• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:関係代名詞 what)



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  • ベストアンサー率57% (938/1643)

dasuthinさん、こんにちは!  今日はとても大きなdasuthinさんの弱点を見つけましたよ!  文法が大事です。文法を軽視するヘンな言説に惑わされないで下さいね!  絶対覚えるべき文法事項:  ★1:前置詞句は、形容詞か副詞の働きをする  ★2:目的語になれるのは名詞だけである  ★3:what節は、名詞節である  ご覧下さい! > O(on national television) >O ( throughout this campaign )  前置詞句を目的語にしています!★2:目的語になれるのは名詞だけである + ★1:前置詞句は、形容詞か副詞の働きをする から、前置詞句はけっして目的語になれないことがお分かりでしょう。 文構造は [S:Tivose Lucena][V:confirmed][M:on national television=副詞句=テレビで→確証した] [O:what many in the yes camp had been saying throughout this campaign].  です。  what節の分析は  [O:what][S:many ][M:in the yes camp=形容詞句(manyにかかる)] [V:had been saying] [M:throughout this campaign=副詞句:had been sayingにかかる]  です。訳は、  賛成の陣営の多くの人がキャンペーン中に言っていたこと  です、  これを上に入れて、全体の訳は、  Tivose Lucenaは、全国テレビで、【賛成の陣営の多くの人がキャンペーン中に言っていたこと】を確証した。  となります。  今日は lucky day でしたね。これだけ覚えれば、グーンと実力アップですよ!!  以上ご参考になれば幸いです!



おおお!! confirm は他動詞として使われていたんですね!! what 以下は目的語..なるほど!!! 完璧にりかいしました!! confirm 確証しました。on tv テレビで。 という文で完結していると思っていました!! その文法3つの規則も今後役たちそうです!! ありがとうございました!!!


  • 関係代名詞?

    Credit-card companies have information about their cardholders’ borrowing habits -- how much debt they have taken on in the past, how often their payments have been late, and what costs can be expected if they continue borrowing at similar levels. Credit-card companies use this information to make all sorts of decisions about consumers, including whom to target with which offers. という文章なのですが,最後のwhich offersという部分がわかりません。offerが動詞だとすれば目的語が必要だと思うのですが、見当たらないし、whichは主格の代名詞だと思うのですが先行詞がわかりません。

  • 関係詞の問題

    1次の文章の意味に合うように、 ( )に関係詞をいれなさい。 1.ここは私が長いこと訪れたいと思っていたところです。 This is the place ( ) I have long wanted to visit. 2.ここは私が長いこと住みたいと思っていたところです。 This is the place ( ) I have long wanted to live. 2次の英文を日本語にしなさい。 1.Many people couldn't understand what the scientist explained. 2.I got full marks in the test,which made me very happy. 3文章の意味に合うように( )内の語句を並べかえなさい。 1.鹿は私が手に持っているものを食べようとした。 The deer (had/eat/tried/what/to/I) in my hand. 2.経験はあなたがこの仕事で必要なものです。 Experience (for/you/just what/is/need) this job. よくわからなかったので よろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m

  • 至急お願いします。訳していただけませんか?

    来週テストなので、至急訳していただけませんか? Yahoo!やexciteなどのネット翻訳機はめちゃくちゃなんでやめてください。 Some years later I asked several adults who themselves had always been hopeless in arithmetic what they thought of this notion of mine,and many of them laughed and said that this was indeed the feeling they had always had about numbers and was part of the reason why they had always had such trouble with them.

  • Ted's campaign of ridicule

    ある英文に 「He(=Ted) had also been a football player at his obscure Ohio college ,and the obscure Ohio college had been subjects for Ted's campaign of ridicule.」 というのがあったのですが had been subjects for Ted's campaign of ridiculeの部分を テッドのからかいの的であった  と、ある翻訳にあったのですが Ted's campaign of ridicule はTed campaign(運動する) ridicule. となってテッドが自分のことをからかう ような構造になっておかしいと思うのです。  つまり この場合 subjects for ridicule of Ted として  (We) ridicule Ted.  としたほうが正確だと思うのですが この考えは間違っているのでしょうか?  文脈というよりは文法的視点からの  説明をできるだけお願いしたいと思います  よろしくお願いしますペコリ(o_ _)o))

  • the social meaning of what had gone on was perfectly correct.とは何か?

