• ベストアンサー


一つ目は sweet! it's a shame he never finished it like he did the other trio です 二つ目は Can you do download please I need him for my xxx affair He would look so much smiling than frowning at her (xxxは伏字です) どなたかよろしくおねがいします

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数0


  • ベストアンサー
  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

sweet! it's a shame he never finished it like he did the other trio ステキ!ほかの三人組みたいに締められなかったのはホント残念だったね。 Can you do download please I need him for my xxx affair ダウンロードしてくれる?xxxの件に関して彼が要るんだ。 He would look so much smiling than frowning at her 彼は彼女にしかめっ面をしているというより、微笑んでいるように見えたよ。



回答ありがとうございます 二つ目のCan you do download please I need him for my xxx affair は私がダウンロードしろということでしょうか? それともダウンロードを出来るかって事でしょうか? もしもわかるなら教えてください;


  • 英訳お願いします

    前の質問の二つ目の物に対しての返信ですが 英語で 私にはこのモデルは与える事はできません ごめんなさい これは My This model cannot be given to me.  I'm sorry で、あっているでしょうか? この返信内容で変じゃないでしょうか? もしもおかしなところがあった場合、訂正していただけると助かります; それと二回目ですが書いてある事に間違いがあったので修正しました sweet! it's a shame xxx never finished it like he did the other trio (xxxは伏字です) この翻訳は前に回答してくださった 『ステキ!ほかの三人組みたいに締められなかったのはホント残念だったね。』 と、言ってる事は同じでしょうか?どなた様か教えて頂けると嬉しいです;;

  • すみませんが此方の文章を翻訳していただけませんか?

    すみませんが此方の文章を翻訳していただけませんか? 翻訳サイトで訳してもちゃんとした文章になりませんので誰か英語の得意な方、御願い致します。 Live to Tell 55 The next scene contains graphic masturbation. As a warning and curtousy to those upset by such things, please click http://mariano.kemonoart.org/LivetoTell/59 to skip past it. Then that night, someone had a dream about a sweet memory in her life... Vulpa: *jumping up* SPINEL...!!!! Uh... Thinking: Oh! That was just a dream! That was about the first time we kissed each other! But because of that motherfucker Omega, we never had the chance to... Oh Spinel! I need you so much...! Hmmmm... I wonder if the kids... Oh! They are asleep! Hey! Wolufu was supposed to wake me before he went to sleep to relieve him from his guard! Oh well... Hmmmm... Perhaps I could take this chance to...

  • 英語のメールを翻訳したのですが

     大学時代お世話になったカナダ人の60代の女性の元教授に相談のメールをして2通きました。自信がなくて、訳したんですが感想やアドバイス、添削をお願いします。 家族のことや進路のことなどを相談しました。    You are asking what you should do? What is your dream? (just making a club in university is not a very big/good dream) What do you want to do? In the past I gave you some advice looking after your health but you seem not interested in this type of advice. In getting over one's problems everyone must learn to forget one's problems and start by being of service to others. Get a job to help your mother so you need not be dependent on her and so she has fewer problems. Make others happy with your magic. Start your own club: even if you are the only member. Offer your services to elderly people in old folks homes, children in orphanages. Bless your grandfather even though he causes you pain. (Only your ego stands in your way and as long as you hate him he will continue to be as you believe!!!) Can you do these things? WILL you do any of these things? Or do you want to "enjoy" your personal life drama? Blessings on you Taro, you can be what ever you want to be. Really NOTHING is standing in your way. Be strong and focus on what you want. Do NOT focus, dwell or think about what you do not want. 「どうすればいいのか?」を聞きたいの?それとも将来の夢のことについて相談に乗ってもらいたいの?(学校でサークルを立ち上げるという夢はあまり大したことないしいい夢とは思えません) 何をしたいの? これまで、タロウ君の体調などを見つつ、アドバイスしてきましたが、この手のアドバイスはあまりタロウ君には合わなかったようですね・・・。 困難を乗り越えるには、誰しもその問題、困難を忘れるすべを身につけて、他人への思いやりを心がけなければなりません。 お母さんを助けるために仕事に就きましょう。そうすればお母さんに依存しなくて済むし、お母さんの問題も減るでしょう。 タロウ君のマジックでみんなを楽しませてあげましょう! 自分で新しいサークル、クラブを立ち上げましょう。 たとえメンバーが一人であっても。 高齢者地域に住んでいるお年寄りや孤児院の子供たちに「自分のできること」「役に立つこと」をしていきましょう。 おじいさんのせいで心の傷を負ったとしても、おじいさんを大事にしてあげること。(今のあなたの人生には自己中心的な考えだけがあっておじいさんのことを嫌えば嫌うほどあなたの思っているくらい長生きするでしょう!) 上にあげたことができる? それともほかのことをする? それとも自分だけの”楽しい”「自分だけの人生」という名のドラマを送りたいですか?  タロウ君、自分を大事にしましょう。 自分の望んでいる姿にならなんにでもなれるはず。実際、今のあなたは自分というものがしっかりしていません。 強くなって、何がしたいのか、何を手に入れたいのかということに集中しましょう。 集中せずに詳しくクヨクヨしたり、いろいろと考えるなりしてしたくないこと、嫌なことについても考えるんです。 Forget your problems, just take any step toward what you want to do, to be , to become. The more you look at your problems the more they will hang on to you. But you do not need or want my advice , you already know exactly what do do. 今目の前にある問題を忘れて、何が欲しいか、どうなりたいかへのステップを確実に踏んでいきましょうね。 問題を直視すればそれだけ、囚われたままになって余計にしんどくなるでしょう。 私のアドバイスが欲しくない、必要じゃないとしてもタロウ君はすでにもう、何をすべきかはっきりわかっているはずですよ。 

