
  • ジンバブエでは経済危機と1,000%のインフレにより、人々が生き残るのに苦労しています。
  • この経済危機とインフレは、専制的な指導者の政策によって引き起こされました。
  • ジンバブエでは、人々が経済危機とインフレから生き延びるために闘っています。
  • ベストアンサー


英語を訳してください。 the population is already struggling to survive an economic crisis and an inflation of 1,000 per cent, brought about by the policies of their tyrannical leader この文での1,000 per centとはどういう意味で使われてるのかがわかりません。 100%ではだめなんでしょうか? AIDSの話で、この段落はジンバブエについてです。 2行目のtheirはジンバブエの人々のことです。 ※tyrannical 専制的な 訳すときにコンマ以下の文章を the population is already struggling to survive an economic crisis and an inflation of 1,000 per cent のどこに入れたらいいのでしょうか?

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

 「(ジンバブエの)人々は既に、独裁的主導者の政策でもたらされた経済危機と、10倍のインフレの中で生き残りを賭けて苦闘している。」  1,000%とは、5万円のものが50万円する訳ですから十倍です。日本の戦後のインフレはこれよりひどかったと思います。  コンマ以下は、上記の様に入れてみました。

その他の回答 (1)

  • soixante
  • ベストアンサー率32% (401/1246)

The population is already struggling その人々(ジンバブエの人々は)は既に苦闘している to survive an economic crisis and an inflation of 1,000 per cent, 経済危機や、1,000%にもおよぶインフレを乗り越える為に brought about by the policies of their tyrannical leader 独裁的なリーダーの行った政治がもたらした(経済危機やインフレ) >100%ではだめなんでしょうか? ジンバブエのインフレ率は尋常ではありません。この文章では1,000%と書いてありますが、それどころではなく、2億%なんていわれてることもあったようです。 http://www.gamenews.ne.jp/archives/2008/03/post_3210.html 本当は知りませんが、今は収束しているとの報道もありました。 http://newsweekjapan.jp/foreignpolicy/2010/01/post-88.php


  • 英語が得意な方 和訳を助けてください。

    英語が得意な方 和訳を助けてください。うまく訳せなくて困っています。よろしくお願いします  In the second round of elections, however, the West German Communists got only 2.2 per cent of the vote and fell at the 5 per cent threshold clause that had, in the meantime, been introduced as an obstacle to entry into the Bundestag.

  • 変圧器の英文和訳

    うまくできなかったので、ご教示よろしくお願い致します。 A chief advantage of the per unit notation is that the numerical values of the circuit constants are of the same order of magnitude for windings of all voltage and current ratings, whereas the ohmic values vary widely. For usual power trans-formers, the total resistance is of the order of 1 per cent or less, the reactance from 7 to 15 per cent, and the magnetizing current 5 per cent, more or less. Typical values may, therefore, be: R1=R2=0.005; X1=X2=0.04; and XM=20. The core loss is usually less than 1per cent, so that, with XM=20, RM might be 2.

  • 英語:和訳

    英語のワークをしていて、どうしても和訳が上手くいかないところがあったので、ここに相談しにきました( ;´Д`) 誰か教えてください。お願いします(><;) ・These days it is fashionable to take about Japan's aging crisis.By now everyone knows the scenario.Early this century,people 65 or over will make up a quarter of the population.Worse yet,it is assumed that all these old people will be sick and their medical bills and pensions will become a burden on society. *aging crisis 高齢化問題 *scenario 予想される事態 *pension 年金

  • 難文の和訳をお願いします。

    国連の世界貿易レポートを読んでいるのですが、イマイチ理解できません。 大変長い文章ですが、和訳していただけませんでしょうか。 どうかよろしくお願いします。 On the basis of these macro-indicators of international production and firm-level evidence, UNCTAD estimates that about 80 per cent of global trade (in terms of gross exports) is linked to the international production networks of TNCs, either as intra-firm trade, through NEMs (which include, among others, contract manufacturing, licensing, and franchising), or through arm’s-length transactions involving at least one TNC (figure IV.14 and box IV.3). The total TNC network of the 52 foreign affiliates in Thailand comprises some 6,000 co-affiliates located in 61 countries around the world (the sum of affiliates of all 35 business groups). About 27 per cent of the foreign value added used by individual affiliates in Thailand (of the 75 per cent of foreign value added in exports) is sourced intra-firm from within their own TNC networks or business groups. On the downstream side, an estimated 65 per cent of foreign affiliate exports is absorbed by firms within their own network. Downstream linkages are more concentrated, with potential intra-firm export connections limited to some 850 co-affiliates.

