• ベストアンサー

Ours is

This is especially prevalent in the sexual arena. Ours is a culture that promotes sexual fulfillment and liberation while simultaneously insisting on restraint and "responsibility." このOursはsexual arenaにかかってますか? そして、なぜbe動詞はisになるのでしょうか?


  • ベストアンサー

"ours is a culture that" で検索して出てくる相当なものを見ていけば ours = our culture のことだとわかると思います。 Mine is a large family. こういう英語を集合名詞 family の例文で昔は必ず習ったものです。 ただ,そういうことでもなければわからなくても不思議ではありません。 でも,こういう場合,かたい英語であっても,ネイティブなら 後の名詞を表していると自然に感じることでしょう。


その他の回答 (7)


私の回答履歴をみて勉強してください。 あなたの数万倍は英語をよく知っています。 知ってていつもけんか売ってるんですよね。 http://dic.yahoo.co.jp/dsearch/1/1na/045738000/ Mine is a large family. ((文))うちは大家族です(▼((略式))ではMy family is large [a large one]. という). こういうのを私は中学生の時から知っています。 辞書に「文」とある通りです。 私も下で「かたい英語」と書きました。 代名詞には「後方照応的な」使い方があるのです。 It is difficult to understand Egnlish. こういう形式主語に代表されます。 まあ,Yahooの辞書くらい当てにならない,と断定した人もいましたが。


a book ⇒ my book = mine  だから mies is となる。 books ⇒ my books = mine だから mines are となる。 同様に a thought ⇒ our thought = ours だから ours is となる。 thoughts ⇒ our thoughts = ours だから ours are と文章が続くのです。 文章は前から読むのです。これじゃどちらが質問者なのか分からなくなりますよ。


No4です。添付辞書のURLが抜けていました。 http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/arena?r=66


> This is especially prevalent in the sexual arena. Ours is a culture that promotes sexual fulfillment and liberation while simultaneously insisting on restraint and "responsibility." 1.このthisは前の文のthought "forbidden." 2.arenaには添付辞書にあるように 4. a field of conflict 書き換えれば、 The thought of forbidden is espacially prevalent in the field of sexual conflict. Our field of sexual conflict is a culture that promotes sexual fulfullment and liberation while ... と続く・・・ No1さんと貴兄のarenaにかかるで正しい解釈と思う。


mine とか ours というと,「私のもの」「私たちのもの」という意味, そして,S is の後にきて「S は~のものです」と使うに決まっている と思いがちです。 mine という(所有代名詞)は,my +名詞の代わりです。 my という所有格の後には必ず名詞がくる。 その名詞を略したものが mine です。 This book is my book. の代わりに This book is my. とはできない。 This book is my one. とはせずに,This book is mine. とする。 このように,普通は前に出ている名詞を略すためにあります。 そして,名詞は主語にもなれるので, Your father is a teacher and mine is a doctor. とも言えます。 単に my father の代わりにすぎません。 名詞であれば人にも使えます。 必ずしも前になくても,その場でわかれば使えます。 ちょっとかたい表現ですが, Mine is a large family. という言い方があります。 My family is a large one. と同じだとわかると思います。 ということで,この ours は our culture のことです。 「私たち」が複数でも,後にくる名詞が単数ならもちろん単数扱いです。 our father は一人の父親。 culture が単数なら our culture も単数,すなわち ours も単数。 our cultures の代わりの ours なら複数扱い。


a·re·na/əˈrēnə/ Noun: 1.A level area surrounded by seats for spectators, in which public events are held. 2.A place or scene of activity, debate, or conflict. 以上、arenaの意味です。 oursは、our cultureのことです。 Our culture is a culture that ....... のour cultureを oursに代替することで、一文の中でcultureという語が繰り返すのを避けています。 我々の文化は、that以下の特徴を持つ、一つの文化である、というのが直訳です。

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  • ベストアンサー率28% (1424/5027)

>このOursはsexual arenaにかかってますか? (もうちょっと前を読みたい気もするけど、)多分そうだね。 >そして、なぜbe動詞はisになるのでしょうか? sexual arena が三人称で単数で現在の状態を表現しようとしているからでは?



  • 下記の英文を訳してくださる方はいませんか?