  • 翻訳希望

    長文ですが、どなたか翻訳をお願いできませんか? 意味を知りたいです。 よろしくお願いします。 His Uranus conjuncts your ascendant, this means he has the power to alter your destiny's. In some way you will transform his destiny too. These changes may not be finished yet. The effect of his Uranus during the course of the relationship means, your physical appearance will change and your health. This sign can give the illusion of your becoming taller, sometimes the posture changes the spine is held straighter, sometime the shoes get higher. But the illusion is of one taller. Your complexion will become more delicate. The skin sometimes very gradually has a more milky brown look of alabaster. The hair grows longer at the back the eyes get misty or dulled, The personal factor of attraction will be very marked and people will seem drawn to you. Ties will be quickly made and quickly broken, many new acquaintances, particularly of a creative, musical, eccentric or artistic kind. because of this relationship. He will seem to have a touch of genius. You can bring this out. More. This sign can play on your nervous system, when tiredness and weakness alternative with restlessness and excitement. In many ways you'll seem never more alive, never more free. There will be a strong deep desire for romance..

  • 並べかえについて

    []の中の単語を和訳に沿って並べかえる問題です。 →のあとに[]の並べかえた私の考えた答えを書きました。 ところどころ細かい部分で自信がないです(^^; 注意していますが、誤字があったら指摘お願いします(-_-;) 答えの訂正やアドバイスをお願いしますm(__)m --------------------- 1.あなたの言うことは信じられない。そんなにすぐに仕事が終わるわけがないもの。 I don't believe you. You could [finished/have/not/soon/so/work/your]. →not have finished your work so soon 2.彼は私に直ちにこの部屋を出ていけと命じた。 [at/he/leave/me/once/ordered/room/the/to]. →He ordered me to leave the room at once 3.アパートを借りる前に、誤解が生じないようにできるだけたくさんのことを調べておきなさい。 Before you rent an appointment,find out as much about it [in order that/as possible/no/there/will be] misunderstanding. →as possible in order that there will be no 4.例の建物が完成するとどのようになるのか、大体のところを教えてくれませんか。 Can you give me [what/a rough idea/look like/of/that building/will] when It's finished? →a rough idea what will look like that building of 5.「ジャズの勉強のためにほしかった奨学金がもらえなかった。」「頑張ってトライし続ければ、いつかもらえるよ。」 “I didn't get that scholarship I wanted to study jazz.” “Just [and/keep/on/one/trying/you'll get] eventually.” →keep on trying one and you'll get

