citing conflicts. I sensed that something was going wrong. On the 34th date, I asked for a hug. This was our first physical contact. While I hugged her, she held her hands to the sides of her body and looked at the floor. social crippleとdating sagaはどう訳したら良いでしょうか?あと、held her hands to the sides of her bodyはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英語の並び替えです。

    "(where/was/it/learned/that/when/you)she was born? I can't believe she is from Egypt!!" "I heard it from Susan yesterday." "(earth/did/how/I/manage/on/to)get myself into such a position! She could not(herself/the party/bring/to attend/although)her friends urged her to many times. Is there anything(with/else/to discuss/would like/you)me? She said that(to do/was/the last/thing/she/wanted)to see her old friends. You might as(to rise/well/in the west/the sun/expect)as expect him to change his mind. I was(there were/the more/because/all/nervous)no windows through which I could see what was happening outside. 並び替えしてくれませんか? 多くてすいません(TOT)

  • had her pick of colleges

    My daughter “Sarah” is 21. She did extremely well in high school and had her pick of colleges. She chose to attend a great college about two hours from home. had her pick of collegesはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします