• 締切済み


To include or show something as a special or important part of something, or to be included as an important part. この文が意味している英単語は何ですか? わかる人いたら早めに回答お願いします。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数5
  • ありがとう数5


  • litsa1234
  • ベストアンサー率28% (230/795)

http://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/feature_2より feature2 W3 1 [intransitive and transitive] to include or show something as a special or important part of something, or to be included as an important part: The exhibition features paintings by Picasso. a cruise ship featuring extensive spa facilities なので、「feature」ですね。 参考まで。




  • ca-jp
  • ベストアンサー率56% (123/219)

feature ですね。 feature 〈…を〉呼び物にする. 〈新聞・雑誌などが〉〈事件などを〉特集する. 〈…の〉特色をなす. [intransitive and transitive] to include or show something as a special or important part of something, or to be included as an important part: The exhibition features paintings by Picasso. 展覧会は、ピカソの絵画が特徴(特集とか呼び物)。 A cruise ship featuring extensive spa facilities. 大規模なスパ施設を備えたクルーズ船










consist しか思いつかないけど。 英英辞典を持ってないものだから確かめようがなくて。




  • hrsmmhr
  • ベストアンサー率36% (173/477)






  • 英英訳

    (1) An action, an object or a system by which a result is achieved. (2) The act of making parts of something, groups of people, etc., work together in an efficient and organized way. これらそれぞれの文の表す単語って何ですか? わかる人いますか?

  • amount to something と be somebody

    タイトルの2つですが、 amount to something = become something or someone important and respected in the future be somebody = to become somebody important or special だそうです。 どちらも「ひとかどの人物になる」とか「大物になる」 といった意味だと思います。 amount to something は 人以外にも使える、ということでいいでしょうか? 他にはどう違うのでしょうか? 使い分けはあるでしょうか? どんな文、どんなシチュエーションでこれらの言い方をよく見かけますか?

  • 英訳を教えて下さい。

    One would wish to be able to begin the story of Japanese history with an exact statement of origins. のあとの The historian's quest for absolute starting point and the temptation to look for explanations of the very recent in terms of the very remote may be, as Marc Bloch has remarked, an "idol of origins. を、どう訳してよいのか解りません。 訳すにあたって、recentやremoteのあとに省略された単語(語句)があると思うのですが、それが何なのか。また、idolは偶像とでも訳すのでしょうか。 本来なら、下手なりにでも訳して見て頂くのが礼儀ですが、肝心なところが解らないので申し訳ございません。

  • 和訳のしかたがわかりません

    Salt,especially ,was fairly scarce, an important quality for something used as a means of exchange. という英文なのですが 塩は特にかなり不足していて、の後のan important quality for somethingの訳し方が分かりません

  • 英語に関する質問なのですが、英文は『速読英単語 必修編』(37課)に載

    英語に関する質問なのですが、英文は『速読英単語 必修編』(37課)に載っているものです。 その一部を引用させて頂きます : > When someone tells you something that is true, but intentionally leaves out important infomation that should be included for full comprehension on your part to take place, they can create a false impression. 訳はこのようになっています : > 誰かがあなたに真実であることを話していても、あなたが完全に理解するために含まれるべき重要な情報をその人が意図的に省くと、謝った印象を作り出すことが出来る。 問題は、“to take place”の部分なのですが、“for full comprehension on your part”だけでは意味が通じないのでしょうか? これの訳がよく分からないのですが、日本語の訳と云うよりも英語的にはどのような役割をしているのでしょうか? 一般的にtake placeは「起こる」という意味でしょうから、「for ~ to …」で「~が…する」として、理解を起こす――理解すると解して宜しいのでしょうか? 下らない質問かも知れませんがどうかご教授願います。

  • 英訳お願いします。

    2. Licensee undertakes: a. not to communicate Source Code of the Software, algorithms, methods, concepts or intellectual property rights used or embodied in or in connection with the Software in which CH has an interest to any third party without the written consent of CH except insofar as same are already known by the Licensee, are publicly available, are received by the Licensee from Third parties without breach of any agreement with CH or are independently developed by the Licensee. b. to reproduce and include copyright notices of the Licensor on all and any copies, whether part or whole (including but not limited to program listings, source code and object code) of the Software. c. not to provide or otherwise make available the Software in whole or in part in any form to any person other than the licensee’s employees except in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, without prior written consent from CH. d. not to itself or through any third party, sell, lease, license, sublicense, or otherwise deal with the Source Code of the Software, (algorithms, methods, concepts) except insofar as the same are publicly known, intellectual property rights used or embodied in or in connection with the Software in which CH has an interest or any part or parts or variations, modifications, copies, releases, versions or enhancements thereof. Provided that nothing in this Agreement shall prevent the Licensee from selling leasing, sublicensing of otherwise dealing in software in object code form as part of its products.

