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"A Decade On "の "On"


  • ベストアンサー

http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/on コチラ↑の副詞の、時間に関する記述あたりを参照ください。 10年たっても、今だに....みたいな感じですね。





  • Running xp is hard enough on my desktop.

    私:あなたのlaptopのOSは? 相手:Windows98    Running xp is hard enough on my desktop.    But running it on my laptop would be suicide. 私:じゃ、あなたのdesktopの方のOSは? 相手:Running xp is hard enough on my desktop. 私:じゃ、Windows98? 相手:I already told you.    Running xp is hard enough on my desktop. こんな風にすれ違ってしまった会話でしたが、最初の時点では Running xp is hard enough on my desktop.の意味がわからなかったからです。 XPはデスクトップでなんとか動いている(ということはXPだ) と言う意味でしょうか? 私は、 XPはデスクトップで動かすにはちょっと辛い(ということはXPじゃない) と思ったのです。 今はこの意味がわかります。が、何故そうなるのかがすっきりわかりません。 婉曲な表現だからでしょうか? どなたか教えてください。

  • 「on a dollar for a dollar basis」を英語で

    「on a dollar for a dollar basis」はどう訳せばいいでしょうか?以下の文中にありました(契約書)。 For the purposes of clarity, it is agreed that the payment of such advance shall reduce, on a dollar for dollar basis, any additional monies that may become payable to the company B under the Agreement. 「For the purposes of clarity」の適切な訳の仕方も分かりません。 よろしくお願いします。

  • on a platonic level

    About a year ago, I ran into a woman I used to spend time with in high school. We are both married, although she is going through a divorce. Since that day, she and I have been talking quite a bit. We discuss a lot of different things, all on a platonic level. platonicはcasualのような意味でしょうか?違うとしたら、簡単に説明をよろしくお願いします

  • Japan is, after all, a co

    Japan is, after all, a country used to low crime levels where many drivers still leave keys in their cars when they park. (何と言っても日本は低い犯罪水準に慣れている国であり,そこでは多くのドライバーが今でも駐車の際にキーを車につけたままにしている) この英文なんですが、used to は和訳から考えるとbe used to (慣れている)だと、分かるのですが、この文の最初のisはa countryに掛かっているので、be used to の形だとは言えないんじゃないかと思いましたが、これはどう説明がつきますか? Be used to の形にするには ~ a country that is used to ~ のように関係詞を使わないとダメな気がします。 どなたか、解説をよろしくお願いします。

  • go toとgo on: ニュアンスの違い

    本をみてたら: my daughter is going on a picnic. I also is going to a picnic. と言う表現があった。 どちらかが正しい間違いと言う問題ではなく、ニュアンスの違いだとおもうのですが、どのような違いがあるのでしょうか? 宜しく願います。

  • 和訳お願いいたします。

    Using a Sharpie permanent marker, draw pattern lines on the tape template while it is still on your head. Though requirements vary from person to person, some rules of thumb apply to most. mostは、そのあとの名詞が省略されてますが、なにがきますか。

  • a monopoly on crazy

    http://www.nytimes.com/2014/06/11/us/troutdale-oregon-reynolds-high-school-shooting.html?ref=us 上記サイトの最後から2番目の段落の文章が下記です。 ---- Referring to those who argue that gun violence is caused by untreated mental illness rather than lax gun laws, Mr. Obama said, “You know, the United States does not have a monopoly on crazy people.” --- 上記文中の 下記の 意味がよくわかりません。 "the United States does not have a monopoly on crazy people.” 「米国はmental illnessの人達を完璧に制御出来ていない」 と言うような意味でしょうか。(日本語として良い表現ではありませんが) 引用文章が長文でお手数をおかけしますが、よろしくお願いします。

  • 1.(a)A book is placed on a desk lid

    1.(a)A book is placed on a desk lid which is slowly titled. Given that the book begins to slide when the inclination of the lid to the horizontal is 30°, find the coefficient of friction between the book and the desk lid. (b)State an assumption you have made about the book when forming the mathmatical model you used to solve part (a). 2.A particles is placed on a smooth plane inclined at 35°to the horizontal. The particle is kept in equilibrium by a horizontal force, of magnitude 8 N, acting in the vertical plane containing the line of greatest slope of the inclined plane though the particle. Calculate, in N to one decimal place, (a)the weight of the particle, (b)the magnitude of the force exerted by the plane on the particle. 3.A particle of mass 0.3kg lies on a smooth plane inclined at an angle a(alpha)to the horizontal, where tan a = 3/4. The particle is held in equilibrium by a horizontal force of magnitude Q newtons. The line of action of this force is in the same vertical plane as a line of greatest slope of the inclined plane. Calculate the value of Q to one decimal place. Ansewers 1,(a) 0.577 (b)The book was modelled as a particle. 2,(a) W = 11.4 (b)R = 13.9 3, 2.2 どなたか計算できる方、やり方を教えて下さい! よろしくお願いします。 Does anyone can do these questions?? if you know please tell me!!

  • on disability

    I have been in a relationship for four years. My partner has fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis. When we met, he had just found out. He was still active, working, and we had sex regularly. Fast forward: He is now on disability, not working at all, we rarely sleep together and he never leaves the house. I love him still, but I didn't realize how hard this would be. I know he has a lot to cope with, but it's hard on me as well. on disabilityはどのような意味でしょうか?あと、it's hard on meはit's hard for meとどう違うのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • "heaven on a stick" の意味がわかりません

    Sorry to say it, but I can't eat uni. I don't know why I keep trying, but, dammit, the gag reflex just kicks in. Uni and liver are my "don't go there" foods. Unagi, however, is heaven on a stick (or bed of rice, or...). I used to have to pass by an unagi-juu place on the way home during my last two years in Japan. The smell was torture, as I was on a diet for a lot of that time. I had to go in and grab some unagi anyway. 上の文で"heaven on a stick" の意味がわかりません。stick は chopsticks のことでしょうか?うなぎがめちゃ好き、というのはわかるのですが、グーグルでは同じフレーズがあるのでもともと何かの流行ことばなのかなとも思います。どうなんでしょうか?