Chocolate Maker Tcho Expanding Distribution Networks to Reach New Markets

  • Chocolate maker Tcho is rapidly growing its sales despite the current economy. The company aims to expand its distribution networks beyond the West Coast and enter other major metropolitan areas.
  • Tcho, a new player in the chocolate market, is determined to break into the world market. The company wants to avoid being just a local player and is working on securing distribution in major cities.
  • Tcho is growing its sales rapidly and aims to expand its distribution networks. The company is focused on entering new markets beyond the West Coast and becoming a global player in the chocolate industry.
  • ベストアンサー


下記の文の構造がよくわからないので、教えてください。よろしくお願いします。 So far, Tcho has West Coast distribution networks covered and is working to secure distribution throughout other major metropolitan areas. 補足 【前の文章】 "Our sales are growing at a very rapid pace, especially considering the current economy," said Rob Kopf, director of sales at Tcho, noting that it typically takes between two and three years to break even in a market as crowded as the one for chocolate. "We're not looking to necessarily take over the chocolate universe, but at the same extent we don't want to stay as a tiny little local player," said Kopf. So far, Tcho has West Coast distribution networks covered and is working to secure distribution throughout other major metropolitan areas. 【出展】:VOA

  • 英語
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  • ベストアンサー

have something +過去分詞 で「~してしまっている」という意味になります。文の意味は、「これまでのところ、Tcho は西海岸の流通ネットワークはすでに確保しており、現在は他の主要な大都市エリアへの流通にも力を入れている」といったところです。西海岸のほうの流通経路は押さえたので、他の地域にも販売を広げていきたいということです。





  • as ~as 文法的な解説をお願いします

    下記の文について、文法的な解説をお願いします。 Tcho Chocolate is as traditional as it is cutting edge. (1)ここでの、"as~ as"は、 「…と同じくらい~」という意味ですか? (2) 「Tcho Chocolate は伝統的であり、最先端でもある」と訳し、"Tcho Chocolate is traditional as well as cutting edge. "と同じ意味ですよね? (3) 上記(1)、(2) が正しい場合、"as ~ as" と "as well as" の違いを教えてください。 --補足-- 【前後の文】 One new American company is trying to break into the lucrative market, but for the California-based connoisseurs, the gold is in the flavor. Located on the eastern waterfront of San Francisco's embarcadero, Tcho Chocolate is as traditional as it is cutting edge. As the only chocolate manufacturer in the city, Tcho's premium dark chocolates are carefully crafted at the 2,800-square-meter factory - from selecting the right beans, to labeling and packaging. 【出展】 VOA news:

  • 次の英文の意味を教えてください。

    Adequate equipment shall be provided at the reprocessing facility to ensure that there is adequate radiation monitoring in operational states and, as far as is practicable, in accident conditions. 宜しくお願いします。

  • どういう意味です?

    The hospital received thousands of get-well cards and requests to adopt Scarlett. A letter writing contest was held to determine the best owner for this heroic feline. Letters came from as far away as Egypt and Japan. もう、なにがなんだか、、、わかりません;; get-well?そこらへんから、、、、 助けてください~

  • as far asに関して

    物理の教科書で so as to specify the system as far as is possible at one instant という表現があったんですが、as far as の後にisがあるのがすごい気になっています。 たぶん言いたいことは 「システムを可能なかぎり瞬間に特定するためには、」 ってことなんだと思います。って思いたいんですが。。ところで、as far as is possible at one instantを「可能な限り一瞬で」と訳せますかね???? 可能な限り~~っていうのをas far asを使っていうんだったらたいていの辞書にはas far as possibleとかでのっていてis がいません。。 どうなんでしょうか??この訳はできるんでしょうか?お願いします。

  • どのような意味でしょうか

    I was sexually abused throughout my childhood. Therefore I try very hard to maintain and control my sexual well-being. I see my agency over my body and sexual choices as an important privilege, and it is paramount to how I structure my life. I see my agency over my bodyとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英語です

    Our national electric grid is critical infrastructure, as vital to the health and security of our economy as our highways and telecommunication networks. 訳お願いします

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。日本に発送できますか?と質問したら下記のようなお返事が来ました。すみませんが意味を教えて下さい。お願いします。 Thank you for your interest in AAA and sorry we have not responded earlier. At the moment we don’t have a distribution in Japan. Therefore we do not import to Japan at the moment. We are in conversations for a partner in your country and as soon as we find a good match we will connect you. In the meantime, please send us your company profile, store information and interest in AAA.

  • some go so far as to suggest that ........

    Some go so far as to suggest that unnumbered millennia ago, Mars was a warm, wet world with rivers, oceans, and maybe even an advanced civilization. この文のSome go so far as to suggestが分かりません。so far as であると「~する限り」ですがそうするとtoをどう訳したらいいか分かりません。 一方でso far「これまでのところ」とas to 「~に関して」に分解すると、これもまた良く分かりません。 一体、どう解釈をしたらよいのでしょうか?

  • どのような意味でしょうか

    Earlier in the year I declared my major as mathematics, which at the time made sense because I'm very good at math, and I enjoy it. However, as of recently, I've begun to doubt my interest in pursuing mathematics in college and further on. further onとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • as far as の解釈を教えてください

    I decided to call her office again and got as far as lifting the receiver and dialing the first few numbers. これは、「もう一度彼女の会社に電話をしようと思って、受話器をとり、ダイヤルを回しかけた。」という原文をネイティプの方が訳したものなんですが、as far as の解釈の仕方がわかりません。どう理解したらいいのでしょうか? (as far as は、~の範囲で、~な限りは、という訳を棒暗記しているだけで...) よろしくお願いします!