• ベストアンサー


Her job is no find new markets abroad for her company's newest line of shampoo and facial soap for ladies.

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • maka4414
  • ベストアンサー率64% (9/14)

彼女の仕事は彼女の会社のものになり、 海外で最も新しい市場が裏打ちするシャンプーと女性にとって顔の、石鹸の掘り出し物ではありません。 こんな感じになりましたが・・・。 少しでもお力になればと思います。

その他の回答 (1)

  • mabomk
  • ベストアンサー率40% (1414/3521)

Her job is to [no] find new markets abroad for her company's newest line of shampoo and facial soap for ladies. 彼女の仕事は自社の新商品のシャンプーと女性用洗顔石けんの海外市場開拓をすることです。 [no]は[to]のミスタイプ(typo)ですね。


  • 英語の訳について分からないことがあります。

    The weather is fantastic. She is good at her work and has had listened to her presentation about her products he was convinced that the new shampoo wouldbecome a big hit. He placed a large order with her company, and the shampoo will be on store shelves by March at the latest. この二つの文について訳を教えてください。 また、newest line というのはどういう意味ですか?

  • 関係代名詞についていくつか確認

    関係代名詞について、以下のような理解で正しいでしょうか? She works for a company that makes this washing machines. 目の前にある洗濯機を作っている会社は1社しかありえないので、the company としなくてはいけない。 She works for a company that makes a wide range of household appliances. 関係代名詞以下が一社に限定する程の文章ではないので、a company のままで良い。 This washing machine is made by the company that she works for. the company, which she works for と絶対に変えなくてははならない。 Speaking of her, the company that she works for began to make washing machines. she works for は the company を特定するものなので、, which とする必要はないし、してはならない。 the company employed the woman who is one of my friends. 女性はすでに特定されているので、 who の前にコンマを挿入しなくてはいけない。 She told me about her new job which she's enjoying very much. new job は普通1つと思われるので、which の前にコンマを挿入しなくてはいけない。 She told me about her new work which she's very enjoying very much. この場合、work は1つとは限らないので、制限用法のままでも良いし、非制限用法に変えても違いはない。 宜しくお願い致します。

  • 文法が正しいがチェックお願いします。

    He applied for a new job, and the company called him in for an interview.

  • 英語の訳をお願いします!

    Sometimes a person‘s whole life can be changed in an instant.Elizabeth Blackwell‘s life changed one afternoon in 1844 when she went to visit a friend who was dying.As Blackwell later described the scene, the dying woman asked her why she did not think of studying medicine, since she was smart and healthy.When Elizabeth reminded her friend that there were no women doctors,the woman sighed and said that if she had been treated by a ‘lady doctor,‘ she might not be dying.At that time, it was not considered proper for women to talk about or know anything about the human body. Elizabeth‘s sick friend had been so ashamed to mention her internal problems to a man that she hid her pain for too long.When she finally sought treatment, it came too late to save her life. Elizabeth couldn‘t get the dying woman‘s suggestion out of her mind. She decided to devote her life to medicine. To earn money for her medical training, Elizabeth took a teaching job in North Carolina.It happened that the principal of the school where she worked was a medical doctor.He had lots of medical books,and Elizabeth  to read them was free when her teaching work was done.She wrote to twentyーnine medical schools asking for admission.Most didn‘t even reply, and the ones that did were very rude.Friends suggested that she dress up as a man to attend medical school, but Elizabeth wanted to be accepted for what she was.A small medical college in NewYork finally said ‘yes.‘ Elizabeth graduated in 1849 at the head of her class,the first woman in the United States to receive a medical degree. 

  • 英語のジョークと訳教えてください!

