
  • NM、EX、VG+、VG-、GOODのコンディショングレーディングについて説明します。
  • コンディショングレーディングは、レコードやジャケットの状態を表す指標です。
  • それぞれのグレーディングは、使用回数や傷の有無などに基づいて判断されます。
  • ベストアンサー


こちら和訳できる人居ましたらよろしくお願いいたします。 翻訳エンジンではわけ分かりませんでした。 GRADINGS: NM- near mint record and cover are almost like new used only few times EX- minor sings of wear on the cover-record with few light marks which do not affect listening. VG+ more wear on the cover possible woc, few tears, small seam split but still looking nice overall- record with more light marks no scratches. VG- cover was used many times as well as record maybe few scratches on vinyl but no skipping GOOD- only a filler until you find better

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー

GRADINGS:(等級) NM- レコードはほとんど未使用、ジャケットはほんの数回使っただけの新品同様 EX- ジャケット多少汚れあり、レコードはいくつか見た目に痕はあるが再生に問題なし VG+ EXよりジャケットに書き込みなどの汚れ、わずかにキズ、綴じ目のハガレなどあるが全体としては良好、レコードに見た目の痕はあるがキズはなし VG- ジャケットは古びており、レコードにもキズがいくつかあるが音飛びはなし GOOD- 良品が入手できるまでの代替程度



回答ありがとうございます。 参考になりました。 おかげで良い商品を手に入れる事が出来ました。

その他の回答 (1)

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

中古品の格付けですね。  NM 新品同様。数回しか使用されておらず、レコードもカバーも殆ど新品。  EX カバーに多少の使用の跡、聞くのに支障の無い軽い少数の印あり。  VG+ カバーに使用痕、軽度の破れ、縫い目の綻びはあるが全体の外観はよく、レコードに軽い印はあるが引っ掻き傷無し。  VG- カバーは頻繁な使用をしめす、レコードはビニールに多少の傷はあるが演奏が途切れることが無い  GOOD より良い状態のものが手に入るまでのつなぎ。



回答ありがとうございます。 参考になりました。 おかげで良い商品を手に入れる事が出来ました。


  • 英文和訳ができません。

    (1)The hope is that we are more prepared to refute people who disagree with us by offering facts rather than simply insisting "No". (2)But we cannot limit ourselves to only blaming teenagers,or their teacher.The problem is far-reaching, affecting all walks of life. の二文です。 宜しくお願いします。

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい

    I used to look on 'converted' vegetarians with contempt, but I've come to realise there is no case to be made for eating meat. 後半部分がまったく分かりません。よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の和訳

    和訳をしていただけるかた のみで、お願いできますでしょうか? 番外編です。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 Astrologer of the Soul. More Soul Mate Readings Dear Tomoko, now you have read soul mate one, and been inspired by this very personal glimpse through the curtain of the present time into your future and what life and love holds for you. How can I help you further? I used to tell clients this is all there is, and they used to say No you can tell me more I know you can, your powers are deep, your astrological skill is matched by no other. You can tell me more! So out of these gentle but insistent demands grew soul mate the second. Volume two in the book of your life.

  • 英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を助けてください

    英文の和訳で困っています 和訳を教えていただきたいです よろしくお願いします!! The provenance of the inscription that records this dedication is uncertain, but it has been plausibly linked with one of the buildings on the east side of the forum, the so-called Temple of Vespasian. If this is correct, Mamia owned (or brought) the plot in question, because she, like M.Tullius, records that the temple was built not just at her own expense but on her own land. An Augustan date for the building is supported by the imagery of the reliefs on the altar which stood in front of the temple. We may, therefore, suspect that the monumentalization of the forum’s east front, with the old shops and workshops giving way to large public complexes, began in Augustran times.

