
  • DNAのフェノール抽出における影響についての報告は存在しない
  • フェノールはin vitroの試験でDNAを傷害する可能性がある
  • フェノールによるDNAの影響についての確証はない
  • ベストアンサー


疑問があります。 フェノールは、in vitroの試験でDNAを傷害するとするデータが幾つかある(下)のに、 抽出過程でのフェノールによるDNAへの影響について触れた報告が見当たりませんでした。 影響は考えなくていいのでしょうか? また、それはなぜなのでしょうか? なんだかものすごく当然のことを聞いている気がしますが、自分ではすっきりしないので どなたかお時間があれば、ご教示をお願いします。 1)Kolachana P, Subrahmanyam VV, Meyer KB, Zhang L and Smith MT (1993) Benzene and its phenolic metabolites produce oxidative DNA damage in HL60 cells in vitro and in the bone marrow in vivo. Cancer Res. 53, 1023-1026. 2)Subrahmanyam VV and O'Brien PJ (1985) Peroxidase-catalysed binding of (U-14C) phenol to DNA. Xenobiotica 15, 859-871 3)Y Li, M Qu, L Sun, et al (2005). Genotoxicity study of phenol and o-cresol using the micronucleus test and the comet assay. Toxicological & Environmental chemistry


  • ベストアンサー
  • ga111
  • ベストアンサー率26% (247/916)

1)はフェノールの代謝物がoxidative DNA damageを作る。 2)はPeroxidase-catalysed binding of (U-14C) phenolでやはり、生体内の?酵素が触媒して、phenolとDNAを結合させると書いてあります。 抽出過程での精製フェノールは大量なので、in vitroの実験に使われるより、濃度がきわめて高く、ほとんどの蛋白をまず変性させてしまいます。よって、それが細胞の酵素で代謝されたりすることもほとんどないと思われます。

その他の回答 (1)


文献に目を通していませんが… これで疑問は解決しませんか? ・pHを調整していないフェノール溶液は酸性で、DNAを傷害します。 ・一方、DNA抽出に用いるフェノールはTE等でpH8付近にしているため、 DNAを傷害すること無くタンパク除去などに用いることができます。 参考になれば幸いです^-^


  • フェノールレッド Vmax

    医学系の論文(Phenolsulfonphthalein (phenol red) metabolism in primary monolayer cultures of adult rat hepatocytes. Driscoll JL et al. In Vitro. (1982))のdiscussionの所で、ラット肝細胞でのフェノールレッドの代謝におけるVmax(最大反応速度)とKm(ミカエリス定数)の値が出ています。 論文の中ではVmaxの単位がμM/mg protein for 2 h incubationとあり、2時間培養された後の肝細胞での値を示しているのはわかるのですが、このVmaxの単位をμM/min/mg proteinとしたいときどうしたらいいですか?普通に120(2×60)で割ればいいでしょうか?

  • 生物系の英語論文 訳してください。

    生物系の英語論文 ノニルフェノールについての生物分解性についての論文をよんでおります。 丸投げで申し訳御座いませんが、訳してくださるとうれしくおもいます。 よろしくお願いいたします。 5. Conclusion The relationship between nonylphenol (NP) isomer structure and its biodegradability within the biological wastewater treatment process of sequencing batch reactor (SBR) was investigated in this study. The GC–MS method was used for detecting the NP isomers existing in the SBR influent, activated sludge and effluent. The results indicated that fifteen NP isomers were detected in the SBR influent, with significant biodegradability variations among these isomers. The NP isomers associated with retention time of 10.553 min, 10.646 min, 10.774 min, and 10.906 min in the GC– MS analysis showed higher biodegradability. The isomers with retention time of 10.475 min, 10.800 min, and 10.857 min illustrated lower biodegradability, and these three NP isomers accounted for the major part of residual NP in the SBR effluent and the sludge. An increasing amount of these three NP isomers in sludge was also observed with an increasing running cycles of SBR. Through analyzing the mass spectrograms, the chemical structures of four NP isomers in the wastewater were deduced. The isomers with retention time of 10.475 min, 10.800 min, 10.857 min, and 10.774 min were identified as 4-(1,3-dimethyl- 1-propyl-butyl)phenol, 4-(1-ethyl-1,3-dimethyl-pentyl)phenol, 4- (1-ethyl-1,3,3-trimethyl-butyl)phenol, and 4-(1,1,3-trimethylhexyl) phenol, respectively. The correlation between the biodegradability of NP isomer and its structure was then examined through the calculation of the molecular connectivity index (MCI) and the biodegradation rate of the four NP isomers in the SBR. A higher correlation (with correlation coefficients of 0.9421 and 0.9085) was observed between the biodegradation rates and the MCI of 2vv and 4vv pc, where 2vv indicated the number of the branch chain and its carbon atom in the nonyl of NP, and 4vv represented the information of the nonyl length of NP. The linear correlation analysis indicated that a more complex side branch structure (such as a larger side carbon-chain branch or more branches in the nonyl) of NP isomer would lead to lower biodegradability, and a longer nonyl chain of the isomer (such as that with retention time of 10.774 min) would result in a higher biodegradability. The understanding of such NP isomer structure–biodegradability relationship would provide valuable information for investigating the environmental accumulation behavior of NP from WWTP effluent in various aquatic environments.

