• ベストアンサー

oridinal numeric value

The significance of the trend over different categories of coffee consumption or γ-GTP was tested in the same models by giving an oridinal numeric value for each dummy variable. の訳ですが、 「コーヒー摂取かγ―GTPの異なったカテゴリーの上の傾向の重要性はそれぞれのダミー変数のための oridinal numeric valueによる同じモデルで分析された。」 でいいでしょうか?

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数3


  • ベストアンサー
  • Oubli
  • ベストアンサー率31% (744/2384)





その他の回答 (1)

  • KappNets
  • ベストアンサー率27% (1557/5688)

by giving an oridinal numeric value for each dummy variable. は それぞれの dummy の変数に独自の数値を割り当てる、でしょう





  • joint associations

    We aimed to determine the single and joint associations of coffee consumption and serum GGT with the risk of primary liver cancer. の訳は 「我々はコーヒー摂取が原発性肝癌のリスクの指標となるγ – GTPのそれぞれとそれらの関連性を決定することを目的とした。」 でよいでしょうか? joint associations を関連性と訳しましたが・・・

  • Error in the test data~和訳

    次の英文を和訳したのですが、おかしいところがあれば指摘してください。89 Which of the following in not among that an auditor might include in the test data when auditing a client's computer system? a. numeric characters in alphanumeric fields b. authorized code c. different in description of units of measure d. illogical entries in fields whose logic is tested by programmed consistency checks. 問題文は略 a.数字共有分野における数字の性質 b.認証コ-ド c.単位の違い d.非論理的にある分野で???

  • Test dataのEroor

    英書のシステム監査の本を読んでいたら次の箇所がありました。 Which of the following in not among the eroors that an auditor might include in the test data when auditing a client's computer system? a. numeric characters in alphanumeric fields b. authorized code c. different in description of units of measure d. illogical entries in fields whose logic is tested by programmed consistency checks この場合、解答はaですがdはどういうことをいっているのでしょうか。直訳すると「一貫してチェックされるプログラムでテストされる倫理の範囲での非論理的な項目」となりますが、よく理解できません。 どなたか教えてください

  • The multivariable-adjusted inverse association

    The multivariable-adjusted inverse association between coffee consumption and liver cancer risk persisted when stratified by baseline factors: age more/less than 50 years, current smoker/never smoked/ever smoked, alcohol drinker/never drinker, obese/nonobese, and the highest/lowest three quartiles of serum GGT. 「多変数補正されたコーヒー摂取量や肝癌のリスクとの逆相関の関係は、研究開始時点のファクターの層(50歳以上/50歳以下、喫煙者/過去の喫煙者/今まで吸った事ない、飲酒者/飲酒しない、肥満/肥満ではない、上から1/4と下から1/4のγ ーGTP値)は関係なく一貫していた。」 でよいでしょうか?? きれいな訳ができません・・・(><)

  • 次の英文の和訳をお願いします。

    “Unlike previous investigations, we were able to assess association of consumption of caffeinated and non-caffeinated beverages, and we identify caffeine as the most likely candidate of any putative protective effect of coffee,” said lead researcher Michel Lucas, research fellow in the Department of Nutrition at HSPH. The authors reviewed data from three large U.S. studies and found that the risk of suicide for adults who drank two to four cups of caffeinated coffee per day was about half that of those who drank decaffeinated coffee or very little or no coffee. Caffeine not only stimulates the central nervous system but may act as a mild antidepressant by boosting production of certain neurotransmitters in the brain, including serotonin, dopamine, and noradrenaline. This could explain the lower risk of depression among coffee drinkers that had been found in past epidemiological studies, the researchers reported. In the new study, researchers examined data on 43,599 men enrolled in the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study (HPFS) (1988–2008), 73,820 women in the Nurses’ Health Study (NHS) (1992–2008), and 91,005 women in the Nurses’ Health Study II (NHSII) (1993–2007). Caffeine, coffee, and decaffeinated coffee intake was assessed every four years by questionnaires. Caffeine consumption was calculated from coffee and other sources, including tea, caffeinated soft drinks, and chocolate. However, coffee was the major caffeine source — 80 percent for NHS, 71 percent for NHS II, and 79 percent for HPFS. Among the participants in the three studies, there were 277 deaths from suicide. In spite of the findings, the authors do not recommend that depressed adults increase caffeine consumption, because most individuals adjust their caffeine intake to an optimal level for them and an increase could result in unpleasant side effects. “Overall, our results suggest that there is little further benefit for consumption above two to three cups/day or 400 mg of caffeine/day,” the authors wrote. The researchers did not observe any major difference in risk between those who drank two to three cups of coffee per day and those who had four or more cups a day, most likely due to the small number of suicide cases in these categories. However, in a previous HSPH coffee-depression study published in JAMA Internal Medicine, the investigators observed a maximal effect among those who drank four or more cups per day. One large Finnish study showed a higher risk of suicide among people drinking eight or nine cups per day. Few participants in the two HSPH studies drank such large amounts of coffee, so the studies did not address the impact of six or more cups of coffee per day.

