
  • 英語の課題で原稿を仕上げなければいけないのですが、文法に自信がないので確認してほしいです。
  • 「参拝の仕方」をオンラインで学びましょう。初めにアプローチを歩き、次に手水舎で手や口を清めます。そして、本殿でのお参りのマナーを学びましょう。
  • 参拝の仕方を英語で説明します。アプローチを歩く際は注意が必要です。また、手水舎で手や口を清める方法や本殿でのお参りのマナーも説明します。
  • ベストアンサー


英語の課題で原稿を仕上げなければいけないのですが、文法に自信がないので確認してほしいです。 ↓この英文の内容は「参拝の仕方」の説明です。 I’m going to demonstrate how to visit a shrine. By the way, do you know the difference between a temple and a shrine? Shrine has a torii. Torii is the gate of the shrine. But temple has it not. Temple has a grave. Please keep it in mind. There are three main steps. You need to follow when you visit a shrine. First, you walk along the approach. Be careful! You must not walk is the middle of the approach, because god walks in the middle . Next, you visit a temizuya which wash your hands and mouth. “Te” in temizuya means hand, “Mizu” in temizuya means water, “Ya” in temizuya means place. At first, you take the scoop and fill with the water. Next, you wash your left hand. Then, you wash your right hand. After that, you wash your mouth. Be careful! You take the scoop in your right hand, pour some water into your left hand, and rinse out your mouth. Next, you wash your left hand again. Finally, you wash a scoop that you used. Attention please! These acts use only full water of a scoop. After that, you visit the main shrine. At first, you make a money offering in offertory box. Second, you ring a bell cheerfully. Third, you must bows twice, claps twice and bow. Finally, you pray anything. That is how to visit a shrine. Don’t forget these attentions. Thank you. 長文ですが、是非直していただけると幸いです。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • ucok
  • ベストアンサー率37% (4288/11421)

意味は通じますよ。余談ですが、「Temple has a grave.」というのは、なるほどと思いました。本当は神社にも墓はありますが、日本人の大半が仏教の墓に入りますから目立ちますもんね。



読んでいただき、回答ありがとうございます!! 「意味は通じる」と言っていただき少しホッとしました。 私も文を書いていて神社とお寺の違いを初めて知りました。 今度は文法的に正しいか不安になってます...(汗)


  • 英文の意味がいまひとつわかりません

    英文の訳ですが、いまひとつ意味がわかりません。 教えてください。 宿泊客からのメッセージ・メールなのですが、 We have checked in on 5 Sept and checked out on 7 Sept and we found that we have left two bottles of ″Car Wash for windshield″ in room 318. Have you ever noticed that the said ″Car Wash for windshield″in room 318 ? We also attached a photo of ″Car Wash for windshield″for your reference. Thank you for your attension. フロントガラスの洗剤を忘れて・・・・・・・・・ 写真を貼り付けたとか? そんなに難しい単語はないのですが、 できれば、返事を出したいのですが、内容が解らない事には・・・・・ お願いいたします。

  • 英語の翻訳お願いします。

    I care so much about you I care about you more than I can say. And that caring and that feeling have a meaning that is more precious and more special to me than I can explain. But let me try to tell you this... Stying ''I care'' means that I will always do everything I can to understand. It means that I will never hurt you. It means that you can trust me. It means that you can tell me. What's wrong. It means that I will try to fix what I can,that I will listen When you need me to hear,and that ~even in your most difficult moment ~all you have to do is say tha word,and your hand and my hand will not be apart. It means that whenever you speak to me,whether words are spoken through a smile or theouge a tear... I will listen with my heart. I do care about you... In a very special wey. メッセージカードの柄としてあったので気になりました。お願いします

  • 意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。そこはオリジナル商品を作ってくれるお店です。問い合わせをしたところお返事をもらいました。すみませんが意味を教えてくれませんか?お願いします。 Thank you for contacting AAA and for your interest in using the AAA emblem! We appreciate the time you have taken to write us, we are delighted to receive your email and have the opportunity to assist you today. We apologize for the delay in responding to your email, and hope it has not caused you any inconvenience in your research. We are excited to see you are interested in using the AAA Emblem. In response to your question, unfortunately we have only been provided the phone number to the BBB Equity Management Department. As previously stated that number is 1-111-111-1111. If you speak to someone in that department, they may be able to provide you with an email directly to their department. We apologize for the inconvenience and wish you the best in your future endeavors. I hope this answers all of your questions and concerns but if not please feel free to contact your local dealership or us for further assistance. If you are not currently working with a AAA dealership in your area and you would like to locate one, an easy way to do so is by visiting http://www..com. Would a contact from a local dealership be helpful? We can have a BBB dealership contact you by email or phone regarding your purchase or lease. We will make sure that the dealership contacts you in a timely manner. Just reply to this email with your consent.

