• ベストアンサー


1) He said to me, "Please give me something to eat. I have eaten nothing since yeserday," 2) He said to me, "Which do you like better, this or that?". よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー

and の前のコンマは絶対というルールはありませんが,このくらいの長さの節をつなぐのであれば コンマはあった方がいいです。 He said, "I like this." → He said (that) he liked that. 直接話法では,現実に目の前にあるものを this と言っているわけですが, 間接話法の場合,時間的かつ場所的にも別のところで振り返っているわけですから, 近くにある this ではなく,遠くにある that に変わるというのがルールです。 しかし,ついさっき言ったことで,書いている今も,発言をしたさっきも 場所も同じというのであれば,やはり目の前にあるわけですから this ということになります。 それに今回の this or that というのは特に場所が近い遠いというより, 別のものと区別するための表現です。 したがって,this or that は変えようがありません。 単にルールとして書き換えるというのでなく,どのような場面なのかということも考える必要があります。 そういう意味で like も時制を一致させず He asked me which I like better, this or that. というのがふさわしいように思います。






再びのご回答ありがとうございます。 ところで、見つかった旺文社の答えには、He aske me which of the two I like better.とあったのですが、どう思われますか。 お願いします。

その他の回答 (1)


1) please つき命令文は ask 人 to 原形「人に~するように頼む」で書き換えます。 後半は単に言ったことだから tell 人 that を用います。 He asked me to give him something to eat, and told me that he had eaten nothing since the day before[the previous day]. あるいは He asked me to give him something to eat because he had eaten nothing since ... のように because をつけるか。 間接話法というのは,実際の発言内容を客観的にストーリー・テラーとなって言い換えるわけですから, いろいろ可能だと思います。 ルールはルールとしてありますが。 2) 疑問詞付きの疑問文は間接疑問文にして,ask (人)に続ける。 He asked me which I liked better, this or that. 「言った」のがついさっきなどで,like という習慣性を活かせば liked は like でもいいです。



ご回答ありがとうございます。 ところで、 1)のandの前のカンマは、あってもなくてもどちらでも可ですか。 2) thisはthatにとかいう原則みたいなのありませんでしたっけ? hereがthereみたいな。 thatはどうすれば、みたいな疑問がわいてきてしまいますが。 引き続き、お願いします。


  • 英語話法の解答を教えて下さい(高校受験)

    (1)She asked me to give my name. She (     )to me,” (     )give(     )name.” (2)They said to me,”We arrived here yesterday.” They told me that (     )(     )(     )there the day before. (3)He said that he(     ) nothing since morning. ア.eats  イ.ate  ウ.has eaten  エ.had eaten (4)He said to me,”Are you fond of music?” He(     )me(     )I (     )fond of music. (5)She said to me,”Are you a student?” She (     )me(     )(     )(     )a student. (6)She said to me,”Are you interested in music?”(間接話法に書き換えなさい) (7)私はベティにパリへ行ったことがあるかどうか尋ねた。 I asked Betty (     )she(     ) visited Paris.

  • 話法を変えて書き換えるにはどうしたらいいですか

    話法を変えて書き換えるにはどうしたらいいですか 1 The man said to me ,"Would you show me your album?" 2 She asked her mother whether she might go on a picnic some of our friends if it was fine the next Saturday. 3 This morning my father told me that he was going fishing in the lake tomorrow and asked me if I would not go with him. 4 She said she hada seen her brother the previous week but that she had not seen him since. 5 She said he was giving a party that week but she was sorry not be invited to it. 6 I said to my mother ," I am thirsty . Please give me something to drink." 7 The child said ,"What a long nose this animal has!" 8 Tom asked Lucy what she thought of his plan. できたら和訳も教えてください。 よろしくお願いします

  • 話法を変えるにはどうしたらいいですか

    話法を変えるにはどうしたらいいですか 1 Their father told them not to go too far away or they would get lost 2 To my surprise he said to me, "I've sold all those you gave me yesterday." 3 Yesterday my friend said to me,"will you help me?"  "Yes," I said,"but not until tomorrow. 4 he said to me ,"Let me do it." 和訳も教えていただければ嬉しいです! よろしくお願いします!!

  • 話法教えてください

    1誤りを正しての書き直し When he said to me what is the matter with me,I said him that I have not slept well. →When he asked me what was the matter with me ,I (    ) that I had not slept. 2文意が同じになるように He said to her , "Why didn't you attend the party?" = He asked(                                 ). 3話法を変えて 3-1Ken said ," What's wrong with you, Jon ?"・・・・"I have a headance," said Jon. →Ken asked Jon what was wrong wtih (  ). Jon (    ) (    )had a headance. 3-2He said to me ,"Let me do it ." →He asked me to let (   ) do it. 4直接・間接話法に 彼は私に「明日は忙しいから行けないよ」と昨夜言っていた 直接→Last night , he said to me ,"I won't go (    )because I will be busy ." 間接→Last night , he told me he wouldn't go (    )because I would be busy . よろしくお願いします

  • 間接話法の質問です。

    間接話法の質問です。 いつも偉そうに回答ばかりさせていただいてますので、今回質問させていただきます。ずーっと悩んできたことです。以下の文をそれぞれ間接話法に直していただけませんでしょうか? 1)He said to me, "It is three years since we first met." 2)He said to me, "It has been three years since we first met." 3)He said to me, "Three years have passed since we first met." すみません。頭が固くなっているのか、時制の一致の部分が分からなくなってしまいました。お願いいたします。

  • 話法の問題が解けません。

    話法の問題が解けません。 1. She said to him, "Please help me with her homework." She ( ) him ( ) help her with her homework. 2.She said to me, "Do you remember me?" She ( ) me ( ) I remembered her. 3. She said to him, "What do you mean?" She ( ) him ( ) ( ) ( ). 4. She said to him, "Let's talk about it." She ( ) to him that ( ) ( ) talk about it. 5. She said, "How happy I am!" She said with joy that she was ( ) happy. 6.He said, "May God help me!" He ( ) that God ( ) help him. 7. Yesterday she said to me, "I'll see you tomorrow". Yesterday she told me that she would see me ( ).

  • 話法教えてください

    話法教えてください 1He said to me "Where did you buy this dictionary?" He asked me Where ~ 2Tom invited me to join them. Tom said to me, ~ 3She asked him why he hadn't told her the truth. She said to him,~ 4She asked me if was sure I would get a letter from Judy. She said to me ,~ 5He said to me , "I'm going fisihing tomorrow , Will you come with me?" He told me he was going fishing ~ よろしくお願いします

  • 話法 について教えてください。

    He said to us, “I have been busy since last year.” を間接話法に書き換えるとHe told us that he had been busy since the year before. となると思うのですが、 since the year beforeの部分をどのように理解すればよいのか教えてください。

  • sayとtellについて

    He told me something.=He said something to me. 「彼は私に何か言った」 と書かれているのですが He said to me something. では間違いですか?

  • 話法の問題教えてください

    話法の問題教えてください 1 話法を書き換え   She asked me if I was sure I would get a letter from judy.    → She said to him , " Why (              ) me the truth?" 2 (1)直接話法(2)間接話法  2-1彼は私に「どれが一番良いプランだと思いますか。と言った    (1) He said to me,"Which (               )?"    (2) He asked to me (                  ). 2-2私は彼に「バスで行くのですか、それともタクシーで行くのですか。」と言った    (1) I said to him,"(    )you go by bus or by taxi?"    (2) I asked him if he (         )by busor by taxi.  2-3「どこで髪を切ってもらったの?」とミキは私に尋ねた    (2) Miki asked me where (             ) my hair cut. よろしくお願いします