Rice vs. Bread: Which is Better for Breakfast?

  • Comparing the advantages and disadvantages of rice and bread for breakfast.
  • Rice keeps you feeling full longer than bread, making it a better choice for an office worker.
  • While bread is easier to prepare, rice provides more sustained energy.
  • ベストアンサー


自分で「コメとパン」についての英文を作成してみましのたで、長文で面倒くさいかもしれませんが、英語に詳しい方がいらっしゃいましたら添削をお願い致します。 英文で変な部分がございましたら、バシバシご指摘下さい。 Some people eat rice, the others eat bread in the morning. It often compares rice and bread. But it’s very difficult to compare rice and bread, because both rice and bread have some advantages and disadvantage. For my part, I think that rice is superior to bread. Because rice keeps you going longer than bread, when I eat rice in the morning, stomach has been full by noon. On the other hand, when I eat bread, I’m hungry about ten o’clock. However, bread has advantage. Bread is easy to set the table for breakfast. I just bake breakfast and can eat to place the butter on bread. But I have to wash into rice cooker. In the case of rice, because I have to prepare for a side dish, I take time.  In this case, both rice and bread have some advantages and disadvantage. But, I’m sure that rice is superior to bread for an office worker to work from morning, because rice keeps you going longer than bread.

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー

長い文章ですし、ネイティブでもないので、ぜんぶ直せるとは思いませんが、 気づいたところだけ指摘させていただきますね。 ・the others → others この場合は、「・・・の人もいれば、・・・の人もいる」という意味なので、 the はいりません。 ・2番目の文、it が何を指すか不明。しかも、次の文でまたcompare rice and bread と同じ言い回しを使っているので、くどい感じがするかも・・・。 それに、比較はとても難しいといいつつ、すぐ次の文で「自分は米の方が優れて いると思う」というのも、「あれっ?」て感じがしました。アドバンテージと ディスアドバンテージがあるというなら、まずそれを書いてしまって、その後、 「Therefore(したがって)」結論はこうだ、という書き方のほうが自然では ないでしょうか。 ・For my part はいりません。 ・stomach has been full by noon はおかしいですね。そもそもby noon だと、「正午までに」という感じになります。「・・・まで」だったら、until を使います。それに、完了形も変な感じがします。これは特定の日の話ではなくて、 一般的に「朝、ご飯を食べたら、昼までお腹がすかない」といっているのですよね? 私だったら、If I have a bowl of rice for breakfast, I won't feel hungry until noon. とすると思います。 ・I'm hungry about ten o'clock. も微妙だと思います。am hungry という お腹がすいている状態を指すので、「10時頃にはお腹がすく」というのであれば、 I will become hungry again before 10 o'clock. とする方が、意味が はっきりすると思います。 ・そのあとBread is easy...I take time. の数行は、かなりメチャクチャです ので(すみません・・・)全面的に書き直した方がよいと思いますよ。 ・In this case はおかしいです。このように、といいたいのであれば、Thus を 使うとか、まとめたいのであれば要するに (To sum up など)を使うとか、変えた 方がよいと思います。 ・あと、superior という単語を使っているのも違和感がありますね。betterでいい んじゃないでしょうか。この文で言っているのは、ご飯がパンより絶対的に優れている ということではなく、オフィス労働者の生活スタイルにはご飯の方が合っているという ことなんですよね? とりあえず、一番気になった部分だけ書きました。 少しでもご参考になれば幸いです。



他の長文でもご回答を頂きありがとうございました。 どちらとも参考にさせて頂きます。


  • 英語の訳をお願いします!!

    In this sense,rice does much better.It contains far less fat than bread, and white rice contains less than one-tenth of the fat in both breads.Protein is a substance our body needs in order to grow and remBesides the mineral above, whole-grain foods have a higher amount of magnesium in brown rice is seven times as much as that in white rice.Whole-wheat bread contains more than three times the amount of it than in white breads.There is also a largeain healty.Both kinds of bread have around four to five times as much protein as both kinds of rice have.