  • よろしくお願いします

    (手のひらに書いてテストでカンニングをしてしまったという投稿に対して)You know that you didn't go into that test with malice in your heart and murder on your mind—and if you'd remembered to wash your hands before the exam, you probably wouldn't have even considered cheating your way to a better grade. But things being what they were, the opportunity presented itself, and in a moment of weakness, you messed up.http://community.sparknotes.com/2016/10/26/auntie-sparknotes-i-cant-forgive-myself-for-cheating things being what they wereの意味と文法的解説をよろしくお願いします

  • 訳して下さい!お願いします!

    I'm so tired of seeing you in so much pain, son, with that dead limb hanging from your body.Just get it off and be with it. と God gives you the grace to put your hand in his - even if you have only one hand to give - and there may you find peace. です。 お願いします~~~!

  • 日本語に訳してください

    いつもこちらの回答に頼りっぱなしで申し訳ありません。 どなたか翻訳をお願いします。 His Mars trines your Uranus. This means your relationship with this man will always be always unique and exciting because you encourage each other to be yourselves, to be innovative and inventive, and to live to your fullest potential. You encourage each others strengths and talents in life and the ability to t take a risk in these things and in so doing to change your life a little in a positive way that can be built on. He will give you the courage or inspiration to reach out for what you want. To take your ambitions, your talents, your true desires and to go for it. To take the chance or opportunities and to carve a path out for yourself.. He inspires you to become positive, exciting. His Saturn conjuncts your Pluto. Underneath he feels a little threatened by you. You can also feel that he is often too distant. But this is a good aspect. It means if you have to, you can survive great hardship as a couple. Saturn often has to with endings, it can wreck devastation in life where the past is gone, and the future seems bleak. This can mean personal devastation, such as going through deaths or great material loss. Or it can be things like national disasters. Events that effect not only you but others around you. But Pluto is new beginnings and gives the ability and strength to rise together from the ashes of the past, when these two planets are combined in synastry it gives the couple great fortitude, and the ability to rebuild life anew. Saturn and Pluto mean that an unforeseen fate will have a hand in this relationship, or in the sudden way it eventually end. For all relationships however long they last have an ending. That fate or circumstance you have no control over will suddenly intervene in your lives.

  • これはどう言う意味でしょうか。

    I hope you had a great time and learned a lot from the topic we covered and I wish that you will book another class and I am excited to have another lesson with you.Once again thank you so much with your time. Thank you for considering me once again to help you in your English Communication skills Have a great night and take care 英会話レッスン終了後の先生のコメントです。 まだ数回しか受けたことがないのですが、 とても気に入っている先生です。長く受けたいと思っているのですが、 でもこれは自分以外の先生のレッスンも受けるようにと言う意味でしょうか。

  • 簡単におおよその意味を教えてください。

    In the other hand I'm sad about your decision to block me for your auctions,because as I sayed I'm an old and happy customer of yours. As you can see I'm a seller too and I want to be honest with all of my actions at ebay or in my everyday life. I could not lie to you to get back the 40$ if the razor was ok. I'm not that kind of cheep person,I have values in my life. The words you sayed to me seems more than an action of blackmail or revenge than words of a professional atitude seller.

  • よろしくお願いします

    I have a weird question for you. I live in a Midwestern community that has expensive water and sewer costs. I also exercise every day, and as a result, I drink a lot of water -- and I mean a lot of water. So when my wife is not home, I urinate in the bathroom sink. Then I wash my hands, which rinses the sink basin at the same time. This uses a fraction of the water that flushing the toilet would use. Multiply that by dozens of times a day and the savings are significant. Urine is sterile which rinses the sink basin at the same time.のwhichは何にかかっているのでしょうか?Urine is sterileの意味もよろしくお願いします

  • 日本語に訳してください!

    日本語に訳してください! 宜しくお願いします。意訳も歓迎です! His Ascendant falls in conjunction with your fourth house cusp. This is interesting. The fourth house is the home, also ones roots and origins, ones past, since you did not grow up in the same place with similar roots, we know this cusp conjunction is for the future. Not the past. And yet its being there suggests there may be some similarities in your early life, or early upbringing. The fourth house is the home, and this cusp shows that given the right circumstance you will very likely come to live together. The fourth house is quite important in love and intimate relationships The connection between the two chart shows that while living together you’d feel secure. Then creative elements of relationship would develop. Your talents. His talents, both would be brought out more by this aspect. This also means that the relationships strengths and all its new directions and plans, would be nurtured in your domestic or home and family life It also tends to be found in relationship that begin at a time in your life when you feel insecure and unhappy in your own home life, or feel that you are on the way down either materially or emotionally in the place you are living life. Feeling of needed a new direction, a new future, that when he comes along he can provide that, or can show you the way towards your destiny. That a life that is more in keeping with your inner soul and it is more you, can emerge from this union.. He too will have found this., that you can give him the basis and emotional support he needs to be himself. He will meet you at a time when he feels he is less secure, even though he knows where his direction lies. You will both feel that love lifts you up to a better level. This aspect also means that he has a promising career. His career and position in life, and where it can lead to as he rises will count, and may be one of the things that will attracted you to him