
  • 下記の英文を和訳して頂けますか?
  • 翻訳は自動翻訳機を使用せず、正確さを求めています。
  • 死傷者の身元は即座にはわかりませんでした。グランドキャニオン国立公園消防署のキャプテンであるラリー・ニッキー氏は、機体のコクピットエリアに燃料があったが、残骸は炎にならなかったと述べました。ニッキー氏によれば、消防隊員は男性と女性を救出するために飛行機の下部を切り取りました。彼が到着した時点で、彼ら二人だけが飛行機の中でまだ生きていました。
  • ベストアンサー


何度も投稿して恐縮ですが、どなたか下記の英文を和訳して頂けますか? 正確さを欠くため、自動翻訳機による翻訳はなしでお願い致します. The identities of the dead and injured were not immediately available. Larry Nickey,a Grand Canyon National Park Fire Department captain,said there was fuel in the plane's cockpit area but the wreck age did not catch fire. Nickey said fire fightersvcut out the plane's bottom to free a man and a woman.He said they were the only two still alive in the plane when he arrived.

  • sadaf
  • お礼率25% (41/161)
  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • utakataXEX
  • ベストアンサー率69% (711/1018)

回答しようと思ったら #2 さんの良訳が付いていたので訳の方はスルーして、以下、質問者様にササヤカなお願いとアドバイス。 分割の甲斐あって、ここOKWave(教えて系)でもYahoo!知恵袋の方でも、それなりに良訳が出ていると思います。 お願いですから、(分割後のだけでもよいので) 『すべての回答をちゃんと収集してください』 これまでも「どう考えても最適解が出ている」にも関わらず繰り返し同じ質問を投げている理由として「回答の和訳をジャッジできていない」「複数の回答を再構成できない」と言う根本的理由の他に 「連投のし過ぎで、すべての回答をフォローし切れていない」 と言うのが、やはりあると思うんですね。 これは、回答者にとっては随分失礼な事ですが、質問者様にとっても大きな損失以外の何物でもありません。 (もちろんOKWaveの規約違反であるのみならず、単純にネット全般で見てもマナー違反です) 単位落としたくないんですよね? ゴールは「自助努力を高めていく」事だとしても、とりあえず当面の課題を解決するのに、それは最低限の努力だと思います。 #2さんは普通に訳されていますが、今回の修正点として、 wreck age→wreckage Y!知恵袋でも同指摘あり fightersvcut out→fighters cut out 転記ミスは厳禁!転記ミス禁止です! それとしつこく繰り返すけど、カンマとピリオドの後にスペース! (今後、英語を使うような仕事はしないだろうけど、すくなくとも学生の間は付いて回るんだから、もう脊髄反射でそうした方がよいですよ) >#1さん お怒りはまったくごもっともです。 >皆さんもなぜこのような質問に答えるのですか? 自分の場合、当初の「モンスター質問者」からの脱却の兆しが、ほんの少しだけ見えるように感じているからです。 これはまったくの主観なので、全っ然、間違っている可能性もあります。 (と言うか、その可能性は極めて高いw) 単純に対象の文章が「自分の力試しに丁度良い感じ」と言うのも理由です。 それと、個人的には、転記ミスの元の言葉を導き出す作業が結構面白くて没頭してしまいました。 (ええ、見事に釣られましたねw) おそらく(アカウント抹消されない限り)しばらくは今の感じで続くと思いますが、自分は今後も回答するだろうな、と思います。 また長文連投スタイルに戻ったら無視しますけどね。

その他の回答 (1)

  • Friedel
  • ベストアンサー率66% (6/9)

死者と負傷者の身元はすぐに手に入れることはできなかった。 グランドキャニオン国立公園消防署の署長(もしくは隊長)ラリー・ニッケイは、コックピット部分内には燃料があったが残骸は出火しなかったと述べた。 消防士は男性女性それぞれ1人ずつを救出するために、飛行機の下部を切り開いたと述べた。 彼が現場に到着した時、航空機内に(まだ生存していたのは)生き残っていたのは彼ら2人だけであったと述べた。 直訳が希望でしたら、 死者と負傷者の身元は即入手できなかった。 ラリー・ニッケイ、グランドキャニオン国立公園消防署長は、コックピット部分に燃料があったが、残骸は引火しなかった。 ニッケイは消防士は男性1人と女性1人を解放するために飛行機の底面(基部)を切り取たと言った。 彼は、彼が到着した時に航空機内にまだ生きていたのは2人だけだったと言った。 お好きな方をどうぞ。


  • 何度も投稿して恐縮ですが、どなたか下記の英文を和訳して頂けますか?

