
  • 「another」と「other」はどちらも「別の」という意味で使われますが、使い方に違いがあります。
  • 「one」と「another」は、2つの対象があるときに「もう一つ」という意味で使われます。
  • 一方、「the other(s)」は、3つ以上の対象があるときに「残りのもの」という意味で使われますが、順番に関係なく使われます。
  • ベストアンサー


one,another,other(s),the other(s)を文章に入れる問題↓でよく分からないところがあります。 She took her dog to a park near her house,she saw 4 people there and all of them had a dog. She talked to them .( ) of them was a man named Tom,who had a small brown dog. ( ) person,Mika,had a bulldog. ( ) were Keiko and Ken,and they had Shiba dogs. While she was talking to them,she saw( ) person coming with a dog.It was named Rob. Rob and ( ) meet in that park every Saturday to talk together and let their dogs have s good time together. 最初の2つがone 、anotherなのは分かるのですが、 解答によると、あとの3つが順番にthe others,another,the othersみたいなのですが、なぜそうなるのか分かりません。なんで最後の残りでないのにケイコとケンがthe others なんですか? だいたい4人の人と会ったとあるのにトム、ミカ、ケイコ、ケン、ロブと5人いますよね?何かの間違いでしょうか。。

  • beskey
  • お礼率63% (247/392)
  • 英語
  • 回答数3
  • ありがとう数0


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

She took her dog to a park near her house, she saw 4 people there and all of them had a dog. She talked to them .(1. One) of them was a man named Tom,who had a small brown dog. (2. Another) person, Mika, had a bulldog. (3. The others) were Keiko and Ken, and they had Shiba dogs. While she was talking to them, she saw(4. another) person coming with a dog. It was named Rob. Rob and (5. the others) meet in that park every Saturday to talk together and let their dogs have s good time together. 1. 彼らのうちの「一人」one 2. 「もう一人の、もう一つ別の」another 3. その時点で、公園にいた人の「残りの他の人全員」と言う意味なので、漠然とした「他人」を表わす、others ではなくて、「特定の」ほかの人たちの意味で、the others 4. そこへさらにもう一人来る訳ですから、another 5. Rob と残りのすべての人たちと言う意味で the others <参考> a. one / the other 2つの中の「1つと残りの1つ」 ○    ● b. one / the others 3つ以上の中の「1つと残り全部」 ○    ●●●・・・・・ c. one / another 3つ以上の中の「1つと残りのうちの1つ」 ○    ○●●●●・・・・・ d. some / the others 「いくつか」と「残り全部」 [○○○・・・]   [●●●・・・] e. some / some [others] 「~の物もあれば、~の物もある」 ○○○・・・   ●●●・・・ <訳例> 彼女は、家の近くの公園へ、飼い犬を連れていった。彼女は、そこで4人の人にあった、そして、彼らは全員犬を連れていた。彼女は、彼らに話しかけた。彼らのうちの一人は、トムと言う名の人で、小さな茶色の犬を連れていた。もう一人の人は、マイクで、ブルドッグを連れていた。残りの人たちは、恵子と健で、彼らは、芝犬を連れていた。 彼女が、彼らと話しているうちに、もう一人の人が、犬を連れてやってくるのが見えた。それはロブと言う名の人だった。ロブと残りの他の人たち全員は、一緒に話して、犬たちをともに楽しませるために、毎土曜日、その公園で会うのである。

その他の回答 (2)

  • rukuku
  • ベストアンサー率42% (401/933)

こんにちは another は an otherなので、「不特定」です。 a と the の使い分けと同じです。 たとえば、 「私、帰り道に猫をみたの。その猫はね…」というときには i saw A cat on the way to home. THE cat was … 最初のcatは聞き手にとって初めて出てきますから「不特定」です。 2番目のcatは先ほど出てきたので「特定」です。 >なんで最後の残りでないのに >5人いますよね? テストの問題のために作ったかのような不自然な文章なのでわかりにくいのも無理はありません。 「4人に会いました。」という内容はケイコとケンに会ったところで終わっています。 1つ目は、最初に「4人」と言っているのでAではなくONEです。 2つ目は、のこり3人のうちの誰かはわかりませんのでANOTHERです。 3つ目は、4人のうち残った2人についてなのですでに特定されているため、THE OHTERS です。ここで、話はいったん終わりになります。最初に出てきた4人の中では最後の残りです。 そのあと、第5の人物のロブが登場します。 4つ目は新しく登場した人物なので、不確定です。従ってANOTHER です。 5つ目はすでに登場した人物たちのことを言っていますのでTHE OHTERS です。

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

1。なんで最後の残りでないのにケイコとケンがthe others なんですか?  the others は、4人に会った、Tom の描写に続いて Mika、4人のうち残りの2人だからでしょう。 2。(だいたい4人の人と会ったとあるのにトム、ミカ、ケイコ、ケン、ロブと5人いますよね?何かの間違いでしょうか。  最初の文で4人。終わりに近い文で Rob が出て来て、計5人。彼女を入れて6人。  時間の層が二つあります。 第一層:彼女が4人(Tom Mika Keiko Ken)に会う。 第二層:彼女が、もう一人(Rob)を見る。


