• ベストアンサー


英語の問題です。 ○次の説明に相当する単語を書きなさい。なお、最初の文字は指定してある。  a spoken or written piece of information passed from one person to another                                        (m       ) どうかお願いします!


  • ベストアンサー
  • saekopon
  • ベストアンサー率46% (21/45)




messageですか。確かに! それは思いつきませんでした。 ありがとうございます。



  • ~は人によって異なる

    「~は人によって異なる」という表現を「vary from person to person」 と書いたら「vary from one person to another」と書き直されました。 私としては person to person はとても有名な表現で多くの参考書にも載っているので使ったのですが、間違っているのでしょうか? ちなみに one person to another は別解で載っています。

  • 英語

    My friends passed me ( )piece of bread. ①other ②another ③many ④a few なんで①、②、④がダメなのか教えてください

  • 日本語に訳してください。よろしくお願いします。

    ・To put something in a place where it can`t be seen easily. ・To send from one person to another. ・Relating to the use of words. ・In the form of spirals or curves. ・Being able to be trusted.

  • [英語]()に入るものを教えて下さい><

    1. These books will give you () about the topic. (1) useful information (2) a useful information (3) an useful information (4) some useful information 2. You have to change () at the next station for New York. (1) train (2) trains (3) a train (4) the train 3. You can see a () of small fish in the river. (1) herd (2) flock (3) pack (4) school 4. () of the boys plays very well in the baseball game. (1) Each (2) Every (3) All (4) Some 5. I consider () necessary to meet him in a week. (1) it (2) one (3) this (4) that 6. This brand of coffee is different from () I usually buy. (1) one (2) the one (3) which (4) it 7. The twin sisters look so much alike that I can't tell one from (). (1) other (2) another (3) the other (4) others 8. I don't want () of these two dresses. (1) nothing (2) either (3) neither (4) none

  • 英語の和訳なのですが、、、

    学生なんですけど英語が苦手で なかなか和訳できません だから教えてください 題名:Written Language 内容: Children between the ages of two and five are able to acquire a spoken language without much help. Parents may help by correcting mistakes, but children learn to speak mostly by listening to the people around them. They imitate the sounds that they have heard. On the other hand, writing systems must be taught. In Japan for example, children learn how to read and write kanji, hiragana, and katakana for a number of years. They have teachers and textbooks to help them. Speech is a very efficient method of communication. No tools are needed. The sounds that are used are made with the lungs, throat, tongue and mouth. Speech is also very quick. Speaking a sentence is much faster than writing it down. Needless to say, speech also has limitations. To begin with, once a sound is made, it disappers forever, so communication is limited to that particular time and place. Ideas that are passed on from person to person must be remembered and repeated precisely. Also, since spoken words are stored only in the minds of the listener, what is spoken can be forgotten or remembered incorrectly. With written language, however, a writer can carefully create sentences that communicate his or her ideas precisely. Once the words are written down, they can be read by anyone who can read that language. 結構長いですがよろしくお願いします

  • 英語

    (1)~(3)まで教えてください。 According to researchers from the University of Manchester, 90% of the world's language are ((1)) to disappear by 2050. One such tongue is Tofa, spoken by only about 60 people who keep reindeer on the empty land in Siberia. One of the researchers speaks the language, and says that he can speak fluently enough to be able to express anything he wants to say. The researchers have been trying to keep records of endangered languages or videos. They have done fieldwork across the globe to investigate languages ranging from Faroese (50,000 speakers) to Banawa, one of 300 languages spoken in the Amazon basin. At a recent meeting, Yaron Matras, who speaks 13 languages, played a recording of a British Romani speaker made in the 1950s. He said that British Romani is now ((2)) at the level of extinction, and he is ((3)) looking for the alleged four or five families in Wales who still speak it. There is no shortage of languages. At the last count there were about 6,000 , but only 4% of them are spoken by 96% of the people in the world. About 10 languages, including English, Arabic, and Hindi, are spoken by more than 100 million people each. No one needs to worry about them. But the little languages with little chance of survival need help. According to a professor at the University of Manchester, people are aware of threats to ecology and of species dying out, but they don't realize that we are leaving languages to die out. It is true that every languages is the repository of the culture of the people who speak it. When we lose the last speaker, we lose the people's cultural memory.

  • フルーツバスケットを英語で説明

    フルーツバスケットのようなゲームを英語で説明したいので、添削・英訳お願いしたいです。 出来るだけ簡単な単語や言い回しで表現したいです>< よろしくお願いします。 1. Move our desks to the walls and windows. 2. Bring our chairs and make a big circle. 3. The number of chairs is reduced from one total of the participant 4. And put the one chair in a circle. 5. First, I stand in a circle and choose a piece of paper written a sentence in English from the box. 6. I read the sentence. (5&6⇒ はじめは私が真ん中に立って、箱の中から1枚の紙を選び、その英文を読みます) 6. その英文に該当する人は、席をたって違う席に移動します 7. 椅子は1つ少ないので、1人椅子に座れません 8. 座れなかったひとは、真ん中に立ち、また1枚紙を選び、書かれた英文を読みます よろしくお願いします。

  • 間違い教えてください

    間違い教えてください 1)It is one of the best plays that has ever been written. 2)On top of the mountain stands various monuments to peace. 和訳も教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • この文の訳と構造お願いします。

    What people believe the duties of men and women to be differs from one country to another.

  • from one ~ to the other ~

    場所は二つ以上あり、ある物体がその内の一つから場所から別の場所に移されたと表現する場合はfrom one ~ to the other ~と表現すればよいでしょうか? otherの前のtheを省くべきか、anotherにすべきか迷っています。 from one ~ to other ~ from one ~ to another ~ anotherは、an otherなのでその一つの場所に対して別の場所は一つという意味なので違うと考えています。 例) The object is moved from one place to the other place.