    何度も投稿して恐縮ですが、どなたか下記の英文を和訳して頂けますか? 正確さを欠くため、自動翻訳機による翻訳はなしでお願い致します. TUSAYAN,Ariz.,Sept.27 Sept 27 (NP)-A sight seeing plane crashed into a wooded hill near the Grand Canyon Airport on Wedensday,killing 10 people and injuring the other 11 people aboard. The aicraft's wings were sheared off by tall Ponderosa pines but some passengers survived because the fuselage of the de Haviland Twin Otter remained largely intact,said Sheriff Joe Richards.The two crew members were killed,he said. National Park Service Ranger Paul Crawford,how was among the first to reach the wreckage,said some of the passengers were walking around when he arrived at the scene on a small ridge about 275 meters east of a runway. "They were shell shocked.They had that empty,dazed look,"he said. The twin engine Grand Canyon Airlines plane went down at 9:49 a.m.,said U.S.Federal Aviation Adminis tration spokeswoman Elly Brekke. Brekke said the plane hit trees,fipped over and crashed after veering on its landing approach.Elizabeth Sebold,co-owner of Grand Canyon Airlines,said from Las Vegas,New.,that the plane was on a sight seeing fight and was comin in for a landing. Seibold said all those aboard were from the United States. The identities of the dead and injured were not immediately available. Larry Nickey,a Grand Canyon National Park Fire Department captain,said there was fuel in the plane's cockpit area but the wreck age did not catch fire. Nickey said fire fightersvcut out the plane's bottom to free a man and a woman.He said they were the only two still alive in the plane when he arrived.

  • 何度も投稿して恐縮ですが、どなたか下記の英文を和訳して頂けますか?

    何度も投稿して恐縮ですが、どなたか下記の英文を和訳して頂けますか? 正確さを欠くため、自動翻訳機による翻訳はなしでお願い致します。 Brekke said the plane hit trees,fipped over and crashed after veering on its landing approach.Elizabeth Sebold,co-owner of Grand Canyon Airlines,said from Las Vegas,New.,that the plane was on a sight seeing fight and was comin in for a landing.

  • 何度も投稿して恐縮ですが、どなたか下記の英文を和訳して頂けますか?

    何度も投稿して恐縮ですが、どなたか下記の英文を和訳して頂けますか? 正確さを欠くため、自動翻訳機による翻訳はなしでお願い致します。 Brekke said the plane hit trees,fipped over and crashed after veering on its landing approach.Elizabeth Sebold,co-owner of Grand Canyon Airlines,said from Las Vegas,New.,that the plane was on a sight seeing flight and was coming in for a landing.

  • どなたか、翻訳お願いします。(きちんと翻訳してくれる人、お願いします)

    どなたか、翻訳お願いします。(きちんと翻訳してくれる人、お願いします) ※翻訳サイトを使わない翻訳をお願いします。 TUSAYAN,Ariz.,Sept.27 Sept 27 (NP)-A sight seeing plane crashed into a wooded hill near the Grand Canyon Airport on Wedensday,killing 10 people and injuring the other 11 people aboard. The aicraft's wings were sheared off by tall Ponderosa pines but some passengers survived because the fuselage of the de Haviland Twin Otter remained largely intact,said Sheriff Joe Richards.The two crew members were killed,he said. National Park Service Ranger Paul Crawford,how was among the first to reach the wreckage,said some of the passengers were walking around when he arrived at the scene on a small ridge about 275 meters east of a runway. "They were shell shocked.They had that empty,dazed look,"he said. The twin engine Grand Canyon Airlines plane went down at 9:49 a.m.,said U.S.Federal Aviation Adminis tration spokeswoman Elly Brekke. Brekke said the plane hit trees,fipped over and crashed after veering on its landing approach.Elizabeth Sebold,co-owner of Grand Canyon Airlines,said from Las Vegas,New.,that the plane was on a sight seeing fight and was comin in for a landing. Seibold said all those aboard were from the United States. The identities of the dead and injured were not immediately available. Larry Nickey,a Grand Canyon National Park Fire Department captain,said there was fuel in the plane's cockpit area but the wreck age did not catch fire. Nickey said fire fightersvcut out the plane's bottom to free a man and a woman.He said they were the only two still alive in the plane when he arrived.

