• ベストアンサー




目的によってエッセイの書き方も変わります。 LDSという機関がどういうものなのかを書いて頂けると 他の方も添削しやすいように思います。 それと気になる点は語学学校であれば、そこまで高いレベルのものは 求められませんが、何らかのdegreeを取りに行く、 certificateを取りに行くのであれば、ネガティブな理由は一切、 書かないことです。むしろ、自分にはこれができる、 そしてこれを伸ばすためにはその学校のそのプログラムの こういう部分がなければ実現できない。なのでこの学校を 選んだ、と書くのが最も効果的です。(当然、ネガティブと 言っても、世界には飢餓で苦しんでいる人がいて、経済学で あればそれを解消できるというような規模の大きいことで あれば、別です。僕の友人はこれで院に留学していましたので。) 英語の質の良さはその次ですね。なので最後の理由の1文めは 不要です。ただ、2文めからはしっかりした理由になっていると 思うので、これをもっと拡張してください。1から3番めの理由も 1つにできるのではないでしょうか?「別にマーケティングなら 他でもあるくない?」と思われてしまったら エッセイを書く意味がありません。例えば、学校のサイトを 見た限りでは規模は小さいながらも多種多様な人種が 集まってきている学校なんですよね? それとご自身のしたいこととを関連づける、 というのも1つの手段です。 200のエッセイであれば、そこまで重視していないのかも しれませんが、念には念を、です。文章をもう少し練り直して みてはいかがでしょうか?



大変丁寧に教えて頂きありがとうございます 先ほど再度練り直して教えてGOOに再度UPしてみました。またご都合よろしければお願いします<(_ _)>


  • 留学の際のエッセイ

    下記内容でエッセイを書きました、内容などご指摘いただくと助かります。 Describe why you want to attend an institution within the LDS Church Educational System and what value you will add to that institution. (200 words or less) I want to be a spiritually-advanced person and contribute people to be happier. There are several reasons that I choose the institution of church, BYUH. I want to learn from those who have the same sense of value. Additionally, I am fascinated by your motto “ENTER TO LEARN GO FORTH TO SERVE.” I want to serve people as an ultimate work after my graduation. I believe that BYUH is the only school that may teach me how to serve for people. I have only a child. Being able to stay near the temple and have church’s friends would give a good chance to nurture him. But also, strengthen our testimony to God. Nothing is more valuable than it for us. Finally, after graduation I will put my all into environmental job. My wife’s father has own his company and has some products to make an improvement on the green issue. I want to disseminate his products widely across to the world. I will contribute to the world as BYUH alumnus and I am spontaneous therefore, I outspoken to brighten up in class. I would be a crucial person. For these reasons, I want to be matriculated at BYUH.(198)

  • 留学の際のエッセイ

    お願いします。下記の文章はentrance essayです。 I want to be a spiritually advanced person and contribute to people’s happiness. My motivation to apply BYUH is to learn from those who have the same values as I have. I am fascinated by your motto “ENTER TO LEARN, GO FORTH TO SERVE,” I want to serve people. I believe that BYUH is the best school for me to learn how to serve others. I have a child who is one year old and whose name is ○○. It means God’s messenger. He likes people; with his arms spread, he always begs someone to hold him up, his smile makes people comfortable. He is already offering love to people as God’s messenger. Being able to stay near temples and have church friends gives me a good chance to nurture him. Nothing is more valuable than this for him. Additionally, I am temporary a worker, and my job is unstable. Therefore, I want to remove myself from this situation. Fortunately, my wife’s father owns a company and has some products to improve environmental issues. I want to disseminate his ideas worldwide and contribute to the world as a BYUH alumnus. For these reasons, I want to enroll at BYUH.(199) 知り合いのTESOL関係の方に見てもらったところ1点指摘されました 指摘箇所:3段落目のcomfortable 指摘内容:Word choice. This is strange to say. 「彼の笑顔が人々を慰める(癒す)」と言いたいのですが his smile nurses people's soulと言えますでしょうか? ※以前からエッセイを助けていただいている皆様へ このBYUHのTESOLの方から次のようなアドバイスをもらったため上記のようなエッセイに変えました you may want to add some details to your personal story about your son and wife. Using their names and a few personal details may make this paper more personal because you will sound more like an individual with a real life. This personal touch will attract the readers of your entrance essays.