  • otherとanotherの使い分け

    After his success with three local restaurants, John, an entrepreneur, has decided to open ???? in Singapore. この????に入る選択肢の問題で、anotherが正解なのはわかるのですが、otherは不可でしょうか? otherは「その他」なので、レストランとは限らない。わざわざアントレプレナーと挿入されているから、レストランを指し示すことができるanotherにする。 と推測してみましたが自信が持てません。 直接参考にしたのは下記です。 I will buy that PC, and he will buy another. という場合には、anotherと言っただけで、彼が買おうとしているのは別のPCであることがわかります。 これが、 I will buy that PC, and he will buy others. だと、彼が買おうとしているのはほかの物であるというだけで、PCなのか何なのかわかりません。 ちなみに、 もし、ジョンが将来10個レストランを持ちたいと思っていて、今、残りの7個を同時にオープンすることを決めたとした場合、others は同じような理由でダメでしょうか?the othersならOKのような気がします。 詳しい方、よろしくお願いします。

  • other の使い方

    入試問題を解いていて疑問に思ったので質問させていただきます。 女の子がお父さんのために a pincushion を作ってあげるということになって、という話です。そして、その後に、以下の文があります。 With a beautiful piece of cloth, the little girl sewed three sides. But what to fill it with? That was the question. The grandmother was in the garden, so she walked into mother's bedroom to look for the answer. On the table, she found many sheets of fine paper, so she took them, cut them into small pieces, put them into ther pincushion, and sewed up ( ) side. She finished making the pincushion. の空所に入る1語を文脈から考えて入れなさい。という問題ですが、答えには、fourth または last となっていました。ここに、other はだめでしょうか?

  • each other と one another 

    高校2年生です。 each other と one another の違いを教えてください。 辞書ではどちらも「お互いに」と書いてありますが、具体的な使い分けが よくわかりません。 疑問に思うきっかけの英文です。 Both musicians understood one another perfectly, and had a mutual respect for each other.

  • allegationの訳し方

    I am a 21-year-old college student. I've been friends with a fellow student named "Rob" for the past three years. I have never known Rob to be anything but a kind and trustworthy person. For the past two years, Rob has been dating another student at our college, and their relationship seems very healthy. Last night, while scrolling through Facebook, I saw a post made by someone Rob and I barely know, stating that Rob is "an abuser." The post used Rob's full name, so I'm sure it was about my friend. I was shocked and don't know what to do now. I sent Rob a simple message: "Is everything OK?" but haven't heard back, and I don't believe Rob knows about the allegation. I have also been in touch with Rob's girlfriend (who I have come to be friends with), and she responded, "I'm OK," when I asked her how she has been. Do I tell Rob about the post? Several of our mutual friends have stopped talking to Rob in the past few months with no explanation, and I'm starting to wonder if this allegation has something to do with it. ここでのallegationの訳し方を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • グアムとインドネシアの違いはどこから来る?

    私はグアムにもインドネシアにも行ったことがないので、肌感覚で判断出来ません。 インドネシアも地域が書かれていないのですが、バリ島ならヒンズー圏でイスラム圏ではありません。 下記に出て来るlifeguards ですが、グアムではフィリピン人と考えられますか、それとも白人? 私の乏しい知識で推測するに、グアムには白人文化の「弱者、子供を愛し助ける」文化が強力に生きていて、それがlaifeguards の対応に出ている。インドネシアにはそういう文化がないので冷たい対応。 皆さんの知見と体験ではどう判断されますか? %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Paradise pool By John Gathright グアムの「楽園」プールの水難監視員 南国のリゾート、グアムに出かけたギャスライト一家。 筆者が、糖尿病のため腰にインスリン・ポンプを付けてプールで遊ぶ長男のジョニ―君を 眺めていると、一人の女性が声をかけてきました。筋ジストロフィーの娘、アンジェラを連れて ドイツからやってきたお母さんでした。 アンジェラのためにグアムを旅行先に選んだ理由は…。 The Miso Barrel Treehouse Gang went to Guam! We descended from our treetop perch and headed for the deep-blue ocean and tropical beaches. We had fun in the sun, we played in the water and we immersed ourselves in the island culture. We ate great food and met some wonderful people. Life was bliss. One day I was sitting by the pool, enjoying a fruit juice and cheering on my boys as they played pool basketball, when I heard a soft voice at my side. "Is that your son?" a woman asked. I smiled politely and said it was. "Is that a medical device on his hip?" she asked. I explained that it was an insulin pump. "Johnny needs to keep it on 24 hours a day," I said. The lady asked if the lifeguards gave us any hassles about it. "Not at all. One of them asked what it was and when we told him he said, 'Hey, cool, isn't science great!' " "Aren't the people at this hotel wonderful!" the woman sighed, "That's my daughter over there playing volleyball in the pool." I looked over and saw a tiny, fragile girl sitting in a floater chair and smiling from ear to ear. She had a volleyball in her hand and a lifeguard was helping her throw it over the net to a team of anxiously screaming kids. She looked so fragile yet so happy. The girl's name was Angela and she was from Germany. She had a complicated form of muscular dystrophy. They had named her Angela because it was a miracle that she had lived. Her mother was a nurse and her father was a doctor, and they were able to give her the best care in the world. I asked why they came all the way from Germany to Guam. She then told me a wonderful story. Two years ago their daughter was 12 and they had just given her a floater chair for her birthday. She also was given tickets to an exclusive beachside resort in Indonesia so she could enjoy her new chair. Angela and her family were so excited. But things didn't go as planned. When they got to the beach resort, the lifeguard said to them, "Sorry, for sanitary reasons, we don't let small children in the pool, and floating devices are not permitted. I realize that she is handicapped, but rules are rules." The lifeguard politely explained that there was a kiddy pool for children that were too young to control their bladder. The mother and father were flabbergasted. Angela was devastated. They explained that she was tiny, but she was actually 12 years old, had control of her bladder, and had permission to use the floater chair in the pool. But it was too late. Angela was too embarrassed, too hurt, to swim. So why were they in Guam? Back in Germany they had met another child with muscular dystrophy. He had a floater chair too, but his family had a very different story to tell. When they had gone to Guam and put the floater chair in the pool, a life-guard came over to them. The parents apologized for the chair and he said, "No problem. Anyone can swim in paradise. If it's safe and it doesn't hurt anyone, enjoy it. So, how do you drive this thing?" He asked the boy to take him for a ride and then he introduced him to the other kids. Instantly, he was part of the team and was having fun, like Angela was. It was a moving story. My heart melted when I saw the tears of joy in Angela's mother's eyes as she told the story. For our family, Angela and her family, Guam was truly paradise — not only because of the sun and the beautiful beaches and the water, but for the kindness of the people who made everyone feel welcome.

  • 英語の訳をお願いします!!

    I was in the cafe by the north entrance to the station, reading my paper and having a coffee .I had an appointment with a client nearby and I was killing time because I'd arrived half an hour early.I suddenly heard a terrible shout, and when I looked out of the window,I saw that a woman was in the middle of the crossing. I assumed she'd fallen off her bicycle because it was lying on the tracks and all her shopping had come out of her basket.People were calling out to her from the road.Some were telling her to stay put and others were telling her to get off the crossing. She didn't seem to know what to do.She just say there.One of the waiters in the cafe saw this and ran out to get her.

  • 日本語訳を!

    お願いします A favorite story has Egypt's enemies running in a frenzied retreat from hordes of cats. Cats were loved so much that for a time it was a crime to kill one. The penalty for killing a cat―even by accident―was death. (15) The ancient Egyptian word for dog also comes from the sound it makes―iwiw. But dogs were never revered like cats. It was an insult to be called "the pharaoh's dogs," and there are no images of a dog being petted. Still, leather collars marked with their names such as Brave One, Reliable, and Good Herdsman, prove that their nwners valued them. (Except for that dog named "Useless"?)

  • watchとlookの動作イメージの違いについて

    下記にan eldery woman's shoplifting を目撃したことを話すmailの文章があります。動詞を適語にして文を完成させます。 I was buying a new alarm clock the other day in Taylor's the jewellers, whan I actually saw somebody shoplifting. I'd just finished paying for my clock and as I turned around, an elderly woman was slowly putting a silver plate into a bag that She was carrying. Then she walked( was walking) over the another part of the shop and picked (was picking ) up an expensive-looking watch a number of times. when she thought that nobody was looking (looked), she dropped it into the bag. before I had a chance to tell the staff in the shop, She noticed that I was watching (watched) her and hurried out. Unfortunately for her, two police officers was walking past just at that moment and she ran straight into them. 上記の文の中の was looking とwas watching のみが正解らしいのですが、looked とwatched も それを最初から最後まで目撃したよ という意味ではlooked とwatchedもありだと思っています。 臨場感を考えると過去進行形しかありえないのでしょうか?それともlookとwatchの根本的な意味を間違っているのでしょうか?教えてください。

  • なぜ定冠詞が必要か

    I have an 8-month-old puppy, and I take her to a local dog park so she can run off leash and play with the other dogs, which she loves. the other dogsはなぜ定冠詞が必要なのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英訳の問題です。よろしくお願いします。

    「私は少年のころ、犬を飼うのが好きでした。」 これを When I was a boy , I liked to keep dogs. としたのですが。 解答では When I was a boy , I liked to keep a dog. となっていました。dogs ではダメでしょうか。 簡単な質問だと思うのですが、お願いします。