  • 和訳の添削をお願いします。

    和訳の添削をお願いします。 経済学の内容のため、うまく訳せず困っています。 日本語として不自然な部分や間違った訳し方をしている箇所があれば訂正をお願いします。 本文) In the first instance we need to define a risky asset. The definition of a risky asset is that its expected real rate of return is uncertain. In other words, economic agents for various reasons cannot be sure what the value of the return in terms of purchasing power will be. Typically risks fall into one of two main categories, ‘currency risk’ and ‘country risks’. Currency risks arise because domestic and foreign bonds are denominated in different currencies, while country risks arise because they are issued by countries with different legal jurisdictions and different political regimes. 和訳) 第一に、我々は危険な資産を定める必要があります。危険な資産の定義は、その期待される本当の利益率が不確かであるということです。言い換えると、様々な理由のための経済主体は、購買力に関する復帰の価値が何であるかについてよくわかるはずがありません。 一般的に、リスクは『為替リスク』と『カントリーリスク』の2つの主要なカテゴリーのうちの1つに落ちます。彼らが異なる法律管区と異なる政治体制とともに国によって出されるのでカントリーリスクが起こる間、国内と国外の債券が異なる通貨で命名されるので、為替リスクは起こります。

  • 違法なことに協力できないと伝えたい

    please mark it as a gift with low value (e.g. $25) also please provide dummy invoice with the total less than $50 after the shipping cost (e.g zippo $25, shipping $20, total $45) thanks! オークションサイトの落札者から というメールが来ました。 ダミーの金額を書いた請求書を送付しろと書いてあるのだと思ったのですが、違いますか? これは義務でも、強制でもないので、やりたくありません。 そこで、下記のような返事をしたいのですが、合っていますか? 私が書いた英文を採点してください I am afraid we cannot meet your request You can not modify the amount of money. We do not ship also invoice. I have ships already. ごめんなさい リクエストに応えることはできません 金額の修正はできません 請求書は同梱してません すでに出荷済みです

  • 【和訳】和訳をお願いできませんでしょうか。

    国連の世界貿易レポートを読んでいるのですが、イマイチ理解できません。 大変長い文章ですが、和訳していただけませんでしょうか。 どうかよろしくお願いします。 Thus, while developing countries (25 per cent) have a lower share of foreign value added than the world average (28 per cent), their foreign value added share is significantly higher than in the United States and Japan – or than in the EU, if only external trade is taken into account. Among developing economies, the highest shares of foreign value added in trade are found in East and South-East Asia and in Central America (including Mexico), where processing industries account for a significant part of exports. Foreign value added in exports is much lower in Africa, West Asia, South America and in the transition economies, where natural resources and commodities exports with little foreign inputs tend to play an important role. The lowest share of foreign value added in exports is found in South Asia, mainly due to the weight of services exports, which also use relatively fewer foreign inputs. The average foreign value added share of exports and the degree of double counting in global exports of an industry provide a rough indication of the extent to which industries rely on internationally integrated production networks, as it proxies the extent to which intermediate goods and services cross borders until final consumption of the industry’s output. Clearly, GVCs do not equate with industries. A value chain for a given product may incorporate value added produced by many different industries (e.g. manufactured products incorporate value added from services industries). The global average shares by industry of foreign value added ignore the fact that each industry may be part of and contribute to many different value chains. The value and share of developing-country exports that depend on GVCs, because of either upstream links (foreign value added in exports) or downstream links (exports that are incorporated in other products and re-exported) is quite significant (figure IV.8). East and South-East Asia remains the region with the highest level of GVC participation, reflecting its primacy as the most important region for exportoriented manufacturing and processing activities. Central America (including Mexico) also has a high participation rate, but whereas it ranked equal with South-East Asia in terms of foreign value added in exports, it has a lower downstream participation rate, reflecting the fact that it exports relatively more to the United States domestic market rather than for onward exports.

  • NUMERICチェック

    こんにちは 現在、CArrayをTYPE CStringで要素を格納しています。 この、格納された要素が、数値(たとえば、1000)であったら、それをnumericと判断するのはどうしたらよいでしょうか?? CStringで格納されているものをnumericかどうか判断するのは無理なのでしょうか??

  • is_numeric関数について

    is_numeric関数の使い方について質問です。 添付ファイルの検索フォームで文字条件検索と数値条件検索それぞれの テキストボックスの検索ボタンを押したとき、入力されている文字に応じて以下 の処理をis_numeric関数で実装するにはどうすればいいでしょうか? PHPに詳しい方いましたら教えて頂きたいです。 ・文字条件検索 未入力:未入力であることを伝えるエラーメッセージの表示 ・数値条件検索 数値入力:数字以外の文字が入力された場合はエラーメッセージを表示(数字が入力された場合は戻り値TRUEを返す) 未入力:未入力であることを伝えるエラーメッセージの表示