  • 英語できる方、日本語に訳してもらえませんか。

    I did not want to tell you this before, but now its like am forced to let you know I am the one you know as the Actor but I am a secret agent that works with the American Military, I was going to explain to you later, but since you have found out yourself I have to tell you now. Please you have to keep this as a top secret because in the profile you sent I know you should have read I was once in the US Marine Corps, But I had a deal with the Defence council when i was going into acting, and I still work as an underground agent, I want a new and free life that is why I want a good and real love from you.this is why I decided to look for someone\ outside America to find true love. I hope you will understand all I have told you and know that what i need is your love Please find part of the link you sent me below, What I need is your love, your love is very important to me I need a serious and real love in my life. ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Spent four years as a U.S. Marine serving in combat units. During his time, he studied the hand to hand combat, line-training and Brazilian ju-jitsu. In his first credited speaking role on-screen, he played the lead role of John Merser in Maverick Entertainment's 'Champion Road'. Was an uncredited extra in a scene with Michael Jai White and Tasha Smith in 2007's hit film, 'Why Did I Get Married?'. In 2011, he signed on with those same two actors as a series regular in a TBS sitcom based on that movie. Although known for being athletic and performing his own stunts in films; Brad James is working with an ankle that never healed correctly after he broke it in in late 2000 while serving in the US Marine Corps.

  • 英語得意な方へ!

    英語得意な方へ! 和訳のお手伝いをお願いします。 自分でやれそうなところはやってみました。 間違っていたらご指摘お願いします。 Is my pretty friend ok?元気? For me there is not much besides working, eating and sleeping. Well I'm still a little bit troubled by my jet lag. Do you know what jet lag is?(jet lagって何か知ってる?) http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/時差ぼけ If you have never traveled outside Japan you probably haven't experienced it.(あなたは海外に行ったことがないから経験したことないかもね) I hope the first you have experience it will be when you visit Belgium :)() In the hotel (Japanese business hotel) I have changed rooms 3x. The staff in the hotel thinks I'm probably very difficult :) Every time they have me a big room ...(毎回彼等は大きい部屋を用意してくれます) but the glass of the window was mat ... you couldn't look through it. I like to be able to look outside.(私は外を見ることがすき) Now I have a smaller room but with a normal window :) It was very difficult for me to explain ... because the hotel staff almost speaks no English,(なぜなら彼等は英語を話せないんだ) And food ... besides sushi, I found something else that's very nice in Japan ... fruits! In Takashimaya they sell those big peaches.(高島屋では大きい桃が売ってるよ) So oishii !!! 凄く美味しい!So sweet and juicy.(甘くてジューシーだよ) In Japan almost everything is of very good quality. (日本は全てのクオリティーが良い)I think Japanese people really appreciate nice and good things. I really like that of Japanese people. My work is very busy ... (仕事がすごい忙しい)but we're making good progress. (でもいい進歩)If things keep going this well I think I might have some more time in the next weeks. If we can meet I will buy some peaches for you.(もし私達が会えれば桃をあげるよ) But we need to hurry up (だけど急がなきゃ)... I heard the season of the peaches is ending soon (桃の季節がもうすぐ終わるって聞いたから)... Hope so see you,