  • 英語について

    英語について There is also a relationship between the length of these pieces of wood and their strength.Their strength is inversely proportional to their length. 訳をお願いします。 特に、the length of these pieces of wood の訳が分りません。 また、なんでtheseやtheirのように複数形なんでしょうか?

  • これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。

    これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。助けてください。よろしくお願いします。 The results of the single-list elections to the Volkskammer in the years from 1950 to 1986(i.e. in the periods of Walter Ulbricht and Erich Honecker), show a cluster of ‘Yes’ votes developing clearly in parallel and a turnout in the election giving percentages that look rather suspicious. The numbers were all well over 90 per cent, ranging towards the 100 per cent mark. With a turnout, for example, in1986 of 99.74 per cent with 99.4 per cent ‘Yes’ votes, the suspicion of fraud was obvious. The constitution of the GDR was reminiscent of the Weimar one in form. Germany was referred to as an ‘indivisible democratic republic’ based on Lander.

  • 英語→日本語に訳して下さい

    イギリスにある学校の奨学金を取ろうと思っていますが、 下の英文がよくわかりません。 解釈を間違っていると大変なので、 どなたかわかる方教えて下さい。 よろしくお願いします。 In order to secure a place on the course intending applicants are advised not to delay booking their courses pending submission of their scholarship application. The scholarship scheme will not guarantee places on the course if it is already fully booked by the time the applicant’s booking is made. Those offered scholarships will be expected to accept the award by email, fax or telephone within seven days of notification and, if they have not already done so, book their course and forward their deposit within 21 days of notification. ○○School reserves the right, but shall not be obliged, to publish the names of those awarded scholarships.

  • 経済問題(英語)

    If national income accounts fail to make an adequate adjustment for increases in the quality of goods and services over time, a. real GDP will overstate the growth rate of real output b. the GDP deflator will underestimate inflation c. the GDP deflator will overestimate inflation d. real GDP will overstate the growth rate of real output, and the GDP deflator will understate inflation どなたか分かる方、よろしくお願いします!!

  • この英文の和訳お願いします。 難しいです。

    There are therefore 192 subjects(forty per cent of the sample) whose happiness and domestic efficiency are to a greater or lesser extent dependent on the ready accessibility of their children or other relatives. No solution of the problems of old age will be acceptable to the people themselves or to their children which does not take the family factor into account. King, Sir Geoffrey, formerly Permanent Secretary, Ministry, of Pensions and National Insurance, "Policy and Practice", Old Age in the Modern World, 1995. Studies in other places such as Hammersmith, Acton, and Northern Ireland have also produced some evidence of close ties between old people and their relatives and of a willingness to bear the burden of nursing care. But the evidence gained in these inquiries was incidental to their main purposes. There has been no specialized study of the place of the old person in the family. Yet such detailed knowledge may be fundamental to any understanding of old age or of its problems. That is the starting point of this study. How often do old people see their children and their brothers and sisters, and do they live near or far? What services do relatives perform for each other every day and at times of crisis? What is the differences in family role of an old man and an old woman? Can a more precise meaning be given to loneliness and social isolation and what does it mean to be widowed, single, or childless? Is the status of old people undergoing change? Which old people make the greatest demand on the State aid or replace the efforts of the family? These are some of the questions which will be discussed in this report.

  • 英語の翻訳をお願いいたしますm(__)m

    Water is our most important natural resource. Yet though water covers most of the Earth, only 2.5% of it is salt-free. Demand for fresh water has risen sharply in the last 50 years, and it is still going up. That’s already causing serious problems. Finding the right solutions may be one of the biggest challenges of our time. There are several reasons behind the growing crisis. The first is waste. About 70% of our fresh water is used to grow crops. It takes 1,000 tons of water to grow just one ton of wheat. Unfortunately, around 60% of that water is wasted. Better irrigation methods would help the situation. Pollution is another big problem. Many of the world’s great rivers, such as the Ganges in India, are badly polluted. Yet 350 million people rely on the Ganges. Their health is affected by the health of the river. Steps are being taken to clean up some waterways, but it is expensive and can take years. Overuse also puts pressure on water supplies. In the USA, 95% of the country’s fresh water comes from underground sources. With so much water being used to grow crops and raise livestock, water levels are dropping rapidly. Once used, those supplies are gone forever, since they are not refilled by rainwater. The key there is to lower demand. In many places around the world, people already live in crisis. More than one billion people have no access to clean water. That leads to millions of deaths every year, including thousands of children dying every day in Africa. By 2025, as many as 25 African countries may face severe water shortages. The situation could even lead to wars over water rights. The fresh water crisis is not limited to poor regions. Indeed, rich and poor countries from Asia to Europe to North America are facing shortages. It’s a growing problem that could soon affect us all.