  • 英語長文の添削をお願い致します。

    自分で「節約」についての英文を作成してみましのたで、長文で面倒くさいかもしれませんが、英語に詳しい方がいらっしゃいましたら添削をお願い致します。 英文で変な部分がございましたら、バシバシご指摘下さい。  We should reduce daily expensive to save money.  There are many ways to reduce daily expensive. First of all, we mustn’t put much money in the purse. If there are much money in the purse, we may waste our money by buying things we don’t need. When we do our shopping at the supermarket, we will buy except what we need, because we don’t have much money in the purse. Also, we should use public facilities maximally. For example, there are library and swimming pool and gym. At the library we can read books as well as watching movie on DVD. By using at the library, we don’t have to go a bookstore and a rental video shop. We have to pay expensive entrance fee and monthly membership fee for using private gym and health spa, but we can use cheaper public facilities than private facilities.  In this way, if we focus on familiar things, we can save money easily. I think it’s easy for everyone to save money.

  • 英語長文の添削お願いします。

    自分で余暇の過ごしかたについての英文を作成してみましのたで、長文で面倒くさいかもしれませんが、英語に詳しい方がいらっしゃいましたら添削をお願い致します。 英文で変な部分がございましたら、バシバシご指摘下さい。  My favorite leisure is to spend with my wife.  My leisure I spend with my wife change weather. When it’s fine, we make it a rule to go out sometimes. Since it is very tired with daily work, I would like to bask in sunlight and to reduce stress. There is the park that dog can enter in neighborhood. We have a toy poodle and go for a walk in the park with my dog. We spend to play to throw a ball with dog and play catch and eat a picnic lunch that my wife cooks early morning. If We become very sleepy, We can take a snap on the blanket or a park bench. Also, When it rains, as we can’t go out, we spend to watch movie on DVD. Because both me and my wife like American culture, we always watch Western movie. When we watch Western movie, we always watch not due into Japanese but English conversation with English title. Consequently, We can learn English with watching Western movie.  In this way, I spend with my wife at leisure. Because I can spend the special loved woman, I’m soothed the soul at leisure.

  • 英語の訳をお願いします!!

    Besides the mineral above, whole-grain foods have a higher amount of fiber than refined grain foods. These foods that contain a lot of fiber take longer to digest, which keeps you feeling full longer. Additionally, the dietary fiber in whole-grain foods protects you against high blood cholesterol.It may also reduce our risk of certain types of cancer. Next let's look at Table 1 from another view.Rice and bread can be compared.There is quite a difference in the calorie count between rice and bread.A calorie is the main unit of energy that food will produce.Bread has more calories than rice.Carbohydrates provide our body with heat and energy.It is contained more in bread. Fat plays a vital role in maintaining healthy skin and hair, and body temperature.However, some kinds of fat are not good because they raise our cholesterol level and increase our risk of heart disease.

  • 添削お願いします。

    I am anxious to go I have never been to and live in countryside because I live in town. 訪れたことのない場所に行ったり、都会に住んでいるので田舎で暮らすのは不安だ。 こんな感じの文にしたいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の質問への答え方

    筆記テストで英語の質問に英語で答えるときに、たとえばWhat did you have for breakfast this morning? への質問へは“I had rice and natto." などのように文で答えるのと、“Rice and natto.”だけで答えるのでは、点数などに差が出るものでしょうか? “Rice and natto.”だけでも間違いではないですよね。入試や英検の面接試験などでは両者の答え方の違いで点数が変わったりするのでしょうか。

  • 英語の添削をお願いします。

    タイに2ヶ月研究留学に行っていました。滞在中のお礼をこめて、手紙を入れた小包(日本のお菓子などを入れた物)を送ろうと思っています。 その手紙の添削をお願いしたいです。 Thank you for everything. I really enjoyed Thai Life which spends the time in soil mechanics laboratory. Each memories of Thailand are very big in my life. I don’t forget this memories forever. Some people said to me “you are strong.”, but of course I’m not strong. Everyone support me every time, so I really want to say Thank you. In the future, I may go to Thailand again as engineer. I will contact you when I go to Thailand. While I staying there, I couldn't do anything for you, so this time, I want to send goods for you all!! Please eat it  This is Japanese snacks! And finally, this program is good experience for me, and good opportunity to learn English, Thai culture and Civil Engineering. I hope to meet you again. I miss you all. And Thank you very much.