  • 英語が話せる方にお願いがあります。

    英語が話せる方にお願いがあります。 下の日本語を英文にしたいのですが、この英語がアメリカ人に伝わるか見ていただけないでしょうか。 自分は英語が全く出来ないので、アプリを使ったので自信がありません。 長文で申し訳ないのですが、どうかよろしくお願い致します。 ※わたしはHANAKOさんの夫であるTAKEさんと不倫関係にありました。 HANAKOさんには直接会って謝ったのですが、HANAKOさんが「あなたもTAKEに騙された被害者」と言って許してくれました。 私もTAKEに沢山嘘をついて騙されていたみたいなので、明日HANAKOさんと会って事実確認をする事になりました。 HANAKOさんも、自分がTAKEからどんだけひどいふうに言われてたのか知りたいみたいです。 下の文は、色々確認したい事や聞きたい事があるのでまとめました。 よく文にある「あなた」はHANAKOさんのことです。 NOBITAとSUNEOはTAKEの友達です。 ①この4年半"HANAKOと仲が悪いし嫌いあってる"と聞かされてました。 For the past four and a half years, I've been told, "I'm not on good terms with HANAKO and I hate HANAKO." ②TAKEからあなたとの話しを聞くとひどい内容だったので、私もずっとTAKEの言う事を信じてきました。 When I heard the story with you from TAKE, it was terrible, so I've always believed what TAKE said. ③付き合ってと言ったのもTAKEからでした。 既婚者とは知っていたのですが、あなたと愛し合ってないし別居していると聞いていたので、私もそれを信じてOKしてしまいました。 It was also from him that I told him to go out with him. I knew you were married, but I heard that I didn't love you and you were separated, so I also believed that and I was OK. ④あなたから子供をとられないために、他の男と仲良くしないでとヤキモチ妬いたり、他の男を接近させないようにお願いしていたと言ってました。 子供がいなかったら、あなたが他の男と仲良くしてようが気にならないし、あなたとは即離婚してると言ってました。 He said that he was jealous of other men and asked them not to get close to him so that he wouldn't take his child from you. If you don't have children, I don't care if you get along with other men, and I'm getting divorced from you right away. ⑤私と出会ってから、あなたとセックスもキスもした事無いと言ってました。 He said he never had sex or kissed Brooklyn since he met me. ⑥あなたとセックスしたのは12日に認めて、今まで嘘ついてたことを謝ってきました。 あなたから毎回セックスを誘って、TAKEは浮気を疑われたくないから断れなかったと言ってます TAKE admitted that I had sex with you on the 12th, and I apologized for lying to me all this time. Every time you asked me to have sex with you, TAKE said he couldn't refuse because he didn't want to be suspected of having an affair. ⑦TAKEは、セックスは義務でしていたと言ってます。 あなたに"あんたは性欲処理の道具"と言われたと言ってました。 TAKE says that sex was compulsory. He said that you said, "You are a tool to deal with sexual desire." ⑧いつもあなたがオナニーして終わることが多くて、挿入までいくことはほとんど無かったと言ってます。 You say that you often end up masturbating and rarely go as far as inserting ⑨JIROは、知らないアジア人の精子ドナーで授かった子と聞いてるのですが、本当ですか? I heard that JIRO was a child who was given to an Asian sperm donor I don't know. Is that true? ⑩お父さんとお母さんにも"HANAKOが、知らないアジア人と人工授精した"そう話していましたよ。 お母さんはそれを聞いて"あなたの子供じゃないの?!"と言って驚いてました。 TAKE told my mom and dad that "HANAKO had artificial insemination with a stranger Asian." TAKE's mother was surprised to hear that and said, "Isn't this your child?!" ⑪あなたがTAKEを愛していると知っていたら、私はTAKEと付き合いませんでした。 TAKEの言うことをずっと信じ続けて、付き合い続けて本当にごめんなさい。 If I knew you loved TAKE, I wouldn't have dated TAKE. I'm really sorry for continuing to believe what TAKE says and keep dating. ⑫私は旦那と離婚して、別々の道を歩むことになりました。 旦那はひどく落ち込んで、仕事もできません。 I divorced my husband and ended up going on a different path. My husband is so depressed that he can't even work. ⑬これ以上、旦那を傷付けたり落ち込ませたりしたくありません。 あなたや妹達、NOBITAやSUNEOが旦那に関わらないことをお願いしたいです。 I don't want to hurt or depressed my husband any more. I would like to ask you, your sisters, NOBITA and SUNEO not to get involved with your husband. ⑭旦那はもう十分傷付きました。 あなたと同じで旦那は被害者です。 どうか、宜しくお願いします。 My husband has already been hurt enough. Like you, my husband is a victim. Thank you very much. ⑮妹達やNOBITA、SUNEOは、私がTAKEと別れて旦那とも別れて、私の家庭を壊すことを望んでいたみたいなので、もう皆の願ってた通りになったから、これ以上私の家族と関わらないでと伝えてもらえますか? My sisters,NOBITA, and SUNEO seem to want me to break up with TAKE, break up with my husband, and destroy my family, so can you tell them not to get involved with my family anymore? ⑯一昨日警察署へ行って、今回の件で嫌がらせされてることを報告してきました。 妹達とNOBITA、SUNEOの名前や住所、送られてきた脅迫メールも全部警察に写真撮ってもらってます。 I went to the police station the day before yesterday and reported that I was being harassed for this matter. TAKE's sisters and NOBITA, SUNEO's name and address, and all the threatening emails sent me are also taken by the police. ⑰私の家庭を壊してまで、まだ何か旦那に嫌がらせのメールや何か送るなど行動したら、どうなるか分かりませんとあの4人に伝えといてもらえますか? Can you tell those four that you don't know what will happen if you still send a harassing email or something to your

