• 締切済み


和訳お願いします。 英語がダメでなかなかうまく訳せません。 ご協力お願いします。 SARS was first reported in Asia in February 2003, and outbreak of SARS continuead to spread. The illness spread to more than two dozen contries in North America, South America, Europe, and Asia. More than eight thousand people world wide became infected with the disease: 813 died. According to the world Helth Organation(WHO) SARS is a viralillness caused by a corona virus. In general, SARS begins with a high fever. Other symptoms are headache, a feeling of discomfort, body aches, and diarrhea. After 2 to 7 deys, the patient may develop a dry cough and pneumonia. The virus that causes SARS is thought to be contagious and readily transmitted. If an infected person coghs oq sneezes, the droplets from the infected person coughs or sneezes, the droplets from the infected person are propelled a short distance through the air and may be deposited on the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, or eyes of persons who are nearby. In order to keep from being exposed to the virus, you should follow the instructions bellw: Limit your activities outside the home. wash your hands often and well. Cover your mouth and nose with a mask when you go out.

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数0


  • DJ-Potato
  • ベストアンサー率36% (692/1917)

SARSは2003年の2月にアジアで初めて報告され、アウトブレイクはなお広がっている。この病気は北アメリカ、南アメリカ、ヨーロッパ、アジアで2ダース(24)以上もの国に広がっている。8000人以上の人が罹患し、813人が死亡した。 世界保健機構WHOによれば、SARSはコロナウイルスによるウイルス性疾患である。一般的に高熱で始まり、他の症状は頭痛、不快感、体幹部痛、下痢である。2~7日で患者は乾いた咳をし肺炎を来す。SARSウイルスは伝染性で容易に伝播する。感染者が咳やくしゃみをしたら、飛沫は短距離なら浮遊し近くにいる人の口、鼻、眼などの粘膜に付着する。ウイルスに曝露したくなければ、以下の点に注意を: 屋外での活動は最小限に 手洗いをしっかり 外へ出る時はマスクを こんな感じですかね。


  • 英文の和訳

    和訳をしていただけるかた のみで、お願いできますでしょうか? 定型文となります。 1段落の後半部分となります。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 But remember each detail, the shape of his nose, the subtle color tones in his skin and hair, the fleeting expression in his eyes, is drawn from YOUR chart, and that sometimes in trying to describe someone I may have to exaggerate or emphasize a certain feature that is distinctive, in order to define the person from being just any face in the crowd. Words are not as subtle as an image, or a photograph. I capture his likeness for you, the reality of his face, features and colors are likely to be blended together more delicately.

  • ego rush

    Q. Flirting: Is it OK to flirt with other people when you are in a relationship? In every relationship I’ve been in, I end up flirting with people at bars while out with girlfriends. I’m dating a great guy, I feel completely in love with him, yet over the weekend I was back to wanting attention from other people. It never rises to the level of cheating, but I’m wondering if I am not meant to be a relationship person. I’m in my mid-20s and feel that all my other friends in relationships don’t have these feelings. I just feel guilty over this weird desire to be flirtatious with random strangers at bars. A: It depends on the type of person you are, and it depends on the type of relationship you’re in. Some people are natural flirts; some aren’t. Some people flirt in a way that feels expansive and generous and native to their personalities; some people flirt in a way that seems specific and weighted with intent. You’ll have to figure out what you consider to be over-the-line—is it accepting a drink from someone? Giving out your phone number? Something else?—as well as what your boyfriend considers obviously hurtful. Enjoying attention from other people isn’t a character flaw, and you’re hardly the only young person who gets an ego rush from occasionally flirting with a stranger. This is not weird, and it’s not necessarily a sign that your relationships are doomed to fail. Some people flirt in a way that feels expansive and generous and native to their personalities; some people flirt in a way that seems specific and weighted with intent.の和訳を教えてください。 あと、ego rushの意味も教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 長文 英語 和訳の参考を見してください。

