
  • 男の子が英語で歌っているが分からないため、日本語に訳してほしい
  • 男の子は新しい家族を探しに行くが、予想外の人物と出会う
  • 男の子は最終的に自分の本当の家族と出会い、オクラホマで新しい生活を始める
  • ベストアンサー


ある男の子が歌っていたんですが英語で分かりません 。よかったら日本語に訳してほしいです。お願いします Suitcase packed with allhis things Car pulls up,the doorbell rings He don't want to go He thought he' d found his home But with Circumstances he can't change Waves goodbye as they pull away From the life he's known For the last seven months or so She said we found the man who looks like you Who cried and said he never knew About the boy in pictures that we showed him A ramble in his younger days He knew he made a few mistakes But he swore he would have been there Had he known it Son we think we found your dad in Oklahoma Amillion thoughts raced through his mind What's his name what's he like and will he be Anything like the man in his dreams She could see the questions in his eyes Whispered "don't be scared my child I'll let you know, What we know About the man we found, he looks like you And cried and said he never knew About the boy in pictures that we showed him A rambler in his younger days He knew he' d made a few mistakes But he swore he would' ve been there Had he known it You always said that this was something that you wanted Son it's time to meet you Dad in Oklahoma One last turn he held his breath 'Til they reached the fifth ho use on the left And as they pulled into the drive A man was waiting there outside Who wiped the worry from his eyes Smiled and took his hand And he said I'm the man who looks like you who cried because I never knew About that boy in pictuves that they showed me A rambler in my younger days I knew I made a few mistakes But I swear I would have been there had I known it Never again will you ever bealone Son welcome to your home in Oklahoma

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

 持ち物全部スーツケースに入れ、車が止まり、ドアのベルが鳴る。  彼は行きたくない、やっと住む家が見つかったと思った  でも彼には変えられない事情で、別れの手を振って去って行く。  ここ7ヶ月ばかりの暮らしをあとに、  彼女は「あなたに似ている人を見つけた、見せた少年の写真に彼は涙を流し「知らなかった」と言った。若い日はあちこち歩いた、いくつか間違いもした、と気づいていた。でも知っていたらきっと飛んできたのにと言った。これはあなたがずっと待ち望んでいたことよ」と言った。  「息子よ。オクラホマのお父さんに会いに行く時よ」  最後の曲がり角で彼は息を止めた  左側の五つ目の家に彼らが着くまで。  家への道に入ると、一人の男が外で待っていた。  目から心配をぬぐい去り、微笑んで彼は少年の手を握った  そして「私が、見せてもらった写真の少年について何も知らなかったと涙を流した、君に似ている男だよ、若い日はあちこち歩いた、いくつか間違いもした、と気づいていた。でも知っていたらきっと飛んで行ったのに。もう再び一人ぽっちになることは無い。  息子よ。オクラホマのお前のうちによく来てくれたね。」



ありがとう ございました!!


  • この英文の日本語訳を教えてください

    The next day,there were more people around his house He sent atelegram to the Foreign Ministry, He asked foy permission to issue visas, but permission was refused, He fried again dut received the same answer, After 10days, Sugihara finally decided to help them, He toid Yukiko that he was going to issue visas to the people yukiko knew the risks but told him that she agreed with his decision, Ill support you, she said, On July 29th, he announced to the crowd around his house, You will all get your visas! There was a short silen a big cry of joy, For the next 30 days, Sugihara wrote visas day and night, He smiled and said, The world is like a big wheel, We re all connected, We shouldn t fight each othel, We should join hands, Take care and good luck! On August 27th, he received a telegram from the Ministry, Close the office now and go to Berlin, On September 4th, Sugihara and his family got on a train for Berlin,Some people followed them to the platform, He continued to write visas even as he got on the train, He handed them out through the window, The dell rang and the train started to move, With tears in his eyes, Sugihara said, I cannot write and more, Forgive me,I will pray for your safety, One of them cried, Thank you, Mr,Sugihara, We will never forget you, The war ended in 1945, Sugihara returned to Japan and started working as a trader, Years later, in Angust 1968, he received a phone call from the Israeli Emdassy,It was from Mr, Nishri , an Israeli diplomat, Nr, Nishri met Sugihara and took out an old piece of paper, It was Sugihara s visa, You won t temember me, but I have never forgotten you, he said, Sugihara issued 2,139 visas to Jewish people in Lithuania, His actions saved more than 6,000 lives in total, 以上です 長くてすみません どうかお助けくださいm(_ _)m

  • 英語長文を日本語に訳してください。

    本当によくわからないんです。英語がとても苦手で。よろしくお願いします。翻訳機は変な日本語になってしまって理解ができません。 Some say Spain's growing appetite for fast food is undermining the country's healthy Mediterranean diet. "There's a saying, when we were poor we made better eating choices than we do now," said Consuelo Lopez Nomdedeu, a nutritionist with the government-run National College of Health. "The key is variety in the diet," he said. "I wouldn't eat pizza daily or hamburgers-(nor would I eat) Spanish dishes like lentils or garbanzos." Along with crediting the untapped Spanish market for his success, Fernandez noted that growing up as an immigrant in the United States probably also helped. Like many other refugees fleeting the Castro revolution, Fernandez moved to Florida from Cuba in 1960 with his parents. "An immigrant has to find ways to succeed because he's on the bottom," said Fernandez, who also has worked for Procter & Gamble co., the leading U.S. consumer products company. "Here, my advantage is that I understand Spanish mentality better than Americans do-and I understand Americans better than Spaniards do," Fernandez said. So far, his recipe for success is working.

  • 日本語におねがいします。

    こんにちは。 翻訳機で変換してみましたが、いまいちしっくりこないので日本語にお願いします。 What do you think that (名前) would do if he knew that you contacted me? I'm just thinking that you live far away and don't want to be in contact with him anymore, so what could he do? It sounds like your relationship with him was a little more formal than mine, which was very casual. I was only in Istanbul for a total of about a week. What, if anything, did he tell you about what happened between us and why did he tell you? Just to make you upset? Do you think that he's trying to apologize when he calls you? Did you know that he has deleted his facebook profile? Do you know why? Sorry that I'm so full of questions, but I'm really curious. Any information that you can give me would be very appreciated.

  • 英語能力

    Travel can boost your language learning motivation I went uk last year with my friends. He can’t spe ak English at all. I could speak English badly at that point. We are Japanese and age of 21 at that time. We stayed hostel for less spending money. Young Homeless of age around 30 lived that hostel. I had never seen real homeless until then. We hate him at first because of his appearance. When we were having dinner at kitchen in hostel, he talked us for giving him a food. We give him some meals and take conversations with him. He said that I have dream in becoming famous one day. Apparently he wanted to Hollywood star within three years. He said I’m doing hard work for it. We advised him that you can do it. He is appearing in movie not. He has achieved his dream. I don’t like staying English at that time. But from what he’s done, I feel that wherever you are, you can do whatever you want if you put energy into your dream. Travel can make you better person 私が書いた英文です。トイック、英検だとどのぐらいでしょう?

  • 長文を日本語に訳してください!(2)

    よくわからないので、よろしくお願いします。 For twenty years Tom raced and gambled, philandered with the prettiest girls, danced, ate in the most expensive restaurants, and dressed beautifully. He always looked as if he had just stepped out of a bandbox. Though he was forty-six you would never have taken him for more than thirty-five. He was the most amusing companion and though you knew he was perfectly worthless you could not but enjoy his society. He had high spirits, and unfailing gaiety, and incredible charm. I never grudged the contributions he regularly levied on me for the necessities of his existence. I never lent him fifty pounds without feeling that I was in his debt. Tom Ramsay knew everyone and everyone knew Tom Ramsay. You could not approve of him, but you could not help liking him. Poor George, only a year older that his scapegrace brother, looked sixty. He had never taken more than a fortnight's holiday in the year for a quarter of a century. He was in his office every morning at nine-thirty and never left it till six. He was honest, industrious, and worthy. He had a good wife, to whom he had never been unfaithful even in thought, and four daughters to whom he was five to a little house in the country where he proposed to cultivate his garden and play golf. His life was blameless. He was glad that he was growing old because Tom was growing old too. He rubbed his hands and said. 'It was all very well when Tom was young and good-looking, but he's only a year younger than I am. In four years he'll be fifty. He won't find life so easy then. I shall have thirty thousand pounds by the time I'm fifty. For twenty-five years I've said that Tom would end in the gutter. And we shall see how he likes that. We shall see if it really pays best to work or be idle.' Poor George! I sympathized with him. I wondered now as I sat down beside him what infamous thing Tom had done. George was evidently very much upset. 'Do you know what's happened now?' he asked me. I was prepared for the worst. I wondered if Tom had got into the hands of the police at last. George could hardly bring himself to speak. 'You're not going to deny that all my life I've been hardworking, decent, respectable, and straightforward. After a life of industry and thrift I can look forward to retiring on a small income in gilt-edged securities. I've always done my duty in that state of life in which it has pleased Providence to place me.' 'True.' And you can't deny that Tom has been an idle, worthless, dissolute, and dishonourable rogue. If there were any justice he'd be in the workhouse. 'True.' George grew red in the face. 'A few weeks ago he became engaged to a woman old enough to be his mother.And now she's died and left him everything she had. Half a million pounds, a yacht, a house in London, and a house in the country.' George Ramsay beat his clenched fist on the table. 'It's not fair, I tell you, it's not fair. Damn it, it's not fair.' I could not help it. I burst into a shout of laughter as I looked at George's wrathful face, I rolled in my chair, I very nearly fell on the floor. George never forgave me. But Tom often asks me to excellent dinners in his charming house in Mayfair, and if he occasionally borrows a trifle from me, it is merely from force of habit. It is never more than a sovereign.