  • 留学のエッセイに関して

    お願いします。留学のスレで伺うことかもしれないのですがこちらで質問いたします。留学のエッセイで以下のような文章があります Describe why you want to attend an institution within the LDS Church Educational System and what value you will add to that institution. (200 words or less) 前半は分かるのですが後半の その大学(機関)にあなたがどんな価値をもたらすことができるか、あなたがいかにその大学の価値を高められるか ・・これはなんと書いていいものか悩んでいます。例えば私がバスケをしていてプロ選手としてばりばりあなたの学校宣伝しますよ!とかでしたらいいのですが私は「ビジネスマーケティング」を専攻を希望していますのでそうもいかず。こういうのってアメリカ人だったらすらすらかけるんでしょうね・・ よろしければアドバイスを頂けると助かります

  • 留学のエッセイ

    お願いします。丸投げしているようであまり好きではないのですがどーーしても分からないのでお知恵を拝借させてください 今留学の際のエッセイを書いています。下記日本語を英語にどう訳せばいいのでしょうか 私がBYUHに行きたい理由の先ず一つは教会の学校だからとうことです。同じ土台、考え、信条を持った教授陣から授業を受けるのとそうではない教授から受けるクラスは同じ内容の授業であっても真理の捉え方に違いが出てきます。そういった意味で同じ価値観をもつ先生から受ける授業に大きな魅力を感じます。 以下途中まで考えた文章 There are several reasons why I choose BYUH. That’s because church’s institution. First of all, even if the class to receive from the teacher who is・・・

  • 私の日記です、また添削お願いします。

    英語日記は私にとっては難しいですが、ここで終わっってしまっては夢が叶いません。I want to learn and I want to speak English when I get a chance to go to US someday.一日一回、声を出して言いながら頑張ります。 Hi, My Crystal! You know today's story, don't you? Your answer is right! Ok, let’s start. Last Saturday, I played golf with my husband. We play golf one time a month. But this January and February, I couldn't play golf. Because while then I was not enough good about my health. I love playing golf and want to do more and more! But it's cost is expensive in Japan. Have you ever played golf? I hope I will play with you, someday, Crystal! I forgot I said to you about my score. It was 103. I want to get less than 100. It is not easy for me, so I will do my best! Sorry, my husband calls me. I have to say to you "Have a nice week end, my Little Sweet crystal!"

  • 英作文の添削お願いします。

    問題文はImagine yourself ten years from now. Describe your life at that time,and the steps you will take to get there.という内容です。 After ten years from now,I will be an English teacher. To become an English teacher, there are three steps. First, I enter a university. I will study English hard there. Second, I go to theU.S. to study English. I would like to learn English expressions and American culture. At the same time, I want to make friends with there. I will have a good time with new friends. In addition to that, I would like to visit traditional placeses in theU.S. these experiences let me grow up to teach skills. Third, I get the teacher's license. Through these steps, I will be an English teacher. 文法的な誤りや内容構成など添削よろしくお願いします。

  • 留学志望の添削をお願いします!!

    現在大学生です。カナダへの留学を希望しており、留学志望書を書いているのですが・・・ I have three objects for this studying abroad program. First, it is to get ability which can handle correct business English and can use daily conversation. I want to work all over the world in the future, and globalization apread at a high speed. After a few years, we will not work enough without English. In addition to, communication is very important not only daily life but also work. So, I think that I have to get on these abilities. Second, it is to learn Canadian culture and Christianity. The religion affects the country culture and daily life in many foreign countries. It is a part of difference points from Japan. I feel difference about the religion from my experience through studying abroad and want to apply at work or life in the future. Finally, it is to make a lot of friends. I have only Japanese friends. Most people have the same sense of values as Japanese, so I hardly find a brand new attitude over the nation. If I make a lot of friends without nationality, Iwoll be able to get 800 TOEIC score. This goal is very difficult for me. But it is not impossible and I have a confidence that I achieve this goal, becaouse I can effort than average person and my character is never-give-up attitude. When I enrolled at a university, my TOEIC score is 365. However I wanted to take part in this studying abroad program. I could not get qualification be second grade, but I can participate in this studying abroad in fact. I have never gone to study abroad like other people, so I will be able to grow up than other participations. At any rate, I am the most enthusiasm student for this studying abroad program. This is my participation reason for this program.

  • 次の英文を翻訳してください。

    Great job oo! Thank you for helping me get this book also. If there are other ways you would like to learn I have worksheets and will help any way I can. Just let me know what you want to learn and we will go from there. I am looking forward to another lesson tomorrow! よろしくお願いします。

  • この文分かりづらくて困っています

    この文がわかりづらいので訳をおしえてほしいのですが、 ■I want to learn languages because I want to travel and have something in common with people I meet and like, I do like Japan never ben there, I will show you pictures from my last trip, it was fantastic ... 私は言語を勉強したい、なぜなら旅行と、.........前回の旅行の写真をあなたに見せるよ、とても素晴らしかったんだ。 ■I would like to know basics, such as hello, how are you?, i am well, and you. Goodbye. these for now. I have to work too but i'll give you more next time kay, take care 普通のことを知りたい、元気?とか元気だとかあなたは、さようなら??????私も仕事いかなきゃ。次はもっと書くよ。 おねがいします

  • in vs at

    My niece was married at city hall nearly two years ago. My wife and I attended the ceremony, and afterward, we went to lunch. Two weeks later, they had a small catered reception at his grandmother's house. My wife and I attended and gave them a card with a check. Now they want to have their wedding blessed in a church. a card with a checkは「小切手付きのカード」でしょうか?あと、in a churchの代わりにat a churchは言えるでしょうか?なぜatではなくinなのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします