• 締切済み


1)Matters are (worse) this year than last year. 2)I would rather walk than (take) a taxi. 3)Mom,you should have (fewer sugar) if you want to lose weight. 4)This is the heaviest snowfall we (have ever had). 5)Tom is (more clever) than honest. 6)I prefer playing golf (than watching) golf. 7)Students today seem not to be (much) interested in politics as those of the 1960s. 8)The bracelet was expensive,but the necklace was (less than) expensive. 9)The park is double the size of our school ground. =The park is (twice) as (large) as our school ground. 10)He has as many as eight thousand comic books. =He has no (more) than eight thousand comic books. 11)Watching videos is not as much fun as going to the cinema. =Going to the cinema is (more) fun (than) watching videos. 英文が多くてすみません。 ()内の添削をお願いします。 解説や和訳を加えてくださると助かります。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数3
  • ありがとう数1





3) less sugar  ※few は可算名詞の複数形の前に使います。 6) prefer A to B  ※熟語として覚えましょう。問題としては文末はの it 方がいいと思います。 7) as  ※中学の時の as ... as の構文の発展形です。 8)less  ※less だけでいいと思います。than は比較の相手の前に書く言葉です。「・・・と比較して」 10) less  ※as ... as = no less than ...





お礼がないことに不快に思われたことについて申し訳なく思います。すみませんでした。 ただ、私はお礼=ベストアンサーという考えです。複数の回答を頂いた時は全ての回答を参考にさせて頂くので、皆さんがベストアンサー、という意味でベストアンサーを決めないで締め切ることにしています。 賛否両論あると思いますが、最終的にこのようなことは私自身が決めることだと思います。 ご不満なら、私事ですがそう遠くないうちに相談箱を利用することは無くなりますのでご安心ください。 尚、この質問は数日で締め切ります。 これ以上意見を述べることはしません。 長々と拙い文を書いてしまいすみませんでした。 貴重なご意見ありがとうございました。


  • 穴埋めお願いします。できれば和訳もお願いします。

    Daisuke eats a lot () quikcly () I do. This book is not () interesting () that. Jun prefers listening to music () watching television. Nobody is () hardworking a student () Toshiko. [as/more/to/than]

  • 英文の並べ替え&間違い訂正の添削をお願いします

    ※穴埋め 1)Mai can (faster/else/finish/much/than/anybody/her calculation) in her class. →finish her calculation much faster than anybody else 2)I don't particularly like him,but he's the (of/better/two/the) candidates. →? 3)I've had so much to do at work recently and I'm really tired.I'd prefer to (at home/drive/my weekend/rather than/spend) all the way to Kyoto. →spend my weekend at home rather than drive 4)For nature lovers,(is/more/nothing/refreshing/than) pure cold water from a mountain stream. →nothing is refreshing more than 5)Our dog is (a pet/not/as/so/much) a number of our family. →? ※間違い訂正(間違い→訂正の順) 6)The children's television program,"Sesame Street",is far more popular as any other show of its genre. far more popular as→more popular than? 7)The bag I have now is three times so expensive as the one I had before. three times so expensive as→three times as expensive as 8)My brother studied all the hard because my mother praised him. ?→? 解説や和訳を加えてくださると助かります。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします。

    以下は、日本語の専門書の難易度について説明したものです。 As other language, academic books are far more difficult to read than daily conversations. Of course, The frequency and difficulty of Kanji increase in academic books. But grammar used in academic books is also far more accurate than those. So, you may understand academic books easily than those! About kanji, I think you only have to learn each time you meet an unknown word. This is the most effortless and efficient way to learn kanji. 他の言語と同様に、アカデミックな本は日常会話よりかなり難しい。 もちろん、漢字の頻度も難易度も上昇する。 だけど、文法もまたはるかに正確だ。 だから、むしろ日常会話より簡単に理解できるかもしれない。 漢字についていえば、知らない単語に出会う度に覚えればよいと思う。 それが、最も楽で効率的な方法だ。

  • 英文の添削

    旅の楽しみ方は人それぞれであろう。名所旧跡めぐりもよいが、私ならまず食べ物である。 で、 How to enjoying travel is respectively. Going to sight or landmark is good but local food is more interesting for me. と書きました。 How to enjoying travelという使い方 respectivelyの使い方 Going to sight or landmarkという使い方 は駄目でしょうか? お願いします。

  • 英文の穴埋めの添削をお願いします!