    An 'F' In Sex A seven-year-old child returned from her first day in a new class sobbing bitterly.Her mother asked her what the problem was.The little girl showed her mother a form, listing her name, address, class,sex,etc.'Mommy, look,' she cried, pointing to the form.'they gave me an 'F' in sex and I didn't even learn about it yet!' Simple Reason Concerned, a man took his Rottweiler to the veterinarian.'My dog's cross-eyed,'he said.'Is there something you can do for him?' 'Let's have a look at him,' said the vet, lifting the dog up to examine his eyes.'I'm going to have to put him down,'he finally said.'Just because he's cross-eyed?' exclaimed the alarmed pet owner. 'No,' said the vet.'Because he's heavy.' 宜しくお願いします!!

  • 英語の訳をして欲しいです

     一度訳したのですがどうしても変な訳になって内容があまりよくつかめないのでどなたか訳していただけませんか⁇ Eventually in a friendship one can begin to take small services for granted - the loan of a dress, a phone call to find out vital information - but no one expects a real sacrifice. No matter how desperately my friend might need a babysitter, she would never ask me to miss a day's work to take care of her child. I have sometimes been very confused when foreign friends did remarkable things for me - drove me great distances or took the subway to the airport to meet me. Such things are not in our vocabulary, and I find it difficult to respond. For the average American, the feeling of being indebted is practically a physical pain. When a neighbor had to store some things in my freezer after hers broke down, she could not rest until she had made me a special dinner. I rescued another neighbor's runaway dog, and she brought me a cake. In point of fact, most of us are human and like to be helpful and would not mind receiving only thanks for a good deed. It is not a coincidence that the only person on our block who borrows our garden tools was born in trinidad. We are delighted to loan them, but our other neighbors would rather buy their own, even if it means spendng a lot for something they use once a year.

  • 短英文添削希望

    英作してみたのですが、自信が無いので添削お願いします。 ここで靴を脱がなければいけませんか? いいえ、その必要はありません。 Should I take off shoes here? No, you do not need. あと、この問題も解いてみたけれど自信が無いのでよければ見てください。 (1)()を過去完了か過去完了進行形にして全文を書き換えろ。 she wore the new dress that her husband(buy)for her. →she wore the new dress that her husband bought for her.

  • 教えてください

    英語の文にしてください 私はとても忙しく野球の試合に行けません まず第一にその機械の使い方がわからないのです マキは子供にもわかるくらいゆっくり話した各文の( )内の語句を意味が通るように並べかえてください (too,much,is,eating,bad)for your health You don not have to be (mistakes,of,making,afraid) Her job is (to,Japanese,the children ,teaching )from abroad Amy (playing,practice,the violin)for two hours よろしくお願いします

  • [英語]並び替え問題を教えて下さい><

    1. Had () () () () () () her father was once the president of the company, she would never have been employed. (1) it (2) the fact (3) been (4) for (5) not (6) that 2. It was () () () () () () I discovered how important it is to be able to speak English. (1) I (2) not (3) to work (4) that (5) until (6) began 3. I heard a rumor that the man was very dangerous and that on () () () () () () child alone. (1) account (2) leave (3) you (4) no (5) must (6) your

  • 英文の訳をお願いします

    Fragrance aimed at getting Singaporeans in the mood for love will soon be sold abroad, after being used in a government-backed campaign aimed at boosting the city-state's declining birthrate His and hers "Romance Singapore Eau de Parfum" will soon be exported to Asia, North America and Europe, said Jen Chan, marketing manager for the company that handles the scents, Cosmetical Asia Pte. Ltd. The perfumes---a floral essence for her and a musky scent for him--were created by chemistry students from Singapore Polytechnic prep school to coincide with the island country's "Romancing Singapore" campaign in February this year. The campaign was a government-backed effort to help citizens find love and boost the country's record-low birthrate. The perfumes are being marketed globally because of their "over-whelming popularity" Singapore Polytechnic said in a statement. "14,000 bottles of the perfumes handed out at various Romancing singapore events were snapped up and an additional 3,000 limited-edition bottles were sold out in record time," it said, without elaborating. The perfumes will be sold in 50-milliliter bottles at 49 Singapore dol-lars (US$29.70; euro23.7) locally from Friday