    長文英語和訳の他人の例を見たいです。 内容は多いですが、高校生レベルぐらいです。 What makes it rain? Rain falls from clouds for the same reason anything falls to Earth. The Earth's gravity pulls it. But every cloud is made of water droplets or ice crystals. Why doesn't rain or snow fall constantly from all clouds? The droplets or ice crystals in clouds are exceedingly small. The effect of gravity on them is minute. Air currents move and lift droplets,so that the net downward displacement is zero,even though the droplets are in constant motion. Droplets and ice crystals behave somewhat like dust in the air made visible in a shaft of sunlight. To the casual observer,dust seems to act in a totally random fashion,moving about chaotically without fixed direction. But in fact dust particles are much larger than water droplets and they finally fall. The cloud droplet of average size is only 1/2500 inch in diameter. It is so small that it would take sixteen hours to fall half a mile in perfectly still air,and it dose not fall out of moving air at all. Only when the droplet grows to a diameter of 1/125 inch or larger can it fall from the cloud. The average raindrop contains a million times as much water as a tiny cloud droplet. The growth of a cloud droplet to a size large enough to fall out is the cause of rain and other forms of precipitation. This important growth process is called ‘‘coalescence.’’

  • 口座を作ってくれという海外メール?

    こんにちは。 このごろ、妙なメールが舞い込みます。差出人は今回はスイスの人ですが、アフリカからの時もあります。 共通しているのは、大量の金があり、(自分にとっての)国外の銀行に口座をつくってくれる人を探している、ということらしいのです。お金は、死んだ夫、または父などの遺産だったり、また、イラクの廃屋で拾った大金、ということもあります。国外に持ち出せなくて?困っているように書いてあります。。 きっとこういうメール受け取っている人もおられると思います。いったいこれはなんなのじゃ?文面通りのことなのか、他意があるのか、、、なにか御存知の方、どうぞ宜しくお願いします。 I am just back from Iraq where in the cause of performing our duties we found in a box a large amount of money in cash in an abandoned house, I reached an agreement with the members of my team whom are UN officials(two in number)and we agreed to keep this money to ourselves and they moved the box out of Iraq to Europe(with their immunity as UN officials they are not searched at borders or airports) Now, I am in need of a reliable and trustworthy person or company overseas whom I can confidently work with. My work does not permit me to own a foreign bank account or any personal business until retirement. I have the honor to confide this information in you and to request for your pleasure to assist to receive and secure the money in your account, pending our retirement from service.

  • 和訳をお願いいたします

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたに。 お願いできますでしょうか? 何かありましたらご指摘いただけるとありがたいです。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 Your life may be beset by romantic entanglement and intrigues, that are not of your own making, but exist and endure due to difficult circumstance. It is best to wait untill the circumstance are right before you commit yourself exclusively to one person. You will find the happiness you look for with your soul mate in the end. You are modest, very attentive, attractive. You love unconditionally, and accept whatever burdens or difficulties come with that love. You are a helpmate and take care of the one you love, you are compassionate. You possess an almost infinite ability to respond to, or sacrifice your own interests to the needs and demands of the one you love.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    There are more ways you can help make this happen, even if you yourself are unable to contribute.. SPREAD THE WORD! Use Facebook. Use Twitter. Tell all of your friends and family that Filter is back and that they are planning the decade's biggest tour with a little help from their friends. ※『Filter』はバンド名です。

  • 次の英文の和訳お願いします。

    1,U.S. exports to china grew 20.5 percent from 2004 to2005 and are continuing to grow rapidly,with an increace of 36.5 percent during the first five months of this year,comrared to 2005. 2,the plane was making a right turn over Los Angels when it suddenly plunged nose-down from a height of 500 feet. 3,we are pleased to announce that we are taking part in the 36th hong kong international film festival running March 21 through April5. 4,the instructor said," a participant who is continuously chatting with his or her neighbor can be extremely disruptive tovthe entire group."

