• ベストアンサー


英economistを読んでいてどうしても意味をとらえきれない部分があったので助けて頂きたいです。 「The troubles of TEPCO」 の(8)段落目の最後の部分 But big business, which ought to favour competition to lower energy prices, is against deregulation. This may be because so many big firms act as suppliers to the utilities, which pay high prices to reward loyalty. の意味がわかりません。 発送電分離について大企業が反対する理由について書かれているはずなのですが・・・ 元英文はこちらです。http://www.economist.com/node/18899008 よろしくお願いします。


  • ベストアンサー
  • d-y
  • ベストアンサー率46% (1528/3312)

But big business, which ought to favour competition to lower energy prices, is against deregulation. しかし、エネルギーの価格を下げる競争に賛成すべき大企業は、規制緩和に反対している。 This may be because so many big firms act as suppliers to the utilities, which pay high prices to reward loyalty. これは、非常に多くの大企業が公益事業(=この文脈では電力会社)に対する納入業者となっており、その公益事業会社が(納入会社の)忠誠心に報いるために高い価格を払っているからかもしれない。 大企業: 「電力業界の規制緩和なんて、とんでもないですよね。」 電力会社:「うん。うん。ありがとう。       御社のような理解のある会社がいてくれて助かりますよ。       おたくから物を買うときは、値切ったりしないからね」 という図式ですね。



とてもわかりやすい解答ありがとうございます。 大企業と電力会社の会話はとても参考になりました。


その他の回答 (2)

  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

> But big business, which ought to favour competition to lower energy prices, is against deregulation. This may be because so many big firms act as suppliers to the utilities, which pay high prices to reward loyalty.  しかし電力料金が下がることを歓迎してもよさそうな大企業は (電力の) 自由化に反対の立場だ。その理由は、多くの大企業が公共事業に参入しており、その恩恵の見返りに高い価格を容認しているからだ。



二文目が特にわからなかったのでそれに解答していただけてとても助かりました ありがとうございました。

  • Ensenada
  • ベストアンサー率44% (484/1090)

すみません、前後を読まなかったのですが、 1文目 しかし大きいビジネス (より安いエネルギーの価格のためのビジネス競争を好まなければいけない)は規制に反対している。 「which ought to .....prices」がbussinessを修飾している。 2文目 これはなぜかというとおそらくあまりにも多くの大企業がutilities(公共事業、公共料金、公共施設)へのサプライヤーとして活動しているからだ。 (which以下が分からなった) which....layalty」の節が suppliers か utilitiesを修飾しているはず。 ご参考まで



とても早いレスポンスをいただけてとても助かりました。 ありがとうございました。



  • ミクロ経済 Quiz

    1. For a monopolistically competitive firm, we would expect that in the long-run A)P = Long-run ATC B)P = MR C)MR = Long-run ATC D)P = AVC A)を選択しました。 価格と数量の関係から(利潤極大化数量) 2. A natural monopoly is a monopoly because A)It owns a scarce natural resource B)It has a patent C)The government gave them a special contract D)It has economies of scale D)を選択しました。 自然独占 制度などの人為的な要因でなく経済的な要因によって、規模の経済が働く時 自然に発生する独占である。 3. In which market structure(s) does P = MR? A)Pure competition B)Monopolistic competition C)Oligopoly D)Monopoly A)を選択しました。 価格=限界収入になるように、企業は製品の販売・生産量を決めるより。 4. In which market structure(s) are there lots of small firms? you MAY need more than one letter for your answer. A)Pure competition B)Monopolistic competition C)Oligopoly D)Monopoly A)とB) を選択しました。 寡占と独占は除きました。 5. In which market structure(s) do firms have barriers to entry? you MAY need more than one letter for your answer. A)Pure competition B)Monopolistic competition C)Oligopoly D)Monopoly B)と C) と D) を選択しました 参入の抑制より 6. Firms forming a cartel are legally guilty of A)Collusion B)Restraint of trade C)Predatory price cutting D)Product differentiation E)Economies of scale A)を選択しました。 さまざまな文献や定義を調べました。 何卒 助言を御願いいたします。

  • All this does is square the big sellers off against

    Despite this wealth of assets, some analysts think the merged company would have a limited capacity to dictate prices because there would still be strong competition from other suppliers. “I can see why BHP is doing this, and I can see why China is worried,” said Chris Richardson, director of Access Economics, a consulting firm based in Canberra. “But beyond the next year or two, I don’t think it is going to have a marked affect on commodity prices. All this does is square the big sellers off against the big buyers.” Rio社獲得を図る BHP社、それに対抗するChinalco社間の同記事なのですが All this does is square the big sellers off against the big buyers.” このbig sellers ,big buyersというのが何を言いたいのか分かりません。 敵対的買収かとも思いますが自信がありません。 どうぞよろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の問題教えてください!

    The teacher's association has annoused that the food and drinks () supplied at the annual conference will not be provided this year. (A)usually (B)hugely (C)evenly (D)strictly All passengers should present their () documents at the check-in counter. (A)boarded (B)boarding (C)to board (D)boards There is now increased competition among motor-vehicle manufacturers () has resulted in better cars at lower prices. (A)those (B)what (C)that (D)where Mayor Williams proudly described the city as a place where the citizens are () for their hospitality. (A)returned (B)known (C)taken (D)held Comco, Inc.,became the leading supplier of computer () last year, less than ten years after it was founded. (A)amounts (B)types (C)kinds (D)parts The recent increase in tourism has done less to improve the bussiness of small retailers in this area than we () predicted. (A)original (B)originally (C)originated (D)originality The cost of repairing the water damage to the museum after the storm () to be more than one million dollars. (A)expects (B)is expecting (C)expected (D)is expected 宜しくお願いします!!