  • 英語が得意な方、問題をお願いいたします。

    ( )内に入る最も適当な語句を(1)~(4)から選びなさい。 また、完成した文を訳しなさい。 1. Taro was standing at the corner ( ) the people go by. (1)wathing (2)looking (3)watched (4)to look 2. A : How can I get to your house? B: Ah, it's easy. I'll ( ) you a map. (1)tell (2)inform (3)draw (4)teach 3. I don't want anyone to know. Can you ( ) ? (1)keep on a secret (2)keep it a secret (3)keep to a secret (4)keep a secret at it 4. I don't think we can come up with a solution to the problem, however long we spend ( ) it. (1)discussing (2)talking (3)to discuss (4)to talk 5. I object ( ) in such a rude way. (1)to being spoken to (2)to being speaking to (3)to be spoken to (4)to be speaking to 6. The catalog ( ) that this year's model is slightly cheaper than last year's. (1)says (2)speaks (3)talks (4)tells 7. Many wild animal species are being forced out of their current homes as the climate ( ) . (1)changes (2)will change (3)to change (4)changing 8. Can I ask you to lend me the magazine when you ( ) reading it ? (1)finished (2)have finished (3)will finish (4)will have finished 9. I have given up my apartment in Tokyo because I ( ) in the dormitory. (1)lived (2)was lived (3)had been living (4)am going to live 10. Look ! The river ( ) much faster than usual today. (1)flows (2)is flowinf (3)flew (4)will flow 11. Ten yaers ( ) since Professor Yokochi retired from his job at the university, but he still often visits the campus. (1)have passed (2)were passed (3)will pass (4)pass 12. When I went back to the village I ( ) ten years before, I found nothing changed. (1)had left (2)was leaving (3)have left (4)was left 13. Paula, you promised you wouldn't be late again, and here are, coming into class ten minutes after the bell rang. Really, you ( ) be late. It interrupts the class and annoys the other students. (1)don't have to (2)have to (3)must (4)must not 14. The English in this letter is too good. He can't ( ) it himself. (1)be writing (2)have to write (3)have written (4)write 15. She is one of those people you really respect but would ( ) time with. (1)have rather spent (2)not rather spent (3)rather not spent (4)rather than spending 16. When we arrived at the scene of the traffic accident, the cars ( ) the police. (1)were inspecting (2)had inspected by (3)had been inspected (4)were being inspected by] 17. I'm looking for Maya. She is ( ) to be around now. (1)supposed (2)participated (3)affected (4)removed 18. The man we interviewed for the new position was intelligent, but we we weren't very impressed ( ) his experience. (1)to (2)for (3)with (4)on 19. Companise should take ( ) of this wonderful opportunity to get new costomers. (1)merchandise (2)advantage (3)advice (4)industry 20. Nowadays, it is ( ) for granted that everyone has a number of rights and freedoms. (1)taken (2)gotten (3)given (4)thought 21. He decided to ( ) the rest of his life to helping young people in developing countries. (1)perform (2)promies (3)remain (4)devote 以上です。 よろしくお願いします。 間違いなどがありましたら、お知らせください。

  • 英語の得意な方、教えて下さい。

    会話文を読んで、空所を補うのに最も適当なものを選ぶ問題です。 X: Hi! I'm glad I caught you. I was wondering what you're doing on March twenty-third. Y: (1 ) X: What are you looking at there? It looks like a little computer or something. Y: You're just about right. It's the new electronic memo pad I just bought. Cool, isn't it! X: My father has one of those, but his is much bigger than that one! Who makes it? Y: (2 ) X: It's nice you got it at a low price. But if you don't know the company's name, how can you complain when there is something wrong with it? Y: I have the company's name at home, on the instruction book, so I'll be OK. And it comes with a five-year guarantee. X: That's good. But I don't need a guarantee for my humble pencil and paper. Y: (3 ) X: I suppose it also contains an address book? Y: Yes, and a calendar, and I can also attach a special piece that turns it into a telephone! X: (4 ) Y: Right. And you can't do that with your pencil and paper! X: I suppose your machine has a large memory, too. Y: (5 ) X: (6 ) (1)I think I have something to do that day, but just let me check. (2)I guess that's better than your own human memory ― you've already forgotten that I asked about your March twenty-third schedule! (3)So you can look up your friend's phone number and call her up with the same machine! (4)It's an American company, I think. Anyway, I bought it over the Internet. They were having a big sale, and the prices were all especially low. (5)That's right. So no matter how many memos or addresses I put into it, there is always room for more. (6)In your case, though, as you write more, you need more paper. With this electronic device, I can put a lot of information in it, but it never gets heavier. 一応考えたのは、1が(1),2が(4),3が(6),4が(3),5が(5),6が(2)ですけどあってますか? 少し長いですがお願いします。