    Loneliness The feeling of loneliness pervades old age, even for old persons still living with their spouses. It is especially prevalent among women and among women especially among widows (Lopata, 1975). In fact, loneliness is the major difficulty faced by widows (treas, 1975). Among the other consequences of loneliness is reduced appetite, which could result in malnutrition (Weg, 1975); but the one inevitable consequence of loneliness is reduced satisfaction with life. The quality of life cannot be satisfactory if one is ridden with loneliness, social isolation, and bitterness. お願いします。

  • so that の意味

    Birth Control It’s no accident that abortion and contraception are often mentioned in the same context; and the providers of contraception are also the providers of abortion. Abortion is the fruit of contraception. Once a society accepts contraception, it has basically said that sex is for recreation and one need not take responsibility for one’s actions in this area. Once that is an accepted mindset, the floodgates are open to a number of aberrations like abortion because it is simply a continuation of the "no responsibility" mindset. If I get a girl pregnant, I can just "get rid of" my responsibility by abortion. When condoms are passed out in high schools, the message being spoken is "Here kids, go mess yourselves up emotionally and catch an incurable disease while you’re at it." When married couples contracept, the language being spoken is, "I love you and give myself entirely to you and accept you completely in everything that you are – almost; I don’t want your fertility." Bishop Fulton Sheen said, "The love between spouses is so real and so tangible that in nine months, you might have to give it a name." Spouses should realize that marital love is a participation in God’s creative act and that babies are good, not burdens to be avoided at all costs; especially the cost of poisoning women with dangerous chemicals so (1)  they can be available for sexual pleasure. Medicine is for sick people, not healthy people. Pregnancy and motherhood are not diseases. お世話になります。 上記文章で(1)の部分にはthat が省略されているものと思いますが、soと組み合わせてどう訳したらいいでしょうか?宜しくお願いします。

  • レポートの添削至急お願いいたします。

    いつもお世話になっています。 レポートの一部なのですが、精一杯訳してもここまでしかできなかったので、添削お願いいたします。 原文に忠実でなくても、日本語を変えて下さっても構いません。 (1)人々をステレオタイプ化することを乗り越えるためには、対等な立場で十分な時間と回数、ステレオタイプ化している人々と触れ合うことが必要である。 It is necessary to have enough time and the number of time relationship with people who stereotype in equal position. (2)特に、同じ目標に向かって共同活動をすることがよい。 Especially, it is good to carry out a joint activity with the same aim to overcome stereotyping people. (3)また、自分がステレオタイプを持っていることを自覚し、人々を正確に見ようとすべきである。 In addition, people should be aware that they have some stereotype, and try to see people accurate. (前の文とは繋がっていません。) (4)カルチャーショックとは、人々が自分の持っている文化とは異なる文化と接触したときに、違和感や拒絶間などのために、十分な適応ができずにいる状態であり、心身症や神経症を伴うことが多い。 Cultural shock is the conditions that enough adaptation is not possible because of the sense of incongruity or feeling of refusal, when people touched the culture that is different from his culture,and it often accompanies with psychosomatic disorder and neurosis. 以上です。 長文な上、間違いばかりだと思いますが、ご回答いただけると大変助かります。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 訳をお願いします

    ペンパルからのメールでの一文なのですが、自分なりに辞書や翻訳機を使って訳してみたのですが、いまいち意味がつかめません。ですので訳の手助けのほうをお願いします。 it seems the japanese culture is based on non-verbal communication and the need for interpretation is much higher (from westerners point) but hey, I'm prob[これは向こうのタイプミス?] totally wrong, especially having after talking alot to you, who seem to be very 'down to earth' and somewhat to the point (which is good) anywho, enough with my ramblings (carrying on) 日本との文化の違いを感じた的な事を前の文で言っていました。よろしくお願いします!

  • 英文添削してください。

    1 大阪の食べ物はおいしいです。 Foods in Osaka is very taste good. There are a lot of good meals in Osaka. 2 ぜひお好み焼き、たこ焼きをたべてみてください。 I recommend that you eat Okonomiyaki, Takoyaki. 3 今日は行かないかもしれないし、日本独特の文化というわけではありませんが、有名なレジャーランドがあります。 I think you don’t go there and the spot is not a original Japanese culture, there is a famous leisure land in Japan. 4 大阪は買い物をするにはいい場所でもあります。 Osaka is the good to buy something with. 5 特に、ここ梅田は最適な場所です。 Especially, here Umeda is the best spot.

