Stolen Painting Found in Museum

  • A stolen painting is found in a museum, leading to an investigation.
  • The director hangs the painting in the abstract art division and receives praise from experts.
  • A little boy claims that the painting is his and his fingerprints are found on it.
  • ベストアンサー


 It was almost five o'clock in the evening. There were not very many people left in the museum. Michael, the security guard, was checking to see that nothing was wrong with any of the paintings displayed in the museum. Suddenly, he saw something on the floor. Michael showed the painting to the director of the museum. The director got interested in the painting and asked Michael several questions.  "You found this in the Abstract Art section on the third floor?"  "Yeah, on the floor," answered Michael.  "Was there anyone who might have painted this on the third floor?" asked the director.  "No, sir. People were gone and this painting was lying on the floor."  "Well then, we must call several museums to check and see if it's a stolen painting," said the director.  The director and Michael did not receive any claim from anybody, so the director decided to hang it in the abstract art division on the third floor. Many experts from different countries came to review the painting. Each one said it was beautiful and had very deep meaning that turned the thoughts of the viewers inward. Both the director and Michael were proud to have such a painting in their museum.  Several weeks later, a woman came to the museum with her four-year-old son. While they were looking at the new painting, the little boy, all of a sudden, began to cry very loudly, pointing to the painting. Michael walked over to the mother and child, and asked, "Is anything wrong, son?"  The mother replied instead, "He is crying because that's his painting displayed on the wall, and he wants it back. I was here with my son a few weeks ago, and he might have left his paining right here on the floor. If you look carefully, I'm sure you can see his fingerprints on the back."  Michael was so embarrassed that he was just looking at the boy and his mother is an awkward silence.

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数3


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

夕方のほぼ5時でした。美術館にはあまり多くの人々が、残っていませんでした。警備員のマイケルは、美術館に展示された絵に何も問題がないことを点検していました。突然、彼は床に何かあるのが目にとまりました。マイケルは、その絵を美術館のディレクターに、示しました。ディレクターは絵に興味を持って、マイケルにいくつか質問をしました。 「君は、これを三階の抽象絵画セクションで見つけたのだね?」 「はい、床にありました」と、マイケルは答えました。 「三階に、これを描いたかもしれない誰かが、いたのかね?」と、ディレクターは尋ねました。 「いいえ。 人々はもういなくて、この絵が床にあったんです。」 「それでは、我々は、それが盗まれた絵であるかどうか確認するために、いくつかの美術館に電話をしなければならないね」と、ディレクターは言いました。 ディレクターとマイケルは、誰からもうちの絵であると言う返事を受け取らなかったので、ディレクターは、3階の抽象絵画部門にそれを展示することに決めました。様々な国から多くの専門家が、絵を調べに来ました。それぞれの専門家が、それが美しくて、見る人の思考を内面に向ける非常に深い意味があると言いました。ディレクターとマイケルは、共に、彼らの美術館にそのような絵があることを誇りに思いました。 数週後、一人の女性が、彼女の4才の息子を連れて美術館に来ました。彼らがその新しい絵を見ていた時に、その男の子が、突然、その絵を指さしながら、とても大きな声で泣き始めました。マイケルは、その母親と子供のところまで歩いて行って、尋ねました。「坊や、どうかしたの?」 母親が、代わりに答えました。「あの壁に展示されている絵が、自分の絵なので、この子は泣いているんです、そして、それを返してもらいたがっています。私は2、3週間前に、息子とここに来ました、そして、息子は、床の丁度このへんに、自分の描いた絵を置き忘れて行ったかもしれません。慎重に調べていただければ、きっと裏に息子の指紋が見つかると思います。」 マイケルは、とても当惑して、ただ、その男の子と母親を、気まずく黙って見つめていました。 【is an awkward silence→in an awkward silence?】