  • 英訳できなくて困っています。

    単語など調べてやってるのですが、なかなかうまく訳せなくて困っています。 今週中にやらないといけないものなので焦っています。 もしも訳していただけるのであれば有難いです。 我儘ですが、ネット上での翻訳の訳ではないものだと助かります。 この他にも何項目かあるので、そちらも訳していただけるのであれば嬉しいです。 よろしくおねがいいたします。 <Antibiotics> The first treatment for CDAD is cessation of the suspected causative antibiotic. Although stopping the antibiotic may be effective, the reason the antibiotic was prescribed in the first place should be considered, and monitoring for recurrence or worsening of the underlying infection is essential. Oral metronidazole, 250 to 500 mg 4 times a day for 7 to 14 days, is generally recommended as an initial treatment.29 Metronidazole can also be given intravenously. Administered by either route, the same dosage provides bactericidal levels of the drug in the bowel lumen. Although equally effective as metronidazole when given orally, vancomycin, standard dosage 1 g/d for 10 days, is more expensive, and is therefore reserved for patients who can not tolerate metronidazole, are pregnant or breastfeeding, or have severe cases of CDAD.Alternative vancomycin dosing strategies may be effective for treatment of recurrent CDAD. A pulsed dosing regimen, intermittent delivery of between 125 and 500 mg every 3 days, and tapered dosing, administering the antibiotic over long periods at decreasing doses, may in some instances effectively eradicate vegetative C difficile cells. In addition to its greater cost, a disadvantage of vancomycin is the occurrence of vancomycin-resistant strains. Intraluminal concentrations of vancomycin cannot be achieved by intravenous infusion as they can with metronidazole. However, vancomycin can be given via a nasogastric tube or as an enema. Instilling vancomycin as an enema can be challenging, particularly when a patient is experiencing diarrhea.

  • 英問英答(3)ラスト

    So today, to have learned English means to have your own rights as one of the users of the language. And it is just as likely that the future course of English will be influenced by second or foreign language speakers of English as by native speakers. Language learners will be facing these World Englishes, and they will develop a sense of international standards of English ―as well as their national norms of English, which are currently the focus of learning. It may not be many years, however, before an international standard becomes the starting-point for every learner of English, with British, American, and other varieties all seen as optional versions of English. 【questions】 What does “to have learned English” mean? What will learners of English develop when they face World Englishes? 二問ありますがおねがいします!

  • 英訳お願いします

    The masses are likely to replace an unchanging mode of life by fashion which it will be in the economic interest of certain people to change as often as possible. whichがあるので後の文から前に訳そうと思いましたが、 どうやら違うみたいです。 文法説明と英訳をお願いします。

  • I miss youについて

    映画なんかで別れの場面でよく言われますね「I miss you」なんて。 でも miss を辞書で調べるとほとんどが何かを失敗する、という意味で下にある辞書からの抜粋 を見ても5番目がかろうじて「不在に気がつく」がでてきます。 なんでもかんでも派手に表現するアメリカ人ののくせに、こんな重要な場面で言ってることがえらいクールでなんか映画の熱い場面と不似合いな気がするんですが、どうなってるんでしょうか? 1 : to fail to hit, catch, reach, or get (something) 2 a : to fail to use (something, such as an opportunity) b : to fail to do, take, make, or have (something) 3 : to be without (something) : to lack (something) 4 a : to fail to be present for (something) b : to arrive too late for (something or someone) 5 : to notice or feel the absence of (someone or something) 6 a : to fail to understand (something) b : to fail to hear or learn about (something) 7 : to avoid (something) 8 : to fail to succeed