  • どなたか、翻訳お願いします。

    どなたか、翻訳お願いします。 ※翻訳サイトを使わない翻訳をお願いします。 TUSAYAN,Ariz.,Sept.27 Sept 27 (NP)-A sight seeing plane crashed into a wooded hill near the Grand Canyon Airport on Wedensday,killing 10 people and injuring the other 11 people aboard. The aicraft's wings were sheared off by tall Ponderosa pines but some passengers survived because the fuselage of the de Haviland Twin Otter remained largely intact,said Sheriff Joe Richards.The two crew members were killed,he said. National Park Service Ranger Paul Crawford,how was among the first to reach the wreckage,said some of the passengers were walking around when he arrived at the scene on a small ridge about 275 meters east of a runway. "They were shell shocked.They had that empty,dazed look,"he said. The twin engine Grand Canyon Airlines plane went down at 9:49 a.m.,said U.S.Federal Aviation Adminis tration spokeswoman Elly Brekke. Brekke said the plane hit trees,fipped over and crashed after veering on its landing approach.Elizabeth Sebold,co-owner of Grand Canyon Airlines,said from Las Vegas,New.,that the plane was on a sight seeing fight and was comin in for a landing. Seibold said all those aboard were from the United States. The identities of the dead and injured were not immediately available. Larry Nickey,a Grand Canyon National Park Fire Department captain,said there was fuel in the plane's cockpit area but the wreck age did not catch fire. Nickey said fire fightersvcut out the plane's bottom to free a man and a woman.He said they were the only two still alive in the plane when he arrived.

  • どなたか、翻訳お願いします。

    どなたか、翻訳お願いします。 ※翻訳サイトを使わない翻訳をお願いします。 TUSAYAN,Ariz.,Sept.27 Sept 27 (NP)-A sight seeing plane crashed into a wooded hill near the Grand Canyon Airport on Wedensday,killing 10 people and injuring the other 11 people aboard. The aicraft's wings were sheared off by tall Ponderosa pines but some passengers survived because the fuselage of the de Haviland Twin Otter remained largely intact,said Sheriff Joe Richards.The two crew members were killed,he said. National Park Service Ranger Paul Crawford,how was among the first to reach the wreckage,said some of the passengers were walking around when he arrived at the scene on a small ridge about 275 meters east of a runway. "They were shell shocked.They had that empty,dazed look,"he said. The twin engine Grand Canyon Airlines plane went down at 9:49 a.m.,said U.S.Federal Aviation Adminis tration spokeswoman Elly Brekke. Brekke said the plane hit trees,fipped over and crashed after veering on its landing approach.Elizabeth Sebold,co-owner of Grand Canyon Airlines,said from Las Vegas,New.,that the plane was on a sight seeing fight and was comin in for a landing. Seibold said all those aboard were from the United States. The identities of the dead and injured were not immediately available. Larry Nickey,a Grand Canyon National Park Fire Department captain,said there was fuel in the plane's cockpit area but the wreck age did not catch fire. Nickey said fire fightersvcut out the plane's bottom to free a man and a woman.He said they were the only two still alive in the plane when he arrived.

  • どなたか、翻訳お願いします。まったく意味がわかりません。

    どなたか、翻訳お願いします。まったく意味がわかりません。 ※翻訳サイトを使わない翻訳をお願いします。 TUSAYAN,Ariz.,Sept.27 Sept 27 (NP)-A sight seeing plane crashed into a wooded hill near the Grand Canyon Airport on Wedensday,killing 10 people and injuring the other 11 people aboard. The aicraft's wings were sheared off by tall Ponderosa pines but some passengers survived because the fuselage of the de Haviland Twin Otter remained largely intact,said Sheriff Joe Richards.The two crew members were killed,he said. National Park Service Ranger Paul Crawford,how was among the first to reach the wreckage,said some of the passengers were walking around when he arrived at the scene on a small ridge about 275 meters east of a runway. "They were shell shocked.They had that empty,dazed look,"he said. The twin engine Grand Canyon Airlines plane went down at 9:49 a.m.,said U.S.Federal Aviation Adminis tration spokeswoman Elly Brekke. Brekke said the plane hit trees,fipped over and crashed after veering on its landing approach.Elizabeth Sebold,co-owner of Grand Canyon Airlines,said from Las Vegas,New.,that the plane was on a sight seeing fight and was comin in for a landing. Seibold said all those aboard were from the United States. The identities of the dead and injured were not immediately available. Larry Nickey,a Grand Canyon National Park Fire Department captain,said there was fuel in the plane's cockpit area but the wreck age did not catch fire. Nickey said fire fightersvcut out the plane's bottom to free a man and a woman.He said they were the only two still alive in the plane when he arrived.

