• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:大至急!!英訳お願いします。)



  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

"work one's ass out "というのは、成句であるのでしょうか?     はいそうです。普通は下記のように"work one's ass off "といいます。「ものすごく仕事する」という意味です。     http://onlineslangdictionary.com/meaning-definition-of/work-%28one%27s%29-ass-off    そうだ。しかしそのおかげで学期のはじめっからぶっ続けで仕事仕事仕事。    それに比べれば8時間なんて比べ物にならない。    丸一日もかかる油絵の試験に比べると



速効のお答えありがとうございます! 明快ですね。


  • 下記の英文の直訳が出来る方はどうかお願いします

    She saw some whales about one hundred yards offshore and decided to swim out to them. 【疑問点】 (1)この英文中のoutの意味やこのoutは副詞なのでしょうか? それとも、何かの成句表現中のoutなのでしょうか?  自分なりに辞書でoutの意味を調べて見ましたが、どの品詞でどの意味がこの英文で使われているのかわかりかねてしまいました<m(__)m> (2)この英文中のthemはwhaleを指してるのでしょうか? それともoffshoreを指しているのでしょうか?

  • 至急!!訳して頂けないでしょうか?

    No one pretends the solutions are easy.According to yesterday's Wall Street Journal,55 American cities have unhealthy smog levels even thogh car and chimney pollution is declining.To find out what's gone wrong,the authorities in Nashville,Tennessee have dispatched a plane load of scientists to monitor air levels in Indianapolis,nearly 500 kilometers away in case the problem is due to involutary imports.The OECD warns that the long-anticipated levelling-off in vehicle growth has not only not happened,but the situation is getting worse thanks to a rapid worsening in the exploding cities of South-east Asia,Latin America and eastern Europe.The response by the rich to the dreadful traffic conditions of Bangkok is to install fax machines,televisions and even toilets in their cars so they can carry on working in full traffic congestion.If present trends continue,according to the OECD,there will be a 140 per cent growth in energy consumption and in the emission of greenhouse gases from transport by 2030.

  • 英訳お願いします。わかったとこは省きました><

    but... for now I am happy just flirting online lol!! Um... I'm about to go to a meeting for a couple hours (I'm at work) but I'll send you one more email before I do. ... maybe you will not like it though, but I don't want to lie about the kind of person I am... like I already said, I like to talk about sexy things... and if you don't like that at all, I will just be honest with you now, you might not like me very much! But of course we don't have to talk about that stuff all the time, we can talk about anything... ^_^ この英文がへんなのはわかっています。 適切に答えるつもりです。

  • 海外ドラマseinfeldより

    ELAINE: ok, Jerry, I would be going out with him no matter what he looked like JERRY: of course you would ELAINE: oh yeah, oh.. like you're one to talk JERRY: Elaine ELAINE: what? JERRY: different for a man というやりとりで like you're one to talkの意味がよくわかりません。。。

  • 英語

    並び替え問題です。出来れば4と5には訳例をつけて頂けると助かります。 1Some words, like players on the stage, play an important role and then (their,lost,with,popularity,disappear).  2You (had better,more tax,paying,than,to,should avoid,you need). 3Nowadays there are (few people,over,not a,one hundred years old,to,who,be,live)in Japan. 4She arrived early at the ticket office only (to be,the,that,tickets,told,all) for the show had already been sold out. 5A study shows that Japanese women bow more often than men, and their bows last one-and-a-half seconds, (compared,one second,less,to,than) for men.

  • 英訳お願いいたします。

    英訳お願いいたします。 I really look forward to our holiday and seeing you. Last week was not the best week for me ... so I can really use a holiday and I can't think of anyone else who I would like to spend my holiday with. I'm really looking forward to see you again. My Korean customer is having some problems and management is breathing down my neck to solve the problems ... but it seems the problems are not in my area. And also this week my cleaning lady quit! I need to find a new cleaning lady. She said I asked her to do too much for only 4 hours of cleaning. I checked with my mother, our secretary ... and they all agree that even 2-3 hours should be more than enough. Maybe she might be a bit lazy. Today I'm going to time how long it takes me ... :( I guess I will clean very hard today and also try to look for a new cleaning lady. And the most tragic news of all ... a team member of me, ●●, who was working in ●●, passed away last Monday. He was already on sick leave for some time ... but the tragic news still came as a shock. But it was not all bad news this week :) That's why we're going to make a super nice holiday. Looking forward to see you ●●. When I think of you, I get a feeling of beauty, softness, kindness ...

  • 代名詞の使い方(it, them, one...)

    前に出てきた名詞を言い換えるとき、it, them, oneなどの代名詞を使うと思うのですが、これはどう使い分けるのでしょうか?たくさんの言い換えの方法や法則、単語などがありましたら、ぜひ教えてください。 A:I have to fill two forms out. Do you have it? B:I have both of them. They are copied already. この会話は変ではないでしょうか?

  • 英語の翻訳をお願いします。

    英語の翻訳をお願いします。 ネットショップで、海外の方から来たメールです。 Hello, so since my last message I was able to figure out why the film was not advancing and its working now. BUT I am getting no power in the camera, AE Meter will not work still. Any idea? Id like for it to turn on and work, but nothing is happening. Thanks! よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。ですがなぜかログインできません。その事について相手に連絡をしていました。スミマセンが意味を教えて下さい。 Thanks for your patience I am not sure it is not working, either way I have asked them to send you the replacement password to your email address. If it still does not work I will get a generic one for you so you can place your order. I am totally confused to why it is not working, I am so sorry about this! If you wish to change your password, select the link below or copy and paste it in your browser address bar.

  • 歌詞を訳してください!

    歌詞を訳してください! Kelly Clarkson の Already gone って曲の日本語訳の歌詞を教えていただきたいです ↓ Remember all the things we wanted Now all our memories, they're haunted We were always meant to say goodbye Even with our fists held high It never would have work out right, yeah We were never meant for do or die I didn't want us to burn out I didn't come here to hurt you now I can't stop [Chorus] I want you to know That it doesn't matter Where we take this road But someone's gotta go And I want you to know You couldn't have loved me better But I want you to move on So I'm already gone Looking at you makes it harder But I know that you'll find another That doesn't always make you wanna cry It started with the perfect kiss then We could feel the poison set in "Perfect" couldn't keep this love alive You know that I love you so I love you enough to let you go [Chorus] You can't make it feel right When you know that it's wrong I'm already gone, already gone There's no moving on So I'm already gone Ahhh already gone, already gone, already gone Ahhh already gone, already gone, already gone Remember all the tings we wanted Now all our memories, they're haunted We were always meant to say goodbye [Chorus] You can't make it feel right When you know that it's wrong I'm already gone, already gone There's no moving on So I'm already gone 面倒だとは思いますが、回答お願いします。