
  • 日本語の翻訳は正確になされているでしょうか?
  • 宇宙は4つの事象から成り立っており、それらは正四面体のような関係性を持っています。
  • 引力と離力は相反する両面性を持ち、宇宙の存在に不可欠です。
  • ベストアンサー


日本語に正しく翻訳されているでしょうか? Answer: The universe consists of four phenomena. The constituent factor is mass, time, speed, and power. They all have the opposite ambivalence of for + and direction of - simultaneously. These have the same relation nature with four fields and the four peaks as a regular tetrahedron.It follows, "Attraction equal Un-attraction. Cosmos can't consist without it.” Definition:Un-attraction is reaction of attraction. 答え:宇宙は4つの事象から成り立っている。 その構成要素は、質量、時間、速度、力である。 それらは全て、+向きと、-の向きの、相反する両面性を同時に持つ。 これらは、4つの面と、4つの頂点を持つ、正四面体と同様の関係性を持つ。 したがって、 「引力とは離力であり、それなくして宇宙は成り立たない。」 定義:離力とは引力の反作用

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • haru2121
  • ベストアンサー率50% (83/163)

(回答にならないかもしれませんので,あしからず) 物理(?)は分からないのですが、英語的には完ぺきな役だと思います。 読んでいてとても興味深く、哲学的な気分になりました。



ありがとうございます。感謝いたします。 ちなみに、私は物理は勉強したことはありません。あしからず。 できましたら、回答者様のお持ちの専門分野など教えていただけるとありがたいのですが、可能であればお願いします。 以下の、改めて別の翻訳について質問させていただきましたので、ご覧ください。 http://okwave.jp/qa/q6117498.html


  • 法学的に以下の翻訳文は正しい表現でしょうか?

    法学的に以下の翻訳文は正しい表現でしょうか? Answer: The universe consists of four phenomena. The constituent factor is mass, time, speed, and power. They all have the opposite ambivalence of for + and direction of - simultaneously. These have the same relation nature with four fields and the four peaks as a regular tetrahedron.It follows, "Attraction equal Un-attraction. Cosmos can't consist without it.” Definition:Un-attraction is reaction of attraction. 答え:宇宙は4つの事象から成り立っている。 その構成要素は、質量、時間、速度、力である。 それらは全て、+向きと、-の向きの、相反する両面性を同時に持つ。 これらは、4つの面と、4つの頂点を持つ、正四面体と同様の関係性を持つ。 したがって、 「引力とは離力であり、それなくして宇宙は成り立たない。」 定義:離力とは引力の反作用

  • 文学的にどう思われますか?

    文学的にどう思われますか? Answer: The universe consists of four phenomena. The constituent factor is mass, time, speed, and power. They all have the opposite ambivalence of for + and direction of - simultaneously. These have the same relation nature with four fields and the four peaks as a regular tetrahedron.It follows, "Attraction equal Un-attraction. Cosmos can't consist without it.” Definition:Un-attraction is reaction of attraction. When the speed of a substance approaches infinitely to light, the mass, time, and power become infinite. Therefore, the universe expands. 答え:宇宙は4つの事象から成り立っている。 その構成要素は、質量、時間、速度、力である。 それらは全て、+向きと、-の向きの、相反する両面性を同時に持つ。 これらは、4つの面と、4つの頂点を持つ、正四面体と同様の関係性を持つ。 したがって、 「引力とは離力であり、それなくして宇宙は成り立たない。」 定義:離力とは引力の反作用 物質の速度が光に対し、無限大に近づく時、その質量、時間、力は無限大となる。だから宇宙は膨張する。

  • どう思われますか? How do you think?

    どう思われますか? How do you think? I think "Attraction equal Un-attraction. Cosmos can't consist without it. When the speed of a substance approaches infinitely to the speed of light, it becomes infinite [ mass ] and Un-attraction also becomes infinite. So Cosmos expansion. Definition:Un-attraction is reaction of attraction. How do you think about it? 私は考えます。 「引力とは離力であり、それなくして宇宙は成り立たない。物質の速度が光に対し無限大に近づく時、その質量は無限大となり、離力も無限大となる。だから宇宙は膨張する。」 定義:離力とは引力の反作用」英文上では"Un-attraction"と表現しています。 どうお考えになりますか?

