Which type of mother is better for raising a child?

  • Suppose you see two mothers with their children in a park. One is the type who shouts a warning at once when her kid starts doing something even slightly unsafe. The other is the kind who patiently lets her kid run risks, allowing unsafe play to a certain extent, yet keeping an anxious watch at the same time. Which mother would you prefer? Which is the better parent to raise a child?
  • Humans often experience failure, regardless of their age. The ability to recover from failure and become stronger is crucial. Failure tests a person, develops their personality, and reveals their true character. It is through unsuccessful trials, facing bad results, and confronting trouble that we gain the wisdom to successfully recover and face the world again.
  • The lack of Japanese individuality is often rooted in the fear of failure. A person's individuality is shaped not only by success but also by participation in unsuccessful but interesting experiments, tackling difficulties bravely, and the memories of failure. Mothers in the park should share their own experiences of failure and recovery with their children to encourage them. Allowing children to explore and learn from their mistakes is essential for their natural development.
  • ベストアンサー


英文の翻訳をお願いします。 以下の英文を翻訳していただけませんか? Suppose you see two mothers with their children in a park. One is the type who shouts a warning at once when her kid starts doing something even slightly unsafe. She fills the air with cries of "Don't do this!" and "Don't do that!" The other is the kind who patiently lets her kid run risks, allowing unsafe play to a certain extent, yet keeping an anxious watch at the same time.Which mother would you prefer? Which is the better parent to raise a child? Be they children or adults, humans often experience failure. The important thing is knowing how to deal with and recover from it. We cannot acquire the ability and wisdom to make a successful recovery and become strong enough to face the world again, without experience of failure. Unsuccessful trials, willingness to face bad results, the guts to confront trouble, all lead to the development of personality. Failure tests a person, and the process of recovery from the failure lets us know that person's true depth of character. What should not be overlooked here is that the general lack of Japanese individuality is rooted in fear of failure. It is not just success that shapes a person's individuality, but also participating in unsuccessful but interesting experiments, tackling difficulties bravely and actively, memories of failure. So mothers in the park, tell your own experiences of failure and recovery to your kids, and inform them that everybody fails, in order to encourage them. Let them do whatever they want to their hearts' content. Be aware that too much care may prevent the proper growth of individuality and deprive the child of the chance to develop naturally. 長文で申し訳ありません。 回答お願いします!!

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数4


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

公園で子供連れの母親を二人見かけたとしましょう。一人は子供がちょっと危なそうなことをし始めたとたん危ないと叫びをあげるタイプです。「これをしてはダメ」「あれをしてはダメ」と彼女は叫びます。もう一方は我慢強く子供に危険を冒させます、ある程度まで危ない遊びを許します、が同時に心配した注視を保ち続けると言ったタイプです。あなたはどちらの母親が好みですか?どちらが子育てによりよい親でしょう? 子供でも大人でも、人間は失敗を経験します。大切なのは失敗にどう対処し、立ち直るかを知ることです。私たちは失敗を経験せずに、うまく失敗から立ち直り、再び十分強く世の中と向き合ってゆく能力や知恵を身につけることはできません。上手くゆかなかった試み、悪い結果を見ることになったやる気、トラブルに直面した根性、すべてが人格の成長につながります。失敗は人の試金石となります、そして失敗から立ち直る過程が私たちにその人の人格の真の深さを教えてくれます。 ここで見過ごしてならないのは、一般的に日本人が個性的でないのは失敗を恐れる気持ちに原因があるということです。人の個性を形成するのは成功ばかりではなく、うまくゆかなかったが面白い試みに加わり、困難に勇敢にまた活発に立ち向かい、失敗を記憶するということもあるのです。それで公園の母親は子供たちに失敗と立ち直りの自身の経験を語り、子供を励ますために誰もが失敗することを教えるのです。子供にはしたいことは何でも心行くまでさせなさい。過保護は個性の適切な成長を阻み、子供から自然に成長する機会を奪う可能性があることを忘れないでください。


  • 英文を訳してください!

