
  • 1837年、イギリス人のサー・ローランド・ヒル卿が新しい郵便料金システムを考案しました。
  • ヒル卿のアイデアは、受け取った人が郵便料金を支払うために切手を貼るべきである、というものでした。
  • この計画は実行に移され、1840年にイギリスが最初の切手であるパニーブラックを発行しました。切手にはヴィクトリア女王の絵と『Postage』『One Penny』の文字が描かれていました。
  • ベストアンサー


和訳をお願いします(>_<) In 1837 Sir Rowland Hill, an Englishman, devised a new system for playing postal fees. In those days most countries required the person who received the letter to play the postage. It was Sir Rowland Hill's idea that ( 24 ) should attach a stamp to show that the necessary postage had been paid. His plan was put into practice, and in 1840 Great Britain issued the first postage stamp, which the person who had written the letter would put on the letter before it was sent. This stamp, known as the Penny Black, showed a picture of Queen Victoria and the woulds “Postage ”and “One Penny.”

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
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  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

1837年に、イギリス人のロウランド・ヒル卿は、郵便料金を払うための新しいシステムを考案しました。 その頃、大部分の国は、郵便料金の支払いを手紙を受け取った人に要求していました。 必要な郵便料金が、支払われたことを示すために切手を貼ると言うのは、ロウランド・ヒル卿の考えでした。 彼の計画は実施され、1840年に、大英帝国は、最初の郵便切手を発行しました、その切手を、手紙が送られる前に、手紙を書いた人が、手紙に貼るのです。 ペニーブラックとして知られるこの切手は、ビクトリア女王の絵と「郵便料金」と「1ペニー」の語を表示していました。 ☆ 少しタイプミスがあったようですので、類推で訂正して訳しました。 (例)playing→paying, woulds→words





  • 和訳をお願いします

    和訳をお願いします 長くなってすみません(>_<) Stamp collecting is one of the most interesting of all hobbies. People collect stamps for different reason. Some just like to get stamps together and arrange them in an album. Others are interested in the history, geography, and culture of the countries whose stamps they collect. Still others are attracted to stamps because of the many interesting subjects pictured on them. Almost every collector dreams of one day finding a “sleeper.” This is a rare or valuable stamp that has not been noticed among stamps worth little or nothing. In 1837 Sir Rowland Hill, an Englishman, devised a new system for playing postal fees. In those days most countries required the person who received the letter to play the postage. It was Sir Rowland Hill's idea that ( 24 ) should attach a stamp to show that the necessary postage had been paid. His plan was put into practice, and in 1840 Great Britain issued the first postage stamp, which the person who had written the letter would put on the letter before it was sent. This stamp, known as the Penny Black, showed a picture of Queen Victoria and the woulds “Postage ”and “One Penny.”

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    I was told there was a reunification specialist located a couple of hours away from the hotel we were staying at who was willing to work with me and my family . I wasn't sure what to say about this offer . Traditional therapy did not appeal to me. The therapy I kept envisioning consisted of me and a small room and someone I didn't know , which was the last thing I wanted . I felt I had worked through what had happened to me and I had always kept my own counsel and thought I was my own best therapist . I didn't want to meet another stranger . In the day and a half , I had met so many new people that I was really overwhelmed. Ultimately, what convinced me to seek the help of this person was the mention of horses . The impression I got of this person was that of an older lady with a ranch and horses and plenty of room for us to come and get our feet on the ground for a few days . わからないところがいくつかあります。また、訳していて、日本語になっていないような感もあります。参考にして勉強したいとおもいますので、宜しくお願いします。

  • 和訳してくださいm(_ _)m2

    After the regular season was over, Roberto returned to Puerto Rico as the greatest sports hero in all of Latin America. He was not only a great player on the field, but also an even Greater person off the field. He won fame and money through baseball, but never forgot that most people in Latin America were poor. He always told his family that he had a duty to help those who had not been as lucky as he had been. During the off-season that year, Roberto volunteered to manage a baseball team of young Puerto Ricans. While he and his team were staying in Managua, Nicaragua, Roberto heard about a fourteen-year-old boy named Julio. He had lost both his legs in an accident, but had no money for artificial legs. Roberto arranged to get them for Julio. Roberto went to see him and told him that he would be able to walk again. It was usual for Roberto to give a helping hand to people like Julio.

  • 和訳お願いします。

    In 2002,it was admitted at a conference that the temperature control system in Sputnik2 had failed.Also,the spacecraft had been designed poorly to test how long a living creature could put up with dangerous conditions. This little white dog was a victim of humankind's selfish aims and behavior.Oleg Gazenkov,the scientist who chose and prepared Laika for the mission,had this to say:"The more time passes,the more I am sorry about it.We did not learn enough from the mission to justify murdering an animal." The little victim not only has a plaque in her honor,but she has appeared on postage stamps in many countries in honor of her sacrifice.Chocolate and cigarette brands have been named for her.There is a memorial website for her as well.More than 50years after her death,Laika is still one of the most famous dogs of all time.