  • 翻訳・日本語に訳して下さい。

    Yes that item is still for sale. We don’t stock it so it would take approx 3-4 weeks to get a hold of. The cost is £769.20 including VAT. Delivery cost would depend on delivery address, if you could provide this to us then we could get you a delivery cost. Unfortunately we don’t deliver out with the UK. If you pay for the item in full and we have cleared funds you could then send in a courier yourself to collect the item.

  • 日本語に翻訳お願いします。

    以下の英語の文章を日本語に翻訳お願いします。 April brings the primrose sweet, Scatters daisies at our feet. The name April comes from the Latin word aperire- to open, because it was the opening of the year. The robin and the red- breast, The robin and the wren, If ye take out of their nests, Ye'll never thrive again. The robin and the red- breast, The martin and the swal- low, If ye take out of their nests, Bad luck will surely follow. The four popular birds mentioned in this old rhyme were once held sacred: the robin because his red breast associated him with fire and light, and later with Christ's blood which stained his feathers when he hopped on the Cross; the wren because he is the King of All Birds, having won the contest to see who could fly highest by hiding unnoticed in the eagle's feathers (an early example of a booster missile?); and the martin and the swallow because they signified the return of summer. Many people still consider it lucky to have a swallow's or martin's nest on the house.

  • What do you think?

    What do you think? My name is Rich Oaktreefield. I think "Attraction equal Un-attraction. Cosmos can't consist without it. When the speed of a substance approaches infinitely to the speed of light, it becomes infinite [ mass ] and Un-attraction also becomes infinite. So Cosmos expansion. What do you think about it?

  • 至急翻訳宜しくお願いします!

    The area of england known as the lake district is in the northwestern corner of the country,just below the border with scotland. It is an area of outstanding natural beauty. With its wild hills dotted with small farmhouses and sheep,and its crystal clear lakes,it attracts thousands of tourists every year,both from britain and abroad. But the spectacular scenery is not only attraction. The lake district is associated with two of britain's best-loved writers:William Wordsworth, the nature poet,and Beatrix Potter,the creator of Peter Rabbit. Both these writers drew their inspiration from the natural beauty of the lake district.

  • 日本語に翻訳してくれていただけませんが

    I have passed the interview of NEC internship and will begin the job in 8.22. So I cannot take your(company) internship and feel realy sorry. That it, I want to refuse the offer and what to say is the most polite way?(In Japanese) Thank you very much!!!!!!!!!

  • 日本語に翻訳お願いします!

    以下の文章を日本語に翻訳してください! よろしくお願い致します! APRIL FOOL He who hath not a dram of folly in his mixture, hath pounds of much worse matter in his composition.' from ALL FooLs' DAY by Charles Lamb April 1 is All Fools' Day-the day when the practical joker is in his element and the air is loud with cries of April Fool! Of course the joke must be played before noon, otherwise it rebounds on the joker and he is the April Fool No one knows the origin of this spring custom, but the fact that the joker's licence ceases at noon suggests a survival from some ancient ritual perhaps once associated with a pagan feast. The custom is known all over the English-speaking world, and in some European countries as well. MAUNDY THURSDAY The name Maundy derives from the Latin word mandatum-command ment. It was the first word in the antiphon for the day and referred to the washing of the feet of the disciples by Christ. In remembrance of specially minted Maundy money is presented by the Sovereign to this, as many poor elderly men and women as there are years in the Sovereign's life This replaces the earlier custom of the feet thirteen poor men.

  • 英語から日本語へ翻訳をお願いします。

    為替取引関連についての説明なのですが、 内容が良く分からないので和訳をお願い致します。 Spot exchange contracts are a type of foreign exchange transaction rather than a solution to mitigate FX risk. With a Spot FX contract, your business can exchange one currency for another at a fixed rate of exchange and have the funds delivered in two working days' time. How it works The rate of exchange at the heart of the contract is determined by the international foreign exchange markets. More precisely, the rate is shaped by a variety of factors. These include the number of buyers and sellers in the market and the prevailing view of economic conditions in the countries involved in the trade. As there are so many variables that can affect the market's view of the value of a currency, spot exchange rates can be very volatile. So we have developed a range of solutions to manage the risk of rate fluctuations, including forwards and swaps.