  • 英語を日本語に翻訳してください。(翻訳ソフトNG)

    In 1992, many buyers could not easily make the difference between IBM and no-name PC brands, which allowed prices to drop, thanks to competition. For example, on the same day of February of 1992, Apple and Dell Computer both cut prices by nearly 40 percent. Within a week other competitors did the same. However, Apple still had as main competitors, IBM, the worldwide leader; Compaq, the premium-priced leader in the MS­Dos/Intel segment and Dell, a clone. In the 1990s, IBM had a large installed base of customers that was tied to the company's highly profitable, proprietary technology But like most mini and mainframe companies, IBM was also a relatively high-cost producer of PCs that was struggling to create a unique position for itself. IBM did suffer it first loss in history in 1991, but still was the world leader in computers, with $64 billion in revenues and the number one market share in PCS, minicomputers and mainframes. (See Exhibit 4).

  • 和訳をお願いします

    In 2000, Starbucks introduced fair-trade cofee which guarantees growers decent wages and conditions. Although an undoubted success, it is difficult to know precisely how much its total buying power is spent on fair-trade products. 2000年、スターバックスは栽培者の賃金と状況を保障するコーヒーの公正取引を導入した。疑う余地のない成功(?)であるけれども、その完全な購買力が、いくら公正取引製品に使われるのかを知ることは難しい。   このように訳してみたのですが、あっているでしょうか?間違っていたら、指摘お願いします。 ↓こちらもお願いします What certainly is making a fundamental difference is starbucks' practice of guaranteeing growers high prices for much of its cofee. Many of its suppliers receive 70 pence per pound of coffee when prices have fallen to a historic low of 25 pence. 最初の一文はisが2回出てきて、構造がよくわかりません;;2つ目の文は 価格が歴史的に重要なほど低い25ペンスまで落ちたとき、その供給者のほとんどは1ポンドにつき70ペンス受け取っている(?)と訳してみたのですが、あっているでしょうか? 長くてすみません。どちらか一方でもいいので、回答お願いします。

  • 以下の英文を日本語訳してください。

    弟が気になっているで質問させてください。テストなどではありませんので宜しくお願いします。 We receive over 60,000 enquiries a year from which only a small proportion are approved by our experienced researchers to establish new categories. These are not 'made up' to suit an individual proposal, but rather 'evolve' as a result of international competition in a field, which naturally accommodates superlatives of the sort that we are interested in. We think you will appreciate that we are bound to favour those that reflect the greatest interest. Guinness World Records has absolute discretion as to which Guinness World Record applications are accepted and our decision is final. Guinness World Records may at its discretion and for whatever reason identify some records as either no longer monitored by Guinness World Records or no longer viable. As your record application has not been accepted, Guinness World Records is in no way associated with the activity relating to your record proposal and we in no way endorse this activity. If you choose to proceed with this activity then this is will be of your own volition and at your own risk.

  • 日本語でのニュアンス

    こんにちは。 ショートエッセイを書かなければいけないのですが、エッセイの質問内容がいまいち理解できません。 分かりやすく解説をお願いします。 Read the following quote from CHRISTINA ROMER, outgoing head of President Obama's Council of Economic Advisors. Based on this quote, explain her position on the necessary steps for an effective fiscal policy. Furthermore, analyze her perspective in terms of the way such policy could be successful. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stimulus Lost, "The Economist," September 1, 2010 CHRISTINA ROMER said the following: The Administration understood that the recovery would be difficult precisely because many of the usual drivers of growth were missing. That is why we included $266 billion of additional temporary recovery measures in our 2011 budget. Congress has taken some important steps, including extending unemployment insurance, allocating funds to prevent teacher layoffs, and passing the HIRE tax credit to encourage firms to hire unemployed workers. However, it has enacted substantially less than what the Administration proposed. As a result, the economy has not had all the additional support that it needed. While we would all love to find the inexpensive magic bullet to our economic troubles, the truth is, it almost surely doesn’t exist. The only surefire ways for policymakers to substantially increase aggregate demand in the short run are for the government to spend more and tax less. In my view, we should be moving forward on both fronts. 彼女のquoteを読んで、財政政策の案に対する解説、見通しを書くことは理解できるのですが、explain her position on the necessary steps for an effective fiscal policy.がイマイチよく分かりません。。 彼女のquoteの訳も、ざっくりでいいのでしていただけたら助かります。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします。

    So,perhaps, is the sheer scale of the business. Wal-Mart and Tesco can change the world at the stroke of a pen, but one decision they will not make voluntarily is to relax their grip on local economies. It will always be haeder for small businesses to work with a global behemoth than with the local baker or butcher; Tesco's economy will continue to favour the big, distant supplier over the man down the road. And what of the sense of community that independent small shops help to foste, which encourages people to make their friends close to home? If love miles are the most intractable cause of climate change, we need to start cultivating as much community spirit as we can. But there is a bigger contradiction than this, which has been overlooked by the supermaekets and by many of their critics. “The green movement,” Leahy tells us, “must become a mass movement in green consumption.” But what about consuming less? Less is the one thing the superstores cannot sell us. As further efficiencies become harder to extract, their growth will eventually outstrip all their reductions in the use of energy. This is not Tesco's problem alone: the green movement's alternatives still lack force. The big retaiers are competing to convince us that they are greener than their rivals, and this should make us glad. But we still need govenments, and we still need campaigners. よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の意味を教えてください

    It's not that my businessの意味はなんですか?

  • 英語の意味を教えて下さい

    意味を教えて下さい。 Goodnight all of you