  • 生物系の英語論文 訳してください。

    生物系の英語論文 ノニルフェノールについての生物分解性についての論文をよんでおります。 丸投げで申し訳御座いませんが、訳してくださるとうれしくおもいます。 よろしくお願いいたします。 論文の数が多く、困っております。 5. Conclusion The relationship between nonylphenol (NP) isomer structure and its biodegradability within the biological wastewater treatment process of sequencing batch reactor (SBR) was investigated in this study. The GC MS method was used for detecting the NP isomers existing in the SBR influent, activated sludge and effluent. The results indicated that fifteen NP isomers were detected in the SBR influent, with significant biodegradability variations among these isomers. The NP isomers associated with retention time of 10.553 min, 10.646 min, 10.774 min, and 10.906 min in the GC– MS analysis showed higher biodegradability. The isomers with retention time of 10.475 min, 10.800 min, and 10.857 min illustrated lower biodegradability, and these three NP isomers accounted for the major part of residual NP in the SBR effluent and the sludge. An increasing amount of these three NP isomers in sludge was also observed with an increasing running cycles of SBR. Through analyzing the mass spectrograms, the chemical structures of four NP isomers in the wastewater were deduced. The isomers with retention time of 10.475 min, 10.800 min, 10.857 min, and 10.774 min were identified as 4-(1,3 dimethyl- 1-propyl-butyl)phenol, 4-(1-ethyl-1,3-dimethyl-pentyl)phenol, 4- (1-ethyl-1,3,3-trimethyl butyl)phenol, and 4-(1,1,3-trimethylhexyl) phenol, respectively. The correlation between the biodegradability of NP isomer and its structure was then examined through the calculation of the molecular connectivity index (MCI) and the biodegradation rate of the four NP isomers in the SBR. A higher correlation (with correlation coefficients of 0.9421 and 0.9085) was observed between the biodegradation rates and the MCI of 2vv and 4vv pc, where 2vv indicated the number of the branch chain and its carbon atom in the nonyl of NP, and 4vv represented the information of the nonyl length of NP.

  • 英語が出来る方助けてください。(かなり困っています。)

    英語が出来る方助けてください。(かなり困っています。) 今学生をしているのですが400ページほどある英語の専門書を読み始めたのですがこの部分の訳がどうしても出来ないのですが分かる方いませんでしょうか?? 英語が大変苦手で自分の英語力に幻滅しながら頑張ったんですか無理でした。大変困っています。 もし分かる方がいらしたら宜しくお願いします。 The low-coverage energy data for the adsorption of n-hexane and benzene on various non-porous solids in Table 1.4 illustrate the importance of the surface structure of the adsorbent and the nature of the adsorptive. Since n-hexane is a non-polar molecule, Ens>>Esp' and therefore the value of E0 is dependent on the overall dispersion forces and hence on the density of the force centres in the outer part of the adsorbent (i.e. its surface structure). Dehydroxylation of a silica surface involves very little change in surface structure and therefore no significant difference in the value of E0 for n-hexane. However, replacement of the surface hydroxyls by alkylsilyl groups has resulted in much greater effect. In this case the weakening of the adsorbent-adsorbate interactions is mainly due to the fact that the surface modification has resulted in a reduction in the density of the force centres. The polarizabilities of benzene and hexane are very similar, but because of its electronic structure benzene exhibits significant specificity in its interaction with ionic or polar surface (e.g. hydroxylated silica and barium sulphate). Considerable attention has been given to the specificity associated with hydroxylated silica, but some specific adsorbent-adsorbate interactions are enhanced to an even greater to an even greater extent by the exposure at the surface of ionic sites. This is illustrated by benzene data on BaSO4 in Table 1.4 and the nitrogen data on rutile in Table 1.5.

