• ベストアンサー


There is also reason to believe that there was once a lot of water on Mars and that some of it is still there in the form of ice. またかつて火星には多量の水があり一部は氷の形で存在していると信じるに足る根拠がある。 自分で訳してみたのですがあってない気がします。分かる方教えて下さい。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数0


  • ベストアンサー
  • zatousan
  • ベストアンサー率55% (156/282)

こんにちは、殆ど当っていますよ。 >またかつて火星には多量の水があり ここまでは、OKです。 >一部は氷の形で存在していると信じるに足る根拠がある。 it is still thereの訳し忘れがあります。 氷の形で存在している水は今でも存在しているという意味ですから、 「またかつて火星には大量の水があり、その一部は今でも氷の形で存在しているという信じるに足りる根拠がある。」 ご参考までに


  • 英語訳

    The theory about life on Mars is also supported by something in the rock which simple life forms on earth produce. There is also reason to believe that there was once a lot of water on Mars and that some of it is still there in the form of ice. We may thus be able to argue that certain kinds of bacteria may be living around the ice. NASA has looked at Mars closely by putting two vehicles on the surface of the planet. 英語の宿題をやっているのですがここだけどうしても訳せません。 分かる方いたら教えて下さい。

  • There is と there are について

    下記、どちらが正解でしょうか? There is a lot of water in the lake. There are a lot of water in the lake. よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語訳お願いします;

    分からない文があるので、訳してもらえないでしょうか>< ・ Also it is not form a pure family of black letter forms - a misture of textura and fraktur, so in this sense it is a bastard child of them. ・ There is a tension there , which can be played with. です。よろしくお願いします!!><

  • 英語について質問

    the United Nations tells us the world population is about 6 billion at resent and that one-fith of it doesn't have safe drinking water . この文でone-fifthの前のthatは省略できないと習いましたが、なぜでしょうか? will there be enough water? でなぜbeなのでしょうか? will is there enough water?じゃだめなのでしょうか?

  • 「自然がたくさんある」を英語で・・・

    There are a lot of natures. たくさんの自然があると言う表現でThere isの文は適切ですか? また、「たくさんの自然」という意味でa lot of naturesは正しいでしょうか?

  • 英語の翻訳をお願いいたしますm(__)m

    Water is our most important natural resource. Yet though water covers most of the Earth, only 2.5% of it is salt-free. Demand for fresh water has risen sharply in the last 50 years, and it is still going up. That’s already causing serious problems. Finding the right solutions may be one of the biggest challenges of our time. There are several reasons behind the growing crisis. The first is waste. About 70% of our fresh water is used to grow crops. It takes 1,000 tons of water to grow just one ton of wheat. Unfortunately, around 60% of that water is wasted. Better irrigation methods would help the situation. Pollution is another big problem. Many of the world’s great rivers, such as the Ganges in India, are badly polluted. Yet 350 million people rely on the Ganges. Their health is affected by the health of the river. Steps are being taken to clean up some waterways, but it is expensive and can take years. Overuse also puts pressure on water supplies. In the USA, 95% of the country’s fresh water comes from underground sources. With so much water being used to grow crops and raise livestock, water levels are dropping rapidly. Once used, those supplies are gone forever, since they are not refilled by rainwater. The key there is to lower demand. In many places around the world, people already live in crisis. More than one billion people have no access to clean water. That leads to millions of deaths every year, including thousands of children dying every day in Africa. By 2025, as many as 25 African countries may face severe water shortages. The situation could even lead to wars over water rights. The fresh water crisis is not limited to poor regions. Indeed, rich and poor countries from Asia to Europe to North America are facing shortages. It’s a growing problem that could soon affect us all.

  • 英語の訳を教えてください

    お世話になっております。以下の英文,わかりやすい日本語に訳していただけますか? I believe that substantial access to input in the English-speaking community explains the belief of many teachers and theorists in the U.S. that formal grammar presentation is unnecessary. よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英語の熟語がよく分かりません

    下記の文章がよく分かりません。 In all this Cuban business there is one man stands out on the horizon of my memory like Mars at perihelion. 訳:キューバ事件を語るとき、ある人物の存在が、私の記憶の中で、火星が大接近した時のように、はっきりと思い出す。 --------------- on the horizonの意味がよく分かりません。 辞書で調べたのですが、しっくりきていません。 1.地平線(上)に 2.〔~の〕兆しが見えて 3.〔災難などが〕差し迫って 4. 近い将来 と意味があるのですが、しっくりきていません。 like Mars at perihelion=火星が大接近した時のように stands out=はっきりと思い出す of my memory=私の記憶の中で 上記なのだから、on the horizon=の意味がよく分かりません。 誰かアドバイスください。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の添削について

    英語でワンピースについておおまかに書いてみました。 自分の周りに添削してくれる人がいないので、教えていただける方に、添削お願いします^^      I know a lot comics written by Japanese. My favorite Japanese comic is ONE PIECE. There are some reasons for that. The first reason is that the picture is very fine. It is elaborately drawn by professionals. I can't turn my eyes away from the dynamic picture. Another reason is that the story is interesting. There are many battles between justice and evil so I am excited very much. The hero encounters some new comrades and travels around the world with them. But the hero sometimes experiences the sorrow of parting so I am moved so deeply. It is also reason that I can love the characters in ONE PIECE. Each the personality of the hero and the comrades are very strong but all of them have the spirit "one for all, all for one." They have strong bonds of friendship. I am sometimes envious. ONE PIECE is one of the best comics for me and I can enjoy whenever I read it. I can't love ONE PIECE more. 最後にカッコイイ言葉でしめくくりたいのですが、これで大丈夫でしょうか? また、内容全般で、文を直したほうが良い個所を中心に、あればおしえていただけると嬉しいです。よろしくお願いします!!

  • 訳を手伝ってくれませんか??

    If there is a god, I am not inclined to believe I am special and he listens to all of my prayers (like christians believe). And I am not inclined to believe that I will have another life after this one. I don't want to make that assumption - because if there is another life, how do I know if it's going to be good or bad? That would just make me worry more! こんにちは。アメリカの方からのメールなんですけど 神様はいるのか、そして転生輪廻はあるのかという話しなんですけど、質問させて下さい。 (1)I am not inclined to believe I am special and he listens to all of my prayers は、神がいるなら私は自分が特別だとも、彼が私の願いの全てを聞いてくれるとも信じたいと思わない?? (2)if there is another life, how do I know if it's going to be good or bad? That would just make me worry more! もし違う人生があるならどうやって私は良くなるか悪くなるか知ればいいの?? といいう風に意味がわかりません。 どなたかアドバイスお願いします<(_ _)>