
  • わからない英文の意味を教えてください
  • Garnierコンディショナーによって髪が固まり、指や髪の動かしにくさが問題になってしまいました
  • 髪が固まり指が動かしにくく、髪を上に編んで敗北感を感じました
  • ベストアンサー


"Ponytail courtesy of having used this awful new Garnier conditioner that turned my hair into what felt like a superglued mass affixed to my head. This ended up being depressing when my fingers kept getting stuck or my hair tosses abbreviated so I braided it upwards and pulled it back in defeat. " -superglued mass -my fingers kept getting stuck -my hair toses abbreviated の意味を教えてください。

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー

おじゃまします。 この英文を書いたかたは,Garnierのコンディショナーを使った結果、かなり怒っているんですが、表現がおかしくて笑ってしまいました。 superglued mass は、スーパーグルーという、これをつけたらすぐになんでもくっつけることができる強い接着剤ですが、このコンディショナーをつけた後、髪の毛が’スーパーグルーで固めた塊のようになってしまった’、って意味です。 my fingers kept getting stuck は、髪の毛に指を通したら、その指がもつれてしまった髪にひっかかり続けた、ってことです。 my hair tosses abbreviated、これ、面白い言い方ですね。髪が顔にかかったりした時、頭をそらす様に振ると髪が揺れますよね。これが’toss' ですが、髪の毛が固まりすぎて、’toss'をする必要性がない、つまり,髪の毛をはねるのが省略された、って意味だと思います。 私はイギリスに住んでいるのですが、正直言うと、Garnierはあまり好きではありません。 お役に立てば光栄です。

その他の回答 (1)

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

1。 superglue は、外科のお医者さんや模型ファンなどはご存知でしょうが、下記のように「強力瞬間接着剤」です。ここでは動詞として使われ過去分詞ですから「~で接着した」の意味です。  http://eow.alc.co.jp/superglue/UTF-8/  superglued mass = 強力瞬間接着剤で密着させた(頭髪の)塊 2。my fingers kept getting stuck 私の指が(いつも)べたべたと引っかかる(サラサラ感の正反対 = ベタベタ感って言葉ありますかね) 3。hair toss というのは、下記のように顔などに降り掛かる「髪を振り分ける」ことで、  http://eow.alc.co.jp/hair+toss/UTF-8/  髪がサラサラなら、ヘアトスが出来ますが、でかい塊ですと、abbreviated の原義は下記のように「短縮された」ですが、サラサラサラサラが、ドボン(こういう音がするかどうかそのガルニエの新製品を使ったことがないので分かりませんが)と短くなった、ということでしょう。  http://eow.alc.co.jp/abbreviated/UTF-8/  my hair toses abbreviated 私の(魅力的な)ヘアトスは(ドボンと)短縮されて


  • アメリカ人からのe-mailです。

    アメリカ人の知り合いから、e-mailをもらいました。 その一部です。 I made it back to America without getting anything else stuck in my throat. :) たぶん簡単な文章でしょうが、 [make it back](アメリカに帰った?went backとの違いは?) [without getting anything else](without anything elseとは何が違う?) のところのニュアンスを教えてください。 ちなみに、喉に何も刺さってない。というのは、彼女が日本に 来たときに一緒に行った鶏肉屋で彼女は喉に鳥の骨が詰まってしまい いっしょに病院に行ったというエピソードがあります。 回答よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の訳が分かりません

    英文の訳が分かりません。 Once people started imagining the future, even the most banal life events seemed to take a dramatic turn for the better. Mundane scenes brightened with upbest details as if polished by a Hollywood script doctor. You might think that imagining a future haircut would be pretty dull. Not at all. Here is what one of my participants pictured:“I was getting my hair cut to donate to Locks of Love [a charity that fashions wigs for young cancer patients]. It had taken me years to grow it out, and my friends were all there to help celebrate. We went to my favorite hair place in Brooklyn and then went to lunch at ourfavorite restaurant.” この英文を全訳していただけるとありがたいです。

  • itは何を指していますか?

    NHKラジオ英会話講座より What's slowing down the traffic today? All this needless road constrauction is doing it. It's getting on my nerves. (質問) All this needless road constrauction is doing it. のitは何を指していますか?前文のslowing down the trafficでしょうか?判り辛いです。お願いいたします。以上

  • わからない英文があります

    わからない英文があります 全文(倒産したJが弁護士(友人)のSと相談している場面): J: Won't these costs be covered by chapter eleven? S: Well, filing for bankruptcy isn't going to make this thing go away. The U.S. Attorney's office is involved in this now. They'll push for fraud and unauthorized transactions. J: Yeah, so, they find me. And I go back to work. And I make it all back. S: Four million dollars? Unless you plan on going to the track and getting *really* lucky... J: Look. If you don't want to do this - S: You're going to lose your series seven license.It's really important that you understand the predicament you're in. J: Look. I get it from my wife every day. My daughters won't talk to me. I got my ass kicked in front of everyone at the most elegant event of the year. I get it. Okay, man. I, I, I definitely understand. ↓の文の意味を教えてください! *They'll push for fraud and unauhthorized transactions. *And I make it all back *Unless you plan on going to the track *You're going to lose your series seven license *I got my ass kicked

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    My 11-year-old son wants to grow out his hair (more, I suspect, because he hates the feeling of getting it cut than out of any desire to actually have long hair). he hates the feeling of getting it cut than out of any desire to actually have long hairの和訳をよろしくお願いします

  • 英文が合っているか教えてください

    お友達にメールしたいのですが、英文に自信がありません。 どなたか宜しければ、文章が合っているかご教授いただけませんか? そうぞ宜しくお願い致します。 Hi Kitty, how are you these days? キティさん、最近は如何おすごしですか? How was your summer vacation in malta? malta島での夏休みは如何でしたか? Did you spend a great time there? そこでは素敵な時を過ごせましたか? 私は先月オーストラリアに一週間、今月は実家で一週間過ごしました。 それはとても楽しい夏休みでした。 Last month, I went to Australia for a week. And this month, I spend a time in my hometown. It was an enjoyable summer vacation for me. Finally, next month, I 'll start preparing for my wedding. そしてついに来月から結婚式の準備が始まります。 I'd like to send my email to you again, and I'm also looking forward to getting your email again!! またメールしたいと思います。あなたからの知らせも楽しみにしていますね。

  • 英文

    以下の英文の翻訳お願いできませんか? (1)Ah!Oh!Oh,oh,oh! (2)The heartbeat is weakeing; (3)Face turned blue. Don't say... (4)Uterine bleeding? 0r may be placental separation? (5)Hey,lady, hang on! l'm going to help you with a C-section. (6)Baby.... save my baby... please. (7)I know it's reckless to do surgery on raft like this.... (8)Yeah, I know. It hurts like hell, doesn't it? But for God's sake,don't move. (9)This raft is shaky enough as it is. (10)ln delivery, when a severe bleeding occurs by accident, or a natural delivery is far too difficult,the baby is delivered by cutting open the lower abdomen. This is called a Cesarean section. (1)Mrs. Black, unfortunately, your baby's AFP (alphafetoprotein) results came back abnormal. The results indicated an increased risk for Trisomy l8. (2)How serious is it? (3)I'm so sorry to tell you that approximately 90% of babies with Full Trisomy 18 done before birth. Of those that are born alive, only 50% will live for one month, with only 10% surviving for a full year. (4)Are you suggesting an abortion? (5)Well, it's a hard decision, but it's your option. (1)My period is two weeks late. (2)I have awful morning sickness. (3)I feel hot flashes. (4)My breasts seem to be tender and swollen. (5)I've noticed a lump in my breast. (6)It's dificult to get an erection. (1)What brought you to the hospital? (2)I have awful morning sickness. (1)I'm trying to get the heart of the baby. Yes, here it is. (2)Oh, I see a large ventricular septal defect I (VSD), pulmonary artery defect (PAD), and she is almost a week and a half behind her expected size. (3)Shall I try another angle? (4)Yes, change the inclination angle a bit.

  • わからない英文があります

    Sandyの言ったBeing a slave for the Man agrees with youと、...that and not working at a joint like thisと、Rachelの言ったdecent hoursの意味を教えてください! Rachel : Sandy Cohen! How'd you get pass security? Sandy : How are you, Rachel? Well, you look great! Being a slave for the Man agrees with you. Rachel : Six seconds until the first insult! You're getting soft! Still surfing? Sandy : Every morning, it helps me keep a clear mind, that and not working at a joint like this. Rachel : Yeah, decent hours, appropriate compensation. I don't know how i ever left the DA's office. Sandy : Well, if i remember correctly, you kept losing. None of this roguish brilliant... Rachel : Conceited. Sandy : That's right. It was me.. So, what are the good folks at Parcher and Con doing. Rachel : I gotta tell ya' you made some noise with that Jimmy Cooper case.

  • この英文の意味を教えてください

    この英文の意味を教えてください "I stuck with the accomplishments I was sure of: I rode my bicycle sitting backward on the handle bars, I made up poems, I played selections from Aida on the piano." "I wanted to do these things but did not have nerve. What I finally did manage to do, hoewver, and what is the subject of this memoir, was far brassier. As an exhibit of teen-age courage and ineptitude, it never fails to amaze me in retrospect."

  • 英文日記を添削していただけますか(^^)   

    英文日記を書きました。初心者なので、特に文法的な間違いや、表現のおかしい部分などがあれば、直していただけると助かります(^^) 3日分ありますので、簡単な添削で結構です。 Sunday March 13, 2006    It started snowy, but it was sunny later. My son, who will be 3 years old this April, tease me to read many picture books lately. He brought about 10 books to me before sleeping on his usual way tonight, so I had to read them for him. It was tough to read all of them at night, buy I think it is important to develop his mind. I will do my best for him. Tuesday, March 14, 2006 It was cloudy today. I had my hair dye and cut today. Although my son noticed my change, yet my husband didn’t notice it at all. (noticeが2回目なので違う表現がしたいのですが...)I wondered if once a man married a woman, he lose interest to his wife! Wednesday, March 15, 2006 We had fine weather today. I went out having lunch with my friends of three. (友達は友達でも、「ママとも」と表現したいのですが...)We drank two glasses of wine and ate spaghetti. They were very delicious and we chatted for a long time drinking wine. I spent pleasant time so I felt my stress of daily chores went off.