  • 和訳をお願いします。

     Joe was not a good student. He tried hard, but he was not clever enough to understand everything that he was supposed to learn. In fact, whenever Joe had examinations in the past, he had become so nervous that he could not even remember the little he had learned in class. He would sit there, holding his pen tight and scratching his head while other students were busily writing their answers.  Then the time came for the final examination, and Joe spent sleepless nights trying to remember everything he had been taught that year, so that when he went into the examination hall, he was tired and unhappy.  The examination papers were handed out, and Joe looked quickly at his copy. The first question was as difficult as he had feared. He read it through several times, and then slowly began to write, but nothing seemed to come easily. Soon he began to sweat, and the drops fell on the paper.  To try to gain the teacher's sympathy, he drew rings round the drops with his pen and wrote 'MY SWEAT' under them.  The examination finished, and Joe met his friends in the entrance to the hall. They had found the examination easy, they said. "Of course they would!" Joe thought bitterly.  A few weeks later the students' examination papers were returned to them with their grades. Joe's friends had all passed, but Joe's grade was 'E', which meant that he had failed.  Then, when he looked at his paper more carefully, he saw that there were some more marks of water on it, and under them the teacher had written 'MY TEARS.' 長いですが、よろしくお願い致します。

  • 和訳してくださいm(_ _)m

    Suddenly, Marvin felt a strong pull on his left arm. It was Max! He had jumped into the cold water and was firmly holding his exhausted master. Then he pulled him nearly twenty feet toward the dock. Marvin tried hard to catch the side of the dock. He could see that the dog, too, was already exhausted from his rescue efforts. Somehow Marvin managed to push Max onto the dock. But Marvin's legs were badly injured and he couldn't movethem. He tried hard to climb onto the dock by himself, but because of the cold water and the pain in his injured legs, he began to black out, and his grip on the dock became loose. Suddenly, the sight of his late dinner and the Christmas cards in the warm dining room appeared in his mind. He fell back into the water and again went under.

  • 和訳

    Soseki received several replies to his ad. In July 1901,he moved into a boarding house run by two elderly women,Miss Leale and her sister. The sisters were sophisticated and the environment suited Soseki. He lived there about one and a half years until he left Britain. Soseki was fairly happy there,but his mind was troubled by many things. From the time Soseki first started studying English literature at university,he had been obsessed with one simple question: “What is literature?” He hadn’t yet found a clear answer―the purpose for his life. In Britain he hoped to find the answer. In reality,however,studying English literature as scholarship was a fairly new concept even in Britain. After six months of studying in Britain,he finally realized that he would have to create his own theories on literature. Ikeda kikunae’s logical way of thinking had inspired him. From then on,he avoided social life,spending most of his time alone reading books and thinking. Eventually,his closed lifestyle led to a mental breakdown. 以下の質問に英語で答えなさい。 1, What question was always on Soseki’s mind? 2, What inspired Soseki to create his own literary theories? 3, Why did Soseki suffer a mental breakdown? 和訳と問題よろしくお願いします。

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    There he was on the ground,in no condition to go on, and all of a sudden he was no longer in Poland.instead,he found himself imaging himself standing on a stage on postwar Vienna giving a lecture on The Psychology of Death Camps. Audience of two hundred listened to his every word. The lecture was one that he had been working out the whole time he had been in the death camp. He spoke about how some people seem to survive the experience better than others, psychologically and emotionally. It was a brilliant lecture, all taking place in his mind's eye and ear. He was no longer half dead on the field but living in the lecture. During the lecture, Frankl told the imaginary audience about the day he was in that field being beaten and was certain he didn't have the strength to get up and keep walking.    Then, wonder of wonders, he told his imagined audience, he was able to stand up. The guard stopped beating him and get began to walk slowly. As he was imagining describing this to his audience, his body got up and began to walk. He continued to imagine this lecture all the while he was doing the work and through the cold march back to the death comp. He collapsed into his narrow bed, imagining ending this brilliantly clear speech and receiving a standing ovation.