    1)Once you meet her, you'll find that she is nice to (talk). 2)Eddy is only thirteen. He is (not old enough) to get a driver's license. 3)Nobody likes to be (made) fun of in public. 4)"John (seems) to like the fried rice." "He sure does! That's his third helping." 5)Tom did not tell the truth (so as not to) hurt his mother. 6)You need not give it to me, if you don't want (to). 7)It is hard to please my grandfather. =My grandfather is ( ) ( ) ( ). 8)We can't complete this task in a day. =It is ( ) (for) us (to) (complete) this task in a day. 9)They need some instructions to tell them what to do. =They need some instructions to tell them what they ( ) ( ). 10)It is said that the mayor practiced kendo very hard in his youth. =The mayor is said (to) (have) (practiced) kendo very hard in his youth. 11)You were so kind as to drive me to the airport. =It was very kind ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) me to the airport. 12)People say this house was built 100 years ago. =This house is ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) built 100 years ago. 問題文が多くてすみません。()内の穴埋めです。 解説や日本語訳を付けてくださると助かります。 添削よろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m

  • 英文を訳して欲しいです

    英文を訳して欲しいです 先ほど自分のYouTubeチャンネルに次の様な英文が届きました 意味が理解できないのでどなたか訳していただけませんか? What's up, I just finished watch some of your videos on YouTube and have to say I was highly impressed. I just don't get why videos as good as yours aren't getting more views. I just don't understand it, I mean your videos are much better than most of the crap on there. They were completely enjoyable to watch (much more so than many videos on the site). Isn't it crazy that people would rather the same garbage over and over instead of new and fresh material? I used to have the same problem with low views until I found, tubetrafficmembership . com How it works is they send a bunch of viewers to you videos. The views help you climb the search engines and really improve your visibility in the YouTube community. They really helped me, maybe they can do the same for you. They even have a free trial going on right now! No matter what you decide I hope you keep sending your videos in, they make YouTube all the more enjoyable. Have a great day. -Amy です。宜しくお願いします。

  • 英文添削して下さい。

    オー・ド・パルファムはオー・ド・トワレやコロンよりも一般的に高価なのです。 純粋な香油を多く含有しているのためです。 The cost of eau de parfum is generally more expensive than eau de toilette or cologne. Because there is more pure scented oil in the formula. よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文がわかりません

    importantが続いていて訳の仕方がわからないので訳を教えて下さい young Americans say reading is important―more important than computers and science. あと、次の英文もmiddle schoolがわからず訳せなかったのでお願い致します。 The results also showed that middle-school students read more books than high schoolers.

  • 英作文 添削してください

    ・たくさんの本を読めば、ますます物知りになると信じている人が多い。 A lot of people believe that the more books they read, the more knowledgeable they become. ・今度の家の部屋数は前に住んでいた家の倍だ。 Our new house has twice as many rooms as the one where we used to live. ・英語ほど世界中で広く使われてい言語はありません。 Nothing is more be widely used than English all over the world. ・過去について知れば知るほど、過去から学ぶことの大切さを教えられます。 The more you know the past, the more importantly to learn from the past you learn. 文法的、意味的に自信がありません;; 宜しければ添削お願いします。

  • 英文の穴埋めの添削をお願いします

    1)A needle and thread (were) found in the kitchen yesterday. 2)"Whose things are these?" "They (owned by) my parents." 3)Let's go ahead and doit. Nothing (has gained) by just waiting. 4)It can't be (help). We'll just have to manage without her. 5)More than ten years have (passed) since Audrey Hepburn died. 6)You must go home before it (get) dark. 7)The typhoon has (done) great damage to the crops. 8)Do you know what has(became) of the singer? ()内の添削をお願いします。 解説や和訳を加えてくださると助かります。 よろしくおねがいします。