  • 英訳してください

    Electrophilic substitution Electrophilic substitution in the highly activated phenol ring occurs under very mild conditions, and mononitration must be carried out with dilute aqueous nitric acid. The usual nitric acid-sulfuric acid mixture gives complex mixtures of polynitro compounds and oxidation products. Separation of o- and p-nitrophenol can be accomplished by taking advantage of the strong intramolecular hydrogen bonding, or chelation, in the ortho isomer. In the para isomer, the hydrogen bonding is inter-molecular, leading to association of the molecules in the liquid and much lower vapor pressure. On steam distillation of the mixture the ortho isomer is obtained in pure form in the distillate. The para isomer can then be isolated from the nonvolatile residue. [Procedure] In a 250-ml Erlenmeyer flask, place 10 ml of concentrated nitric acid and 35 ml of water. Weigh out 8.0 g of phenol ("loose crystals") in a 50-ml beaker. (CAUTION: Avoid contact with skin.) Add 2 ml of water and allow the mixture to liquefy. With a disposable pipet, add 1- to 2-ml portions of the phenol to the nitric acid and cool as necessary by swirling in a pan of cold water to keep the temperature of the reaction mixture at 45 to 50°. After all of the phenol has been added (rinse the beaker with 1 ml of water), shake the flask intermittently for 5 to 10 minutes while the contents cool to room temperature. Meanwhile, assemble the apparatus for steam distillation. Transfer the reaction mixture to a separatory funnel and drain the oily organic layer into a three-neck 500-ml flask. Add 150 ml of water and then carry out steam distillation until no further o-nitrophenol appears in the distillate. Collect the o-nitrophenol, air dry, and determine yield and melting point. For isolation of the para isomer, adjust the total volume of the distillation residue to about 200 ml by adding more water or removing water by distillation. Decant the hot mixture through a coarse fluted filter or loose cotton pad, add about 1 to 2 g of charcoal to the hot filtrate, heat again to boiling, and refilter to remove charcoal. Cool a 500-ml Erlenmeyer flask in ice and pour into it a small portion of the hot solution to promote rapid crystallization and prevent separation of the product as an oil. Then add the remainder of the solution in small portions so that each is quickly chilled. Collect crystals, dry, and report yield and melting point.

  • 英文でのWordについて

    英文をWordで書いているのですが、ページ下に後、2行分、文章が入るにも関わらず、3行分の文章を打つと違うページに移動してしまいます。 We postulated that this reduced activity of MB-COMT in the liver of SHR may be involved in the development of hypertension in these rats. この文章の後、ページ内には2行分文章が入力できるのですが、 Thus, COMT could play a vital role in the regulation of blood pressure in salt-sensitive hypertension. In this study, we investigated the role of COMT in salt-sensitive hypertension, both in vivo and in vitro. この文章を入れようとすると、新しいページとなってしまいます。 どのように設定すればよいのでしょうか? フォントは12ptで、行間は2.0に設定しています。

  • ヒトゲノムの質問です。答えが解りません。

    There are about 25,000 genes in the human genome. If you wanted to use a stretch of the CAN of each gane as a unique identification tag , roughly what minimum length of DNA sequence would you need? To be unique , the length of DNA in nucleotides would have to have a diversity ( the number of different possible sequences ) equivalent to at least 25,000 and would have to be present once in the haploid human genome ( 3.2 × 109 nucleotides)? (Assume that A,T,C and G are present in equal amounts in the human genome.) 日本語訳 ヒトゲノムには、約25,000の遺伝子がある もしあなたが独特の識別標としてそれぞれのDNAのひと配列を使いたいならば、あなたはおよそどのようなDNA配列の最小の長さを必要とするでしょうか? 独特であるために、ヌクレオチドのDNAの長さが多様性(異なる可能な配列の数)を少なくとも25,000に等しくしなければならない。そして、一倍体のヒトゲノム(3.2 × 109ヌクレオチド)でいったん存在しなければならない。 (A,T,C,Gは、ヒトゲノムで等しい量で存在すると仮定してください。) 訳は自分で訳しました。この問題の答えがさっぱり解りません。 明日までなのでだれか助けてください。

  • 英語の質問の和訳の意味あってますかね?

    ・What is totalitarianism? 全体主義とは何ですか? ・When did George Orwell write 1984? ジョージオーウェルはいつ1984を書きましたか? ・Why is 1984 called 1984? なぜ1984は1984と呼ばれるのですか? ・Describe London in 1984. 1984年のロンドンについて説明してください。 ・Who is Big Brother? ビッグブラザーとは誰ですか? ・Who is the main character of 1984 and what does he do? 1984年の主人公は誰ですか、そして彼は何をしますか? ・How does Big Brother watch you? ビッグブラザーはどのようにあなたを監視していますか? ・Why does he start writing a diary? なぜ彼は日記を書き始めるのですか? ・Why do Winston and Julia go to O'Brien's house? なぜウィンストンとジュリアはオブライエンの家に行くのですか? ・What happens to Winston in the Ministry of Love? 愛の省でウィンストンはどうなりますか? ・What are Winston and Julia like after they are released from the Ministry of Love? 愛の大臣から解放された後のウィンストンとジュリアはどうですか? ・What is the main message of Orwell's 1984? オーウェルの1984年の主なメッセージは何ですか?

  • キナーゼチェックポイントの標的

    (1)Cancer is a complex disease, however, in which genetic variability is restricted not only to different cancer types, but also to different patients with the same cancer and even different cells within the same tumour. しかしながら、がんは複合病で、異なるガン型だけでなく、同じがんを持つが患者間、そして同じ腫瘍内における異なる細胞群でさえも抑制される遺伝子変異性を持つ。 と訳してみましたがこの文章は何が言いたいのでしょうか。 遺伝子変異性が制限されるということはつまるところどいうことなのでしょうか。 (2)The molecular mechanism of drug resistance to DNA-damaging agents is believed to involve modulation of cellular levels of drug and drug target, defects in apoptosis, or proficient DNA repair. DNA損傷因子への薬物耐性の分子メカニズムは薬品の細胞のレベルと薬物標的の調整、アポトーシスの欠点、あるいはDNA修復の能力と関係があると信じられている。 どこまでが to involveなのかが分からず変な訳になりました。 (3)The selectivity of these treatments depends on quantitative differences in the rates of division between cancer and normal cells; relative levels of the direct molecular target (such as the DNA topoisomerases); and tumour defects in pathways that are related to the target of treatment, such as in checkpoint signalling pathways (including the p53 pathway). このような処置の選択性はガンと正常な細胞の分裂の割合、直接的な分子標的の相対レベル、そしてチェックポイントシグナル伝達経路と関係がある経路における腫瘍の異常など、定量的な差に依存する。 (4)This discovery of the cellular DNA-damage response was made many years ago when it was observed that DNA damage, such as that caused by ionizing radiation (IR), temporarily inhibits cell-cycle progression, and that the delay period provides the time needed to repair the DNA and reduces the lethal effect of radiation. この細胞のDNA損傷応答の発見はIRによって生じるようなDNA損傷が確認された数年も前に確かめられていた。この応答は一時的に細胞周期進行を抑制するがその細胞周期の遅延時間はDNAを修復するために必要な時間を与え、そして放射線の致死効果を減少することを提供する。 でいいのでしょうか。 (5)These include inhibition of cell-cycle progression; activation of DNA repair; maintenance of genome stability; and, in some cell types or when damage is beyond repair, initiation of permanent cell-cycle blockade (cellular senescence), or elimination of such cells by cell death. So, the narrower definition of the checkpoint pathway is not adequate to explain its overall functionality, and the cell-cycle checkpoint pathways as such represent only some aspects of the global cellular network that is triggered in response to DNA damage. 細胞周期進行の抑制、DNA修復の活性、ゲノム安定性の維持、そしていくつかの細胞型に置いてあるいはDNA損傷が修復しきれない場合、細胞周期の永続的な遮断の開始、もしくは細胞死によるこれらの細胞群の除去を含む。そのために、チェックポイント経路の狭義では、この全体的な機能を説明するには不適切であり、そして全細胞のネットワークのいくつかの側面のみを示す細胞周期チェックポイント経路はDNA損傷応答が誘引される。 最後の一番大事な文章がどういうことを示しているのかが分かりませんでした。 チェックポイント経路が与える機能と意味を説明している文章なのはわかりますが チェックポイントがis triggered in response to DNA damageとは DNAに障害が与えられてこの経路が活性されるということなのでしょうか。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    “My philosophy is that I don't feel like going on the road and playing a greatest hits set that we've been playing for five years,” he says. “We've been doing that and in the midst of doing that, we made an album that took us a year-and-a-half. That's not the way STP makes records. We make records in two weeks. If we're going to do something, we need to get back in the studio with Brendan O'Brien who has a track record with us and get re-inspired artistically again. ※ 『Stone Temple Pilots(STP)』はバンド名、『Brendan O'Brien』は人物名です。