    英文を訳してください! 以下の英文を訳してください。 一応、参考になればとエキサイト翻訳で訳した日本語を載せておきます。 その日本語を訂正していただくだけでも構いません。 (前略) Be they children or adults, humans often experience failure. 子供か大人達であることにかかわらず、人間はしばしば失敗を経験します。 The important thing is knowing how to deal with and recover from it. 重要なものは、それからどのように対処して、回復するかがわかっています。 We cannot acquire the ability and wisdom to make a successful recovery and become strong enough to face the world again, without experience of failure. 私たちは、うまくいっている回復をして、再び世界に直面できるくらい強くなるように能力と知恵を取得できません、失敗の経験なしで。 Unsuccessful trials, willingness to face bad results, the guts to confront trouble, all lead to the development of personality. 失敗のトライアル(悪い結果、問題に立ち向かう腸に面する意欲)はすべて、人格発達につながります。 Failure tests a person, and the process of recovery from the failure lets us know that person's true depth of character. 失敗は人をテストします、そして、失敗からの回復の過程はその人のキャラクタの真の深さを私たちに知らせます。 (中略) What should not be overlooked here is that the general lack of Japanese individuality is rooted in fear of failure. ここで見落とされるべきでないことは、日本の個性の一般的な不足が失敗への恐怖で根づくということです。 It is not just success that shapes a person's individuality, but also participating in unsuccessful but interesting experiments, tackling difficulties bravely and actively, memories of failure. それは人の個性を形成する成功だけではなく、失敗の、しかし、おもしろい実験に参加もします、勇敢に、活発に困難に取り組んで、失敗の思い出。 So mothers in the park, tell your own experiences of failure and recovery to your kids, and inform them that everybody fails, in order to encourage them. そうは中で公園を母として育てます、そして、あなた自身の失敗と回復の経験を子供に言ってください、そして、みんなが失敗することを彼らに知らせてください、彼らを奨励するために。 Let them do whatever they want to their hearts' content. 彼らに彼らの心臓の内容に欲しいことなら何でもさせてください。 Be aware that too much care may prevent the proper growth of individuality and deprive the child of the chance to develop naturally. あまりに多くの注意が個性の適切な成長を防いで、子供から自然に展開する機会を奪うかもしれないのを意識してください。 長文で大変申し訳ございません。 回答お願いします。

  • ★至急 英文翻訳

    There is an official report that includes some surprising facts. In developed nations,on average, one person uses 1,000 tons of water per year. In japan, one person uses only 700 tons of water per year. The japanese seem to use lees water. However, in japna, one person also uses 600 tons of virtunal water pet year. What is virtanal water ? It is the water that is used to produce a country's imports. The total amount of this virtual water plus domestic water in japan is 1,300 tons per person.

  • 英文の翻訳をお願いいたします。

    どなたか英文の翻訳をしていただける人が居ましたらぜひお願いいたします。 It could be argued, based on the ideas of Pierre Bourdieu, that the design industry's response to these pressures has been to create, or recapture, a sense of distinction, the set of discourses which emphasises shaping and nurturing 'natural creativity'. It has, in other words, reinvented itself as a form of art, borrowing the trappings of mystique (the tortured lone designer in pursuit of aesthetic truth), the canon (the last of great designers and a chronological design history), the language, the accepted wisdom of taste - and the gatekeepers (the critics the star designers and the teachers) who determine between them an exclusive body of knowledge. These factors have arguably led to a rejection of practice (how to 'do' design) and the critical theories (how to 'do' design) and the critical theories (how design 'works') in favour of the pursuit of design for design's sake, and a language with which to discuss it that excludes those who do not understand it or cannot or do not wish to participate. If this is true, then the end result is a source as well as a site of conflict between different parties. Not only is design in conflict with itself, but it feeds the very conflict the move towards distinction set out to counter. Design is often profoundly misunderstood by the end-user and media. While most people take their clothes to a specialist to have them dry-cleaned, get a builder in to add an extension to their home and a plumber to fix the central heating, many amateurs think they can 'do' design, because the process has been demystified and is much less exclusive, much less something that only an elite few can create and judge. It is a 'chicken-and-egg' situation: the more amateur designers encroach upon professional expertise, the more designers redefine what it is that makes the definition, the more the amateur decides to do it for himself.

  • 翻訳をお願いします

    翻訳をしていただけるかた、 お願いいたします。 Some involvements are Karmic, while others are not, some relationships have a mystery about them that is difficult to comprehend. There are always many levels in a relationship, From subconscious levels that lurk just below the threshold of events and hidden motives and drives, undercurrents of character, that cause one person to behave in a certain way, and create a deep chasm, of inter reactions, like a vein running through rock of the relationship. To more surface levels where events happen that shape the relationship into its future pattern.

  • 英文翻訳おねがいします!

    Let's take a brief tour of a raw meat-eating region. Welcome to the polar region of Canada's Melville Peninsula. The native peoples used to be called Eskimos. This was a derogatory term given them by native peoples from the south, meaning raw meat eaters. They are the meat of caribou, seals, and walruses raw. "Meat" includes the innards, which are considered the most exquisite parts of the animals. You might remember seeing documentary films of lions going straight for the innards of their victims. Of course, in that frozen part of the world, fruits, vegetables, and grains are unobtainable. The native peoples do not suffer from scurvy, and in fact have glossy faces, thanks to their diet of raw meat. A japanese cultural anthropologist who lived among these northern people learned that because of the bland flavor of raw meat, it is possible to eat a lot of it at each meal as a staple food, in the same way Japanese eat rice. Some parts of the innards are bitter while other parts are sour, so if you chew on them as you eat the raw meat, the meat tastes "seasoned" and you never get tired of it. Horsemeat is called cherry meat or sakura-niku in Japan. It may mean that the color of the meat is as beautiful as that of cherry blossom. But it may also mean that horsemeat is a sort of fake meat, sold by con men to unsuspecting passers-by under an exotic-sounding name. Take your choise as to which is the truth. There are those who love horsemeat for its deliciously light flavor. There are few restaurants that serve authentic tartar steak made from horsemeat. Most people do not realize that horsemeat is "the real thing", and that there is no reason to discriminate against it. Where food is concerned, when all is said and done, likes and dislikes are just a matter of taste.

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    II Corps resumed operations to capture Nonne Bosschen, Glencorse Wood and Inverness Copse around the Menin Road on 22–24 August, which failed and were costly to both sides. Gough laid down a new infantry formation of skirmish lines to be followed by "worms" on 24 August. Cavan noted that pill-box defences required broad front attacks, so as to engage them simultaneously. The British general offensive intended for 25 August, was delayed because of the failure of previous attacks to hold ground, following the Battle of Langemarck and then postponed due to more bad weather. Attacks on 27 August were minor operations, which were costly and inconclusive. Haig called a halt to operations amidst tempestuous weather. In Field Marshal Earl Haig (1929), Brigadier-General John Charteris, the BEF Chief of Intelligence from 1915 to 1918, wrote that Careful investigation of records of more than eighty years showed that in Flanders the weather broke early each August with the regularity of the Indian monsoon. — Charteris which was quoted by Lloyd George (1934), Liddell Hart (1934) and Leon Wolff (1959). In a 1997 essay, John Hussey called the passage by Charteris "baffling". The BEF had set up a Meteorological Section under Ernest Gold in 1915, which by the end of 1917 had 16 officers and 82 men. The section predicted the warm weather and thunderstorms of 7–14 June and in a letter of 17 January 1958, Gold wrote that the facts of Flanders climate contradicted the claim made by Charteris in 1929. In 1989, Philip Griffiths examined August weather for the thirty years before 1916 and found that, ...there is no reason to suggest that the weather broke early in the month with any regularity. — Griffith From 1901–1916, records from a weather station at Cap Gris Nez showed that 65 percent of August days were dry and that from 1913–1916, there were 26, 23, 23 and 21 rainless days and monthly rainfall of 17, 28, 22 and 96 mm (0.67, 1.10, 0.87 and 3.78 in), ...during the summers preceding the Flanders campaign August days were more often dry than wet.

  • 英文の翻訳をお願いいたします。

    英文の翻訳をお願いいたします。 You're, by the way, already the second person from Japan to mention that there seems to be a real lack of online media for these topics. It's unfortunately not all that much better in Germany, but it's good to know the information is relevant! the second personのあたりが特に分かりません・・・。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英文の翻訳お願いします。

    It was in the late 1970s, after the end of the Vietnam War that the Boat People made news. These were Vietnamese refugees who fled by boat to Thailand, the Philippines, Japan, and Indonesia, and from there tried to get to America, Australia, and Canada. One day, there was a shocking news story out of Melbourne: two Vietnamese Baot People had been arrested and tried in court on charges of killing and eating local dogs. Most East Asian cultures eat dogs, but this custom has been especially common in China. In ancient times, both emperors and commoners ate dog meat, and sacrificed dogs in religious services. Later on, dogs became associated with loyalty, and people stopped eating them. Even so, dog meat is still widely eaten in South China. Eating dog meat is common in both Koreas. In recent times, the culture of eating dog meat was restored under the contemporary slogan. "Return to Traditional Chinese Ways." Methods of preparing dog meat in both Koreas are given in detail in classical cookbooks, and include simmering, steaming, and grilling. Nowadays, dog meat is bought in stores and cooked at home. You can buy it in drugstores and in markets in Seoul. It's a little more pricey than beef, but the quality of the dog meat is very good. If you simmer it like sukiyaki, bubbles rise out of the meat, and the smell is divine. What about Vietnam, the home of the Boat People? There are a lot of specialty shops selling dog meat, and they fill up with customers around dinner time. There are spit-roasted dogs minus their heads and paws hanging in shop windows, and they look delicious. It's just like the South China restaurants, where mouth-watering ducks and chickens are hung in shop windows to attract customers. The Korean shops sell only cooked meat. The meat is eaten together with raw vegetables, and washed down with a local liquor like shochu. This is considered a healthy meal. The meat from these shops is cheaper than beef, and is eaten by the average family. There are also cat-eating cultures. I heard that there were several cat restaurants in Hanoi, Vietnam, so I went to investigate. They do exist, but barely; the government has banned them. The government said it issued this ban on eating cats because the decrease in the cat population has led to an increase in the rat population. This situation is a threat to community health. It was literally a case of, "When the cat's away, the mice will play." Anyway, that's how popular cat meat is. The government's policy is to enforce the ban until the cat population returns to its original size and can control the rat population. The reason for eating cats in China is explained with typical Chinese logic. Dragons and tigers are venerated as symbols of strength. Thus, if you can eat one, no power on Earth will be capable of resisting you. The trouble is, drgons are imaginary animals, and cannot be eaten. Tigers were once abundant, but can hardly be found now. So in place of dragons, the Chinese eat snakes, and in place of tigers, they eat cats. This is especially true of the culinary culture in South China. To return to the news from Melbourne: Australia, a Western society, was flabbergasted by the news that the men had eaten dogs. After all, this is a nation descended from the passionate dog and cat lovers of Britain! At the same time, other Boat People were also astonished. In Vietnam, dogs kept as pets are considered tasteless, and no one would eat them. The dogs the arrested men ate must have been strays. Looked at in that way, you can understand that they felt themselves innocent of any crime. No one knows what became of the two arrested men afterward. Anyway, it's important to understand that the problem lies in differences of cultures and values. It's the difference between two cultures: one that eats dogs and one that doesn't. But no one can say one side is definitely right and the other is wrong. The problem is not so easy.

  • 英文翻訳頼みます!

    There are also cat-eating cultures. I heard that there were several cat restaurants in Hanoi, Vietnam, so I went to investigate. They do exist, but barely; the government has banned them. The government said it issued this ban on eating cats because the decrease in the cat population has led to an increase in the rat population. This situation is a threat to community health. It was literally a case of, "When the cat's away, the mice will play." Anyway, that's how popular cat meat is. The government's policy is to enforce the ban until the cat population returns to its original size and can control the rat population. The reason for eating cats in China is explained with typical Chinese logic. Dragons and tigers are venerated as symbols of strength. Thus, if you can eat one, no power on Earth will be capable of resisting you. The trouble is, drgons are imaginary animals, and cannot be eaten. Tigers were once abundant, but can hardly be found now. So in place of dragons, the Chinese eat snakes, and in place of tigers, they eat cats. This is especially true of the culinary culture in South China. To return to the news from Melbourne: Australia, a Western society, was flabbergasted by the news that the men had eaten dogs. After all, this is a nation descended from the passionate dog and cat lovers of Britain! At the same time, other Boat People were also astonished. In Vietnam, dogs kept as pets are considered tasteless, and no one would eat them. The dogs the arrested men ate must have been strays. Looked at in that way, you can understand that they felt themselves innocent of any crime. No one knows what became of the two arrested men afterward. Anyway, it's important to understand that the problem lies in differences of cultures and values. It's the difference between two cultures: one that eats dogs and one that doesn't. But no one can say one side is definitely right and the other is wrong. The problem is not so easy.

  • 英文の翻訳をお願いします。

    どなたか英文を翻訳していただける方が居ましたらぜひお願いいたします。 I hinted at the end of chapter 1 that while some people consider theory to be a mystification of practice, rather than a tool for disseminating or supporting it, I believe that theories help us to appreciate our practice with more depth and resonance. Ultimately, your response to what we've outlined in this book might be to suggest a theory of your own, based on your own thinking and experience - as some of the practitioners we've interviewed do. But be careful in supported by empirical evidence. The next stage is to work out how you can put your own informed opinions to the test and turn them into a sound theory. Finally, remember that this book is by no means the last word on anything. We hope to have last word on anything. We hope to have whetted your appetite to look at visual communication in more detail, and pointed you in the direction of alternative sources that will extend your knowledge even further.