A doctor from Devonshire with an important business

  • Holmes receives a letter from a doctor in Devonshire, but it lacks important information.
  • Dr Mortimer arrives and Holmes anticipates that he won't waste their time.
  • Thirteen men ride together on the moor, feeling afraid and eventually catching up with the hounds.
  • ベストアンサー


(1) "Well, Watson," Holmes said to me,"I'm afraid that a doctor from Devonshire won't bring us us anything of real interest. His letter doesn't tell us anything about his business though he says it's very important. I hope we can help him." At exactly half-past ten there was a knock on our front door. "Good," said Holmes. "Dr Mortimer is clearly a man who will not waste our time." We stood up as our visitor was brought into the room. (2) The thirteen men moved closer together as they rode on. They were suddenly afraid. Over the moor they went until, at last, they caught up with the hounds.

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

1。 「ところでワトソン、デボンシアの医者は実際に面白いことは何も言って来ないようだね。大変大切だと言ったけれど彼からの手紙には自分の用事については何も書いてなかった。何か役に立ってあげられるといいんだが」とホームズは言った。     10時半ちょうどに表ドアにノックがあった。「よし、モーティマーさんは我々の時間を無駄にする人ではないね(=時間を厳守する人だね)」とホームズは言った。その客が部屋に通されるのを迎えるべく、我々は立ち上がった。 2。  13人の男達は、馬に乗り、進むにつれて、お互いの距離を縮めた。彼らは急に恐怖を覚えた。荒れ野を進み、やがてやっと犬達に追いついた。



とても良い訳で大変ありがとうございました。 解答ありがとうございました。

その他の回答 (1)

  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

(1)『でワトソン君』ホームズは言った。 『このデヴォンシアからやって来る医者には何一つ興味が沸かないね。 彼の手紙には全くと言って良いほど仕事に関する記述が無いんだ。 自ら重要な仕事だと言っておきながらだ。まあ彼を助けてやろうじゃないか』 10時30分きっかりにドアがノックされた。 『うーん』そう唸るとホームズは、 『モーティマー博士は一刻たりとも無駄にしない人物のようだ』 我々は立ち上がり彼を部屋へと招き入れた。 (2)13人の男たちが次第に近寄り始めた。突如恐ろしくなったのだ。 荒地を進み遂に、あの犬に追いついた。





  • 訳を教えてください

    I work in a doctor's office as a receptionist. I was with a customer (a salesman), and another receptionist was with a patient. At some point during this time, another patient apparently came in. I was away from the front desk to take the salesman where he needed to go. The patient who came in texted the doctor, saying she was ignored and his staff is incompetent and rude. Our office manager instructed us that we essentially are to push aside salesmen, drug reps, etc., in order to take care of the patient. we essentially are to push aside salesmen, drug reps, etc.,の訳を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • この訳あってますか?

    どなたかご協力お願いします! いちおう自分でもやってみましたが・・ What was most important for us to do, we learned , was to leave the plains and wild animals as they were. 「私たちにとって、するべき最も重要なことは、草原や野生動物をそのままにしておくことだと学んだ。」 これでいいんでしょうか? we learned , は挿入節ですよね、 これをどこに入れるか迷ったんです。 ご意見よろしくお願いします。

  • 訳を手伝ってもらえませんか?

    自分で訳しました。 曖昧にしかわからなかったので、確かな訳が知りたいです。 間違えを指摘して正しい和訳を教えてください。 お願いします。 1.The sun having set, we hurried to our home. 太陽が沈んで、私たちは急いで家に帰った。 2.You should have come with us any day when it was convenient for you. あなたは都合のいい時にいつでも私と一緒にくるべきです。 3.Having received a telegram, he flew home, only to find his father dead. 彼は家について電話を受け取った。結局~ 4.That was somrhing he was at a lose to explain, much less understand. 彼は説明することを失い、理解もできなかった。

  • 訳をよろしくお願いします

    Our son and his girlfriend are approaching engagement. They live in the same city we live in. The subject came up as to allocating holidays between their respective families. 最後のセンテンスの訳をよろしくお願いします

  • 日本語訳を教えて下さい!!