  • 和訳をお願いいたします

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたのみで。 お願いできますでしょうか? 1段落の前半部分ですので、 内容が途中になりますが、 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 His mother was small square, with a reddish swarthy complexion dark brown curling hair, and a loud voice. She was a conceited woman, who always thought she knew best. And tended to undervalued others. She was a woman who had advanced herself in life. Liked dress an ornamentation, but in a vulgar gaudy way like one who had gained money but not the taste to go with it.

  • 和訳をお願いします!

    (1)The story that Sir Walter Raleigh first planted them in Ireland is probably a myth.  (2)The driver explained, ' There was a notice in today's paper that you were arriving in Paris from the south of France.' (3)He had a vague notion, if he ever formulated it, that nice men treated them with a polite but rather distant chivalry. (4)The money made from goods produced by factories can be used to buy the food that is still needed and cannot be produced at home. (5)It is natural that industrialists should choose areas favored with these conditions in order to build factories. (6)In 1795, France was having a hard time.She was not only fighting most of Europe, but she was also in the midst of a revolution at home. (7)We had blizzard one day that came up sudden and you couldn't see your hand in front of your face. よろしくお願いします!

  • 英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えてください

    英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えていただきたいです よろしくお願いします!! 1The winner of the uprising having been put down was Ulbricht who was able to consolidate his power position and could count on Soviet support for lack of other suitable leaders, particularly since his opponents within the Party were arrested. 2On 19 July the Western High Commissioners voiced their protest at the Soviet action and called for the restoration of ‘normal conditions of life’. 5It soon became clear that Great Britain had no interest in providing East German citizens with any help. 6The British High Commissioners, Sir Ivonne Kirkpatrick, held the view that the intervention of Soviet troops had been legitimate. 7For him the USSR also had the right in principle to keep control of their zone if necessary by force.

  • 和訳お願いします

    Maxim didn't run to New York and give his opinion to a newspaper,but went to his laboratory and began trying to make a lamp after Edison's ideas.He had no success,however,and after a few weeks sent to Menlo Park an emissary who got in touch with Boehm.It was also said that the agent approached another of our men.The deportment of Boehm changed perceptibly and soon begame suspicious. Hw was changing his allegiance to that of Maxim.In fact,he soon departed Menlo Park and entered that electrician's employ.This as far I am aware was the only defection that ever occured at our laboratory in those early days.In a few months Boehm managed to place the Maxim laboratory incondition so that it was able to produce some incandescent lamps that had their light-giving element made of paper.While at Menlo Park Boehm had had the oppotunity of watching all the various processes by which Edison made a practical lamp,and that acquired knowledge he imparted to Maxim.With the compensation he received,he was enabled to return to Germany and study.After receiving the degree of Ph.D. from the University of Freiburg in 1886,he returned to America.

  • 英文和訳

    What is a good letter? Simply put, a letter is "good" when it achieves the purpose its writer had in mind. (1)The purpose may be to convince a potential buyer that she or he ought to become a regular customer, to collect a payment that is late without offending the reader, to win back a customer who has quit buying, to calm down someone who has been mistreated, to obtain a favor, or simply to win a friend. When the person who receives the letter reacts in the manner the writer hoped for, the letter is effective. 何がよい手紙であるのか?手紙によって、書いた人が心の中に抱いた目的が達成された時、その手紙は上手である。その目的は、買い手に、貴方は常連客になるべきだということを納得させるということかもしれないし、読み手を不愉快にさせることなく滞納している支払いを徴収することかもしれないし、買うのをやめようとしている顧客を説得することかもしれない、虐待された人を静めることかもしれないし、支持を得ることかもしれないし、単に友達に勝つということかもしれない。その手紙を受け取った人が、書いた人が期待した方法で反応した時、その手紙は効力がある。 うまく日本語に訳せません。添削の方よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします><

    INTELLIGENCE AND AGEING The same thing seems to happen with mental abilities too. For example, intelligence is often inaccurately cited as one of the areas which declines with age. For many years, people 'knew' that various abilities, including intelligence and physical strength, reached their peak in the early twenties, and then declined steadily from then on thoughout a person's life. This knowledge was based on a series of studies, resported by Miles in 1931, which involved measuring various human characteristics in people of different ages. When they plotted the results of these measurements on a graph, Miles found a steady decline: the older the person was, the less strong, or intelligent (as measured by IQtests) or able they were. Other reseachers found similar results, so for a great many years there was a strong belief in an inevitable decline with age. Indeed this belief is still held by a great many people, including some doctors and social workers, but when we look more carefully at the evidence, what we find is actually quite a different picture. Cross-sectional methods The problem was that all of these studies were done using cross-sectional methods. That is, the reseacher tested several different groups of people, or different ages. But someone who was 60 in 1930 had experienced quite a different upbringing and lifestyle from someone who was 20 at that time. Their schooling was quite different, their life experiences were quite different, and their standards of living were different too. The same thing applied to cross-sectional studies that were conducted later on in the education and health care which had taken place. It wasn't surprising, for example, that older people did badly on intelligence tests in the 1960s, when they had experienced an education which consisted, in the main, of leaning large chunks of infomation off by heart. Younger people, by contrast, had experienced a form of education which stressd reasoning and mental skills, and so they naturally performed much better on IQ tests.