  • どなたか、翻訳お願いします。

    どなたか、翻訳お願いします。 ※翻訳サイトを使わない翻訳をお願いします。 TUSAYAN,Ariz.,Sept.27 Sept 27 (NP)-A sight seeing plane crashed into a wooded hill near the Grand Canyon Airport on Wedensday,killing 10 people and injuring the other 11 people aboard. The aicraft's wings were sheared off by tall Ponderosa pines but some passengers survived because the fuselage of the de Haviland Twin Otter remained largely intact,said Sheriff Joe Richards.The two crew members were killed,he said. National Park Service Ranger Paul Crawford,how was among the first to reach the wreckage,said some of the passengers were walking around when he arrived at the scene on a small ridge about 275 meters east of a runway. "They were shell shocked.They had that empty,dazed look,"he said. The twin engine Grand Canyon Airlines plane went down at 9:49 a.m.,said U.S.Federal Aviation Adminis tration spokeswoman Elly Brekke. Brekke said the plane hit trees,fipped over and crashed after veering on its landing approach.Elizabeth Sebold,co-owner of Grand Canyon Airlines,said from Las Vegas,New.,that the plane was on a sight seeing fight and was comin in for a landing. Seibold said all those aboard were from the United States. The identities of the dead and injured were not immediately available. Larry Nickey,a Grand Canyon National Park Fire Department captain,said there was fuel in the plane's cockpit area but the wreck age did not catch fire. Nickey said fire fightersvcut out the plane's bottom to free a man and a woman.He said they were the only two still alive in the plane when he arrived.

  • どなたか、翻訳お願いします。

    どなたか、翻訳お願いします。 ※翻訳サイトを使わない翻訳を、お願いします。 TUSAYAN,Ariz.,Sept.27 Sept 27 (NP)-A sight seeing plane crashed into a wooded hill near the Grand Canyon Airport on Wedensday,killing 10 people and injuring the other 11 people aboard. The aicraft's wings were sheared off by tall Ponderosa pines but some passengers survived because the fuselage of the de Haviland Twin Otter remained largely intact,said Sheriff Joe Richards.The two crew members were killed,he said. National Park Service Ranger Paul Crawford,how was among the first to reach the wreckage,said some of the passengers were walking around when he arrived at the scene on a small ridge about 275 meters east of a runway. "They were shell shocked.They had that empty,dazed look,"he said. The twin engine Grand Canyon Airlines plane went down at 9:49 a.m.,said U.S.Federal Aviation Adminis tration spokeswoman Elly Brekke. Brekke said the plane hit trees,fipped over and crashed after veering on its landing approach.Elizabeth Sebold,co-owner of Grand Canyon Airlines,said from Las Vegas,New.,that the plane was on a sight seeing fight and was comin in for a landing. Seibold said all those aboard were from the United States. The identities of the dead and injured were not immediately available. Larry Nickey,a Grand Canyon National Park Fire Department captain,said there was fuel in the plane's cockpit area but the wreck age did not catch fire. Nickey said fire fightersvcut out the plane's bottom to free a man and a woman.He said they were the only two still alive in the plane when he arrived.

  • どなたか、翻訳、お願いします。

    どなたか、翻訳、お願いします。 ※翻訳サイトを、なるべく使わずに翻訳してください。 日本語訳で訳してください。 困ってます どなたか、翻訳してください。 翻訳してくれないなら結構です。 翻訳してくれる人、お願いします。 ※翻訳サイトを使わない翻訳を、お願いします。 TUSAYAN,Ariz.,Sept.27 Sept 27 (NP)-A sight seeing plane crashed into a wooded hill near the Grand Canyon Airport on Wedensday,killing 10 people and injuring the other 11 people aboard. The aicraft's wings were sheared off by tall Ponderosa pines but some passengers survived because the fuselage of the de Haviland Twin Otter remained largely intact,said Sheriff Joe Richards.The two crew members were killed,he said. National Park Service Ranger Paul Crawford,how was among the first to reach the wreckage,said some of the passengers were walking around when he arrived at the scene on a small ridge about 275 meters east of a runway. "They were shell shocked.They had that empty,dazed look,"he said. The twin engine Grand Canyon Airlines plane went down at 9:49 a.m.,said U.S.Federal Aviation Adminis tration spokeswoman Elly Brekke. Brekke said the plane hit trees,fipped over and crashed after veering on its landing approach.Elizabeth Sebold,co-owner of Grand Canyon Airlines,said from Las Vegas,New.,that the plane was on a sight seeing fight and was comin in for a landing. Seibold said all those aboard were from the United States. The identities of the dead and injured were not immediately available. Larry Nickey,a Grand Canyon National Park Fire Department captain,said there was fuel in the plane's cockpit area but the wreck age did not catch fire. Nickey said fire fightersvcut out the plane's bottom to free a man and a woman.He said they were the only two still alive in the plane when he arrived.