• ベストアンサー


どなたか英語の得意な方、下記英文を翻訳していただけないでしょうか? I'm good but busy. I have a special project I'm working on right now. How are you? I hate to do this but I feel I should be 100% honest with you. You are a very nice person and I enjoy teaching you in class, but I just don't feel like pursuing a relationship outside with you. I'm really sorry. I really hope we can still enjoy chatting at Sannomiya school. :-) Take care.

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • ToshiJP
  • ベストアンサー率38% (482/1255)

こんなプライベートな文章を見ていいのかどうか迷いますが・・・ さくっと要約すると 「ごめん、キミがいい人なのは分かるけど、正直先生と生徒の関係以上になろうとは思わない。今後も三宮の学校での授業を楽しもう」 です




その他の回答 (1)


こんにちは。 私は元気ですが忙しいです。 現在特別なプロジェクトを抱えていて働いています。 お元気ですか? 私はこんなこと言いたくはないのですが、 でもあなたには100%正直でいるべきだと思います。 あなたはとてもいい人で、授業では楽しく教えていました。しかし私は授業以外ではあなたと友好関係を続けたくないと思います。本当に申し訳ございません。 三宮のスクールで楽しくおしゃべりができるのを楽しみにしています。 お元気で。 かなりの意訳ですが、こんなところでしょうか? なんか残念な手紙みたいですけど。。





  • 英語を翻訳してくださいませんか? その2

    翻訳しましたが理解できないので日本語に訳していただけないでしょうか。 Is just need told you the true That was don't like and hate Talk my friends When I'm say and told you are my girlfriend Later. Surprised all my friends talk with you And say your girlfriend just like enjoy What you think? i'm feel When you are in a big love and other people talk bad about your couple I'm really like and love And feel in you a true love And was want only for me Because was really love you Was want see you again Talk with you Dinner with you Walk with you Have again a good time like to the first meeting Was dream. with this Now just continue in my dream Sorry for today

  • 英語に翻訳してくださいm(__)m

    Ok I'm sorry for being like this to you. I know that it is weird and gross but I do want to try that with you because I trust you. I feel like the whole reason I want to do that with you is so you can beat my ex and show you are so much better than her. But if you really don't want to it is fine I can live without that←翻訳してくださいm(__)m

  • 日本語に翻訳してくださいm(__)m

    (1) Please yuna. I love you and only you I’ve told other girls to fuck off because I’m with you and I want to always be with you (2) I love you (3)Please respond. I’m really crying from this you know (4)Please listen to me. And understand that you are the only one I care about 私 OK I understand. Just leave me alone. (5) Please don’t leave me. I’m not joking when I say this, I literally just threw up because of this. Really I’m sorry for making you feel that way. But honestly I can’t live with someone else. I really love you, only you

  • 英語が得意な方翻訳して下さい<(_ _)>

    英語が得意な方翻訳して下さい<(_ _)> This will be my last message to you. To be honest, I have fallen in love with you. But I'm sure that you don't feel the same way as I do. That's why, before I love you even more than now, I 've decided to give up my feelings for you. Even though I wanted to get to know you better and spend more time with you. I'm sure you're busy with your exams, but I wish you well. Take care of youreself.

  • 和訳をお願いします

    you got to take things easy. you are more concern than the girls who meet a guy. to be honest with you, i`m not fucking shy neither excited. is really meeting a person that difficult? i don`t get it.

  • 英会話、教えてください!翻訳もお願いします!

    以下の文について!! 男「you really can come there with me? 」 女「lets see how we both feel 1 month. 」 男「yeah sure. i will not reach you next month. i will not call you too. because i have to check my mind is sure or not about you. you know what i mean? 」 女「to be honest, i really dont see this ever geting serious. i like you as a friend and it'd be fun to go to seoul. but i dont want to give you false hope.」 男「ok deal man.」 これって、男性はある程度女性に期待を持ってるけど 女性は実は真剣な関係ってことよりも 軽い遊びの関係になりたい。 て感じで合ってますか?

  • big 5-0とは何でしょうか

    I feel like you get lots of letters from folks either starting out pursuing their passion, or looking for a passion to begin with, but here I am, midlife, mid-career, full of passion but in a slump. I’m a writer — a peer of yours, I guess, though age-wise, I’m staring straight at the big 5-0. And I’m stuck. big 5-0とは何でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 翻訳してくれませんか?!

    翻訳してくれませんか?! 外国人の友達からメールで言われた言葉なんですが、曖昧な理解しかできなく 困ってます>< 翻訳してくれますでしょうか? I'm sorry to tell you but I'm seeing someone. Its difficult to wait for you and someone is very interested in me now. She is very nice and sweet. Ive asked you to be more sweet with me but I understand you never met me before. I guess we can just be friends. Hope you understand that I need to kiss, hold and make love to woman and it's been too long. I understand you cant promise me anything so I'm being honest with you that I'm seeing someone else.

  • 至急です(>_<)翻訳してくださいm(_)m

    I'm sorry but we don't talk usually. I won't talk to her ever again. Yuna you really don't need to worry about something like that. She isn't even in the USA. Truly I'm so sorry for making you feel this way. I swear I really do love you.←翻訳してくださいm(__)m

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    So take this for what it is: 2nd hand info from a source I claim is reliable. It's hearsay, and/or a rumor. I'm telling you it's 100% legit, but that's just a stranger on a forum. Feel free to say I'm full of shit, or that I'm making this all up, it's up to you if you want to believe me. I'm only sharing because I'm sure you are as curious about the situation as I am.