• ベストアンサー

Day by day, The boy has gone to p


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  • ベストアンサー率28% (1424/5027)

質問に率直に答えると、 「普通は(英語では)そのような言い方をしないと思う。」 ということになります。 日本語を英訳したいのであれば、私だったら Day after day, he have traveled to past and to future attempting to change the past and the future for his own benefit, ever since he got hold of the mysterious clock. のようにすると思います。(あまり自信はありませんが)


  • 英訳です。

    英訳です。 Day by day, The boy has gone to past or future since he got the mysterious clock. and, He tried change the course of his better convenience past or future. これを訳したら「少年がその魔法の時計を手にしてから来る日も来る日も過去や未来にいき、彼にとって都合の良い歴史に変えようとした」という意味になりますか?

  • One day a boy found a clock.

    One day a boy found a clock. The clock which move a hour hand to the left can go to past and move a hour hand to the right can go to the future is mysterious clock. The boy who knew the thing gladly took the mysterious clock home. って 訳すとこんな感じですよね? ある日、少年が時計を拾いました。 その時計は針を左に動かせば過去へ、右に動かせば未来へ行く事ができる不思議な時計です。 その事を知った少年は嬉しそうに不思議な時計を持ち帰りました。

  • 現在完了形にagoは使わない?

    現在完了には過去の一時点を表すyesterday とか ~ago が使えないのは知っています。でも He has been sick since yesterday. はOKですよね。 ならば「2日前から」の時 He has been sick since two days ago. とは言わないのでしょうか。 問題集などには He has been sick for two days. と言い換えるように書いてありますが。 He has been in the hospital since he got sick two days ago. は言えますよね? どなたか疑問にお答えください!

  • 教えてください

    和訳しても分からないです But for the past century or so,artificial daylight has been available around the clock, and there is plenty to do at any time of day or night.

  • 添削と解説お願いいたします。

    こんばんは。 よろしくお願いいたします。 各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように( )に適語を入れなさい。 (1)He left the hotel, and then we reached it. When we reached the hotel, he (had) already ( left ). (2)It is seven years since they got married. Seven years ( )( )since they got married. これがわかりません。彼らが結婚してから7年がたった・・。 (3)It began to rain four days, and it will keep raining until tomorrow. It ( will )( have ) ( keep ) raining for six days tomorrow. お願いいたします。

  • asの用法

    " The future will not be better than the past or the present, as Americans are trained to see things, unless people use their time for construstive, future-oriented activities." の英文の時、"as" はどんな意味をとるのでしょうか? 辞書でひいてみたのですが、いい意味が見つからなくて困っています。 「~のように」で訳すと文が変ですよね? どなたか英語に詳しい方、教えてください(><)

  • 話法の転換。

    1) He said to me, "Please give me something to eat. I have eaten nothing since yeserday," 2) He said to me, "Which do you like better, this or that?". よろしくお願いいたします。

  • サマライズの添削

    Holesという小説のひとつの章をサマライズしました、よければ文法見ていただけると助かります In chapter 41 of Holes, Zero takes a change for the better. Since Stanley and Zero's clothes are very dirty, they are rinse them. While washing their clothes, Zero frankly confesses his story to Stanley. When Zero was a child, he had stole what he needed. He was not taught thieving was not good by his mother. One day, he wanted to change a pair of shoes, then he found an old shoes and he took it. Zero did not know whose shoes is. It is Clyde Livingston's shoes. He placed them on top of a parked car. Eventualy,Zero was arrested since he tried to steal a pair of new shoes next day.

  • 使役動詞

    For instance, we were with his friend, and the friend said he hasn't done laundry since the day he got married. My boyfriend then announced that he never did laundry until he got divorced. I said, "Well, aren't you doing your own laundry now?" His reply was, "I've got my daughter doing it." I've got my daughter doing it.はI've gotの代わりにI haveと言うとdoingではなくdoですよね?なぜなのでしょうか?I get my daughter to do it.はより口語的、という理解で良いでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • off the table

    We’ve had a string of (really) bad roommates, but recently a good friend moved in with us. He’s amazing. He makes delicious coffee for us every morning. He cleans up. He’s a great guy. He moved in with us because he just ended a five-year relationship with his fiancée. Since he’s recently single and my roommate, he’s very much off the table, but this past weekend we got drunk and hooked up. off the tableとhooked upの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします