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  • Tacosan
  • ベストアンサー率23% (3656/15482)



  • 東大の和訳問題の一文です。

    I was wondering how on earth I was going to get through the evening. Saturday. Saturday night and I was left alone with my grandmother. The others had gone --- my mother and my sister, both dating. Of course, I would have gone, too, if I had been able to get away first. Then I would not have had to think about the old woman, going through the routines that she would fill her evening with. 最後の一文にあるgoing throughを文法的にどう解釈すればよいのか分かりません。and的な分詞構文と考えてI would not have gone throughとしてよいのか、全く別の解釈ができるのでしょうか。

  • 長文問題

    Communication does more than enable us to survive. It is the wayーindeed, the only way we learn who we are. Our sense of identity comes from the way we interact with other people. Are we smart or stupid, attractive or ugly, skillful or silly? The answers to these questions don't come from looking in the mirror. We decide who we are based on how others react to us. Deprived of communication with others, we would have no sense of identity. We shouldn't overlook the everyday, important functions communication serves. Communication is the tool that lets us tell the doctor where it hurts. It is the means of learning important information in school. It is the method you use to convince a future employer that you're the best candidate for a job. It's worth nothing that inability to express yourself clearly and effectively can prevent you from achieving your goal. At the same time, It's just as important to avoid misunderstanding about communication. Avoiding the following misunderstandings can save you a great deal of personal trouble. The biggest mistake we can make is to assume that saying something is the same thing as communicating it. There is no guarantee that a receiver will understand the message in a way that matches the sender's intention. There are also situations when too much talking is a mistake. Sometimes excessive communication is simply unproductive, as when two people go over the same ground again and again without making progress. There are other times when talking too much deepens the problem. There are even times when no communication is the best course. Sometimes clear communication is even the cause of problems. Suppose, for example, that a friend asks you for an honest opinion of the $200 outfit he has just bought. Your clear and sincere answer, “I think it makes you look fat,” might do more harm than good. Deciding when and how to say something honestly isn't always easy. Most people assume that communication is an ability people develop without the need for trainingーrather like breathing. Although almost everyone does manage to communicate with others without much formal training, people operate at a level of effectiveness far below their potential. Learning and practicing proper skills can help virtually every one become a better communicator. ・1段落最後の文、“Deprived of communication with others,”を節に書き換え ・文中のIt、It's、itといった代名詞の指す内容を出来る限り教えて下さい。

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします

    英作文の添削・アドバイスをお願いします。 私の日本人の友人が15年間働いていた会社を最近やめた。そのことは大部分のアメリカ人には特別なことのようには聞こえなかったが、その男性の妻はなぜ彼が大企業での安定した仕事をやめたのか理解できなかった。平均的なアメリカ人は退職までに5回仕事を変える。多くのアメリカ人は転職を自分のキャリアを高める機会だと考えている。例えば、あるアメリカの友人は40歳で政府の役人から小学校の教員に仕事を変えた。彼女は子供が学ぶのを助けることは価値あることだと考えたのだ。 A Japanese friend of mine recently quit a company where he had worked for 15 years. Most American didn't think this as something special. The wife of the man, however, couldn't understand why he quit his stable job of a big company. Commonly, American change their job five times until their retirement. A lot of American think of changing job as the opportunity to improve their career. For example, a American friend of mine changed her job from a official of government to a teacher of a elementary school when 40 years old. She thought that helping children learn is valuable. ・過去問です。難易度判定とポイントもお願いします。 ・「には聞こえなかったが」が本当にhearなのかが難しいです。・「平均的」という言葉もそのまま訳していいか疑ってしまいました(averageでいいようですが)・テストでもwhenの後の省略とかwhen+分詞構文は文末なら可能ですか? よろしくお願いします  

  • この英文を訳してください!

    Everyone knows what biology is because We have all studied itin high school. Literally,it means the study oflife. Butif you were asked What biotechnology is, What answer Would you give ? Biotechnology is taking the knowledge that we have from our study of biology and adapting it to our own needs and to those of the earth around us. It means not merely understanding the forces of life, but using those same forces to improve our own surroundings. Such a statement sounds very vague. More specifically, biotechnology is applying industrial know-how to biologicalfunctions in orderto achieve certain goals on a large scale. For example, we can use our knowledge to take vegetables and grow larger ones Which have more nutrition and better flavor.In other words, we can improve on nature. Another aspect of biotechnology is called fermentation engineering. Fermentation is the process used in making bread, wine, and various types of whiskey. Through biotechnology we can learn to control this process carefully, so that we can learn to expect the same results every time. There is also medical engineering, which uses an understanding of biological functions to create new medicines. An important new branch of biotechnology is called genetic engineering. By altering the structure ofthe DNA of a cell, we can control heredity itself. Theoretically, people could decide in advance What their children are going to look like.In other ways, it may be the solution to finding cures for cancer and for hereditary diseases such as hemophilia. Some people think this is good and others think it is tampering too much with nature. Certainly this knowledge must be used wisely and not foolishly. Perhaps you have heard the word 'clone.'It is a word which is often heard these days, and simply means a copy. One aspect of genetic engineering is called cloning and, theoretically at least,it means the ability to produce identical organisms in quantity. Perhaps it could be used to produce animals or vegetables for food, but some people are frightened ofthe idea. They think it could be used to produce unthinking and obedient armies of human robots. They also think it is playing with nature too much. What do you think of genetic engineering ? Does it frighten you or amuse you ? In what ways do you think it might be dangerous ? Do you think itis playing with nature too much ?

  • 文法と訳を教えてください。

    昨日からの続きで昨日のものは考え中なのですが全体を捉えたいと思い質問します。 (The New Map Of The Brain By JEFFREY KLUGER) この記事の二段落目第三文です。 2-3) Learn to read those bony bumps, and you could know the mind within. このcouldですが仮定法過去ではないと思うのですが、現在の可能性を表現するものでしょうか。I could do it now, if you like. などで使われるcouldでしょうか。過去の可能性ということはありえないでしょうか。 2-7)Here still be dragons. このdragonsはどのような訳が適切でしょうか。 4-2)The mystery of memory is being teased apart, exposing the way we store facts and experiences in addition to the emotional flavors associated with them. exposingは分詞構文でしょうか。だとしたら主語は何でしょうか。The mystery of memoryだとすると抵抗を感じます。 5-1)Finally and most elusively, we are learning something about consciousness itself--the ghost in the neural machine that gives you the sense of being in the moment, peering out at the world from the control room behind your eyes. ghostは「意識」、neural machineは「脳」の言い換えとみました。the senseは感覚 of beingは存在とするとin the momentは「その時々の」とみました。worldは普通に「身の回りの世界」とみました。conrol roomは「意識」とかではなく普通に「脳」としました。全部あっているでしょうか。 6-1)Human beings have always been brash enough to ask such questions but lacked the necessary gifts to answer them. 6-2)At last, we are acquiring that ability. but lackedは過去形でしょうか現在完了でしょうか。現在完了だとするとbut have lackedのhaveは省略できないのではないでしょうか。 何とかまとめようと思ったのですが長くなってしまい申し訳ありません。 全部のご回答でなくてもかまいませんのでよろしくおねがいします。

  • 構造はこんな感じでしょうか?またここの構造は?

    Some good people,when they saw me reading these thrillers in the train on my way to school,would shake their heads,and say they wondered my parents allowed it. まずここまではsome good peopleの動詞はwould shake、そしてsayのすぐ後ろとmy parentsの前には接続詞thatが省略と考えていいのでしょうか?itはreadingかと・・ He argued that,if I had any sense,I would grow out of this type of reading:if I had not,it did not matter what I read,as I should be a fool anyway. ここからがよくわかりません・・thatはarguedの目的語を導いているのですよね?ただ仮定法なのですがI would grow out of this type of reading の訳がうまくできません。また:以下の構造がさっぱりです。I had notの後ろにはany sense省略でしょうか。なのでitが何さしてるのかのもわかり ません。よろしくお願いします。

  • 構造を教えて下さい

    They are afraid it my fall over. という文(itは「塔」を指します)について、 (1)afraidとitの間ではthatが省略されている (2)that節はafraidにかかる副詞節 (3)that節内部はitがSでfall overがV だと考えました。誤りがあれば教えていただけないでしょうか。 また、文中のmyの働きがよく分かりません。なぜ所有格がこの位置に存在するのか、直後に名詞が無くてもいいのか、この場合の訳仕方について教えていただけないでしょうか。

  • 構造式の書き方

    物質の構造式の書き方について質問させてください。 たとえばヘロイン(ジアセチルモルヒネ)の構造式http://www.d7.dion.ne.jp/~y_takeo/biobook/biob051.htm と塩酸コカインの構造式http://www.gotecom.co.jp/yak/news/kozo/cocaine.htm の二つの構造式は、塩酸コカインはN-H間の線は普通の傍線ではなくて、黒く太い線になっていますよね?? どういうときに、普通の細い線でどういう時に太い腺にしなければならないのかが分かりません。ヘロインの構造も塩酸コカインのように太くなる線があったりするのでしょうか??

  • 構造が分りません

    There is nothing you yourself can recall last night that in any way struck you-or shall we say strikes you now looking back-as suspicious? 上の文のrecall last night that in any way辺りが分りません。recall の目的語は何でしょうか? last nightでしょうか? nothingでしょうか? あと nightの後のthat以下はどこにかかるのでしょうか?

  • 構造式の書き方

    有機化学の問題で構造式を書けという問題がありますよね?慎重に考えて構造式を書いているのですがいつもどうも違うようで正しい構造式にならないのが多いのです。しかもだんだん難しくなってきて余計にわからなくなってきました。どなたか次の化合物の構造式の書き方を教えてもらえませんか? 塩化イソプロピル、2-クロロプロパン、ヨウ化tert-ブチル、臭化イソブチル、フッ化アルキル です。一つだけでも十分OKなのでよろしくおねがいします。