• ベストアンサー


アメリカ人から手紙をもらったのですが、文字が読みにくく間違っているかもしれませんが、訳してください。 だいたいの意味は分かるのですが、ところどころ 分からないところがありますので、、、 At least we had sun & blue sky on the weekend when we were out playing tourist. It rained Sut. afternoon about 3:30 & Rich & I left the others as we were going to visit some friends so we were in the car for the downpour. They got wet.

  • 英語
  • 回答数3
  • ありがとう数0


  • ベストアンサー

区切りは「out」の前ではなく後ろにあります。「playing tourist」が「when we were out(私達が戸外にいたとき)」を補足する副詞句です。観光客の様に景色を楽しんでいた、ということです。 「私達が戸外で観光客の様に景色を楽しんでいた時には」

その他の回答 (2)


少なくとも、週末に、私たちが外にいて観光客を演じて時には、大空は晴れてお天道様が出ていました。 土曜日の午後3時半頃、雨が降って、○○とリッチと私は別の友達を訪ねるために、大雨の間、自動車に乗っていて濡れなかったのだけれど、残して行った外の人達は濡れてしまいました。




  • veritas
  • ベストアンサー率38% (5/13)

すくなくとも週末、外でXXXXX(touristってなんでしょうかね)をやっている時は、天気が良かった。 しかし土曜の3:30くらいに、雨が降り出した。 もっとも、リッチとあっしは、友達に会いに行く約束があり、先に出たおかげで、雨が降り出したときは車の中にいて助かった。他の連中は雨で濡れた。 こんな感じでしょう。おそらくドはずれではないハズ。



そこなんですよ。 out playing touristが分からないのです。 後はだいたい分かるのです。 しかしout playingは ちゃんと読めます。どちらかというと、touristの方が読みにくかったのです。 ristは間違いないと思うのですが、、、


  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    Basically it was the same thing all over again. In this situation it's like, I don't know what the terms of your own personal contract was, but I was unlawfully fired. We had specific rules in our contract on how it has to be done, and it wasn't followed.” On the problems in STP last year: “There were financial things we were dealing with, and I also felt on a creative level that we needed to take a break. I felt like we were playing the same set over and over and over. We were supposed to do a big big release of the box set for the 20th anniversary of Core and go on tour in the summer of 2012 and play Core in its entirety which is an idea we got from a couple other bands, namely Weezer. It was hugely successful, and for us to do that with Core, the offers we were getting were amazing, and they didn't want to do it. There was a lot of promotion that would have had to take place. So that didn't happen, so we ended up playing the greatest hits set, which was basically the same version of the set we had been playing since 2008 when we got back together.

  • 和訳をお願いいたします!分からない文のみを抜粋しているので、内容がちぐ

    和訳をお願いいたします!分からない文のみを抜粋しているので、内容がちぐはぐしているかもしれないのですが、宜しくお願いします。 We have been busy with preparing for a new chip that we will receive today. After that we will be very busy validating our new chip. Actually I have asked my team to come to work this weekend. At first I didn't know there was a public holiday on Monday. Maybe that's why they were a bit angry at me? Or at least unhappy. But much worse ... I think I might have made you unhappy as well because I need to work this weekend. Actually there is another holiday in August ... 3 days + weekend I think, some of those days we will work as well :( Right now we have a busy period because we received new chip and towards the end of August it will also be busy because then we need give a release to our customer. Please don't think I don't want to see you, ok? 宜しくお願いします。

  • 英語の問題で分からないのがあるので教えてください。

    (1)次の(a)と(b)の英文がほぼ同じ意味になるように空所に適切な語を入れてください。 (a) While my hands were still wet, he gave me his hand to shake. (b) ( ) my hands still wet, he gave me his hand to shake. (2)次の英文の( )には誤っている箇所がそれぞれ一つずつあります。それを指摘した上で、正しい形に直してください。 •Despite several calls (back and forth), it (is unclear) (whether) we are meeting (in the morning) of March 1st. •I'm (sure) many people (have) (lived) here (during) at least ten years. •(While) winter vacation (my friends and I) (are planning) (to join) a ski tour in Canada.