  • 長文を日本語に訳してください!(2)

    よくわからないので、よろしくお願いします。翻訳機ではないものでお願いします。 For twenty years Tom raced and gambled, philandered with the prettiest girls, danced, ate in the most expensive restaurants, and dressed beautifully. He always looked as if he had just stepped out of a bandbox. Though he was forty-six you would never have taken him for more than thirty-five. He was the most amusing companion and though you knew he was perfectly worthless you could not but enjoy his society. He had high spirits, and unfailing gaiety, and incredible charm. I never grudged the contributions he regularly levied on me for the necessities of his existence. I never lent him fifty pounds without feeling that I was in his debt. Tom Ramsay knew everyone and everyone knew Tom Ramsay. You could not approve of him, but you could not help liking him. Poor George, only a year older that his scapegrace brother, looked sixty. He had never taken more than a fortnight's holiday in the year for a quarter of a century. He was in his office every morning at nine-thirty and never left it till six. He was honest, industrious, and worthy. He had a good wife, to whom he had never been unfaithful even in thought, and four daughters to whom he was five to a little house in the country where he proposed to cultivate his garden and play golf. His life was blameless. He was glad that he was growing old because Tom was growing old too. He rubbed his hands and said. 'It was all very well when Tom was young and good-looking, but he's only a year younger than I am. In four years he'll be fifty. He won't find life so easy then. I shall have thirty thousand pounds by the time I'm fifty. For twenty-five years I've said that Tom would end in the gutter. And we shall see how he likes that. We shall see if it really pays best to work or be idle.' Poor George! I sympathized with him. I wondered now as I sat down beside him what infamous thing Tom had done. George was evidently very much upset. 'Do you know what's happened now?' he asked me. I was prepared for the worst. I wondered if Tom had got into the hands of the police at last. George could hardly bring himself to speak. 'You're not going to deny that all my life I've been hardworking, decent, respectable, and straightforward. After a life of industry and thrift I can look forward to retiring on a small income in gilt-edged securities. I've always done my duty in that state of life in which it has pleased Providence to place me.' 'True.' And you can't deny that Tom has been an idle, worthless, dissolute, and dishonourable rogue. If there were any justice he'd be in the workhouse. 'True.' George grew red in the face. 'A few weeks ago he became engaged to a woman old enough to be his mother.And now she's died and left him everything she had. Half a million pounds, a yacht, a house in London, and a house in the country.' George Ramsay beat his clenched fist on the table. 'It's not fair, I tell you, it's not fair. Damn it, it's not fair.' I could not help it. I burst into a shout of laughter as I looked at George's wrathful face, I rolled in my chair, I very nearly fell on the floor. George never forgave me. But Tom often asks me to excellent dinners in his charming house in Mayfair, and if he occasionally borrows a trifle from me, it is merely from force of habit. It is never more than a sovereign.

  • 英語できる方、日本語に訳してもらえませんか。

    I did not want to tell you this before, but now its like am forced to let you know I am the one you know as the Actor but I am a secret agent that works with the American Military, I was going to explain to you later, but since you have found out yourself I have to tell you now. Please you have to keep this as a top secret because in the profile you sent I know you should have read I was once in the US Marine Corps, But I had a deal with the Defence council when i was going into acting, and I still work as an underground agent, I want a new and free life that is why I want a good and real love from you.this is why I decided to look for someone\ outside America to find true love. I hope you will understand all I have told you and know that what i need is your love Please find part of the link you sent me below, What I need is your love, your love is very important to me I need a serious and real love in my life. ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Spent four years as a U.S. Marine serving in combat units. During his time, he studied the hand to hand combat, line-training and Brazilian ju-jitsu. In his first credited speaking role on-screen, he played the lead role of John Merser in Maverick Entertainment's 'Champion Road'. Was an uncredited extra in a scene with Michael Jai White and Tasha Smith in 2007's hit film, 'Why Did I Get Married?'. In 2011, he signed on with those same two actors as a series regular in a TBS sitcom based on that movie. Although known for being athletic and performing his own stunts in films; Brad James is working with an ankle that never healed correctly after he broke it in in late 2000 while serving in the US Marine Corps.

  • 少し長いのですが、日本語で教えていただけませんか?

    以下の文を自分で理解できなかったので、アメリカ人の友人に「簡単な英語で説明してくれる?」とお願いしました。 それが、その下の英文です。どうしてそのような訳ができるのか?わかりません。彼は日本語ができませんので、解説できません。 どなたか、解説していただけませんか?  ”As the man moved to embrace her, the woman said, 'Take your hand off me for a moment. There are two ways now before us, and I ask you to choose one of them.'He asked her what she meant, and she replied, 'If we have a friendship in which we play wei-ch'i and drink together, then we will be able to spend thirty years in each other's company; but if we indulge in the pleasures of the bedchamber, we can be together only six years. Which do you choose? And the man replied, 'Let's tald it over again in six years' time.'" Yet P'u Sung-ling was delighted too by the naivete of the scholar so deep in his books that he had never realized there was such a thing as sex until,initiated by a beautiful woman, he rushed out to tell all the neighbors. P'u Sung-ling は、中国の田舎の知識人です。 Yet以下の英文を簡単な英語に意訳してもらったのが以下の英文です。 どうしてこうなるのか、教えてください。 なんとなく解るのですが、自分だけで読んだら読めませんでした。 よそしくお願いいたします。 The scholar was very innnocent and didn't know anything about sex. but once he was approached by a beautiful woman, and he experienced sex, he rushed to tell everyone about his great descovery of something everyone knew about. This story amused P'u Sung-ling.

  • 英語 日本語にあうように( )内を並べ替えて下さい

    私は彼にそれは正しいと思うかどうかたずねた。 I asked (him/he/if/it/right/thougt/was). その男たちは少年たちに彼の犬に近寄らないように言った The man (to/away/the boys/fron/ordered/keep)his dog. その城には、ひとつの銀のスプーンも残されていなかった。 There was (left/a/spoon/not/single/silver). 彼が約束を破るような人でないことは皆知っている。 Everyone knows that he (break/his/last/parson/the/to/would be)promise. 会えばいつも彼の事を思い出してしまう。 We (being/him/meet/never/of/remeinded/without). 見せて頂けますか。 Could I (a/at/have/it/book)? 飛行機なら1時間半で北海道へ行けますよ。 Jet planes (to Hokkaido/you/to/in/travel/enable)one and a half hours. ちょっと地図を見ればどこにいるのかわかるでしょう。 (map/a glance/you/the/tell/at/will) where you are. 私が部屋に入ると、なぜあなたはいつも緊張するの。 (you/what/every/nervous/so/time/makes)Iwalk into the room? 彼の努力のおかげでその企画は完成した。 It was(his effort/was/the project/that/due to)completed. ようやくその時になって彼の言おうとしていることが分かったのだ。 Only then (he/did/meant/I/what/had/understand).

  • 日本語訳をお願いします

    [ ]の日本語訳をお願いします。 And to criticize men's lives without mentioning any names — I ask you, does this look like sarcasm, or rather warning and advice? Again, on how many charges am I not my own self-critic? Furthermore, if every type of man is included, it is clear that all the vices are censured, not any individual. [And so anyone who protests that he is injured betrays his own guilty conscience, or at any rate his apprehensions.]