    高校の教科書に載っている英文の日本語訳が分かりません。 どなたか、教えて下さい。 Then there was a big cheer as the Mariners took the field, and before you knew it - Ban!Ban!Ban! - the other team was out and we were up at bat. When our first guy went to the home base everyone chanted his name.Ichiro held out the bat like a Samurai sword,then lifted the shoulder of his shirt with his left hand. 一部分だけだと話が分かりにくいと思ったので、少し後の方まで書いておきます。 よろしくおねがいします。

  • もっとも口語的表現は?

    even について実用練習をしてます。   発音ストレスのおき方でもevenが何を強調しているのかを表せる や、基本どこにおいてもいい。(強調したい語がはっきり表されれば)という解釈で学びました。 しかし口語でよく使われる方と、短縮形(これも口語でよくしゃべられるかをも教えてもらいたいですが)を教えてもらいたいです。  1 I can't remember anything about him. +her name を含めて会話を完成させましょう。  1-a) I can't remember anything about him.--not even his name.  1-b) I can't remember anything about him. I can't even remember his name. 1-c) I can't remember anything about him. I can't remember even his name. 2 They didn't say anything to us. + hello 2-a) They didn't say anything to us.----not even hello. 2-b) They didn't say anything to us. They didn't even say hello. 2-c) They didn't say anything to us. They didn't say even hello. ちなみに短縮形は短くて良さそうなので、ぜひともしゃべりたいのですが、合っているかの自信がありません。これも確認したいのです。 前置詞ぬきだろうが 目的語を強調する だろうが とにかく not even を強調したい語の前につけさえして 前文の後に言えばいいと思っています。(でも even in Japanみたいに 「~では ね。」という 範囲や場所や時間の一点を感じさせたい時には前置詞入りでしゃべろうと思っています。  よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 同じ意味になるように日本語訳もお願いします

    We left at eight, and we arrived there just at noon. We left at eight,() there just at noon. Because we were caught in a shower,we took shelter under a tree. ()() a shower,we took shelter under a tree. As I have never been here before, I don't know which way to go. ()()() here before, I don't know which way to go. As there was no power service,we used lamps at night ()() no power service,we used lamps at night If we consider his age, he looks young. ()()(), he looks young

  • 訳をお願いします。

    He would often think out loud while I was there . Of course, he could have been talking to a bed or a chair just as easily. But it was now a habit was slower than his. But that served to make his own ideas come faster and brighter. This was my part in our relationship. When I arrived at Baker Street, I found him sitting in his armchair. His face deep in thought . It was clear that he was considering some difficult problem. He waved his hand for me to sit down. It was nearly a half hour before he finally looked up. Then he quickly turned to me and smiled. He welcomed me back to what was once my home. he could have been talking to a bed or a chair just as easily. He welcomed me back to what was once my home.上の二行の文でまず、could have been talking 、 just as easily、訳し方がわかりません。また、back to 、what was once my home 訳し方がわかりません。宜しくお願いします。

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    かなり長いですが、訳して下さい。Twelve Angry Menからの抜粋です。 Now let me lay this out for you ignorant—bastards. You at the window, you’re so god-damned smart. We’re facing a danger here. Don’t you know it? These people are multiplying. That kid on trial, his type, they’re multiplying five times as fast as we are. That’s the statistic. Five times. And they are – wild animals. They’re against us, they hate us, and they want to destroy us. That’s right. Don’t look at me like that! There’s a danger. For God’s sake we’re living in a dangerous time, and if we don’t watch it, if we don’t smack them down whenever we can, then they are gonna own us. They’re gonna breed us out of existence.”

  • 訳を手伝ってください!!

    As far as GW Bush, no I was not on his side at all! I didn't vote for him, and I do not agree with the war in Iraq. I also watched the Bush/Kerry compaign, but many people said the only reason Bush won was that the democrats had such a weak candidate. Now, the Republicans are the majority in most of the government offices. たびたび質問させてもらってる者です。 これはアメリカ人からのメール返事なんですけど前の手紙で私がブッシュを支持しましたか?と質問したらこんな返事が返ってきました。 解らないところを詳しくかくと but many people said the only reason Bush won was that the democrats had such a weak candidate. Now, the Republicans are the majority in most of the government offices. の文で辞書をひいて単語調べてはみたのですが、私ではわけのわからない文章になってしまいます。すみません、だれか教えて下さい!!