  • 意味を教えてください

    My father is 74 years old and in poor health. I only see him a couple of times a year because I am so busy these days between work and kids, and his health no longer permits him to travel to my home to visit. We are going to see him soon, and I have scheduled an in-studio photo session with a professional photographer for the first afternoon that we are going to be in town. My dad said he was willing to get photos taken with our boys. Here’s my dilemma: I don’t want my stepmother in the photos, and I’m searching for a diplomatic way to communicate this to him. Long story short: They have been married for 26-plus years, and she and I have never had a good relationship, but in the past 15 months or so, things have deteriorated to a point where I do not speak to her (unless absolutely necessary) and have decided to have no relationship with her going forward. for the first afternoon that we are going to be in townとgoing forwardの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • in the months leading up

    My husband and I socialize with another couple that we met at a meetup about a year and a half ago. Six months ago, the husband invited mine on a guys’ hiking weekend. In the six months leading up to it, it was discussed often and always as a guys-only weekend. On the car ride there, my husband found out that some men were bringing their wives. I am furious at the couple for lying to me. I wouldn’t have wanted to go, and I wouldn’t have been upset that my husband was going, but I do think it’s a huge lie considering we talked about it no less than 10 times in the months leading up. In the six months leading up to itは「ハイキングまでの6ヶ月の間に」でしょうか?あと、最後のin the months leading upの意味も教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 英作 あっているかチェック

    英作しました。あっているか不安なので どなたかチェックをお願いします。 We have been friends since we were little. I liked looking at her drinking milk when she was a baby. We played computer game together. We loved playing dress-up together. We made bread and chocolate cookies together. But the best thing I remember was going to an amusement park with her family. We enjoyed lots of rides and shopping there. It was sad that we don't have much time together since she is junior high school student. 私たちは小さいときからずっと友達です。 ミルクを飲んでいるときの彼女の顔をみるのが好きでした。 彼女とはゲームをしたり、きせかえごっこをしたり パンやクッキーを作りました。 一番の思い出は彼女の家族と一緒に遊園地に行ったことです。 たくさんの乗り物にのったり、そこで買い物を楽しみました。 今彼女は中学生なのであまり遊ぶ時間がないのが寂しいです。

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    My husband and I enjoy going to estate sales. Recently, we were shocked when we heard an estate sales representative ask an older lady if she could afford what she was looking at. The woman answered yes. Shortly after that, as the woman was leaving, the estate representative asked her if she could search the pockets in her jacket! She said yes, and nothing was found on her. The estate sales representative followed up with, You know how it is. We were appalled, to say the least. We had been browsing right along with the older lady and saw nothing suspicious. What do you make of this? Should we have said something? The estate sales representative followed up with, You know how it is.の和訳をよろしくお願いします

  • 緊急!翻訳してください!!!

    緊急!!! 翻訳お願いします!! hey there, i'm fascinated by your style and so you were my first thought. we going to record our first lp in the middle of may. so are you intersted in, to create a cover for our lp??? but there's just one problem, we got no label, so we can't pay you anything. hope that's not a problem for you. i wait for an answer and really hope it's positiv. that would make my day...reeeaaalllyyyy ;-) 翻訳機では全然ダメでした;; 英語が得意な方、和訳お願いいたします!!

  • 英文の穴埋めの添削をお願いします!不定詞

    1)I'm not proud of (my family being rich). 2)This dress needs (mending). 3)"Our trip to Tokyo was fun, wasn't it?" "Yes, it was great! I'm really looking forward (to going) there again sometime." 4)Would you mind (to close)the door? 5)If you happen (to seeing) John, please let me know. 6)The government has refused (to allow) foreign journalists into the area for several weeks. 7)Are you used (to singing) in public? 8)Her hobbies are (playing the guitar and singing). 9)"What would you like to do today?" "I feel like (going) for a drive." 10)We finally (succeeded to reach) the top of the mountain. ()内の穴埋めです。 解説や英訳も加えてくださると助かります。 添削よろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m

  • UNICORN英語II Lesson6 ニュージーランドについての英文の質問(4)

    Then we went to Paul's mother's house to pick her up. She wanted to visit a hot spring in Hanmer Springs. There were many kinds of baths. I was surprised to find that some were like swimming pools. Others, however, were quite similar to those in Japan. There were seven pools outside and big locker rooms inside. The water in the pools was not nearly as hot as it is in Japan. On the way home we stopped at a nice park, where we ate the sandwiches we had made early this morning. The view of the mountains and the river was fantastic. Finally arriving home in the evening, I felt it had been a very long, but enjoyable day. この英文を次のように訳しました。 『それから私達は彼女を車に乗せてポールの母の家まで行った。彼女はハンマー・スプリングズの温泉を訪れたがっていた。私はスイミングプールのような風呂を見つけて驚いた。けれども日本の風呂とかなり似ているものもあった。大きな更衣室の中や外に七つのプールがあった。プールの水は日本より全く熱くなかった。  家に帰る途中で私達は素敵な公園に止まってそこで今朝早く作ったサンドイッチを食べた。山や川の景色は素晴しかった。その夜やっと家に着いた時とても長かったが楽しい一日だったと思った。』 この訳で誤訳があれば指摘し、正しい訳を教えてください。ご迷惑だと思いますがよろしくお願いします。