The Use of However in a Description of Kabaddi

  • Learn about the use of the word 'however' in a description of the sport Kabaddi.
  • Explore the role of the word 'however' in explaining the rules of Kabaddi.
  • Discover how the word 'however' introduces a contrasting element in the game of Kabaddi.
  • ベストアンサー


kabaddiというスポーツの説明が書かれた文です。 Two teams are facing each other on the field. One team sends out a player,"a raider,"to the opposing side. The raider runs after the opposing players. His aim is to touch as many opposing players as he can and return to his side in one breath. He keeps shouting"Kabaddi,Kabaddi"to show that he has not taken a breath yet. After the raider returns,the touched players are"dead." Among the opposing players,however,(←これ)are"stoppers." They try to catch the raider. If they do so,the raider is dead. 文全体の言いたいことは分かるのですが このhoweverがどういう働きをしているのかかがよくわかりません。

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数0


  • ベストアンサー

#1 です。 >一息でタッチすれば 一息で自陣に帰ってくれば の誤りでした。 ついでに, A, but B. のようにつなげる but に対して (A. But B. はあまりよくない) A. However, B. とするのが however です。 A でいったんピリオドとする。 ただ,B の部分は ~, however, ~. のように途中に however を入れたり, ~, however. と文末にもってくることもあります。 特に挿入が一番きれいな形。 でも,日本語では「しかし,」と最初にもってこないと日本語としてはすなおな訳ではなくなります。 英語の翻訳で,「私はしかしながら,~」なんていうのが時々出てきますが, これは英語的には普通でも,日本語では普通じゃないです。 今回の however も文の途中で出てきますが,日本語的には HOWEVER しかし,among ~ と先頭にあるつもりで訳さないと,正しく意味が感じられません。 もしかして,Among ~を訳して,「しかし」とやろうとして, 意味が感じられず,この however は「しかし」じゃない, とお考えではないですか。



こちらを見る前に#1に補足を書いてしまいました。 よくわかりました!ありがとうございます。

その他の回答 (1)


raider が相手選手にタッチして, 一息で(Kabaddi と言い続けて)自陣に帰ってきたら, タッチされた選手は dead となる。 (そういうルールではあるが) 「しかし」そんな単純なものじゃない,ただタッチして 一息でタッチすれば相手選手を殺せる,一方的なものではなく, 相手選手の中に stopper と呼ばれる選手がいて, raider を捕まえようとする。 捕まったら,raider の方が dead raider は相手選手を dead するか,stopper に dead とされるか。 こういう「しかし」とつなげるための however です。



わかりやすい説明ありがとうございます。 このhoweverが文の中間に入っているのは何か意味があるのですか? この部分はなんとなく日本語にはない順番で なんだかややこしく感じてしまいます。 それからhoweverの後ろにあるare stoppersの[are]は、 opposing playerの中に「いる」という意味で使われているのでしょうか。


  • 英語和訳

    スポーツのカバディについての文です。 前後の文が足りなかったら言ってください。 Among the opposing players,however,are "stoppers." 文中のhoweverの使い方がよくわかりません。 訳をお願いします。

  • 何の省略?

    The world is full of modern technological "conveniences" and everyone is expected to understand how to use them. Some people,however,are not so clever at dealing with them as they should be. これで、最後のas以下の省略は何がありますか?またasは何と とればいいでしょうか??

  • 和訳お願いします!!

     The sports people play in America and Japan tend to be quite similar. However, the way these sports are played in each society shows diffrences that reflect both cultures.  Though professional baseball teams in America and Japan play by the some rules, many aspects of the game are approached differently. A difference can be seen just by looking at the players and the game. Japanese players usually have a neat hairstyle without a beard or moustache, while American players wear their hair in various ways. Japanese players tend to practice much more than American players. December is the only month when Japanese players don't practice, while American players have three or four months of holidays during the off-season. Moreover, on game days. Japanese players spend most of the day (practice).  These approaches to baseball, the practice time is seen as a way to persevere and show effort. It not only improves performance, but builds group harmony. However, American players don't care about harmony or perseverance. Instead, the most important thing is better to save their energy, which will (win/them/give/chance/to/a better). As long asthe team wins, harmony and perseverance don't matter.  Another difference in baseball involves the relationship between the manager and the players. In japan, the manager has complete control over the players and (to/them/do/what/tells) in many situations. In America, the players are freer to play the game as they like, and even when they are told what to do by their manager, they sometimes disagree and do something different. If the player's decision is correct and it helps the team win, the player is usually (5). ( )の中は並び替えと適切な形にしてください。 (5)は(fired/punished/forgiven/ignored)の中から選んでください!! お願いします!!  