  • 英作の練習でグローバリゼーションについて書いてみたのですが、今までほと

    英作の練習でグローバリゼーションについて書いてみたのですが、今までほとんど英作などはしたことがないので添削をしてほしです。手探り状態で書いたので数多くの改善点があるかもしれませんがよろしくお願いします。 Globalization has both merits and demerits. First, thanks to it, we can communicate with foreigners and contact with foreign cultures. In that way, we can have wide discrimination. If we contact with foreign cultures, we may notice importance and essentially of own culture. But, we may feel foreign culture is better than ours. If so, our culture becomes outdated. Second, the Internet, which is a factor of globalization, brings information of all over the world to us. If we use the Internet, we can get information in many languages. Also, if we ask questions on it, somebody who is sitting in front of PC answers them in about an hour. But, with the spread of the Internet, reading books may become less important. Books have value that the Internet doesn’t have. If books disappear from the world, cultures may also disappear because books are full of the country’s language, idea and knowledge. Finally, globalization’s merits are also globalization’s demerits.

  • 英文の和訳を教えてください

    以下の文なのですが、訳せる方いらっしゃいましたらお願いします。 Photon Absorption Photovoltaic cells are designed to capture the photons of the solar spectrum. Energies in the visible range are especially important to consider, but energy is available in the near-infrared, as well. Solar cell designs that more efficiently absorb these photons must consider the specific energies of these wavelengths. Photons with energies equal to or greater than the bandgap are absorbed as their energy promotes electrons into the conduction band. If photons have energy exceeding the semiconductor’s bandgap, the excess is usually dissipated as heat and is thus wasted. Alternatively, photons whose energies are less than the bandgap are not absorbed at all, but are transmitted through the material and their energy is not used. If the photon’s energy is equal to the bandgap, the energy transfer, in terms of its photovoltaic usefulness, is as close to 100% efficient as is thermodynamically possible. 専門的な文章でなかなか難しいので、出来る方いましたらお願いします。

  • 至急、英文和訳お願いします!

    This symbol went across the Atlantic to the U.S. and took on additional meanings. Especially in the 1960s and 1970s, it was adopted by several counter-culture movements such as the anti-Vietnam war protests, environmentalism and women's rights. This simple icon has been used in many countries around the world, even as a fashion item. It now appears on millions of mugs, T-shirts and accessories. Perhaps the reason it has lasted for over 50 years is because it can be reproduced quickly and is adaptable to different appeals. Interestingly, the London marchers five decades ago never registered it as a trademark. "It's a symbol of freedom," they say. "It's free for all." 確実な全訳が なかなかできません… 至急よろしくお願いします!

  • この文章、どうやって翻訳したらいいですか?

    Please understand that language has a evry important role in this international society of ours. You should realize that a language is not only a tool that you can communicate your thoughts and disires with, but also the base from which you can learn about a nation's culture. The great variety of words and expressions represent the culture that gave rise to that language. New worlds can be discovered through language; a different culture and an encounter with a different sense of values can lend you to have a sense of solidarity with people in faraway countries. Because of the long recession, Japanese people nowadays tend to be mostly concerned with domestic affairs. However, Japan cannot survive without being based on an international foundation. Many countries of the world place high hopes on Japan, not only for economic reasons, but also because they want Japan to play a stronger leadership role. To carry out what the world expects of us and make Japan a country that is held in respect by others in the world community, I hope students make strong efforts to develop their intellecutual curiosity. を日本語にしたいのです。よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 急ぎです!英語の長文翻訳5問をお願いします…

    急ぎです!英語の長文翻訳5問をお願いします… 1. His early deep pessimism that little could be done to improve the lot of poor gave way to a moderate hope that moral restraint combined with wise laws might improve living standards, lessen inequality, raise the status of women and promote freedom for the labouring poor. 2.Finding the time, energy and means to prepare nutritious meals for oneself and one's children poses a real challenge, especially as the temptation to choose convenience foods is very great. 3.In the area of economics, increased globalization has given consumers more choice. Also, multinational corporations are creating jobs in poor areas where people never before had such opportunities. Some critics, however, argue that increased investment and trade benefit only a small group of wealthy individuals and that, as a result, the gap between rich and poor grows both within and between countries. 4.Artists and entertainers have crossed gender, racial, generational, and international boundaries with unprecedented ease and have been able to break loose of often confining local cultures. Nowhere has this been more true than in the United States, where other cultures have refashioned national tastes and have even challenged the idea that there is a shared "american" culture at all. 5.We label things, and think we know them, ever since we named th beasts, but the more one looks at a drop of water, or a blade of grass, or gazes into someone else's eyes, the more extraordinary what one is looking at becomes. 解けるようなら、1問だけでもいいです… よろしくお願いします! 翻訳辞書での回答はご遠慮させていただきます…すいません