  • 英文和訳

    非常に長い文章ですが、お付き合い頂けたら幸いです。 I have worked on a , b , c, d, in each case on one or more trip away from home. 【But all the hours on all these trips put together would constitute only a small percentage of my total hours spent doing fieldwork on days when I spent the night in my own bed. 】Most of my field date had been gathered from native speakers with whom I met during classes at UCLA , in my office, or in their homes a few hours' drive from Los Angels. 中略 【An important worry for linguists contemplating working with a displaced speaker is whether that person still commands his or her language as well as someone with the support of a whole community.】This is a valid concern -- anyone can forget his or her language with no practice of stimulation. But any minority language speakers--as almost all speakers of American Indian language are these days-- are in danger of not using their language enough. 【】で括った箇所の訳文を作りたいのですが… それぞれよくわからない部分があります… 試訳 1 直訳 しかし、前述したような旅にかけた時間をひとまとめにした総時間は、私が夜、ベッドの中で過ごし行ってきたフィールドワークにかけた総時間の中では、ほんの些細なものでしか無い。 1 (意訳紛い) しかし、旅に費やした時間を合計しても、私が夜、ベッドの中で過ごし、日々行っていたフィールドワークに費やした時間の合計の中では、些細なものであろう。 試訳2(直訳) 分離された話者と共に作業しようと意図する多くの研究者に対して、大きな懸念は、共同体全体を支える人物がいるのかどうかと同様に、その人物が未だ彼/彼女の言語を上手く使えるのかどうかという事である。 試訳2 (意訳紛い) 元々の土地から離れた話者と伴に研究を行おうと考えている研究者の多くに対し、重大な懸念がある。その話者が、ある人間に共同体全体を維持するために尽力させることができるかどうか、同様に、その話者自身が自分の言語を未だ自由闊達に操れるどうかというものである。 どなたか和訳を見てのコメント、また、一文を抜いてきてとなってしまっているので、難しいとは思いますが、出来れば試訳して、解説していただけないでしょうか… 長文失礼しました。 補足ですが、前文a.b.c.dの箇所には地名が入ります。

  • 英文の和訳

    和訳をしていただけるかた のみでお願いできますでしょうか? 2つの段落となっています。 比喩が多いかもしれませんが よろしくお願いいたします。 He has a correctness of manner about him. He has a strong tight aggressive, old fashioned and rather formal handshake. He has hands that are strong wristed, like someone used to manual work. They are not handsome hands but they are rugged. The hands themselves over the pinkness have a ashy appearance, the look of being spread over with a coating of lard. They are quite clean but the circulation is more feeble on the backs of the hands and fingers so these look a shade paler, they are white dappled with pink as if frostbitten, or like the fallen blossoms of a tree. but can go blue with sensitivity the cold or icy days. The backs of his hands are broad and almost square and smooth skinned, the tendons show slightly in the skin above the knuckles, his hands are not thin but not pudgy and padded either. The shape of the tendons and angles and knuckles can be discerned in the flesh, rather than being covered over, but they are not cadaverously thin by any means. Just fine handsome hands. They have tapering fingers that are narrower and more refined than you'd expect for the broadness of the backs of the hand but sturdy and hard all the same, if he jabs you with the fingers it’s a hard sharp poke.

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします

    Google+ 内でこのようなメッセージが表示されました。 完全に把握したいので説明していただけませんか。 よろしくお願いいたします。 「As much as I hate to infringe on this valuable screen estate, I feel a need to bring attention to what I consider an important issue. My Google+ account, along with the accounts of many others, has been suspended on the grounds of merely using a pseudonym. If you can do anything about this, not only to rectify this one profile but to correct this ludicrous policy, I urge you to do so. Until then, I can no longer support the Surplus extension.」

  • 英文を和訳して下さい。

    Realizing that the British might try to break the siege by advancing on the right bank, the Ottoman commander ordered the construction of the Dujaila redoubt. Aylmer later testified he chose to attack on the right bank because although the redoubt was sited atop the Dujaila depression, construction had only begun a few days after the Hanna battle in January 1916.By the time of the assault, the Ottomans had significantly improved the position, complete with a glacés estimated to be 25 feet high in some places.

  • 英文の和訳

    英文の和訳をしていただけるかた のみでお願いできますでしょうか? 1段落の前半部分です。 抽象的な部分や変なところは意訳して いただけるとありがたいです。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 There is a celestial influence from planets and stars in your seventh house. When there is a planet in the seventh house, it brings a definite kind of fate to bare, the choice of love is much more destined and less free. A planet also means that you yourself possess, a particular look or character that will deeply attract only a certain kind of man, and not others. It is as if the picture of love is cut out for you. If you had no planet in the seventh house, it would be more difficult to find love and yet more freedom to fall in love too, more opportunity but perhaps less depth. This planet placement gives you, endurance, practicality, a feeling of the predestined, so that once you are involved with someone, even if its not the soul mate, you are able to “make do” with relationship, or to put up with a lot that others wouldn’t for the sake of love.

  • 英文の和訳

    even in colder climates and more puritanical societies it has generally been true that the more clothes someone has on, the higher his or her status. this principle can be observed in medieval and renaissance art, where peasants wear relatively few garments, while kings and queens (including the king and queen of heaven) are burdened with layers of gowns and robes and mantles, even in indoor scenes. the recent fashion for "layered" clothes may be related, as is sometimes claimed, to the energy shortage; it is also a fine way of displaying a large wardrobe. 訳が分かるかたお願いします 特にわかりにくいのは (including the king and queen of heaven) と it is also a fine way of displaying a large wardrobe. の部分です。