    Memory is an active mental process rather than a simple tape-recording of what has happened. In many ways, this is quite a hard concept to grasp, because we always feel as though we are remembering exactly what happened. But it’s true, nonetheless. (中略) One of the important witnesses in these trials was John Deane, a man who was considered by many to have an astoundingly accurate memory. During the trials, he related a number of very specific conversations which had taken place between the President and other people in the White House. Deane was convinced that he had recounted them accurately. However, later on in the trials, a number of tape-recordings of the same conversations were discovered.  The results were fascinating. In almost every conversation, John Deane’s recollection of what had actually been said was wrong. Different words were used, topics were mentioned in a different order, and sometimes particularly memorable phrases hadn’t actually been said at all. And yet, even though the details were all wrong, the social meaning of what had gone on was perfectly correct. Deane didn’t remember the details accurately, even though he thought he did, but he did remember what had happened. It was the meaning of the events which he actually remembered, and his knowledge of what it all meant influenced his recall of the details.   Nicky Hayes氏の Psychologyという本からの引用ですが、the social meaning of what had gone on was perfectly correct.という部分がよく分かりません。具体的に説明していただけますでしょうか?

  • 分詞構文について。

    こんばんは。分詞構文の勉強をしているのですが、どのように理解すればいいか分からないところがありました。 The letter having been written in haste, had many mistakes. …という文があるのですが、主語の"The letter" が文頭にきているのはどうしてでしょうか? (Having been)written in haste, the letter had many mistakes. ↑では間違いでしょうか?今までの分詞構文の例文だとこの形が多いように思うのですが。。 どちらも可能な気がするのですが、意味においてニュアンスの違いがあるのでしょうか??教えてください(>_<)

  • TOEIC問題集の問題について

    Thre results of the study______ the hypothesis that had been proposed by researchers at the National Medical Institute. A) confirmed B) submitted C) certified D) depended という問題があるのですが、選択肢のAが正解なのはわかるのですが、 この場合、Cが正解ではないのがよくわかりません。 「その研究結果は~の仮説を確証した」(confirmed)ですが、Cのcertifiedが正解でない理由を教えてください。うーん、わかりません。

  • 過去完了・現在完了などについて教えてください。

    質問の意味は分かるのですが、応え方が分かりません。 自分なりに回答を考えてみました。どうか解説をお願いいたします。 1.What are you doing right now? →I've been studying right now. 2.How long have you been? →I've been studying for three hours. 3.What were you doing last night at nine o'clock? →I had been studying last night at nine o'clock. 4.What time did you stop? →I had been stopped at 11 o'clock. 5.Why did you stop? →I had been finished. 6.How long had you been before you stopped? →I had been stopped before for three hours. 7.What are you going to be doing at nine o'clock tomorrow night? →I will be have been studying at nine o'clock tomorrow night. 8.What time are you going to stop? →I will be have stopped at 11 o'clock. 9.Why? → I will be have finished study. 10.How long will you have been before you stop? → I will be have stopped before three hours.

  • 英訳をお願いします

    お世話になります、以下の文章は何を答えればよろしいのでしょうか? If "other", which industries do you serve? How many years have you been in the industry? How many years have you been in your current role? In what year were you born?

  • 関係代名詞なのに節を作っていない?

    関係代名詞なのに後ろに節がない文を見かけたのですが、節を作っていません。 Many large cities lack sewage treatment facilities and the funds with which to build them. 誤植かと思い、調べてみると、映画のスクリプトに似た表現があったので、誤植ではないと判断しました。 【映画:ミセスダウト】 JUDGE : I will assign a court liaison to oversee your case, and there will be a continuance of these proceedings in ninety days. JUDGE : I'm giving you three months, Mr. Hillard. JUDGE : Three months in which to get a job, keep it, and create a suitable home. 【映画:スーパーサイズミー】 JOHN : You can't argue that people should exercise personal responsibility, and then not give them the information on which to base it. 【映画:トレインスポッティング】 RENTON : Well, at least we knew who the father was now. RENTON : It wasn't just the baby that died that day. RENTON : Something inside Sick Boy was lost and never returned. RENTON : It seemed he had no theory with which to explain a moment like this, nor did I. 誤植ではないとは思いますが、このような文は見たことがなく訳し方も文法的解釈もわかりません。関係代名詞は原則としては節を取るが、これらの文は関係代名詞の例外的用法なのでしょうか?