• 締切済み



  • DTO
  • ベストアンサー率0% (0/0)

一部やや分かりづらい部分がありますが、直訳すると以下になります。 僕が言ったこと全てについてよく考えてほしい。 僕はこれが二人にとって最良の決断であると信じている。 しばらく自分の時間がほしいので、今後1ヶ月はemailを送らないでほしい。そして全ての事について考えてほしいんだ。1ヵ月経ったらemailを送ってもいいよ。でも今の君は立ち直るのに少し時間が必要なんだ。





  • messege の 内容

    すいませんが教えて下さい。 遠距離のアメリカから彼からのメールです。 ちょっとした喧嘩からギクシャクしてしまい長文メールがきました。 わからない部分があるので教えていただけたら。。。。 Please take some time to think about everything I said. I know this is the best decision for both of us. Please respect me by giving me some time. please don't text me for one month and think about everything. You can email me in 1 month. But you need some time to get over me. Thank you. と。 わからないのは Please respect me by giving me some time. と But you need some time to get over me. です。 どうか教えてください。

  • 英訳してくださいm(__)m

    英訳してくださいm(__)m すいませんが教えて下さい。 遠距離のアメリカから彼からのメールです。 ちょっとした喧嘩からギクシャクしてしまい長文メールがきました。 わからない部分があるので教えていただけたら。。。。 Please take some time to think about everything I said. I know this is the best decision for both of us. Please respect me by giving me some time. please don't text me for one month and think about everything. You can email me in 1 month. But you need some time to get over me. Thank

  • 友人からの英文を翻訳してください

    ドイツ人の異性の友人から一ヵ月ぶりくらいにメールがきました。 私の英語力では満足に理解することができないのでどなたか助けていただけないかと思います。 よろしくお願いします。 以下内容。 How are you? The news about Japan always make me worry about you... I thought about you very often! But a friend shocked me a few weeks ago and I needed to take a break and stayed at my parents house in the country for some time. I know him for 9 years and now I found out everything he told me was a lie. Thats so disappointing. Soon Ill go back to Mannheim. My friends there are already waiting for me. So of course I had to write you again! I would to love to hear from you!

  • どれが正しいしょうか? 意味は同じでしょうか?

    It's hight time that I left you. It's hight time to left you. I think it's about time to left you. The time has come for me to leave tou.

  • 英文でのメール【至急お願いします】

    教授にアポイントのメールを送ったところ、このような返事が来ました。 I will be in XX from about 9:30. You can come at any time. I forgot to send you an invitation. We are having Japanese curry and rice tomorrow from 11:30-1:30 in XX by my office. If you like, please come and eat some with us. I can look at your paper then. これに対しての返事なのですが、 Thank you for your reply. I appreciate your helpless. Thank you for invite me. I am looking forward to see you tomorrow. だけでいいでしょうか? なんか素っ気ない感じがするのですが(笑)。 また、Thank youを2回も続けてしまったのですが、よくないですよね・・・。 (2文目はappreciateに変えました) こちらの英文を添削して欲しいです。 またメールなので、敬語になっていなければ教えて欲しいです。

  • 英文メールの訳を教えてください!

    You know me. My life. I am concerned if I cannot give you all my attention. Just wanted you to know that work, parents and my "by myself" time is shared with you. If you are ok with that, which just means you will have some time to yourself, please come! ちゃんとした意味が知りたくて、質問させていただきました。 どなたか英語が詳しい方がいらっしゃいましたら、訳を教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の意味が分かりません…翻訳してください。

    it has only been 6 days since you paid me for this order below.....why so quick to freeze pay pal money for everything?? it takes time to finish all these dvds and when i get done you had put in new order for 2 more dvds, so i start on those as to mail all at once....then the weekend was here.....i have had very little time to make this last order..........i request you unfreeze the money for the order you have already received so i can mail you the remainder of this order...i will pay extra and use the EXPRESS so you get within 7 days.....but please be fair about this

  • 以下の英文についてお聞きします。 16

    1[She has decided to take soeme time off following a serious illness] 2[We need to find someone to take over for her for about four weeks.] 3[I'd like you to suggrst some names tha I can take back to the board for consideration.] 1のfollowingが修飾しているのはどこになるのでしょうか? 2の for about four weeksが修飾しているのはどこになるのでしょうか? 3のfor boardが修飾しているのはどこになるのでしょうか? よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英文の翻訳をお願いできますか?

    彼からのメールのないようですが、英語力の乏しい私には意訳ができません。どなたか翻訳してもらえないでしょうか? I could not respond because of my job yoğunlğundan. At this time in my personal life and my business life, he decides to live in because of the stress I'm not sure. You get very impatient. I do not understand why. People to marry each other very well need to know. I married again to another without fully concluded'm not ready for marriage. Friendship and friendship and love in the coming time, as more development would be better for us. And together we will make better decisions about what to do. Why so quick to make a decision as I insist you do not understand. These are very serious issues. Decision can not be easy. More do not recognize each other full Incentives. And the Japanese society and Turkey have different traditions. In this regard you and me how we can comply with this tradition. I think people need to know each other a long time for marriage. We only We saw each other 2 days. I think this closeness, friendship and love each other without breaking continues in this way and get upset. Conclusions as a result of friendship beautiful. I very busy businessman, I can not take too much time for my private life. Please forgive me because I can not talk much with you.you get to me a very special person and I'm very happy to know you.I want to be with you always in the future. I like you very much.

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入しました。取り置きの事、と発送ミスの事で問い合わせしていました。返事が来たんですがすみませんが意味を教えて下さい。お願いします。 I’m still thinking way to provide advance arriving inventories. But current issues we cannot hold products in the warehouse way too long and you have 1 1/2month cap to place an order. Please give me little more time to think of best way to provide you inventory list. And alma is still working on missing items from your last order please give her few more days and she will give you more details. Hope everything is great.