  • 和訳

    Birthday(1915) The flying young man is Chagall himself,and the woman with a bouquet is Bella,Chagall’s fiancée. Of course,Chagall couldn’t fly in the air and his neck was not so long. These images are expressing his supreme joy. Chagall first met Bella during a trip to his hometown in 1909. It was love at first sight. Before he returned to St.Petersburg,they agreed to marry in the future. Bella was only 14 years old then. During his years in Paris,Chagall was gradually becoming famous. At last in 1914 he decided to return home for Bella. Years later,Bella told the story about the painting. I brought him some flowers for his birthday,but he had completely forgotten that it was his birthday. Suddenly he said,“Don’t move,”and he stared painting. Both our hearts were pounding. When he had finished,he said,We’ll call it “Birthday.” I’ll have finished a few more pictures of us before our wedding day. They got married about three weeks after the picture had been painted. 打ち間違いしていたらすいません。 お願いします。

  • 和訳

    Natsume Soseki went to Britain about 100 years ago as a student sent by the Ministry of Education. He was 33 years old and a professor at the Fifth High School in Kumamoto then. He left Yokohama by ship in September 1900,and reached London two months later. Britain was more developed than other countries in those days. There was already a web of underground in London―30 years before the first underground in Tokyo. Everything Soseki saw and heard was a wonder. He enjoyed buying used books,walking in the parks and going to the theaters. He wrote this to his wife: “I wish you could see the wonderful theater shows. In one show,I saw about sixty women dancing on the stage in gorgeous costumes.” Soseki’s life in London,however,was difficult sometimes. The prices were very high for him. He stopped going to college because he felt the tuition was too expensive and the classes were not useful. And being unfamiliar with the city,he often lost his way or took the wrong train when he want out to see the sights. 和訳していただけてたら光栄です。 打ち間違いをしていたらすいません。

  • 和訳して下さい

    Upon receiving the message from the messenger,Hamlet quickly started for his mother's chambers.On his way there,he passed by the king's room.Hamlet peeked in and saw Claudius on his knees looking up toward Heaven.The king was praying,and Hamlet could hear what he was saying.“Forgive me,dear Lord,for the terrible crimes I have committeed,"Claudius begged God.Hamlet saw that Claudius was alone in the room.This time,there were no guards to protect him.I can kill him right now,thought the young prince.But wait,he said to himself.If Claudius dies now while he is praying,God will forgive him,and Claudius will go to Heaven.But I want him to suffer in Hell forever.I'll wait for a better opportunity.Hamlet then went on to his mother's room.The meeting with his mother wasn't really private.There was a spy in her chambers.The king had ordered his old adviser Polonius to hide behind the curtains. Polonius was to listen to the conversation between Hamlet and Queen Gertrude and then pass on everything he heard to the king.

  • 和訳していただけたら・・・

    I and the Village(1911) This painting by Chagall is full of strange images. Why is the big face green? Whose face is it? Why did Chagall paint a small cow on the face of another cow? You can see a few people and buildings. Some of them are upside down. Where do these images come from? In the picture,Chagall expressed parts of his life in a unique and interesting way. Most of the images have been created from his childhood memories of his hometown. The face on the right is Chagall himself. Chagall was born in 1887 Vitebsk,a city in Russia. Most people in the city,including his family,were Jewish. Though his family was poor,he had a happy childhood. In 1907,Chagall went to an art school in St.Petersburg. Later in 1910,with little money but big dreams,he left for Paris to study art. While in Paris,he often painted pictures of his hometown. “I and the Village”is one of them. よろしくお願いします。 打ち間違いをしていたらすいません。

  • 和訳をお願いいたします

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたのみで。 お願いできますでしょうか? 1段落の中盤部分になりますので、 内容が中途半端だと思いますが、 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 He could not afford to be extravagant or loss his school things. There were younger brothers and sisters or cousins in the family, who attended the same school. Your future soul mate was a bright bony child, quick to learn and would have done well at school, though he lacked the staying power in the class room. He was eloquent. A good speaker and good liar. I think he went on to higher education. To college or university On of his school or educational establishments had an immense tall Corinthian pillars at the door.

  • 和訳をお願いします

    和訳をよろしくお願いします! The voyage was hard. He had many windless days when his boat did not move at all. Sometimes he fell ill and was filled with worries. He was all alone on the ocean. There was no one to tell him what to do. But he got over the difficulties and, 94 days later, he arrived in San Francisco.