  • 英文の構造を教えてください

    The phenomenon of intetest is in itself a most interesting subject . It is not too much to say that a man's interests are a sure guide to the real man. We certainly act on that assumption when we choose our friends. It is just as reasonable to suppose that what a culture defines as interesting is no less a guide to its own values, goals and self consciousness. という英文で、it is just as reasonable to suppose that …のところのasが前文の内容が比較対照が明らかなので、省略されているらしのですが、これは it is just as reasonable to suppose that what a culture defines as interesting is no less a guide to its own values, goals and self consciousness as it is just as reasonable to say that a man ' s intetests are a sure guide to the real man ということでいいのでしょうか?あとhe is rich and you are just as rich[as he is]のようにto say that a man ' s intetests are a sure guide to the real man をthatとし、it is just as reasonable to suppose that …as that isのように書き換えられるのでしょうか?

  • 英文の日本語訳をお願いします。

    英文の日本語訳をお願いします。 The sports people play in America and Japan tend to be quite similar.However,the way these sports are played in each society shows differences that reflect both cultures. Though professional baseball teams in America and Japan play by the same rules,many aspects of the game are approached differently.A difference can be seen just by looking at the players and the game.Japanese players usually have a neat hairstyle without a beard or moustache,while American players wear their hair in various ways.Japanese players tend to practice much more than American players.December is the only month when Japanese players don't practice,while American players have three or four months of holidays during the off-season.Moreover,on game days,Japanese players spend most of the day to practice,while American players usually arrive one or two hours before the start of the game. These approaches to baseball show important cultural differences.In Japanese baseball,the practice time is seen as a way to persevere and show effort.It not only improves performance,but builds group harmony.However,American players don't care about harmony or perseverance.Instead,the most important thing is winning,Players have only light practice on game days because they think it is better to save their energy,which will give them a better chance to win.As long as the team wins,harmony and perseverance don't matter. Another difference in baseball involvs the relationship between the manager and the players.In Japan,the manager has complete contrl over the players and tellls them what to do in many situations.In America,the players are freer to play the game as tey like,and even when they are told what to do by their manager,they sometimes disagree and do something different.If the player's decision is correvt an it helps the team win,the player is usually free to play in his way. 長くてすみません(汗 お願いします

  • 英語の和訳をお願いします。

    He rose from the dead, that is to say, he lived again.(彼は蘇った、彼は生き返った。 ) I believe they still do.(私は彼等が留まることを信じる。) It was the Romance who first gave names to the seven days of the week, naming them after the sun, the moon, and the five planets, each planet sacred to a deity.(神聖な女神が月、太陽、5つの惑星を名付けた。) Most people seem to have a strenuous weekend, and so as a result, they come home from the country and go to work with what is called 'Monday blues.'(結果、憂鬱な月曜日。) You may recall how the man became Robinson's inseparable companion and servant.(許可、思い出す、ロビンソンの仲間と召し使い。)

  • 添削をお願いします!関係詞

    1)(However) hard the work is, he wants to be a lawyer. 2)The man is Nick's uncle, (whom) they say is a novelist. 3)She showed more kindness (than) I had expected. 4)Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen, (as) we all know. ()内が合っているか教えていただきたいです。 よかったら、文法の解説もお願いします。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 関係詞で一文を教えてください

    関係詞で一文に 教えてください。 ※( )の文を主節 1.That is the park. My father often takes a walk there. 2.A child is called an orphan. His parents are dead. 3.The jacket was too expensive. Ilikedit very much. 4.(They say he is very smart.) I cannot belive it. 5.I hear he is going to marry a girl.( The girl happened to be a friend of my wife's.) 6.(He lent me three novels.) I have read none of them. よろしくお願いします!!

  • 構文分析、よろしくお願い致しますm(_ _)m

    The principal reason why he was always being asked to umpire a game―aside from the fact that he never expected to be paid for his services, saying that he liked to umpire for the good of the game―was that he never failed to try to please both teams. If one side did not like one of his decisions, he would stop the game then and there and let the players on both sides swear at him as much as they pleased and call him the worst names they would think of until they were tired of arguing aand wanted to get back to playing ball. 構文分析よろしくお願い致します できるだけ丁寧に解説してくださると嬉しいです。

  • この翻訳で良いでしょうか

     次の文章の中の"as they do"を「現状のIQテストは」と訳してよいですか。 He believes that IQ tests are a poor way to judge people's abilities,failing as they do to account for magic, which has its importance, both by itself and as a complement to logic. このthey は IQ testsのことではないですか 以上です