• ベストアンサー


Please give us further information about items listed bellow regarding your refurbished PC, though some items might have been explained by you so far. という文章を作りましたが意味がつながりますか。


  • ベストアンサー

We are afraid the expalanation,you have just given, isn't enough for us. Please give us more information about items picked on the list bellow of your PC reformed by you. こんな風に文を変えた方がいいでしょう。



  • すいませんが翻訳お願いします。

    すいませんが翻訳お願いします。 Thanks for your email. We are sorry to give you such trouble, actually we have answered your question,did you recieve it? Could you please reflect it onto 20 meters far wall,?using the camera get a flare photos, and measuring spot size. when you give us the answer,we will confirm what is wrong with it,, we will try our best to help you,please don't worry. Any further questions,please feel free to contact us.

  • イーベイで何かしてしまいました トラブルのようで困っています。

    数年前イーベイで品物を落札しました。 私でなく当時の元彼がジッポライターを落札しました。 たしかジーンズも落札したかもしれません。 それから使っていません。 私は英語ができませんし… 先日イーベイHPからログインしたらなんだかエラーがでてペイパルの画面になりました。よくわからないまま199円送金しました。 (何故か、PAYPALの初めのお金と勘違いしそうしました) するとという画面になりました。 You have been suspended from eBay because our records indicate your account was involved in activities that violate our policies. If you feel you have been suspended in error or want to appeal this decision by providing additional information, please contact us. An email regarding this was sent to you at ***@.ocn.ne.jp. 英文を書き始めたのですが I am not becoming a violation. please give me some method to this situation. 何を書けばいいのかどう連絡すればいいでしょうか? 英語が全然わかりません、教えてください。 心配です。これで相手に伝わりますか? 宜しくお願いします。

  • essayの文法添削希望

    お願いします 「最近の出来事についてあなたの意見を新聞社に寄稿する手紙を書いてください(100文字以内)」というお題でエッセイがあります。以下のように書きました(「殺人事件」は架空の話です)文法添削いただけると助かります I read your article about deadly crime in Tokyo, the article gave us the details even how to murder. I believe that you shouldn’t have given us detail information such as how to kill, thus, I object on ground that some people might try the method. For example a person mixed some household items to make noxious fume, he inhaled it and dead. Many media covered the suicide not for happening but for how to make it. Later, many people have committed suicide using toxic gas. Therefore, Media might want to pull in your horns to give such information. (99文字)

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入しました。商品のインボイスの事でメールが来ました。すみませんが意味を教えてくれませんか?お願いします。 All invoices already have the discount included in them apart from one of them which has sales items on it and we do not do further discount on already discounted items. Please check attachment. As for the credit note for the missing styles last time, you need to pass to your accountant the credit note that I have emailed to you. This cannot be further deducted of the invoices on our system, and therefore it is on a separate sheet. I have put the information of the discount on the 2 invoices. Please check and let me know if that will suffice.

  • 見積りと注文を同時にする場合

    従来なら見積して注文という手順なんですが、現品が破損している状況ですので、見積価格が知りたいけれど、価格に拘らず、商品をすぐに発送して欲しい場合は、下記のニュアンスで伝わりますでしょうか? "Please advise us cost as following items and dispatch these items to ou office at the same time as quoting due to a breakage also keep us informed when a detail of dispatching will be known. If you need further details for quoting, please inform us." まわりくどい言い方で逆に分かりにくいかなあと・・いうところで不安です。ご教授下さい。

  • ebayのMy eBayに入ると警告がでます。

    My Summaryの下に Some of your information is not available at this time. Please try again later.(これは赤文字) Buying Reminders (Last 31 days) Cannot move this view up There are currently no Buying Reminders to display. とでます 。 なにかやらかしたのでしょうか? いつもならsallingのところにUPしてる個数がでてますが それもでてません。 Sellingをクリックすると Some of your information is not available at this time. Please try again later. Items I'm Selling (No items) Cannot move this view down. You have no items with unanswered questions in this view. Items that you were selling may display in the "Sold Items" or "Unsold Items" views if they have ended. いったいなにかしでかしたのでしょうか? Questionも返事だしたし...。違法なものは載せてないし。

  • どういう意味なのでしょうか?

    The original message was received at Tue, 31 May 2005 15:49:26 -0400 (EDT) from mail5.usana.com [] *** ATTENTION *** Your e-mail is being returned to you because there was a problem with its delivery. The address which was undeliverable is listed in the section labeled: "----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----". The reason your mail is being returned to you is listed in the section labeled: "----- Transcript of Session Follows -----". The line beginning with "<<<" describes the specific reason your e-mail could not be delivered. The next line contains a second error message which is a general translation for other e-mail servers. Please direct further questions regarding this message to your e-mail administrator. --AOL Postmaster この下にまだ続きます。

  • 海外通販で買い物しましたがメールの意味教えて下さい。

    海外通販で買い物しましたがメールの意味教えて下さい。 Following our recent email regarding your order we have not yet received a reply from you. Please provide us with the cardholder�s name and registered billing address for the card used to place the order. As soon as these details have been confirmed,

  • これを日本語にすると?

    こんにちは。 海外のホテルの予約をしようとメールをしたら返事が返ってきました。 以下の文章を日本語にするとどんな意味ですか? Please do not hesitate to contact us again in case you require any further information. わたしなりに考えてみたのですが 「再び私達に連絡することを躊躇しないでください」 まではわかったのですが(合っているかわかりませんが^^;) その後がわかりません・・・。 どう訳せばいいでしょう?

  • 次の英語の文章の意味を教えて頂けないでしょうか?

    グーグル翻訳やヤフー翻訳でも意味不明でして、 長くて申し訳ないですが、 概略だけでも教えていただけないでしょうか? eBayでオーストラリアに送ったものが、調べると既に届いているはずが、 届いていないと連絡があり、ケースをオープンされてしまいました。 バイヤーにEMSの追跡番号をお知らせして 届いているという結果を見せた後のメッセージです。 Reference 06432905 Update for Investigation - 06432905 Dear Frank Thank you for your International Post Express enquiry regarding item EJ484359992JP you sent to you from Japan. I'm really sorry that it has taken so long to get back to you. We are working hard to get back to everyone as soon as possible. We have investigated your issue with the delivery centre and the delivery staff concerned, and they have advised the they are unable to confirm delivery. I understand that this is disappointing but as a result, and moving forward to claim for compensation please contact your sender in Japan. Please note that under the Universal Postal Union agreement, the sender is the rightful claimant for this service. This means that any compensation or postage refund will only be issued to the sender, please contact the sender if you need to discuss this further. I hope that this information has clarified the matter and been of some assistance. Please let us know if you have any f