  • 次の英文の和訳をお願いしたいです。

    Not too long ago, most people thought that contracting HIV was a certain and swiftt death sentence. After several decades of experience with this deadly disease, however, medical scientists have found drugs and treatment strategies that now allow HIV patients to live years or even decades with the disease. It is essential for those who have contracted HIV to be diagnosed early so that monitoring and treatment can begin as soon as possible. The scientific community has accepted that the cause of AIDS is HIV. Once an individual has been infected with HIV, the virus quickly attacks the infection-fighting soldiers in our immune system, called T-cells. Damage to these cells slowly destroys the body's ability to fight disease. After infection with HIV, a person may be symptom-free for years, but eventually the number of HIV viruses in the body(his/her "vital load") will increase, while the number of his/her T-cells will decrease, weakening the person's ability to fight disease. Advanced HIV infections (OIs), which are serious infections from bacteria, viruses, or fungi that our body would normally be able to fend off. Through research and experience, scientists have learned the importance of tracking the viral load of HIV in the body as well as the patient's T-cell count. It is essential to suppress the viral load early in the disease cycle while maintaining and boosting the level of T-cells, allowing patients to fight off OIs. There are powerful drugs and drug mixtures now available that are doing this with increasing effectiveness. With this therapy, many patients with HIV have been able to live long periods of time without developing ALDS. Some of the drugs that have been effective in fighting AIDS are: zidovudine(AZT), nevirapine, and a class of drugs known as HIV protease inhibitors. Although these new drug therapies can delay the advance of HIV in the body, the virus will eventually overcome the immune system and the patient will develop AIDS and die. Today's science can only slow the progression of the disease. However, with each new day, new discoveries are made and patients are living longer and longer. Doctors are hopeful that in the near future HIV-infected people will be able to live a totally normal lifespan.

  • 和訳お願いします(>_<)

    People in areas with a relatively cool climate think that they are free from catching malaria. However, recent changes in climate let mosquitoes move into parts of the world that used to be too cold for them to survive. For example, in Papua New Guinea, the higher mountain areas are becoming warmer, and mosquitoes may affect another two million people. As the world becomes warmer, the spread of malaria will be more and more of an urgent global concern.

  • 下記英文について質問があります。(2)

    すいません下記の英文について質問があります。 It seems as though playing in the same room with someone is still the purest and most important form of musical communication to you. 同じ空間で曲をプレイするということは、あなたの曲作りのやりとりにおいてとても純粋で、かつ重要な事だと思えます。 Emails, SMS, letters, phonecalls, skype, you-name-it, those are all great ways to communicate, and I use them all. But being together, in person, is something different all together. I hope we can all agree that when you’re not in person, there at the same time, things get lost. Little things, big things, all kinds of things. And maybe if you know someone really well - which most likely you know them well from spending a lot of time in person - then it doesn’t matter ... Anyhow, I guess what I’m trying to say is that making music together over email can be very fun and rewarding, but it simply can’t be compared to making music together in the same space. It’s like night and day to me. And I think most anyone who has met Rutger or the guys from Efterklang, would say they are wonderful, kind, warm people. So making music with them in person is absolutely wonderful! Q1 But being together, in person, is somethingからa lot of time in person – then it doesn’t matter…までがどうも何が言いたいのかがつかめません。訳を教えてください。 Q2 Even if, as with Rutger, your approaches significantly differ from each other? たとえルトガー氏と同じように(作曲の)アプローチをとったとしても、あなたのアプローチはルトガー氏とは明らかに異なりますよね? この英文の訳はこのようなニュアンスで良いでしょうか? Q3 To me, a lot of your work sounds very direct, immediate and actually quite spontaneous, as detailed as it may be. Are you satisfied or rather annoyed when reviews call your work „,mature“? 私にとって、たくさんのあなたの作品はとてもdirectで、immediateで、実際かなり即興的です。このあとのas detailed as it may be.が訳せません。どういうことを言いたいのでしょうか? 1、2ともによろしくお願いいたします。