  • 添削して下さい><お願いします。

    I have been studying for two years at university in Hyogo Prefecture. I major overall policy there,and that study the various learning such as internatinal relatins,enviromental,and law. I'm happy to go to school,because I fortunate to have a lot of friends like best friends and study there. I study hard to achive my dream from now on for becoming a lawyer and speaking English fluently. But I often change of pace at times. All one can say is that ,as I am, I have to do my best in any case for the porpose of getting my priorities. あんまり良い表現使ってないような気がします。出来たらどう直したいいかとアドバイスなんかあったらお願いします。

  • 大至急、翻訳をお願い致します!

    Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and best wishes for 2020. I hope you have some amazing memories from 2019 and are ready for an exciting new year. I have been very blessed this year and take none of it for granted. Today is great day to spend with those you care about, reflect on your blessings and eat something good. Thank you. Xxx .

  • 英語長文

    Read the following and answer the questions in English using full sentences. とのことですが、英語の質問に英語で答えなければならないのかが分からなかったので、とりあえず分かる所を日本語で書いて見ました。2問程空欄で申し訳ないですが… 自分の解答に自信が無いので、回答者さんの解答もお聞きしたいと思います。もし良ければ英語での解答もお教え願います。 (1)Recently, there has been increasing public awareness in Japan of the developing world's problems with HIV/AIDS and the spread of diseases such as tuberculosis and malaria. In a forum held in Winterthur, Switzerland, Yoshiyuki Sato, managing director of Kenya Nut Co., a macadamia-nut processing company in Kenya, eastern Africa, presented a sustainable-action project to help people in developing countries who are suffering from such infectious diseases. Sato recently was interviewed about the need to encourage participation in the project around the world. The following is his answer to the question on how he became involved in the fight against infectious diseases in developing countries. (2)I am all too familiar with the problems caused by the spread of infectious diseases. In Kenya, some estimates show that as much as 30% of the adult population is infected with HIV. There are also many other kinds of infectious and parasitic diseases that people contract through contact with tainted blood or water. For every 10 workers I need, I have to hire 16 because some employees are always taking sick leave. In fact, the problem has had a very serious impact on my business. For the welfare of my employees, I have built a company clinic to give them access to inexpensive medical treatment. We also hold seminars on reproductive health and child care for families of employees. (3)However, there are limits to what a private company can do. Two years ago, I had the chance to meet members of a Swiss nongovernmental organization called the Double Incentive Project (DIP) Foundation, which has been working to introduce organic farming to one of the nut-growing communities in Kenya. Our company, the Swiss NGO and this community decided to team up for a project to supply roasted macadamia nuts to Swiss bakers. The bakers use the roasted nuts to produce a new brand of bread called “Bread of Solidarity.” We launched the bread in February, and it is now sold am over 2,000 bakeries in Switzerland. Some of the proceeds from the sales are put into a fund for building a tuberculosis treatment clinic in the community. (4)In October, I was invited to speak about the project at an international conference on infectious diseases held in Winterthur, Switzerland. At the end of the conference, five participants, including myself, decided to form a task force to promote the fight against diseases of poverty. Our objective is to present a model of cooperation between private organizations and NGOs in actionーnamely the Bread of Solidarity projectーand emphasize the importance of private-sector participation in the fight against infectious diseases. ・What was Sato's role at the forum held in Winterthur, Switzerland? →HIVやAIDS、結核やマラリアといった感染症に苦しむ発展途上国の人々を助ける(支援する)ための持続可能な活動プロジェクトを世界中に示すこと。 ・How do infectious and parasitic diseases spread among the people in Kenya? →人々が汚染された血液や水と接触することを通じて感染する。 ・What is the role of the DIP Foundation? →3段落に書いてあるのは分かりましたが、nut-growing communitiesの訳仕方に困りました。 ・What are some of the profits from the sales of “Bread of Solidarity” being used for? →コミュニティの中の結核治療クリニック設立のための資金に入れられる(寄付される)。 ・What was the aim in forming a task force to promote the fight against diseases of poverty? →一番最後に書いてあるのは分かったのですが、上手くまとめられませんでした。